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1920 PC abroad 4Sen sent as Registered to Czechoslovakia, cat. JPSC No.14, additional franking 5+5Sen, CDS HAKODATE/ 10.3.20, sent from Russia consulate; from exhibit (ex Dražan), good condition U:A5
1925-40 set od 3 PC abroad, contains 1x 8/6Sen, cat. NJSC No.18, lowered postal-charge, light wrinkled left margin + double PC 6+6Sen, NJSC No.21, both unused and 1x 10Sen, NJSC No.22, addressed to Slovakia, with German censorship U:A5
1899-1907 comp. of 5 dispatch-notes with stamps Imperial emblem, Sc. 96, 98, 100, 103, 105, various postmarks and orange seal, i.a. multicolor frankings, incl. three-colour 2S(2x)+3S(2x)+10S; in addition one unfranked order; fine quality U:A5
1942-43 JAPANESE OCCUPATION comp. 3 pictorial post cards issued for Burma, Philippines and Malaya occupied by Japan during WWII.; unused U:A5
1970-1980 [COLLECTIONS] FDC comp. of ca. 360 FDCs from stated years, interesting motives; overall good quality U:K