1914-1987 Ppc (Durazzo) addressed to Prague, with Mi.41 (2x) and 42 on picture side, blue CDS DURREES/ 4.6.1914 and airmail registered letter with Mi.F1942 and H1942 (2x), CDS TIRANE/ 13.5.87; sound condition
1945-1975 [COLLECTIONS] very nice general, almost complete collection on sheets Schaubek in spring folder, sought period from 1945-1960 complete (without air-mail Mi.521-522, 523-524); nice quality, cat. according to owner more than 3.000€
1849 TRIAL PRINT for Mi.2, Leopold I. 20C blue; block of four in brown-black color, print of definitive gravure, pos. 68-69 and 78-79; perfect margins, as block of four rare!
1858 TRIAL PRINT for Mi.6-9, Leopold I. 1C-40C; complete set of trial printings in black color on hand-made paper, print of definitive gravures; perfect quality
1928-1937 set of 6 Reg or airmail letters with better frankings, ORVAL 1928 to 2Fr, Balloons 1932 (FRNS) Reg letter to USA, Express letter and official exhibition litho-card EXPOSITION BRUSSELS 1935 with exhibition issues, Queen Astrid and tête-bêche and gutter postage 1936
1935-1950 comp. of 7 letters mostly with whole sets, Basilika Koekelberg, Queen Astrid, St. Martin III 1942, War victims 1945, Anti-Tuberculosis Work, E. Anselle 1948, card "Premier service postal par hélicoptére", all to Czechoslovakia or Bohemia-Moravia; attractive set!
1816-1869 comp. of 5 folded letters, 1x letter to Husumu ( (Sleswick) from 1816, on reverse seal, 1x pre-philatelic letter from Copenhagen to Randers, single circle pmk COPENHAGEN 3/8/41 on reverse and 3 folded letters from 1862-69, i.a. 1x used AARHUUS-ARNHEM, transit HAMBURG; 1x single-circle RANDERS 10/11; all good condition
1851 folded letter to Bordeaux from Copenhagen, black straight line postmark DANEMARCK PAR HAMBURG, blue round KJOBENHAVN 8/5.1851, transit and arrival postmark
1855-1862 selection of 12 letters with 4S, AFA7, various numeral circular cancel. "5", "24", "54" etc., i.a. 1x sent to Schleswig etc.; various quality
1856-1862 2 folded letters, i.a. 1x to France, round KJOBENHAVN + frame DÄNEMARK R.2, cancel. VALENCIENNES + 1x letter to Netherlands with black round spark cancel., through Hamburg
1858-1870 selection 12 folded letters, 11x with Coat of arms in oval 4S, Mi.13, AFA13, i.a. pair, various numeral cancel. + 1x letter with Coat of arms 4S 1858; interesting
1860-1866 comp. of 13 entires, all with single frankings, mainly stamps Coat of arms 4S, AFA 13 (9x), 1x stamp Coat of arms 2S, AFA 9, + 2x FRM 4S, various postmarks and quality
1864-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting small collection of used stamps aimed at numeral postmarks, ca. 60 pcs, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 2.400€
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting study collection of used stamps on 3 sheets from exhibit, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. + 2 entires, i.a. 1x franked with pair; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100DK
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, very nice collection aimed at numeral postmarks, many better and more interesting pieces, i.a. 2x blue and others., ca. 180 pcs, on 4 sheets in spiral stockbook with descriptions; cat. ca. 2.600€
1851-1930 [COLLECTIONS] DENMARK + ICELAND, collection in small stockbook, i.a. Mi.11(*), 11, 66 used, MNH Mi.243 block-of-20, officials, postage-due etc., Iceland with some values of Aur and Gildi, Christian and officials, in addition 43 stamp booklets!
1930-2010 [COLLECTIONS] CHRISTMAS STAMPS collection of Christmas stamps in 3 full stockbooks, contains complete sheets, printing sheets, part used + several entires and dublets (incomplete sheets, printing sheets, atd.); interesting!
1934 Mi.137-145, World Championship in football, complete set incl. air-mails, on Italian stamps Mi.479-483 with Opt ISOLEITALIANE DELL´EGEO"; value 50C violet **, cat. ca. 700€
1866 Mi.8C, pair and 4 stamps of Coat of arms 20Pen, light blue to dark blue, 1 stamp from the pair short teeth, 5 pcs perfect, significant colors, blue CDS HELSINGFORS and oths.; cat. min. 540€ as cheapest types
1853 Mi.17, Maury 18, Napoleon III. 1Fr carmine; small thin in the place of hinge, otherwise fine piece with original gum and full to wide margins, certificate B. Behr, exp. Bernichon and Calves, cat. Maury 12.000€; classic rarity, scarce!
1931-52 post. blank form with mounted Postage due stamp 1Fr (!), format 14,5x22cm, CDS ST. ...L´ADOUR/ LANDES/ 19.12.31; high nominal value on postal blank form, rare + document for taking of the delivery of new French stamps, with mounted airmail stamp 500F, Mi.864, CDS BORDEAUX/ GIRONDE/ 28.II.1951; unusual usage of airmail stamp, sound condition
1881-1937 selection of 26 common p.stat, contains 20 post cards (some more often), 5 envelopes and 1 newspaper strip, from that 11 with additional frankings, 3 unused, usual quality
1860-2000 [COLLECTIONS] nice incomplete basic collection to 1970 on hingeless sheets supplemented with more interesting duplications, total 12 stockbooks in Ikea box, from classics, better inter-war and postwar issues etc.; larger quantity of material, high catalogue value, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED
1949-1974 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Abria, i.a. Mi.3, 4a-c,9, issue 1853, 1862, 5Fr 2x (excluded from sum, faults), Ceres Mi.33, also Bordeaux etc., Allegory except Mi.57I complete, Mi.211-214, 157V *, 1930´s, Mi.327 (10Fr), 425, Tlg. 50c and 2Fr, postage-due 2,6,17,24,34x; in addition stockbooks of duplication incl. classics and ** from Mi.1274; high catalogue value - estimated over 10.000€
1945 Unifil N.BF9, miniature sheet "Sturmdivision", official issue of Croatian exile government for charitable purposes - committee "For Vitime di Guerra"; printing only 400 pcs; perfect, certificate Raybaudi
1876-2000 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection on sheets in screw folder, mainly incomplete sets, modern period more complete; cat. according to owner over 3.500€
1852 8 cut-squares with multiple and color frankings, i.a. with rare pre-philatelic cancel. CODICORO, green CENTO, BAGNACAVALLO, dumb ROMAGNA; cat. 1.100€++
1852 Sass.9e, Coat of arms 10C dark color shade, printing error "CENE" instead "CENT"; very nice piece with original gum and very nice margins, 2x exp. Diena, cat. 2.750€
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO Sass.13,14, Coat of arms 15C brown and grey (with sheet margin), original gum, rare brown exp. Macoveanu, cheap grey with light fold, cat. min. 4.350€