Public Auction 51 / Philately / Worldwide Accumulations

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188114 - 1850-1930 [COLLECTIONS]  WORLDWIDE  selection of classics on
1850-1930 [COLLECTIONS] WORLDWIDE selection of classics on stock-sheet A4, i.a. USA, Old Italy States, Overseas, France, Belgium, Persia etc.; various quality, also part reprints, offered as is, we advice viewing
Starting price: CZK
187009 - cca 1850-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  ca. 5000 stamps in 16 choice no
cca 1850-1950 [COLLECTIONS] ca. 5000 stamps in 16 choice notebooks and 1 stockbook, old Europe - Hungary, Germany, Western Europe, Austria, also overseas, colonies, Far East etc., many middle values, suitable for next elaboration and sale
Starting price: CZK
186645 - 1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  EUROPE / OVERSEAS  accumulation in
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE / OVERSEAS accumulation in Ikea box in 21 stockbooks A4 and A5 + cards A4, contains mainly modern material, but also part of classic issues and many interesting inter-war and postwar issues, i.a. Austria, Norway, Germany, Iceland, also USA, Canada, South America, part also British Colonies, interesting motives etc.; ONLY PERSONAL PICK UP
Starting price: CZK
185988 - 1870-1931 [COLLECTIONS]  PORTUGUESSE COLONIES/  small collec
1870-1931 [COLLECTIONS] PORTUGUESSE COLONIES/ small collection, mainly Portuguese colonies: Angola, St. Tome e Principe, Guinea, Téte, issue 15x "Republica" 1911-1914; incl. several unusual stamp countries - for example INHAMBANE, QUELIMANE and ZAMBEZIA; in addition Spanish Cuba, Puerto Rico, official air-mails and Columbus 1930 etc.; interesting set
Starting price: CZK
186029 - 1940-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation, 27 pages of large sto
1940-1980 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation, 27 pages of large stockbook; mostly overseas, Africa, Australia, Commonwealth, also Libanon, Venezuela etc.; complete sets, shilling and pound values, nice motives etc.; mostly MNH, original price over 1.000 Euros!
Starting price: CZK
187000 - cca 1940-2008 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation + dozens of blocks
cca 1940-2008 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation + dozens of blocks and stamp booklets, issue EUROPA, Nordic countries, France, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo 11x Bl.9, 100x Serbia and Montenegro football 2006, Makedonia MH1, but also Brit. Antarctica and USA, very high catalogue value!
Starting price: CZK
185397 - 1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  WORLDWIDE  accumulation - estate of
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] WORLDWIDE accumulation - estate of collector in ca. 20 albums A4 and A5 and choice notebooks in large Ikea box, contains stamps worldwide, i.a. more interesting China, Europe, South America, Africa etc., mostly incomplete sets, used also unused, mainly cheaper values, after all interesting for next elaboration, almost 25Kg of material
Starting price: CZK
187002 - 1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation of 1000-2000 stamps fr
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of 1000-2000 stamps from important estate, i.a. classic of Europe, GB colonies, overseas, many valuable classic stamps, very interesting lot!
Starting price: CZK
186998 - cca 1910-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  thousands of stamps Europe and
cca 1910-1980 [COLLECTIONS] thousands of stamps Europe and overseas in smaller box, major-part unused ** and *, i.a. China, Vatican City, BRD, Antarctica, Switzerland, West Europe etc., many valuable stamps; originates from large estate, interesting
Starting price: CZK
187880 - 1937-1985 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 190 various minia
1937-1985 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 190 various miniature sheets, incl. better, i.a. Belgium, Slovakia (For Children-issue), Japan 1964, Gibraltar, Yugoslavia 1962, Monaco, France 3x Klb. Mi.1480 (540€) etc.; high catalogue value, suitable for next elaboration and sale!
Starting price: CZK
185478 - 1890-2000 [COLLECTIONS]   scattered stamps in envelopes, in
1890-2000 [COLLECTIONS] scattered stamps in envelopes, in packets, choice notebooks and stockbooks, mainly used stamps of Europe also overseas, supplemented with little-box with CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., placed in larger box, total ca. 10kg of material for elaboration, part of estate
Starting price: CZK
186579 - 1880-1925 REVENUES  selection of more than 90 various revenu
1880-1925 REVENUES selection of more than 90 various revenues from Europe and also overseas, on plate A4
Starting price: CZK
186670 - 1850-1940 [COLLECTIONS]  FORGERIES  very interesting collect
1850-1940 [COLLECTIONS] FORGERIES very interesting collection of forgeries, various European countries on 13 sheets in old spring folder + 1x card A4, i.a. Finland Mi.1, 2; Austria - Merkury, then Parma, Russia, Switzerland, Papal States etc., many so-called. Fournier forgeries; interesting
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 51 / Philately / Worldwide Accumulations - Information

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