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MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), design for stamp. Hradčany, V. printing, picture-postcard format, facsimile signature U:A5
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / palte proof of the value 10h red, with lower margin, on stamp paper with gum (!); arrangement E. Charles; exp. by Karasek., very rare usage these plate proofs on paper with gum! U:A5
PLATE PROOF 10h Neotypie (gravure-print), comp. 6 pcs of in various colors on stamp paper with gum, 1 pcs of perf; hinged, 3 pcs of exp. by Karasek and Pit
PLATE PROOF 10h Neotypie (gravure-print), comp. 6 pcs of in various colors on stamp paper with gum, 1 pcs of perf; hinged, 5 pcs of exp. by Karasek and Pithart U:A5
PLATE PROOF 2. arrangement V. printings - horiz. lined heart, full plate, die proof in red color on chalky paper; exp. and marked Karasek U:A5
PLATE PROOF 2. arrangement V. printings - horiz. lined heart, empty white tie-on label, die proof in gray color on chalky paper; marked and exp. by Karasek U:A5
PLATE PROOF values 20h carmine, UR corner blk-of-4, plate proof on/for modrozeleném ordinary paper, bar types combination, pos. 9/2; exp. and marked Vrba U:A5
PLATE PROOF values 20h, comp. 5 pcs of plate proofs in various colors, V. printing, 4x on stamp paper with gum, 1x black print (*); hinged U:A5
PLATE PROOF values 300h, comp. 5 pcs of plate proofs in various colors on stamp paper with gum; 1x expert Benes., 1x exp. by Kaufmann U:A5
PLATE PROOF MEZIARŠÍ plate proof, joined printing values Hradčany 75h grey-green, Newspaper stamps - Falcon in Flight (issue) 20h and Hradčany 5h green, horiz. marginal 4-stamp gutter with wide bottom margin and control-numbers, as Pr on common paper without gum; in the middle folded, rare! U:A5
PLATE PROOF plate proof 500h brown joined bar types, selection of two horiz. pairs, which/what originally tvořily block of four (pos. 36-37 and 46- 47, plate 2), on/for modrozeleném ordinary paper, combination types bar pos. 46/2; exp. and marked Vrba U:A5
PLATE PROOF joined spiral types 75h grey-green on common paper, joined printing with value 5h green, L the bottom corner blk-of-10, on pos. 82 spiral type I.; several light bends, interesting U:A5