Public Auction 52 / Collections
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1945-1975 [COLLECTIONS] very nice general, almost complete collection on sheets Schaubek in spring folder, sought period from 1945-1960 complete (without air-mail Mi.521-522, 523-524); nice quality, cat. according to owner more than 3.000€ U:Z
1864-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting small collection of used stamps aimed at numeral postmarks, ca. 60 pcs, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 2.400€ U:Z
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting study collection of used stamps on 3 sheets from exhibit, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. + 2 entires, i.a. 1x franked with pair; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100DK U:Z
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, very nice collection aimed at numeral postmarks, many better and more interesting pieces, i.a. 2x blue and others., ca. 180 pcs, on 4 sheets in spiral stockbook with descriptions; cat. ca. 2.600€ U:Z
1851-1930 [COLLECTIONS] DENMARK + ICELAND, collection in small stockbook, i.a. Mi.11(*), 11, 66 used, MNH Mi.243 block-of-20, officials, postage-due etc., Iceland with some values of Aur and Gildi, Christian and officials, in addition 43 stamp booklets! U:Z
1930-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting! U:Z
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of 1.150 machine postmarks on cut-squares; placed in full 15 sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1860-2000 [COLLECTIONS] nice incomplete basic collection to 1970 on hingeless sheets supplemented with more interesting duplications, total 12 stockbooks in Ikea box, from classics, better inter-war and postwar issues etc.; larger quantity of material, high catalogue value, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED U:IK
1949-1974 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Abria, i.a. Mi.3, 4a-c,9, issue 1853, 1862, 5Fr 2x (excluded from sum, faults), Ceres Mi.33, also Bordeaux etc., Allegory except Mi.57I complete, Mi.211-214, 157V *, 1930´s, Mi.327 (10Fr), 425, Tlg. 50c and 2Fr, postage-due 2,6,17,24,34x; in addition stockbooks of duplication incl. classics and ** from Mi.1274; high catalogue value - estimated over 10.000€ U:Z
1876-2000 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection on sheets in screw folder, mainly incomplete sets, modern period more complete; cat. according to owner over 3.500€ U:Z
1960-1983 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / ICELAND, FEAR ISLANDS comp. of ca. 300 FDCs; high catalogue value U:K
1912- [COLLECTIONS] collection in 2 stockbooks and in folder i.a. Mi.1-3(2x), Mi.50B, 55,59, 65-71, 131(2x), 143-147, postage-due P13-20, then newer souvenir sheets and PB, in addition very interesting 3/4 sheets of Mi.P1-9, 11 and postage stamp 5 K 1920 (Mi-37) with plate number; high catalogue value U:Z
1851-1918 [COLLECTIONS] GERMAN STATES / COLONIES smaller basic incomplete collection of Old German States on sheets Stibůrek, i.a. Baden, Bavaria, Heligoland, Thurn - Taxis, Württemberg etc., mostly cheaper values + supplemented with basic incomplete collection of German colonies, i.a. several higher values of issue Emperor´s Yacht etc.; various quality U:Z
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of used stamps on sheets in folder Schaubek, complete from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized, only Mi.33 **), 42-60, Block No.1, 106-109 (exp.) (!), issue Bells etc.; supplemented with several entires, high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1949-76 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheet KA-BE in stockbooks, i.a. Mi.111-1212, 115, 117-120,123-138, 139-140 etc.; high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with stockbook with ca. 350 entires from 1956-76 U:Z
1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS] DEUTSCHES REICH, General Government, BERLIN, BDR, GDR (East Germany) basic incomplete collections in IKEA box, total 12 spring folders Schaubek, mainly used stamps, part also unused; from issue 1870, inflation issues,interwar sets hinged/used, zones, Berlin, postwar issues etc.; lot of material, almost 30kg of material, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED U:IK
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of larger blocks and parts of sheets, i.a. Mi.888-893, 902-903, 908 etc. U:Z
1852-2005 [COLLECTIONS] general incomplete collection of mainly used stamps on sheets in 3 spring folders Schaubek, from 1. issue, mainly without highest values + supplemented with stockbook A4 with colonies: Curacao, Antilles, India, Surinam etc. U:Z
1867-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection on ca. 140 sheets, incl. better values, issues 1867-1891 with specialisation to perforation and postmarks, Mi.45, 62 *, 63I, 90-91, from year 1941 mostly * also used, mainly complete; in addition postage-due stamps of Netherland Indies; cat. over 4.500€, hinged stamps considered according to the catalogue U:K
1918-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on ca. 80 old sheets with German descriptions, i.a. revolutionary, locals and overprint issues, specialties, Poln. Korps, * postage stamps, postage-due provisionals, SO, Gdańsk (Danzig) etc.; high catalogue value and lot of interesting material! U:Z
1918-1967 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets in stockbook, from 1918, used or hinged, i.a. used Mi.Bl.6 and 7, better with postwar period (hinged) for example. Mi.399-402, 403, 407, 428-433, 455B-462B etc. U:Z
1918-1970 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection of mainly used stamps on sheets Schaubek, supplemented with unused duplications, i.a. part of Kraków issue, also for example. Mi.515-517, 779-780 imperforated etc. U:Z
1853-cca1960 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 2 stockbooks and on 10 cards, especially classics from Mi.1, complete issue Pedro V. and Louis I., some more often, rare Mi.47xa, Provisorio 1892-93, but also set 1924, Red cross etc.; cat. of stamps only on cards over 9200€ (included to sum only as the cheapest types) U:K
1890-1917 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 12 interesting entires - issues 1890-1918 on exhibit sheets with descriptions, Reg, Ex, liberated from postage, Jubilee issue, Reg letter with delivery advice, issue 1916 and 1917/18, saving card etc.; various condition, high catalogue value U:Z
1850-1858 [COLLECTIONS] I and II issues/ part of collection on exhibit sheets with descriptions, I and II issues, various values and types, papers etc., for example Reg letter with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer; underlaid middles, both sides print etc., types - The 2nd issue, letters with 5 Kreuzer and 10Kr with plate flaw etc.; high catalogue value, various quality U:Z
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete collection + duplications (accumulation), total 19 stockbooks in Ikea box, from classics, inter-war and postwar issues, Lombardy-Veneto, Bosnia, Serbia etc., mainly used, part also */**; larger quantity of material, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED U:IK
1850-1938 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection in 3 spring folders, from first issues, anniv., inflation, 1920´s - 1930´s, Bosnia, Austrian. post abroad etc.; various quality U:Z
1890-1946 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary old collection - accumulation / mostly interwar and postwar period, all unused stamps, mainly in blocks of four or multiples, many complete sets and miniature sheets, mainly more often, i.a. Mi.419-423, 443-445, 553-563 (3x), Bl.2 (4x), 569-582 (6x), Bl.3-8 more often, 631-638 (11x), 686-690 (6x), Bl.15 ** + used, Bl.16, 706-709 (10x), 718-733 (4x), Bl.17 (5x), Bl.18 (5x), 712-715 (12x), Bl.23-25 (4x), 836-846 (10x), 8x complete Klb.867-873(!), Klb.874-878, Klb.879-883, 885-896x+y, Klb.998-999 (4x), Bl.31 (6x), Bl.32 (6x), also part of classic Royal period, also sets of New Rumania etc.; overall very nice quality, cat. ca. 10.000€, profitable starting price! U:Z
1946 Mi.1014-1020, Aircrafts II., 7 values in sheets - 5k, 10k, 15k red-brown always 5 sheets, 15k green 10 sheets, 20k grey 5 sheets, 30k brown 5 sheets, 30k violet 5 sheets, mainly complete sheets (total 3.340 stamps - missing only 15 stamps); cat. as single stamps 2.300€; favourite airmail issue U:Z
1947 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1162A, 30k - selection of 20 half-sheets, 1163A,1166A,1167A values 50k, 1R, 2R - all by 10 sheets, in addition 330 pcs of Mi.1162B, cat. only as single stamps 6.800€, interesting offer! U:Z
1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] large accumulation of Russian Empire and USSR - estate in 35 stockbooks in 2 Ikea boxes, a lot of material, from classic issues Coat of arms, i.a. complete set * House of Romanov, Charitable stamps, also mainly used inter-war and postwar issues, souvenir sheets etc., supplemented with Kitaj, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine etc.; various quality, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED U:IK
1901-1965 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection on sheets Schaubek in spring folder, many complete sets, some highest value missing, from better for example * Mi.125-138, 190-207, then * Mi.239-245, 279, 300-303, 304-316, 321-326, 327-344, 366-351, 355-361, 362-368, ** 517-529, 596-602, 603-614, 615-617, 618-623, also surtax stamps, overprints etc.; high catalogue value, according to owner more than 8.000€ U:Z
1852-1980 [COLLECTIONS] Spain and colonies, on ca. 60 old sheets and in 2 albums, classic issues with some "end" pieces, i.a. Mi.59 *, but also modern thematic sets and booklets; Cuba year 1890 with parts of sheets with gutters etc., high catalogue value! U:Z
1889-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 3 big stockbooks, from important estate; incl. better hinged/used highest values of Alfons XIII, Urgente, Don Quiote 1905; many complete sets more often, i.a. Barcelona I, Goya, Columbus I. + II., Sevilla I. + II., souvenir sheets Mi.Ib, MiBl.3U(!), good stamps from 1950´s etc. ; cat. over 14.000€; considered according to catalogue, a lot of stamps and sets at all excluded from total amount! U:Z
1936-2010 [COLLECTIONS] collection of 106 miniature sheets, for example Mi.Bl.2(2x) * and used, Bl.3(4x), 4(2x), 7 used 9, 10(2x), 13, 15, 16(6x), 17(5x) and oths.; cat. ca. 1.800€, fine quality U:Z
1840-2000 [COLLECTIONS] WESTERN EUROPE accumulation - estate of collector in 10 stockbooks in Ikea box, contains i.a. Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco, England, Switzerland, in addition selection of more interesting miniature sheets of Europe (USSR, Yugoslavia, GDR, Belgium etc. various quality - viewing recommended), also collection of Netherlands 1960-1995 etc.; PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED U:IK
1890-1939 [COLLECTIONS] PERFINS collection of ca. 300 stamps with perfins, mainly Austria-Hungary, also Britain, Germany, Switzerland, France, several CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 etc.; all on sheets in spring folder U:Z
2004-2006 EUROPA - issue of 3 year volumes, in 3 big stockbooks, sets, souvenir sheets, PB, booklets, EURO face-values etc.; alphabetically according to countries Albany - Vatican, cat. over 9.500€ U:Z
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE, WHOLE WORLD selection of more than 300 interesting entires, i.a. Zeppelin flights, Austria-Hungary ship post, German states (Bavaria, Saxony atd.), censorships, Slovakia 1939-1945, in addition CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, etc., also supplemented with compilation of stamps - British Colonies, Germany, USA, Israel etc.; all in IKEA box, various quality, suitable for next elaboration, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED U:IK
1950-1990 [COLLECTIONS] GDR, FRG, AUSTRIA, POLAND, AUSTRALIA, USA larger accumulation of letters and FDC mainly from Germany, NDR, airmails entires Interflug; part of estate, more than 7kg of material, situable for further elaboration, placed in larger box U:K
1882-1911 [COLLECTIONS] collection of LAGOS and NIGERIA, Victoria, Edward VII., stamps to values 10Sh and £1 (South Nigeria SG.32); fine quality, on 10 sheets, cat. .£2.300 U:Z
1913-1973 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets, from issue George V. 1913, 1922 to 5Sh, Jubilee 35, Silver Wedding 48, Local motives 65 to 10Sh, New currency 66 and other sets; cat. min. £330 U:Z
1947-75 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection on sheets in stockbook (without SG.308), incl. better sets as SG.309-324, 354-371, Official 1950 etc.; mainly used, cat. more than £200 U:Z
1883-1941 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets, from the first issue (more often, i.a. Sc.1(3x) and Sc.4 (4x)), various bilingual Opt "Atts. and Satang" on issue Chulalongkorn, also issue Prajadhipok etc., cat. min. 2.050$, rare offer U:Z
1948-90 [COLLECTIONS] NORTH VIETNAM interesting basic collection in 4 stockbooks A4, from end of 1950´s more complete, unused + used, many complete sets, also imperforated; cat. by estimation ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1920- [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of 5000-6000 stamps in box, mostly up to 1950, incl. North China, Manchuria etc; unworked part of estate, situable for further resale U:K
1875-1975 [COLLECTIONS] old collection in stockbook A4, i.a. Sc. 12(2x),14,19, 20 (5x Lion), set Nasr Shah Qajar 1876,1880, Nasr ed Din 1882, Officiel 1885-87, Nasr Shah + Lion type 1884-89, i.a. Sc.150 10Kr dark blue Mozaffar, Opt 1902 Provisoire also "Stars" (excluded from sum), Sc.206, 308, 315, 321, some Opt 1903, set Provisoire 1903-1906 (excluded from sum); set 1909, 1911, Officiel 1911 Relais (excluded from sum); Opt 1914-1922, complete set etc., air-mail 1927 to 5 K, SERVICE from 1902, 1911 set, 1915 reprint, Colis Postaux and Bushire (excluded from sum); valued according to Scott, cat. over 4.500 USD! U:Z
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] selection in 3 stockbooks, in folder and on sheets - French Indochina, Vietnam, Korea (some of first issue), Mongolia (ca. 160 miniature sheets and sheets) and China, some provinces, several miniature sheets, album Qindaopex etc. U:Z
1959-2000 [COLLECTIONS] THAILAND, KOREA, SINGAPORE, MACAO, HONGKONG - selection of thousands various miniature sheets in larger box, annual volumes and sets, many complete sheets; motives, special issues, high valid face-values i.a. Singapore (over 1.000S$) and H$; over 9kg of material, interesting offer! U:K
1854-1930 [COLLECTIONS] valuable selection of British Empire on old sheets, nice Straits Settlements * George V. 1912-1922 incl. 1$, 2$; also Kedah, India, Indian states (i.a. Bundi, Jaipur, Orcha, Charkari aj.), South Rhodesia "Admiral" * to 2Sh, Natal, Hawai, New Hebrides etc.; very high catalogue value, profitable starting price U:Z
1937 OMNIBUS / CORONOTION 1937 - FDC almost complete collection of FDC with stamps of Coronation issue 1937, Aden - Virgin Islands, many of them sent as Registered, total 55 pcs, missing only 4 pcs of (i.a. Hongkong, Newfounland, Morocco) interesting, placed in stockbook for entires U:Z
1853-1900 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD part of very old collection of Overseas classic on sheets Senf, i.a. Korea, Cape of Good Hope, Persia, North Borneo, Samoa, Neatherlans India, Hongkong, Haiti, Egypt etc.; high catalogue value, interesting offer! U:Z
1937-1995 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD valuable comp. over 400 miniature sheets in smaller box, mainly **; Italy, Portugal, Russia, Monaco, San Marino, Tanzania (only here cat. Scott 900$), Malta, Burundi, Korea, Singapore etc., several sets of EURO face value, many better issues, high catalogue value! U:K
1955-1985 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD thematic sets and souvenir sheets in stockbook A4, animals, cosmos, ships etc., better issues - Commonwealth, French Africa, Pacific, Belgian Congo, better Albanian set, some high face-values; high catalogue value! U:Z
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD accumulation in smaller ans also larger stockbooks in Ikea box, mainly used stamps, Europe also overseas, small part of classic stamps, i.a. more interesting Romania, also Italy, USA, France, Greece, then Africa, South America etc.; mainly cheap values U:IK
1880-1990 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD accumulation of various used and unused stamps, contains Egypt, Deutsches Reich (parts of sheets of inflation issues + issue 1944/1945), GDR (East Germany), Hungary, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia etc.; supplemented with ca. 100 entires, i.a. FDC Bermuda etc.; various quality, total in 7stockbooks + album sheets, all in middle size box U:K
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] WHOLE WORLD - ACCUMULATION in 2 full Ikea boxes, contains mainly cheaper modern material, part also motives (cosmos, sport, animals etc.), i.a. Canada, USA, USSR, Mongolia, Norway, more interesting Yugoslavia from 1919 etc.; over 50kg of material, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED U:IK
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] FORGERIES small album with forgeries, reprints, Essay´s but also with several genuine stamps, over 200 stamps, mostly ex. Rieger, interesting comparison material, i.a. Trinacria Napoli, reprint of Lady McLeod, Parma 5CSass.13, but also many genuine - Sicilia, Neudrucky Austria-Hungary newspaper 2 Kreuzer, St. Helena SPECIMEN, Greek and Netherlandish essay´s etc. U:Z
1965-2005 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / WHOLE WORLD smaller box with ca. 220 stamp booklets, i.a. USA, GB, CEPT, then Monaco, France, Italy, Nord Europe, but also Marschall islands etc., 3x rare Albanian Mi.MH1B and others.; high catalogue value! U:K
1955-1990 [COLLECTIONS] COSMOS/ SPACE large collection and accumulation of various entires with commemorative postmarks for space flights, mainly USSR as Vostok, Sojuz, Sojuz - Apollo, supplemented with entires for this flights from Poland, GDR, Hungary, Cuba, also USA and picture-postcards also photos of astronauts, part also with signatures mainly from joined flights of Sojuz, collection ca. 3.000ks entires, placed in 6 older stockbooks for entires and 5 smaller boxes, all in large box Ikea, more than 26kg of material, very interesting, estimate price ca. 50.000CZK, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED! U:IK