Public Auction 51 / Philately / Philatelic Literature

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186605 - 1996, 2004 BENEŠ, F. / TOŠNEROVÁ, P.: Post in ghetto Tere
1996, 2004 BENEŠ, F. / TOŠNEROVÁ, P.: Post in ghetto Terezín, selection of gift publication - Profil 1996 and Monograph of Czechosl. stamps No.11 - Pofis 2004; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
185481 - 1997 HORKA, P.: Czechoslovak air post 1918-1939, issued Troj
1997 HORKA, P.: Czechoslovak air post 1918-1939, issued Trojan; as new
Starting price: CZK
188408 - 2014 MERKUR REVUE, Czechoslovakia 1918-1939, specialized cat
2014 MERKUR REVUE, Czechoslovakia 1918-1939, specialized catalogue - part I., issue Hradčany, Red Cross, forerunner and parallel etc..; as new
Starting price: CZK
187460 - 1968-1971 MONOGRAFIE CZECHOSL. ZNÁMEK 1. and 2. part, witho
1968-1971 MONOGRAFIE CZECHOSL. ZNÁMEK 1. and 2. part, without inserts, well preserved in/at original covers
Starting price: CZK
187943 - 2015 POFIS: Česksolovensko 1918-1939 and 1945-1992; comp. o
2015 POFIS: Česksolovensko 1918-1939 and 1945-1992; comp. of 2 specializovaných catalogues, issue 2015, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
185486 - 1998-2008 [COLLECTIONS]   selection of philatelic literature
1998-2008 [COLLECTIONS] selection of philatelic literature, contains 8 titulů: Czechosl. post. stamps and their/its forgeries, Rarities and matters of interest Czechosl. stamps, Monograph of Czechosl. stamps - TESTER SO1920 (overprint), 11. part Post in ghetto Terezín, 20. part Hictorical making name post in Czech lands, 25. part 90 years Postal museum, Die-stamping from flat plates 1. part 1945 - 1953, Butterflies PB 1217-25; all as new
Starting price: CZK
186671 - 1970-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of 6 publications: Monograph
1970-2000 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 6 publications: Monograph No.2, No.4 (2x); Handbook for collector Czechosl. stamps (L. Novotný); Forgeries Czechosl. stamps and Rarities Czechosl. stamps (Karásek); overall in good condition to good condition
Starting price: CZK
186653 - 1998-2002 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of catalogues: Horka: Cze
1998-2002 [COLLECTIONS] selection of catalogues: Horka: Czechosl. air post 1918-19139; I. and II. part Czechoslovak p.stat and cat. Merkur Revue Czechoslovakia 1918-1939; overall very good condition
Starting price: CZK
186947 - 1997-2001 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of catalogues: Horka: Cze
1997-2001 [COLLECTIONS] selection of catalogues: Horka: Czechosl. air post 1918-19139; I. part Czechoslovak p.stat and cat. Merkur Revue Czechoslovakia 1918-1939; overall very good condition
Starting price: CZK
186862 - 1950 BAHAMAS - The Postage Stamps and Poslal History of the
1950 BAHAMAS - The Postage Stamps and Poslal History of the Bahamas - Harold G. D. Gisburn, SG London, 1950; důkladná Monograph about/by bahamských stmp from first Challon Heads, with veškerými informacemi about/by costs, origin, PLATE PROOF, postal transport, razítkách etc.., with very důležitou kapitolou about/by issue SPECIAL DELIVERY 1915 (evidently single spring well to this issue); in addition paperback "Post Offices" with soupisem post and with maps (R.J. Gale, Bahamas postal study circle)
Starting price: CZK
186869 - 1993-2003 DAVID FELDMAN and SPINK - comp. of 4 VIP publicati
1993-2003 DAVID FELDMAN and SPINK - comp. of 4 VIP publications: catalogue today already legendary auction "Mauritius", ex Kanai, 1993; catalogue "Lady Hope Collection" with světově významnou collection Mysu Good Naděje (from PLATE PROOF through/over Errors of Colours after/around franking); then memorial book issued. Spink, M.A. Sayeed "A Memorable TESTER Journey" představující světoznámou collection "Medina" and especially addition to auction "Mauritius" from A.J.B. Rudge (RPSL) - detail distinction stamp fields and all stage "impressions" issues POST PAID - DARDENNE, this is sama about/by sequence unique publication nezbytná for every zájemce about/by Mauritius!
Starting price: CZK
186867 - 1987 DIE FERRARY AUKTIONEN - J. Erhardt, 1987, reprint and s
1987 DIE FERRARY AUKTIONEN - J. Erhardt, 1987, reprint and souborné issue all 14 auction catalogues Paris I-XIV 1921-1925 about sale biggest collection all period (in addition special auction Zurich 1929 - Ferraryho collection Greece); complete texts, thousands zobrazených tickets and auction výsledky, předmluva Prof. Dr. C. Brühl; all world rarities first-time and naposled pohromadě!, ikonická and motivující book for every collector classic, superb condition
Starting price: CZK
186858 - 1934 H. R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION - Aukce 30.4 - 1.
1934 H. R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION - Aukce 30.4 - 1.5.1934, perfectly in good condition and very rare "FIRST SALE" auction catalogue with prvotřídními raritami Ex. Hind, i.a. block of 6 Penny Black plate 11, blk-of-36 VR, pair Canada "Victoria Black" and oths.
Starting price: CZK
186860 - 1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION - 11.-14.6. 1934,
1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION - 11.-14.6. 1934, Africa with Mauritius; perfectly in good condition and legendary FOURTH SALE with both Mauricii and Bordeaux letter!
Starting price: CZK
186859 - 1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION - 22 - 24.10. 1934
1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION - 22 - 24.10. 1934, France and colony/-ies, SIXTH SALE; perfectly good condition
Starting price: CZK
186857 - 1946 H.R. HARMER - Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT, auction catalo
1946 H.R. HARMER - Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT, auction catalogue II. part, sale legendary collection American president 1.-2.4.1946, předmluva Harry S. Truman; rare catalogue!
Starting price: CZK
186870 - 1997 Encyklopaedia of Rare and Famous Stamps - L.N.Williams,
1997 Encyklopaedia of Rare and Famous Stamps - L.N.Williams, DF Genève, 1993; "The Stories" and "The Biographies" - příběhy and životopisy hundreds slavných rarities from around the world, 570 sides exkluzivních information, kontextů and picture; the best work in its kind, on/for which/what with podílely tens personalities, expertů, firm and institutions, quite rozebrané and today nedostupné issue!
Starting price: CZK
186861 - 1945 „La Philatélie sans Experts?“ - Jean de Sperati (1
1945 „La Philatélie sans Experts?“ - Jean de Sperati (1884-1957), within self-publishing, Paris, 1945; essay full zadostiučinění from of pen geniálního falzifikátora, about/by genuineness stamps, expert's metodách and chybách expertů that period of; attached 6 "Planches" - zvětšené exhibits only several from much dokonalých prints classical stamp from work-room J.S.; today bibliofilie and nice spring well from old časů philately
Starting price: CZK
185493 - 1966 HUNGARY / A Magyar Bélyegek Monográfiája part II. -
1966 HUNGARY / A Magyar Bélyegek Monográfiája part II. - VI., basic work Hungarian philately, from the first issue Austrian stamps after issue 1961, incl. postmarks from y. 1867 - 1967; 5 vol., good condition
Starting price: CZK
186952 - 1981 Monographie Mischfrankaturen Österreich (Austria) Lomb
1981 Monographie Mischfrankaturen "Österreich (Austria) Lombardy - Venetien 1850-67", Dr. Anton Jerger, (brown); as new
Starting price: CZK
186868 - 1956-1964 ROBSON LOWE - 15 pcs of auction catalogues legenda
1956-1964 ROBSON LOWE - 15 pcs of auction catalogues legendary firm, interesting for comparison prices and bohatosti of material in the market (where all ty stamps today jsou?); very interesting especially India, Italy, China, Mauritius etc..
Starting price: CZK
187511 - 1912 GERMAN COLONIES - Das Überseeische Deutschland (German
1912 GERMAN COLONIES - Das Überseeische Deutschland (Germany) / Die Deutschen (German) Kolonien in Wort and Bild, unikatní výpravná publication about German colonies, detailed barvé map/-s (6 pcs of) all best known colonial territory, Cameroon, Togo, Deutsch-Südwest Africa, German East Africa, Tichomoří, Kiauchau, lot of other picture, text German, 780 sides, absolutely preserved nepoškozená binding
Starting price: CZK
186864 - 1964 GERMAN COLONIES - Die Poststamps der German Postanstalt
1964 GERMAN COLONIES - Die Poststamps der German Postanstalten im Auslande..., Dr. Ey, Munich (München), 1964; manual to stamps German colonies, with důležitým oceněním all postmarks (!) and specialities, for example. cancel. Sea post and from stacionovaných křižníků, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
186865 - 1967 GERMAN COLONIES - Die Postwertzeichen (stamps) and Entw
1967 GERMAN COLONIES - Die Postwertzeichen (stamps) and Entwertungen der German Postanstalten and im Ausland, A.Friedemann / H. Wittman, Munich (München) 1967; 3-piece Monograph and catalogue with jinde neoceněnými specialitami stamps, colors, print, overprints, PLATE PROOF, postmarks etc.., shows detail postally historical souvislosti, map/-s, information about/by padělcích etc.., skvělý spring well for all collector German colonies!
Starting price: CZK
188407 - 2012 SCOTT SPECIALIZED 2013  specialized catalogue USA 1845-
2012 SCOTT SPECIALIZED 2013 specialized catalogue USA 1845-2012; 1.168 sides, color picture; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
187573 - 2015 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2016, Commonwealth &
2015 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2016, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970; prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, aktualizované price/-s, format A4; as new, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
186863 - 1968 GREAT BRITAIN - The British Postage Stamps of 19th Cent
1968 GREAT BRITAIN - The British Postage Stamps of 19th Century", Robson Lowe, Nat. Post. Museum, London 1968; essay legendárního R. Lowe about/by Brit. classic on/for base pramenů and collections Postal museum in London, special výklad in all směrech to issue Penny Black - Jubilee Issue 1887; 270 sides skvělých information and nikde jinde nepublikovaných picture greatest rarities museum!
Starting price: CZK
186950 - 1900-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of ca. 15 pcs of older intere
1900-1970 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 15 pcs of older interesting specialized literature, i.a. postmark, forgeries, coats of arms right/genuine stamps etc..; for example. Guide der schweitzer Vorphilatelie 1695-1850; Timbrex: Signes d´Authenticité et Description des Réimpressions...; Sieger: Raketenpost Catalogue etc..
Starting price: CZK
1998 GREAT BRITAIN - TESTER PLATING OF THE PENNY BLACK POSTAGE STAMP OF GREAT BRITAIN 1840, Charles Nissen / B. McGowan, issued. Stanley Gibbons, evidently nejvýznamnější work themed Penny Black, with picture VŠECH ZNÁMEK ZE VŠECH DESEK, with description stamp fields; skvělý spring well, minimum printing; today practically unique publication nacházející with only in/at těch best known philatelic knihovnách!
Starting price: CZK
186866 - 2000 GREAT BRITAIN - Rainbow Trails, David Rose, GBPS London
2000 GREAT BRITAIN - Rainbow Trails, David Rose, GBPS London, 2000; unique work themed plate proofs 1840-1841, shrnující studia in/at Royal Collection, National Post. Museum, P.O. Archives and British Library, jakož also in/at archivech world firm; 180 sides information and in big major part still nikde nepublikovaných PLATE PROOF; exclusive spring well!
Starting price: CZK
187945 - 1983-2009 [COLLECTIONS]  GERMANY  comp. 10 pcs of specializo
1983-2009 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY comp. 10 pcs of specializovaných catalogues, i.a.: Michel Stempel Hanbuch I-II (1983), Michel Klaucke-Stempel (2000), Michel Markenheftchen Deutsches Reich (2009), Michel Feldpost (Field-Post) 1937-1945 (2002), Michel Postgebühren-Hanbuch Deutschland (Germany) (2001), Sieger - Zeppelin Post Catalogue (1995); overall very good condition
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 51 / Philately / Philatelic Literature - Information

Na filatelii je možno nahlížet mnoha způsoby, mimo jiné také jako na vědní obor, který je definován svým specifickým objektem zkoumání, metodami a technikou práce, terminologií, vymezenými pojmy apod. K prezentaci získaných poznatků i ve filatelii od počátků slouží odborná literatura, která sběratelům pomáhá určit směr jejich sběratelské činnosti a případně naznačuje „co má a nemá smysl".