1921 whole commercial address newspaper wrapper sent as express printed matter in IV. postal rate, with Pigeon-issue 20h and pair Express 5h green, Pof.S2, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 11.IV.21; good condition, again rare printed matter with přednostním delivery, in addition with multiple franking express stmp!
1921 comp. 2 pcs of commercial Tiskopisů sent express in IV. postal rate, both with Pigeon-issue 10h olive and priority delivery paid Spěšnou 10h brown, resp. 5h green, Pof.S3, S2, CDS PODMOKLY 1/ 9.XI.21 and 13.XI.21, 1x redirected; good condition, exp. by Karasek
Pof.NV1 RT, Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h, horizontal pair with lower margin and control-numbers, retouch on pos. 92/4; marked and expertized Vrba, sought retouch + corner blk-of-4 with control flaw on pos. 92, exp. by Karasek
1918-34 interesting comp. of stamps Pof.NV6, Falcon in Flight (issue) 30h brown, contains block of four with 2 ST (II. types on and 2. pos.); horizontal pair with upper margin with ST II + I + 2 separate corner stmp with II. type (1x with print ledge), in addition corner blk-of-4 O.T. Falcon in Flight (issue) 30h, Pof.OT3 with 2 ST + horizontal pair with ST II + I; c.v.. 4.100Kč
1918 Pof.I.M, Falcon in Flight (issue), unfolded horiz. gutter 10h violet + 2h green; superb, exp. by Karasek + certificate Stupka, c.v.. Pofis 60.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 80.000CZK, very rare and superb gutter, on/for market with practically at all is rare!
1918 VZOREC 2 complete group of perf and imperforated stmp Falcon in Flight (issue) 2h, 6h, 10h, 20h and 30h with overprint VZOREC; all expertized Karasek and Šablatúra, c.v.. 4.200CZK
1918 PROVISORY comp. 10 pcs of mainly whole address newspaper wrappers with provisory postmarks or labels, contains i.a. Pof.NR3 - Časopis doctors Czech Prague, Pof.NN16a - Národné newspaper Turčianský St. Martin, Pof.NN6 - Day Brno and other, c.v.. 13.500CZK
1920-1939 comp. 5 pcs of entires sent as newspaper mailing or printed matter, franked with. mixed frankings Newspaper stamp. issues Sokol and Pigeon-issue and postage stmp Hradčany, T. G. Masaryk, Pigeon-issue, Comenius and Coat of arms, 1x as Registered; good condition, very interesting combined franking
1921-1935 comp. 10 pcs of address newspaper wrappers and cut-squares with multiple frankings newspaper stmp Falcon in Flight (issue), values 2h, 5h, 10h, 20h, 30h, 50h and 100h; good condition
1925-1926 to exhaustion- on/for express and newspaper Falcon in Flight (issue), selection of total 6 pcs of various entires, from that 3x to exhaustion- on/for Newspaper 5/2h and 5/6h Pof.NV9 and NV10, supplemented with 3 pcs of entires with to exhaustion- on/for Express 5/2h and 10h, Pof.NV12 and NV12, 1x combined franking 2x 10h + 5/2h on/for complete address stripe sent to Yugoslavia (!), 2x 1-násobná franking; good condition, rare usage
1932-1937 comp. 14 pcs of address newspaper wrappers and cut-squares with rich mixed frankings newspaper stmp Falcon in Flight (issue), values 5h, 10h, 20h, 30h, 50h and 100h, from that 1x with perfin f. J.Otto; good condition, interesting and valuable multicolor frankings
1937 comp. 8 pcs of address newspaper wrappers and cut-squares with mixed frankings newspaper stmp Falcon in Flight (issue) and Pigeon-issue, various color combination
1937-1938 comp. 5 pcs of entires addressed strictly private, with postage stmp and postage-due delivery stamp., Pof.DR1 and DR2, contains 3 pcs of with postage stmp 50h blue, 1x as Reg and Express, 1x ordinary richly franked letter and 1x postcard with disallowed franking this 50h delivery stamp. - burdened by surtax, supplemented with else/yet 2 pcs of Reg letters franked with. red delivery stamp. 50h; good condition
1937 commercial Printed matter as associated mailing (!), envelope with advertising added print f. J. Reinger with Pof.OT1 + Pof.252, CDS KYJOV 16.III.37 as arrival, additional red framed pmk "SDRUŽENÁ MAILING/ Výjimečně allowed min. p. and z. Z 18.530/VII-1937", quite rarely occurring franking; toned
1919 Pof.DL1vz-DL13vz, Ornament 5h brownlila - 1000h violet (without 25h and 100h), line perforation 13¾;, all with overprint VZOREC downward L; value 500h **, other hinged, all exp. by Karasek
1919 Pof.DL9vz-DL13vz, Ornament 100h-1000h imperforated with overprint VZOREC downward R + 25h imperforated with overprint VZOREC up R; exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Pof.DL15-DL18 RT, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 10/3h, 20/3h, 30/3h and 40/3h all with retouch of plate flaw 90/2; exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 6.000CZK, nice selection of
Pof.DL19IIs, DL19IIp, 2x Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 50/75h grey-green, blue Opt, 1x spiral type, pos. 82/2 and 1x bar type, pos. 29/2; exp. by Karasek and Škaloud, hinged
1922 Pof.DL19IIr, DL19aIIr, 2 pcs of stamp. Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 50/75h grey-green, 1x blue and 1x violet overprint, both stamp. frame type, pos. 1/1; exp. by Karasek
Pof.DL30B, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/15h bricky red, block of four with perf comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, pos. 26-27 and 36-37/1, all spiral type II.; certificate and exp. Vrba, c.v.. 40.000CZK, superb, rare perf as blk-of-4 with I. printing plate!
Pof.DL30B, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/15h bricky red, LR corner blk-of-25 with control-numbers (!), comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, plate 4; exp. by Karasek., extraordinary multiple, cat. only as single stamps 12.500CZK
1918NEJRANĚJŠÍ TESTER PRVNÍ CZECHOSL. POSTAGE-DUE STAMPS larger part money dispatch-note, where delivery fee are paid Czechosl. Postage due stamp issue Ornament 10h brown-olive, Pof.DL2 with forerunner CDS RADL 20.XII.18 (!!) present village/community Rádlo by/on/at Jablonec n./N., CDS franked with. dispatch-note WIESENTHAL A. D. NIESSE 16.XII.18, present Lučany n./N.; literature shows date issue postage-due stamps 1.2.1919, cat. Merkur-Revue on/for page. 468 zmiňujeprávě this parcel bill with used postage-due stmp with date 20.XII.18, is so about/by document/attribut with still nejranějším usage Czechosl. Postage due stamps!
1919 POSTAGE-DUE provisional comp. 2 pcs of court R-obsílek, 1x fee paid vyplatní stamp. 50h issue Legionaire with black overprint "D" and nationalized CDS NECHANICE 3/12 19, second summons franked with. mixed franking Postage due stamp 20h and Hradčany postage stmp 5h light green with transcription "D" by red raddle, again CDS NECHANICE 23/9 19; vertical fold in/at envelopes, both exp. Hirš
1919 POSTAGE-DUE provisional unpaid letter burdened with surtax 50h (for II. postal rate), paid Hradčany postage stmp 50h violet with overprint PORTO/ 50, cancelled nationalized CDS KRÁSNÁ HORA 17.V.19, posting nationalized CDS HUMPOLEC 16.V.19; on front also back side hinged, exp. by Karasek
1920-1937 comp. 9 pcs of blank forms and 2 pcs of cut-squares with fee paid Postage due stamps various issues, contains 1x Postal warrant, 1x request for concession for radiopříjímač, 3 pcs of complete Accounting sheets and 2 pcs of cut-squares from these sheets with high frankings, 1x complete supplementary accounting sheet from Kontrolního detachment/section check orders, 1x notification of placing mailing, 2x insurance card; good condition, color mix documents with zapravenými fee various issues postage-due stamps
1920-1938 PROVISORY - usage postage stmp as postage-due, comp. 7 pcs of accounting sheets check orders with mixed frankings postage-due and postage stmp., from that 5x whole blank form with usage stamp. issues Hradčany, Express, issue Agriculture and Science, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue and postage stmp E. Beneš, supplemented with 2 pcs of cut-squares with mixed franking issue Prague - Tatras and Towns 1929; folds, tearing in margins blank forms, 3 pcs of exp. by Karasek., rare franking
1922 insufficiently franked commercial letter sent from Budapest to Slovakia, burdened by unusually big postage-due 500h, mounted stamp. issue Ornament 500h green, Pof.DL12, cancelled by postmark LEDNICAROVNÉ 14.II.22, Us Czechosl. censorship; good condition, cat. Merkur-Revue 2.500CZK, exceptional simple franking!
1926-1928 to exhaustion-issue Hradčany - bisected franking comp. 2 pcs of entires with fee paid bisected Postage due stamps., 1x Reg court letter with bisected stmp 40/15h, Pof.DL30C with CDS KREMNICA 5.VI.26, 1x common court letter with fee paid bisected stmp 200/400h, Pof.DL28 with CDS TORNALA 6.VII.28; folds, 1x exp. by Karasek.., rare franking
1926-1928 to exhaustion-issue on/for postage-due - bisected franking comp. 3 pcs of entires with fee paid bisected Postage due stamps., 2x Reg court letter with bisected stmp 40/15h, Pof.DL34 with CDS KREMNICA, 1x whole Return card from court warrant/-s with fee paid bisected stmp 200/400h, Pof.DL41 with CDS KREMNICA 1.VI.28; small tearing, fold, 2x exp. by Karasek.., rare franking
1927 to exhaustion-issue issue Chainbreaker - bisected franking on/for court obsílce, franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. 40/185h, Pof.DL48, from that 1x bisected; good condition, exp. by Karasek., rare
1928-1931 Definitive issue - bisected franking comp. 3 pcs of entires with bisected Postage due stamps issue Definitive 1928, 1x Reg letter with pair stamp. 40h, from that 1x bisected, with CDS KREMNICA 30.IX.29, 1x address strip with bisected stmp 20h with black overprint "10" combined with other 20h Postage due stamp., CDS HUSTOPEČE N. B. 29.V.31, 1x larger part cheque order with fee paid halving Postage due stamp 1CZK, CDS VELKÉ ŠENKVICE 24.X.28; good condition, 2x exp. Hirš, rare bisected franking
Pof.SO3 Is, Hradčany 5h blue-green with lower margin and control-numbers, spiral type, pos. 91/2; exp. by Mrnak, Karasek, c.v.. 10.000CZK, Mercure 35.000CZK, rare stamp in very nice quality!
Pof.SO3Pp, Hradčany 5h blue-green, comp. 3 pcs of imperforated stmp with inverted opt, plate 5-7, all spiral type I.; stamp. from plate 6 *, otherwise mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek., Gilbert, Škaloud