Public Auction 51 / Philately / Asia / Southeast Asia

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187612 - 1906 SG.16a, stamp of Labuan Coat of arms 16C, red Opt BRUNE
1906 SG.16a, stamp of Labuan Coat of arms 16C, red Opt BRUNEI FIVE CENTS, sought variant "Line through B" in "LABUAN"; cat. £900, extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
186548 - 1911-1914 Reg letter to France from Government General de l
1911-1914 Reg letter to France from "Government General de l´Indochines Sc.29,30 "France" 15C+20C, CDS HANOI; letter to Prague with multiple franking of Sc.26, 41 (5x),42 (6x) DONG-TRIEU; in addition COB 10C 1907 SAIGON CENTRAL
Starting price: CZK
186549 - 1933-1951 8 airmail letters franked with postage stamps from
1933-1951 8 airmail letters franked with postage stamps from issues General Doumer 1938, Airmail 1933-1941, Local motives 1931-1941, CDS HANOI and SAIGON; i.a 1. FLIGHT AIR FRANCE HANOI-HONGKONG 5.10.38
Starting price: CZK
186769 - 1946 British Military Administration, UNISSUED so-called. Vi
1946 British Military Administration, UNISSUED so-called. "Victory" - George VI. MALAYA UNION 8C carmine; very nice piece with sheet margin, traces of hinge in margin, cat. £500; rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
186851 - 1900 SG.4, 5, 8, Tiger 5C, 10C, 50C with Opt FEDERATED MALAY
1900 SG.4, 5, 8, Tiger 5C, 10C, 50C with Opt FEDERATED MALAY STATES; used, cat. £295
Starting price: CZK
186852 - 1900 SG.11-13, PERAK Ceremonial procession of elephants 1$,
1900 SG.11-13, PERAK "Ceremonial procession of elephants" 1$, 2$ and especially rare 5$ green / ultramarine; Opt FEDERATED MALAY STATES
Starting price: CZK
186853 - 1904-1934 SG.48, 48a, 76a, 79, set of 4 highest values of 2
1904-1934 SG.48, 48a, 76a, 79, set of 4 highest values of 2 issues, 2x 1$ 1904 in various shades, wmk CA; then values 1$ and 2$ 1922 wmk script CA; cat. £205
Starting price: CZK
187862 - 1868-99 selection of 23  stamps issues Victoria, contains fo
1868-99 selection of 23 stamps issues Victoria, contains for example: SG. 11, 11a, 15-17, 19, 45, 51, 103; from old collection, good quality, cat. £170
Starting price: CZK
187379 - 1906 SG.139, Edward VII., 25$ grey-green / black, red fiscal
1906 SG.139, Edward VII., 25$ grey-green / black, red fiscal cancel.; sought value, small brown spots, cat. £3.500, with fiscal cancel. estimation £700
Starting price: CZK
187490 - 1912-23, 1921-1933 SG.210, 239; 211, 211a, 211c, 240; 212(2x
1912-23, 1921-1933 SG.210, 239; 211, 211a, 211c, 240; 212(2x), 212b, 240a; set of 10 dollar values George V., $1 DIE I + II (1921); 2$ DIE I, on reverse white, on yellow paper and on light yellow MNH, in addition DIE II (1921); 5$ DIE I green on reverse white, blue-green on reverse white, blue-green on reverse olive shade, in addition DIE II (1921); perfect set, cat. £840
Starting price: CZK
187476 - 1912-1923 SG.240d, George V. $500, multiple wmk script Crown
1912-1923 SG.240d, George V. $500, multiple wmk script "Crown CA", with nice print of red fiscal cancel. MALAYA $500; some small abrasion, perfect perf; very nice piece, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
186334 - 1933-1937 set of 8 commercial letters with issue George V.,
1933-1937 set of 8 commercial letters with issue George V., multicolor frankings of issues 1921-1933, Silver Jubilee 5ca 12C, decorative envelope of British American Trading Co / Penang., flights BA and KLM, through Athens to Czechoslovakia
Starting price: CZK
186333 - 1937 2 airmail letters with SG.275-277, Coronation 4C-12C on
1937 2 airmail letters with SG.275-277, Coronation 4C-12C on Reg letter to Czechoslovakia and rare franking 5x 4C+3x 8C+3x 12C on Reg airmail letter sent through KLM also to Czechoslovakia, CDS SINGAPORE / REGISTRATION
Starting price: CZK
186332 - 1938-1941 4 airmail letters with stamps of George VI, i.a. v
1938-1941 4 airmail letters with stamps of George VI, i.a. value 1$; letter to Germany, 2x KLM to Czechoslovakia and Protectorate and especially 1. FLIGHT PAN AMERICAN SINGAPORE-HONOLULU, flight cachet etc., very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
186328 - 1946-1948 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION - transitional per
1946-1948 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION - transitional period after Japanese occupation, 8 letters to Czechoslovakia, Germany and India, with various stamps issue SG.1-13, George VI. with Opt BMA MALAYA; all with postmarks except usual Singapore - TELUK ANSON (Perak), SITIAWAN (Perak), SEREMBAN (N. Sembilan), KUALA KANGBAR (Perak), MUAR (Malacca), BATU PAHAT (Johore), provisional registry label Kuala Kangbar etc.; fine selection
Starting price: CZK
186327 - 1947-1948 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION - transitional per
1947-1948 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION - transitional period after Japanese occupation, 7 Reg and airmail letters with various stamps of SG.1-13, George VI. with Opt BMA MALAYA; all CDS SINGAPUR, chosen color frankings
Starting price: CZK
187498 - 1921 SG.34a, 30C black / red, FEATHER BIN HAT; perfect piece
1921 SG.34a, 30C black / red, FEATHER BIN HAT; perfect piece, in addition other 30C stamp without this plate flaw, cat. £60
Starting price: CZK
187497 - 1937 SG.60-68, Sultan Abdul Hamid Halimshah; complete set; p
1937 SG.60-68, Sultan Abdul Hamid Halimshah; complete set; perfect quality, cat. £275
Starting price: CZK
187496 - 1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION  SG.J15, Hamid Halimshah 5$ black /
1942 JAPANESE OCCUPATION SG.J15, Hamid Halimshah 5$ black / red with red Japanese Opt DAI NIPPON 2602, cat. £80
Starting price: CZK
186770 - 1949 SG.64a, UPU 15C dark blue, wmk script CA, in wmk left l
1949 SG.64a, UPU 15C dark blue, wmk script CA, in wmk left lower OMITTED "A"; certificate KGVI Expertising, official letter by Stanley Gibbons from 2002, also attached common stamp with correct wmk, cat. £900, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
186502 - 1949-1959 PENANG - part of Straits Settlements, with own iss
1949-1959 PENANG - part of Straits Settlements, with own issue up to year 1948; 11 mostly airmail letters franked from SG.1 - George VI., QE II, mixed frankings with stamps of KEDAH - Sultan Badlishah, MALACCA - QEII, with TANAH MELAYU 1957, UPU PAHANG used in Penang etc.
Starting price: CZK
187579 - 1895-1899 SG.58, Tiger 25C; cat. £80
1895-1899 SG.58, Tiger 25C; cat. £80
Starting price: CZK
187581 - 1896 SG.59, Tiger 50C; cat. £100
1896 SG.59, Tiger 50C; cat. £100
Starting price: CZK
187582 - 1895-1899 SG.61, Elephants $1; cat. £75
1895-1899 SG.61, Elephants $1; cat. £75
Starting price: CZK
187477 - 1935-1941 SG.70ab, Mosque 2C orange, corner block-of-4, left
1935-1941 SG.70ab, Mosque 2C orange, corner block-of-4, left lower printing error "JOINED SCRIPT", perf 14; hinge traces on the edge, stamps MNH, only as * singles cat. £460, rare block!
Starting price: CZK
187503 - 1922 SG.57, Suleiman small format $3 green and red / green,
1922 SG.57, Suleiman "small format" $3 green and red / green, Opt MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION, part CDS SINGAPORE; very nice quality, cat. £475
Starting price: CZK
187482 - 1922 SG.57, Suleiman small format $3 green and red / green,
1922 SG.57, Suleiman "small format" $3 green and red / green, Opt MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION; very nice piece, cat. £225
Starting price: CZK
187483 - 1922 SG.57c, Suleiman small format $3 green and red / green,
1922 SG.57c, Suleiman "small format" $3 green and red / green, Opt MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION, printing error RAISED STOP; very nice piece, cat. £425
Starting price: CZK
187481 - 1922 SG.57d, Suleiman small format $3 green and red / green,
1922 SG.57d, Suleiman "small format" $3 green and red / green, Opt MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION, printing error SMALL "A" IN "MALAYA"; very nice piece, cat. £425
Starting price: CZK
187480 - 1922 SG.58d, Suleiman $5 green / dull purple, Opt MALAYA BOR
1922 SG.58d, Suleiman $5 green / dull purple, Opt MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION, printing error from 6. column of the sheet SMALL "A" IN "MALAYA"; original gum, very fine, cat. £600
Starting price: CZK
187479 - 1922 SG.58d, Suleiman 5$ green / dull purple, Opt MALAYA BOR
1922 SG.58d, Suleiman 5$ green / dull purple, Opt MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION, printing error SMALL "A" IN "MALAYA", CDS TRENGGANU; very nice piece with certificate RPSL, cat. £1.200
Starting price: CZK
187584 - 1957-1963 SG.99, Ismail $5; highest value
1957-1963 SG.99, Ismail $5; highest value
Starting price: CZK
186013 - 1864 Mi.1, William III. 10C lila red, framed pmk FRANCO; per
1864 Mi.1, William III. 10C lila red, framed pmk "FRANCO"; perfect piece, cat. 130€
Starting price: CZK
186547 - 1921-1924 Reg letter and postal stationery cover uprated to
1921-1924 Reg letter and postal stationery cover uprated to Registered with interesting frankings of issues "Numerals" and "Wilhelmine" 1912, CDS SEMARANG, BUITENZORG; in addition Reg letter from SURANAMU with same issue and CDS PARAMARIBO
Starting price: CZK
186544 - 1930-1931 4 Reg + airmail letters with airmail issues 1928-1
1930-1931 4 Reg + airmail letters with airmail issues 1928-1930 and especially "semi-postals" Sc.B4-B7 "Jeugdzorg 1930"; CDS BATAVIA and WELTEVREDEN, to Berlin and Stockholm, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
186545 - 1933-1934 2 reg airmail covers with airmail issues 1928-1932
1933-1934 2 reg airmail covers with airmail issues 1928-1932 and especially "semi-postals" Sc.B12-B15 and B16-B19; CDS BATAVIA and MEDAN, to Lucern and Stockholm; very nice quality, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
186546 - 1937 decorative envelope 500. flight from Netherland India t
1937 decorative envelope 500. flight from Netherland India to Netherlands, franked with Sc.170(2x), 194 with CDS MALANG 26.11.37, flight cachet and arrival AMSTERDAM 2.XII.1937
Starting price: CZK
184762 - 1895-1949 [COLLECTIONS]  fabulous collection of entires of N
1895-1949 [COLLECTIONS] fabulous collection of entires of Netherlands Indies, total 81, contains various uprated p.stat (Reg, sent abroad, Reg and airmail) etc., also letters, sent as Express, sent abroad, printed-matters, Reg and airmail, Reg, various combinations, commemorative postmarks, sample without value, newspaper wrapper, censorship etc., interesting frankings; overall nice quality, interesting destination, placed in album Leuchtturm for entires
Starting price: CZK
187463 - 1911 SG.183, Coat of arms 10$ black / bricky red, very fine
1911 SG.183, Coat of arms 10$ black / bricky red, very fine stamp with sheet margin, cat. * £750, ** ca. £1.500
Starting price: CZK
187609 - 1922 SG.253d, Malaya-Borneo Exhibition 1922, Opt on marginal
1922 SG.253d, Malaya-Borneo Exhibition 1922, Opt on marginal stamp 1C black / brown, sought type "Raised stop after 1922"; cat. £950, extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
186518 - 1955-1964 set of 6 letters from 3 parts of Borneo - NORTH BO
1955-1964 set of 6 letters from 3 parts of Borneo - NORTH BORNEO, SARAWAK, SABAH, to Czechoslovakia, GB, USA, franked with George VI. and QE II., nice multiple frankings
Starting price: CZK
186506 - 1959-1960 10 letters and one address part from parcel, all w
1959-1960 10 letters and one address part from parcel, all with multiple frankings of QEII - "Ships" issue 1955 and 1x QEII SG.53-58
Starting price: CZK
181629 - 1945-76 [COLLECTIONS]  extraordinary complete collection in
1945-76 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary complete collection in 3 stockbooks A4, contains Republick of Vietnam Mi.1-60, and North Vietnam Mi.1-864, incl. better sets as Mi.1, 2-3, 4-6, 21, 31-34, 35-38, 46-49, 54-56 and others., then many stamps also as imperforate variants (catalogue mostly doesn't report), also issue Vietkong, Postage due stamps, Official etc.; outstanding collection, cat. according to owner almost 15.000€, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
187038 - 1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  THAILAND, VIETNAM, JAPAN but also H
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] THAILAND, VIETNAM, JAPAN but also HONG KONG, SINGAPUR and MACAO, many sets, miniature sheets, old also new stamps, large part **, valid face-values etc., all in larger box, on cards or in envelopes; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK