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1992 Mi.Bl.1, Eagle above Ararat 7Rbl, set of 20 miniature sheets; cat. 1.200€, small edition, suitable for further sale! U:A5
1921-1922 selection of bloks of four and strips, issue Buildings, handicraft, overprint etc.; interesting U:A4
1992-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 5 sheets in stockbook A4, interesting motives, also souvenir sheets and others. U:Z
1883 Sc.8a, Big dragon, 3 Candarins "vermilion", strong paper, almost complete black cancel., very nice piece, cat. $450
1883 Sc.9, Big dragon, 5 Candarins yellow, medium strong paper, blue cancel., very nice piece, cat. $725 U:A5
1888 Sc.13, Small dragon, 1 Candarin green, wmk Yin-Yang, perf 11½/12; with original gum, cat. $100 U:A5
Mi.20, 200-stamps sheet Pagoda 10000$ brown; very nice quality, issued without gum, rare offer U:A3v–
1927-1963 13 letters to Czechoslovakia, England, Switzerland and USSR, some Reg or airmail; 2 consular post, Sut Yat-Sen, Workers 1950; mostly CDS SHANGHAI; various quality U:A5
1930-1957 selection of 10 letters (1 Ppc), to Czechoslovakia but also to Switzerland, some Reg or airmail; Sut Yat-Sen etc., high face-values after year 1945, Workers 1955; CDS SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN and PEIPING; i.a. interesting envelope of ship company Canadian Pacific with letter written on board of "Empress of Canada" on line Hong-Kong - Shanghai; fine quality U:A5
1920-12000 [COLLECTIONS] larger box with thousands of stamps in envelopes, on cards and in stockbook, also dozens of FDC and maximum cards; stamps from classic and also modern period incl. better values, many MNH, high catalogue value U:K
1920-2000 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA and smaller part of TCHAI-WAN, stamps, sets, souvenir sheets, old also new, a lot of MNH material, all in medium size box; high catalogue value U:K
1960-1980 [COLLECTIONS] TCHAJ - WAN interesting selection of sets and stamps on stock-sheets A5, contains many interesting sets as Mi.470-473; mainly **, smaller part * or (*), cat. according to owner ca. 1.000€ U:O5
1882-1900 SG.34, 35, 38, 56, 58, 61 (*), selection of 6 stamp Victoria, issue 1882 4c, 5c, 10c and 1900 2c, 5c and 30c (*); cat. min. £175 U:A5
1937 set of 6 letters, 1. FLIGHT HONG KONG-KWEILIN (Canton) 17.DE 37 and 1. FLIGHT HONG KONG - SAN FRANCISCO 29.AP 37, franked with George V. issue 1921-1935 i.a. 2$ SG.130; then 4 letters to Czechoslovakia, Denmark and Sweden, with 10C and 20C stamps U:A5
1948-1962 9 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia with stamps George VI. and Elizabeth II., 3-5 color higher franking also over 3$, SG.193-195, etc. CDS HONG KONG and his part KOWLOON, nice set from good destination U:A4
1935-1968 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 airmail and Reg+airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, England, franking of issues Reza Shah Pahlavi and Mohamed Pahlavi, Buildings 1942, set of Royal Couple 1951, air-mail 1935 Sc.C72-73, POSTAL TAX STAMPS Sc.RA1; i.a. surtax in Czechoslovakia, frankotype, consular post etc. U:O5
1920 PC abroad 4Sen sent as Registered to Czechoslovakia, cat. JPSC No.14, additional franking 5+5Sen, CDS HAKODATE/ 10.3.20, sent from Russia consulate; from exhibit (ex Dražan), good condition U:A5
1925-40 set od 3 PC abroad, contains 1x 8/6Sen, cat. NJSC No.18, lowered postal-charge, light wrinkled left margin + double PC 6+6Sen, NJSC No.21, both unused and 1x 10Sen, NJSC No.22, addressed to Slovakia, with German censorship U:A5
1899-1907 comp. of 5 dispatch-notes with stamps Imperial emblem, Sc. 96, 98, 100, 103, 105, various postmarks and orange seal, i.a. multicolor frankings, incl. three-colour 2S(2x)+3S(2x)+10S; in addition one unfranked order; fine quality U:A5
1942-43 JAPANESE OCCUPATION comp. 3 pictorial post cards issued for Burma, Philippines and Malaya occupied by Japan during WWII.; unused U:A5
1970-1980 [COLLECTIONS] FDC comp. of ca. 360 FDCs from stated years, interesting motives; overall good quality U:K
1895-1990 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in box, contains valuable part of large estate, lots of PB, miniature sheets, thousands of stamps in multiples, topics as Fauna, Sport etx.; also various old issues - North Korea - 1950´s, or older kingdom / empire, i.a. Mi.23C (800€); situable for further elaboration! U:K
1950-1980 [COLLECTIONS] KOREA and DPRK, souvenir sheets, PB, sets, sheets; all in box, high catalogue value U:K
1869-1886 Portuguese MACAO, issue "Portuguese crown" 5 Reis - 300 Reis, and the same issue also from other Portuguese colonies - S.THOMÉ E PRINCIPE, ANGOLA, INDIA, GUINEA, TIMOR, MOZAMBIK, CABO VERDE; on parts of very old pages from album Senf, cat. over $1.100
1932 Mi.57, sheet of 75 Caravan 5 Tugri; perfect quality, cat. 3.600€ U:A3v–
1951-1958 Mi.76, 98, 99, 118a,b etc., selection of bloks of four and multiblocks of better and highest values, i.a. Lenin etc.; cat. 3.030€ as single stamps, extraordinary set! U:A4
1951 Mi.85, complete sheet of 50, highest value Suchbatar 2 Tugri; perfect quality, cat. 3.000€ only as singles! U:A3v–
1955 Mi.111, complete sheet of 100 Lenin, 2 Tugri; perfect, cat. 1.600€ U:A3v–
1932-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 20 album pages from set Mi.46-57, i.a. Mi.67 ** and from 1958 souvenir sheets, motives, complete sets, only several * stamps, mostly MNH; cat. ca. 800€ U:Z