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1888 Sc.13, Small dragon, 1 Candarin green, wmk Yin-Yang, perf 11½/12; with original gum, cat. $100 U:A5
Mi.20, 200-stamps sheet Pagoda 10000$ brown; very nice quality, issued without gum, rare offer U:A3v–
1927-1963 13 letters to Czechoslovakia, England, Switzerland and USSR, some Reg or airmail; 2 consular post, Sut Yat-Sen, Workers 1950; mostly CDS SHANGHAI; various quality U:A5
1930-1957 selection of 10 letters (1 Ppc), to Czechoslovakia but also to Switzerland, some Reg or airmail; Sut Yat-Sen etc., high face-values after year 1945, Workers 1955; CDS SHANGHAI, TIENTSIN and PEIPING; i.a. interesting envelope of ship company Canadian Pacific with letter written on board of "Empress of Canada" on line Hong-Kong - Shanghai; fine quality U:A5
1920-12000 [COLLECTIONS] larger box with thousands of stamps in envelopes, on cards and in stockbook, also dozens of FDC and maximum cards; stamps from classic and also modern period incl. better values, many MNH, high catalogue value U:K
1920-2000 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA and smaller part of TCHAI-WAN, stamps, sets, souvenir sheets, old also new, a lot of MNH material, all in medium size box; high catalogue value U:K
1960-1980 [COLLECTIONS] TCHAJ - WAN interesting selection of sets and stamps on stock-sheets A5, contains many interesting sets as Mi.470-473; mainly **, smaller part * or (*), cat. according to owner ca. 1.000€ U:O5
1882-1900 SG.34, 35, 38, 56, 58, 61 (*), selection of 6 stamp Victoria, issue 1882 4c, 5c, 10c and 1900 2c, 5c and 30c (*); cat. min. £175 U:A5
1937 set of 6 letters, 1. FLIGHT HONG KONG-KWEILIN (Canton) 17.DE 37 and 1. FLIGHT HONG KONG - SAN FRANCISCO 29.AP 37, franked with George V. issue 1921-1935 i.a. 2$ SG.130; then 4 letters to Czechoslovakia, Denmark and Sweden, with 10C and 20C stamps U:A5
1948-1962 9 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia with stamps George VI. and Elizabeth II., 3-5 color higher franking also over 3$, SG.193-195, etc. CDS HONG KONG and his part KOWLOON, nice set from good destination U:A4
1935-1968 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 airmail and Reg+airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, England, franking of issues Reza Shah Pahlavi and Mohamed Pahlavi, Buildings 1942, set of Royal Couple 1951, air-mail 1935 Sc.C72-73, POSTAL TAX STAMPS Sc.RA1; i.a. surtax in Czechoslovakia, frankotype, consular post etc. U:O5
1920 PC abroad 4Sen sent as Registered to Czechoslovakia, cat. JPSC No.14, additional franking 5+5Sen, CDS HAKODATE/ 10.3.20, sent from Russia consulate; from exhibit (ex Dražan), good condition U:A5
1925-40 set od 3 PC abroad, contains 1x 8/6Sen, cat. NJSC No.18, lowered postal-charge, light wrinkled left margin + double PC 6+6Sen, NJSC No.21, both unused and 1x 10Sen, NJSC No.22, addressed to Slovakia, with German censorship U:A5
1899-1907 comp. of 5 dispatch-notes with stamps Imperial emblem, Sc. 96, 98, 100, 103, 105, various postmarks and orange seal, i.a. multicolor frankings, incl. three-colour 2S(2x)+3S(2x)+10S; in addition one unfranked order; fine quality U:A5
1942-43 JAPANESE OCCUPATION comp. 3 pictorial post cards issued for Burma, Philippines and Malaya occupied by Japan during WWII.; unused U:A5
1970-1980 [COLLECTIONS] FDC comp. of ca. 360 FDCs from stated years, interesting motives; overall good quality U:K
1895-1990 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in box, contains valuable part of large estate, lots of PB, miniature sheets, thousands of stamps in multiples, topics as Fauna, Sport etx.; also various old issues - North Korea - 1950´s, or older kingdom / empire, i.a. Mi.23C (800€); situable for further elaboration! U:K
1950-1980 [COLLECTIONS] KOREA and DPRK, souvenir sheets, PB, sets, sheets; all in box, high catalogue value U:K
1869-1886 Portuguese MACAO, issue "Portuguese crown" 5 Reis - 300 Reis, and the same issue also from other Portuguese colonies - S.THOMÉ E PRINCIPE, ANGOLA, INDIA, GUINEA, TIMOR, MOZAMBIK, CABO VERDE; on parts of very old pages from album Senf, cat. over $1.100
1932 Mi.57, sheet of 75 Caravan 5 Tugri; perfect quality, cat. 3.600€ U:A3v–
1951-1958 Mi.76, 98, 99, 118a,b etc., selection of bloks of four and multiblocks of better and highest values, i.a. Lenin etc.; cat. 3.030€ as single stamps, extraordinary set! U:A4
1951 Mi.85, complete sheet of 50, highest value Suchbatar 2 Tugri; perfect quality, cat. 3.000€ only as singles! U:A3v–
1955 Mi.111, complete sheet of 100 Lenin, 2 Tugri; perfect, cat. 1.600€ U:A3v–
1932-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 20 album pages from set Mi.46-57, i.a. Mi.67 ** and from 1958 souvenir sheets, motives, complete sets, only several * stamps, mostly MNH; cat. ca. 800€ U:Z
1947-1954 6 Reg and airmail letters to Czechoslovakia,issues of George VI. and Elizabeth II., multicolor frankings, but also rare simple SG.63 1Sh, CDS ADEN CAMP, ADEN G.P.O., i.a. envelope with additional-printing of Aden branch office of famous company Baťa U:A5
1952 6 letters with overprint issue of new currency (100 cents=1shilling) on stamps George VI. "Ships", SG.36,39,40,43, CDS ADEN CAMP and ADEN GPO; to Denmark, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Australia and Italy U:A5
1953 airmail letter with SG.21, 22, overprint 10Cts/2A and 15 Cts/2½A, Opts made by Waterlow-London; CDS SEIYUN 15.JAN 53, to Aden, arrival 18.JAN 53; rare offer U:A5
1980 Mi.292-295, TRIAL PRINT for issue 1.400 years of Hegira, imperforated definitive issue, in gift cover Harrisons & Sons; very rare prints from interesting destination, exists only several pieces! U:A5
1918 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.1-14, IRAQ IN BRITISH OCCUPATION on Turkish postage stamps, 1/4A on/for 5Pa - 10Rs on 100Pia; complete set, fine, several ** but all counted as *, cat. £160 U:A5
1919 BRITISH OCCUPATION issue for MOSUL SG.3, 5-8, Opt POSTAGE I.E.F. on Turkish fiscal stamps; perfect, cat. £205 U:A5
1920 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.O19-O31 "On State Service" on overprint IRAQ IN BRITISH OCCUPATION; complete set 1/2A-10Rs; perfect quality, cat. £550; rare U:A5
1920 BRITISH OCCUPATION SG.O32, O33-O40, "On State Service" on overprint IRAQ IN BRITISH OCCUPATION; complete set 1/2A-2Rs and O32 1R/10Pia, this * others **; cat. £448 U:A5
1933-1965 10 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, Italy and USA; with stamps Faisal I, Faisal II, airmail, Republic Opt 1958, later special etc.; especially fine franking of Faisal 1931 10x 2 Fils, 10x 3Fils, 3x 5Fils CDS BAGHDAD HQ 4. MAY 33 "Via Imperial Airways Cairo-Athenai" with weight surtax LATE FEE 15 Fils U:A5
1948-1957 set of 11 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia with issues Coins 1948 and 1952, Sc.1-6 FDC, coupons, gutter, tête-bêche; then strip-of-3 Flag 1949, rare Menora with coupon 1952, with postmarks of small kibuc or villages GIVAT HAYIM, QIRYAT MOTZKIN etc. U:A5
1950-1954 6 air-mail and Reg letters with first airmail stamps, i.a. Sc.C6, 250p rarely with coupon, C5 100p, stamps issue 1953 with coupons; CDS NATHANYA, HAIFA, 3x small kibuc GIVAT HAYIM, provisional registry label on letter from very small kibuc TEL JOSEPH; interesting set U:A5
1949-1958 11 letters, issue Emir Abdullah, Buildings, King Husajn I., all AMMÁN; i.a. official 50mil with Opt POSTAGE, once interesting 10-stamps franking, Brit. censorship 1949 and others U:A5
1951 SG.91a, George VI. 5Sch KUWAIT 5 RUPEES, printing error Opt "EXTRA BAR AT TOP", perfect piece with certificate KGVI Expertising, cat. 1.100€ U:A5
1924-1931 letter franked with Sc.5, 8, issue French occupation GRAND LIBAN 1Pia/20C and 1,50Pia/30C, then 2 Ppc with overprint Republique Libanaise Sc.72, 74, CDS BEYROUTH and unusual cancel. from small community BAAKLINE, in addition 3 airmail letters from 1940s U:A5
1935-1950 8 commercial letters and 1 Ppc, franked. i.a. Airmail 1930, Provisional 1928, 3x with overprint fiscal provisional 1946, CDS BEYROUTH and from rare HAMMANA; nice set, good destination U:A5
1946-1954 10 Reg and airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, mixed frankings of postage stamps and air-mails, revenues, consular post etc., all from Beyrut; nice set! U:A5
1948 EGYPT OCCUPATION - Mi.1-19, 3 complete sets Farouk, Opt PALESTINE U:A5
1953 Mi.64K, Nilepost PA25d, two blocks of four with plate number, air-mail Farouk 2 Mills orange with Opt "King Egypt", ** and used GAZA June 23, 1953, both with DOUBLE OVERPRINT "PALESTINE", perfect quality U:A5
1933-1946 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 Reg and airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, franked with stamps of British Mandate from SG.90; i.a. unusual CDS MOUNT CARMEL and RAMAT GAN, Jerusalem offices 3,5,6,8,20 - GREEK COLONY JERUSALEM; high franking 125mill; letter to Czechoslovakian soldier "On active service" MEF (Middle East Forces), 2 letters via London to Brno from August and December 45 with postmark O.A.T. "Onward Air Transmission" 1x rare large format of this postmark etc., interesting selection U:O5
1937-1958 set of 10 commercial airmail letters, franking of postage and air-mail stamps 1934-1950, from issue "Tughra King Abdul", in addition with revenues SECOURS 1/8 Guerche and 1/4 Guerche; CDS MECQUE, DJEDDAH, atypical paper Reg label from DJEDDAH, decorative commercial added-print and others, chosen pieces! U:A5
1923 FRENCH MANDATE set of 13 values from Mi.185-193, all with INVERTED or DOUBLE Opt SYRIE - GRAND LIBAN on stamps "Merson" and "Sower", cat. Maury 650€ ++ , in addition Mi.199DD; very interesting selection, good destination! U:A5
1924 Maury 81d, 81e, Airmail No.8, issue "Merson" with Opt O.M.F. SYRIE, 60C Opt INVERTED and Opt DOUBLE, 1Fr AVION with normal Opt; perfect, cat. 430€ U:A5
1924 Mi.254-257, overprint 0,50P - 2,50P on stamps France Summer Olympic Games 10C-50C, Mi.169-172; cat. 220€ U:A5
1929 Mi.316-317 (K and DD), cat. Maury airmail No. 40, 40a, 41a, 41c, Airmail 25P with Opt "aircraft" and "aircraft + 15C", 2 OVERPRINTS DOUBLE and 2 OVERPRINTS INVERTED; rare specialties, cat. for * 620€ U:A5
1921-1938 set of 6 commercial letters, French occupation Sc.43 OMF SYRIE 3Pia/25C; French mandate Sc.137 pair "Merson" 2Pia/40C, "Landscape" 1925-1930; C85 airmail pair 10P; CDS DAMAS, ALEP (HALEB); very nice quality U:A5
1946-1947 set of 4 commercial airmail letters with mixed frankings Sc.RA9 - postally fiscal stamp 5P blue with double red Opt + Sc.311 revenue POSTES SYRIE etc.; all CDS ALEP, only stamps min. $120 U:A5
1949-1954 11 commercial airmail letters; mixed frankings of air-mail 1946, overprint air-mail 1948, Latakíja 1950 and various postage stamps and mostly also revenues 1946; CDS DAMAS, HOMS, ALEP U:A5
1923 SG.75a, PALESTINE 9Pia with red Arabian Opt "Piastre" from November 1922 and in addition with black Opt from April 1923, black Opt INVERTED cat. doesn't report !, rare stamp in nice quality and with certificate BPA (signed i.a. legendary Robson Lowe) U:A5