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Pof.7a, 15h brown-red, plate 7; marked and exp. by SkaloudU:A5
Pof.8, 20h blue-green, block of 4 with significant oblique original paper creaseU:A5
Pof.9N IIp, 20h carmine, bar type II., very wide margins, pos. 65, plate 1; on reverse thin/light offset green printing color - certificate of společném print with value 10h green same issue; exp. by Leseticky., Karasek + certificate Karasek from year 2004, c.v.. 15.000CZK U:A5
Pof.9N joined bar types, 20h carmine, block of four with unusually big paper crease, 2x bar types combination (! ), pos. 65, 66/ 75, 76, plate 1; quite extraordinary usage, here for the first time in auction, exp. by Gilbert + certificate Štolfa from year 2016 U:DR
Pof.9N, 20h carmine with left sheet margin; hinged, exp. by MrnakU:A5
Pof.9N, 20h carmine, wide margins, in upper part small minor gum fault; exp. by Franek., KarasekU:A5
Pof.9N, 20h carmine, nice slightly irregular margins; exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák + foreign expert markU:A5
Pof.9N, 20h carmine, wide margins and shade; exp. by MrnakU:A5
Pof.9N, 20h carmine, usual margins, nice shade; exp. by Mrnak., cat. 3.600CZKU:A5
Pof.9N, 20h carmine; hinged, exp. by Mrnak, PofisU:A5
Pof.10, 25h blue, left and right blocks of 50 from 2 various sheets, both from plate 1, contains 21 plate flaws; interesting research material!U:A3v–
Pof.10b, 25h dark blue, left and right blocks of 50 (half of sheets) from 2 various sheets, both from plate 1 -tiny color shade difference, contains 26 plate flaws; interesting research material!, cat. 2.500CZK++U:A3v–
comp. 3 stamps, contains Pof.10Nc, 25h ultramarine, exp. by Gilbert.; Pof.21a, 120h light grey; Pof.26, 1000h violet, marked by Pofis.; good marginsU:A5
Pof.11STs, 25h violet, right upper block of four with joined spiral type, pos. 10/2; luxury, exp. by KarasekU:A5
Pof.11, 25h violet, with significant original paper crease in the middle, on reverse in addition offset control-numbers on gumU:A5
Pof.11a, 25h black-violet; irregular margins, marked and exp. StupkaU:A5
Pof.11a, 25h black-violet; marked and exp. VrbaU:A5
Pof.11a, 25h black-violet; exp. VrbaU:A5
Pof.11b IIs/IIp, 25h brownlila, II. spiral and bar type; exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, cat. 3.000CZKU:A5
Pof.13N, 30h light violet with upper margin; hinged, exp. by Franek., Tri, MikulskiU:A5
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, lower very wide margin; hinged, chip of wood in paper, exp. VrbaU:A5
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, wide margins, marginal piece; from important collection, marked by Tribuna., Hirsch, MrňákU:A5
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, right close margin, minor gum fault and black dots in paper; exp. by Gilbert., owner's markU:A5
Pof.13N, 30h light violet; hinged, .exp. by MrnakU:A5
Pof.13Na, 30h dark violet, piece L margin; superb, exp. by Gilbert., StolowU:A5
Pof.13N, 30h dark violet, pair with right margin, double impression; exp. by Gilbert., patinaU:A5
Pof.18 IIr, 75h grey-green, frame type, pos. 2/1; mint never hinged, small fold in paper, wide marginsU:A5
Pof.18 joined frame types, 75h grey-green, blk-of-10, 2x joined frame type, pos. 1-5 and 11-15 + in addition plate variety on pos. 5; decorative block, cat. min. 5.200CZKU:A5
Pof.20, 100h brown, darker shade, left bottom corner block of 30 with control-numbers; mint never hingedU:A4
Pof.20, 100h brown, vertical pair with right margin and partial print of value 80h olive at right margin; exp. Vrba, interestingU:A5
Pof.22, 200h ultramarine, marginal block-of-4 with control-numbers from plate 2, pos. 83-84/93-94, with plate flaw on pos. 94; mark HanákU:A5
Pof.22a, 200h violet-blue, wide margins, sought shade; marked and exp. Štolfa , c.v.. 5.000CZK U:A5
Pof.22a, 200h violet-blue, wide margins, 1 black dot in paper, otherwise nice piece; marked and exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 5.000CZKU:A5
Pof.22a, 200h violet-blue, vertical strip of 3, sought shade (! ), wide margins, ex Wilhelms ; marked and exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, c.v.. 15.000Kč++ U:A5
Pof.22, 200h blue, darker shade; exp. Štolfa "dark blue"U:A5
Pof.22b, 200h dark blue, double impression; exp. by PittermannU:A5
Pof.23, 300h grey-green, block of four with right sheet margin, nice pale color shadeU:A5
Pof.23, 300h grey-green, block of 6, nice bright color shadeU:A5
Pof.23a, 300h dark green with right sheet margin; exp. Káňa, in addition marginal piece of basic 300h green-gray *U:A5
Pof.24, 400h blue-violet, block of 6 with right sheet margin; mint never hingedU:A5
Pof.24 with plate mark, 400h violet-blue, bottom corner piece with plate mark, wide margins; mint never hingedU:A5
Pof.24, 400h blue-violet, block of 6; mint never hingedU:A5
Pof.25 plate flaw, 500h brown, pos. 21, plate 1, with plate flaw "R chipped frame"; usual margins
Pof.25 IIap, 500h brown, bar subtype IIa, pos. 46, plate 2; clear appearence of daily postmark, marked and exp. VrbaU:A5
Pof.25 IIr, 500 brown, frame type; wide margins, exp. Štolfa , c.v.. 5.000CZKU:A5
Pof.25 Is, 500h brown, block of four; on reverse note by pencilU:A5
Pof.25, 500h brown, block of four, wide margins; mint never hingedU:A5
Pof.25, 500h brown, lower left corner block-of-4 with control-numbers and sheet margins; decorative blockU:A5
Pof.25, 500h brown, horizontal pair, 1 stamp with full offset, second without offset; interesting, exp. by LesetickyU:A5
Pof.26, 1000h violet, block of four with lower margin with control-numbers; at top tiny paper bend, nice blockU:A5
Pof.26a, 1000h blue-violet, nice shade; mint never hingedU:A5
Pof.26a, 1000h blue-violet, wide margins; marked and exp. VrbaU:A5
Pof.26a, 1000h blue-violet, marginal piece; marked and exp. by KarasekU:A5
Pof.2Mp, value 3h violet, complete bend-of-10 of 4-stamps opposite facing gutters, without fold (only vertical fold in 2. column), plate flaw broken branch pos. 90/2U:A4
Pof.2Mp(4), 3h violet, marginal strip of 5 of unfolded opposite facing 4-stamps gutters, on 1 stamp black dot in paper and light wrinkled margin; rare multiple, mint never hingedU:A4
Pof.2Ms(2 ), 3h violet, folded same facing 2-stamps gutter., minor faults - through/over gutter oblique fold; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek + certificate Karasek. from year 1997, c.v.. 18.000CZKU:A5
Pof.2Ms(4 ), 3h violet, same facing 4-stamp gutter., wide margins, folded; exp. Vrba, c.v.. 18.000CZKU:A5
Pof.3Mp(2), 5h light green, lightly folded 2-stamps opposite facing gutter, exp. VrbaU:A5
Pof.3Mp(4), 5h light green, lightly folded 4-stamps opposite facing gutter, exp. VrbaU:A5
Pof.3Mp(4), 5h light green, folded 4-stamps opposite facing gutter; exp. by MrnakU:A5
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