1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / improved/repaired and changed commercial money letter for 40.000K in/at obligacích, pre-printed envelope Böhmische Union Bank Brünn paid/franked mixed franking parallel Austrian stamp. Coat of arms big format 4 Koruna (additionally mounted), 2 Koruna 5x (1x additionally mounted) and Czechosl. stamp. Hradčany 10h and 5h (additionally mounted), Mi.204 wide, 206 close, Pof.3, 5, CDS BRNO 28/2 19, on reverse arrival postmark TROPPAU 2.III.19; fold, partially supplemented with postmark by/on/at dolepených stamp., after all interesting money letter from souběžného period, offered after/behind symbolical price for study purposes
Pof.11D STk, 25h violet, left marginal block-of-4, line perforation 11½; pos. 31-32 and 41-42/II, on pos. 31 spiral type, on pos. 32 bar type; hinged only in margins out of stamps, exp. by Stupka, certificate Vrba, cat. only as combined and joined types 16.500CZK, Mercure 30.000CZK
1919 comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters sent in/at postal rate I with various frankings, 1x with 40h orange and 5h green, Pof.14, 3, posting nationalized CDS BRNO 1/ 14.V.19 - last day postal rate I + 1x small envelope with with perforation 2x 10h red + 25h light blue, Pof.5, 10a, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 17/ 14.4.19 + commercial letter franked with. 2x 20h blue-green and 5h green, Pof.8, 3, CDS TESCHEN 18.IV.19; good condition, 2 pcs of exp. by Karasek
1919-1920 comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. 1-násobnou franking stamp. 50h violet, Pof.15, 1x heavier Reg letter in/at postal rate I, 1x R service letter with averaged postage with paid R-poplatkem in/at II. postal rate, 1x letter sent to Ukraine in III. postal rate; good condition, 1x. exp. by Karasek
1919-20 comp. 8 pcs of entires with 1-násobnými frankings, contains 2x official Reg entire with averaged postage and paid only R-poplatkem stamp. 25h blue in/at I. postal rate and 50h blue in III. postal rate, 2x Printed matter in/at I. postal rate with 3h violet from that 1x addressed to to Germany, 3x postcard with date last of day I. and III. postal rate, 1x larger part dispatch-note with 300h green; good condition, larger part exp. by Karasek
1920 Maxa A27, pre-printed commercial envelope sent as Printed matter to Austria, with 5h blue-green, Pof.4A with part of diagonálního perfin "A.G./1831", Maxa A27, insurance company Generali in/at Trieste, MC PRAGUE 1/ 22.II.20; small tearing in margins envelope/-s, exp. by Karasek
1919 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 1x Reg letter in the place with 75h with Hungarian CDS LEDNICZRÓNA/ 919 Okt.31. + 2 letters franked with. 1x pair 15h and 1x mixed franking 10h Hradčany and 15h Lion, all with print nátisků in/at green and blue color directly on letter, Us - on reverse nationalized arrival postmark BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 31.X.19; good condition, rare usage really Us entires
1919 heavier letter sent in/at II. postal rate as Reg and Express, with 100h + 15h and 25h on reverse, Pof.31B, 28B, 27B CDS PRAGUE 19/ 27/10 19, arrival postmark MALEČ 29.X.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., nice really used entire!
1920more/larger part parcel post. dispatch-note i.a. franked by stmp 500h with retouch, pos. 42/1, Pof.141RT, CDS HORNÍ BRUSNICE/ 2.IV.20; small spot in/at guide and margin stamp., exp. and marked Karasek, rare, rare occurrence!
1927RETUŠ Reg letter franked on back side block of four 25h green with retouch - oval seal, Pof.149 II R1, pos. 20/6, CDS OLOVÍ 12.VIII.27; good condition, exp. and marked Karasek, rare entire with sought retouch!
1920-1923 comp. 12 pcs of various entires with issue Chainbreaker, contains i.a. 2x Reg letter to USA and Germany, 2x postcard franked with. 1-násobnou franking stamp. 20h red (!), 1x Reg and Express PC 40h issue Chainbreaker, 1x in both directions Us double PC issue Chainbreaker 50h, 1x Reg and C.O.D., 1x larger part PC with fee paid stamp. 50h green, 1x Delivery list for payment instructions with fee partially paid str-of-3 stamp. 100h brown etc..; good condition, interesting selection of
1921-1924 comp. 8 pcs of various entires with issue Agriculture and Science issue 1920 also 1923 mainly in mixed frankings with other issues as Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, contains 2x Registered and Express letter from that 1x to Germany, 1x court letter where fee was/were paid provisional postage stmp 100h with transcription "postage due", 1x blank form Delivery list for payment instructions with usage postage stmp 300h used as postage-due, 1x larger part of parcel card with Hradčany 1000h and stamp. issue Agriculture and Science 200h violet etc..; good condition, interesting selection of
1925 whole freight letter for railroad with mounted postage stamp. to payment customs fees in value 20.60Kč, with official drážním cancel. BŘECLAV/ Czechoslovak State Railways/ PŘECHOD/ 21.XI. 1925, on/for complete Austrian mezinárodním freight sheet, multicolor franking issues issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk , issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, Pof.169A, 166B, 159, 146, 193 2x; only folds, quite exceptional example of usage postal stamps!
1929-1931 comp. 5 pcs of Reg letters (from that 1x Reg and Express) addressed abroad, with 1-násobnou franking stamp. various issues, i.a. Reg postcard addressed to to Egypt, Pof.263, 2x Reg letter to Argentina, Pof.232 and Pof.247, 1x Registered and Express letter to Germany with 10CZK, Pof.264, 1x Reg letter to Yugoslavia Pof.256, all with arrival CDS; good condition, rare collection interesting destinations
Pof.L2A Is + IIs, 2x I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, line perforation 13¾;, 1x marginal piece with spiral type I., plate 1, 1x spiral type II., plate 2; exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, c.v.. 4.300Kč
1918Pof.NV1Ms(2), Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h green, two joined 2-stamps vertical gutter, with L sheet margin, distance stamps 28mm; folded, unstuck hinges, part new gum
1919-1923 comp. 8 pcs of entires with surtax, mainly from last or first days various tarifních period, as 15.III.20, 1.VIII.20, i.a. commercial letter sent 1. day IV. postal rate to Vienna with surtax Austrian stamp. 1,50 Koruna, cards and PC with surtax 10h, Pof.DL2, 1x letter sent from Czechosl. embassy in/at Madrid to Czechoslovakia with surtax výpotřebními Postage due stamps Hradčany, Pof.DL17 etc..; good condition, larger part exp. by Karasek
1919-1928 PROVISORY - usage postage stmp as postage-due, comp. 6 pcs of entires, from that 3x mixed franking postage stmp with postage-due various issues + 3 pcs of entires, where are place postage-due stamp. used postage stmp issues Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, 3x dispatch note, 2x court letter, 1x service letter; good condition, part exp. by Karasek., Hirš, rare franking
1925 Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany, court R-obsílka with fee paid vertical krajovou pair postage-due stamp. 50h/75h with joined frame type, Pof.PL19a joined frame types, with private horiz. pin hole, cancelled by postmark BOHDÍKOV - RAŠKOV/ 15.I.25; only vertical fold in envelope
1919 FRANCE - courier post, comp. 2 pcs of Ppc sent from France to Czechoslovakia and with Hradčany, 1x pair 5h green with violet cancel. SERVICE POSTAL / CONSEILNATIONAL DES PAYSTCHEQUES - PARIS, according to text 5.5.19 + 1x franked with. 2 pcs of 10h red with CDS PRAGUE - HRAD/ 26.VIII.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek
1916-1919 Mi.204-207, 202II, Coat of arms 2 Koruna light blue, 3 Koruna light red, 4 Koruna light and dark green and 10K light violet, all landscape format; 10K lightly hinged
1916-1919 Mi.201 I, 203 I a+b, 211 II, comp. 6 pcs of stamp. Big Coat of arms 3 Koruna close dark red (*), 10K close dark violet 3 pcs of (*), 10K light violet wide on granite paper (**), c.v.. 275€
1917 Mi.219B, Express stamp rectangle 2h brown-red with line perforation 11½;, selection of kompletního 100 pcs of sheet with coupons (damaged middle coupon and stamp.) supplemented with 44-blokem same stamps (only small zhnědnutí in 2 zn.), c.v.. 720€
1918POTVRZENKA NA TELEGRAM Hungarian blank form with CDS MEZOLABORCZ (Mezilaborce)/ 1918.DEC.3, on reverse Czechosl. forerunner Hungarian stamp. 10f and 20f (str-of-3) Charles with same CDS from 4.12.1918; rare occurrence
1919 forerunner Hungarian international credit note, larger part, CDS KOLOZSVÁR 919 Jan.16, on reverse atypical violet CDS ÚČTÁRNA k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). POST OFF. DIRECTORATE A TELEGRAFŮ V PRAGUE 13.I.19 (!); good condition
1918 Pof.RV43-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set 42 pcs of; part stamp. mint never hinged, all exp., for example. Mrňák, Darmietzel BPP
1918 Prague overprint I (Small Emblem), philatelically influenced Express letter with Pof.RV10, 12, 13-15, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 3.XI.18; recipient J. Rössler-Ořovský, exp. by Mrnak., very sound condition
Pof.4STp, 5h blue-green, marginal block-of-8 with joined type of bars, pos. 37/1, only 1x in whole sheet; on pos. 30 tiny thin place, otherwise perfect, exp. Vrba