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1924-1933 SG.10-20, George V. Coat of arms of St. Helena, set of 1/2P-3Sh, all with "CLEFT ROCK" variety; 4x corner pair with plate number; 1Sh short tooth, otherwise perfect; very rare, cat. £5.070++! U:DR
1886-1887 Sc.1-5, 6-9, 11; Leopold II. 5C-5Fr, complete first issue and values 5C-5Fr from 2nd issue.; various quality, for example Sc.5 - 5Fr violet with blue postmark in fine condition ($350); cat. total $980 U:A5
1933-1938 set of 6 airmail letters sent in Congo, to Czechoslovakia and Denmark, 2x 1. FLIGHT STANLEYVILLE - ELISABETHVILLE 28.10.36 and PONTHIERVILLE - ELISABETHVILLE 28.10.36 (both Poste Restante); franked with airmail stamps issue 1920 (i.a. highest Sc.C4 5Fr on letter to Denmark) and 1934, some small flaws U:A5
1947-1959 7 letters with multiple frankings issues Idols, Landscape etc., from that once with amazing Reg-franking RUANDA URUNDI 18 stamps with CDS USUMBURA 4.1.52 and provisional registry label U:A4
1953-1962 selection of 11 letters sent to Czechoslovakia, franked especially with issues Fauna 1959 and Flora 1952, and postcolonial provisionals CONGO; very attractive set, favourite motives! U:A5
1888 SG.10-12, 15, Victoria 1P, 2P, 3P and 1Sh; cat. £180 U:A5
1864-1877 SG.23, Allegory 1P carmine - red; cat. £130 U:A5
1882-1883 SG.40-43, Allegory ½P - 3P; set of 4 values, wmk Crown CA, cat. £300 U:A5
1881 SG.T9, telegraph stamp Victoria £5 orange; nice piece with new gum, certificate BPA, cat. £4.500, rare stamp U:DR
1899 ORANGE FREE STATE - Boer War, 4 yellow military stamps COMMANDO BRIEF / FRANCO for letters from front-line, in time of October 1899 - May 1900, without postage; 1 unused and 3 used MODDER RIVER, BLOEMFONTAIN (from 15.3.00, which means unique usage after 13.3.1900) and very rare P.A.K. "Post agent kantor" GLEN; on sheet from exhibit (in addition other sheets with samples of reprints and forgeries from, some interesting); very interesting lot, rare U:Z
1894-96 SG.26, Victoria 2Sh6P; cat. £90 U:A5
1894-96 SG.26, Victoria 4Sh; cat. £150 U:A5
1960 Mi.23-28, stamps of Belgian Congo issue Flowers, 6 values 3Fr-100Fr with Opt CONGO, then 6 printing errors pair 3Fr with shifted overprints, 3Fr with double Opt, 15C with inverted opt, 10C/15C without "CONGO", 10C/15C with double Opt values; cat. doesn't report, interesting U:A5
1896 SG.41, Coat of arms £10, wmk Crown CC; large part original gum, perfect unused piece with certificate Brandon, cat. £11.000, scarce stamp, unrepeatable offer U:DR
1909-1912 SG.112a, Coat of arms 10Sh dull green, "NO STOP" after Opt RHODESIA; perfect and sought speciality, cat. £400 U:A5
1910 SG.138-140, George V. "Double Head" 3x 4P, black / orange with plate flaw "line near the ear of the Queen", greeny black / orange and brown purple / orange with small plate flaw; some spots, but still nice, cat. £260 ++ U:A5
1910-1913 SG.141ab, Double Head" 5P - ERROR OF COLOUR - frame in ochre color instead in olive yellow; very nice piece with original gum and fresh appearance, cat. £650 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.145, "Double Head" 3x 6P, brown / purple, 3 various shades; perfect, cat. £195 ++ U:A5
1910-1913 SG.145a, "Double Head" 6P chestnut / mauve; according to RHODESIAN STUDY CIRCLE type "A"; tiny thin place, fine color, cat. £700 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.150, Double Head" 10P carmine / dark purple; traces of 2 hinges, very fine, cat. £650 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.153, 154, Double Head, 2x 2Sh black / ultramarine and black / dull blue; cat. £1.320 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.158, "Double Head" 3Sh green / violet; very fine, fresh color, cat. £250 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.165, Double Head £1; carmine / blue-black, according to RHODESIAN STUDY CIRCLE type "E" carmine / slate; very nice piece, rare stamps, cat. £1.700 U:A5
1910-1913 SG.166a, Double Head £1 crimson / slate black, interesting printing "flaw" on the side of the Queen; very fine, cat. £2.000 ++, rare stamp! U:DR
1910-1913 SG.171b, Double Head 2P grey / black perf 15; very fine, with certificate BPA, cat. £1.000 U:A5
1951 SG.D6, Brit. postage-due 4P with Opt SOUTHERN RHODESIA; perfect, cat. £300 ++, rare stamp U:A5
1871 SG.8. Victoria 6P lake with Opt ONE PENNY, type C
1884-1894 SG.40s, 43s(2x), 44s, Victoria 2½P blue, 4P with inverted wmk, 2 shades of brown color, 6P grey, all SPECIMEN U:A5
1911 SG.71s, Edward VII., UNISSUED 1P red, withdrawn and then edition was destroyed; preserved only Specimens ex. UPU; perfect piece, cat. £425, rare U:A5
1913 SG.85a, George V. 4P black / yellow, "SPLIT A" in right "POSTAGE", sought plate flaw variety; perfect quality, cat. £400 U:A5
1913 SG.86a, George V. 4P purple, "SPLIT A" in right "POSTAGE"; sought plate flaw, cat. £650 U:A5
1922-1937 SG.93b, George V. Coat of arms 1Sh6P, wmk CA, "TORN FLAG" variety, cat. £550 U:A5
1922-1937 SG.106b, George V. Coat of arms 1Sh, wmk script CA, "TORN FLAG; cat. £500 U:A5
1922-1937 SG.107a, George V. Coat of arms 1Sh6P, wmk script CA, "BROKEN MAINMAST" variety; perfect quality; cat. £450 U:A5
1922-1937 SG.107c, corner pair with plate number, George V. Coat of arms 1Sh6P, wmk script CA, "CLEFT ROCK" variety, fine quality, cat. £440 only as single stamp with plate flaw U:A5
1922-1937 SG.109a, George V. Coat of arms 2Sh6P, wmk script CA, "BROKEN MAINMAST" variety; perfect marginal piece; cat. £425 ++ U:A5
1922-1937 SG.109c, corner pair with plate number, George V. Coat of arms 2Sh6P, wmk script CA, "CLEFT ROCK" variety; perfect quality; cat. £457 only as single stamp with plate flaw U:A5
1935 SG.23var, Silver Jubilee, block of four 3P, right lower significant plate flaw FRAMEPLATE FLAW; still uncatalogued, on position 6, line 6, plate 2 (also appears on plate 4); perfect quality U:A5
1935 SG.24b, Silver Jubilee corner pair 6P, on bottom stamp SHORT EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; cat. only as * £170, sought speciality U:A5