1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting study collection of used stamps on 3 sheets from exhibit, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. + 2 entires, i.a. 1x franked with pair; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100DK
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, very nice collection aimed at numeral postmarks, many better and more interesting pieces, i.a. 2x blue and others., ca. 180 pcs, on 4 sheets in spiral stockbook with descriptions; cat. ca. 2.600€
1853 Mi.17, Maury 18, Napoleon III. 1Fr carmine; small thin in the place of hinge, otherwise fine piece with original gum and full to wide margins, certificate B. Behr, exp. Bernichon and Calves, cat. Maury 12.000€; classic rarity, scarce!
1949-1974 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Abria, i.a. Mi.3, 4a-c,9, issue 1853, 1862, 5Fr 2x (excluded from sum, faults), Ceres Mi.33, also Bordeaux etc., Allegory except Mi.57I complete, Mi.211-214, 157V *, 1930´s, Mi.327 (10Fr), 425, Tlg. 50c and 2Fr, postage-due 2,6,17,24,34x; in addition stockbooks of duplication incl. classics and ** from Mi.1274; high catalogue value - estimated over 10.000€
1852 8 cut-squares with multiple and color frankings, i.a. with rare pre-philatelic cancel. CODICORO, green CENTO, BAGNACAVALLO, dumb ROMAGNA; cat. 1.100€++
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO Sass.15e,15d, Stati Parmensi 2 pcs of 20C, interrupted "T" in STATI and big "0" (grasso 0); perfect with larger part of gum, resp. with full original gum, exp. Diena, cat. 6.000€, rare and very favourite printing errors!
1852Sass.1, Heraldic Lion 1 Quattrino black on grey paper, perfect piece with part original gum, according to certificate Dr. Colla "senza gomma", cat. (*) 6.250€, * 25.000€
1860 Sass.17-21, 12 pcs of stamps Coat of arms, issue Governo Provisorio; various shades, i.a. 1C "violetto scuro", 5C "verde oliva", 20C "azzurro grigio" and "azzurro chiaro" (undervalued stamp); very nice quality, without thin places and folds, cat. 7.990€
1851 Sass.5, 7, 7e; LOCAL LETTER from Rocca S. Casciano with 2Cr azzuro chiaro and two others franked with 6Cr ardesia and 6Cr indaco; all grey paper, grid pmk (Firenze) and P.D., wide margins, chosen quality, cat. min. 4.500€
1902 SG.36+36b, left bottom corner block-of-6 with plate number, overprint Victoria 1885 2½P/1P, second stamp in upper line with printing error "ONE PNNEY" instead "ONE PENNY"; nice and decorative multiple, mint never hinged
1949-76 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheet KA-BE in stockbooks, i.a. Mi.111-1212, 115, 117-120,123-138, 139-140 etc.; high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with stockbook with ca. 350 entires from 1956-76
1940-1942 SPOTTKARTEN - 3 FP cards with caricatures of Chamberlain, Churchill and Stalin, all postaly used, Chamberlain with CDS MAASTRICHT 21.7.40 + FP 19702; Churchill with FP-postmark 13911 E / 24.2.41, both to Bohemia; Stalin with CDS ANGERBURG (OSTPR) 21.5.42 + FR HEERESSTANDORTVERW. ANGERBURG, to Prague; rare, perfect quality
1942 AFRIKAKORPS - airmail envelope from soldier of Afrikakorps, violet cancel. FIELD-POST NUMMER 43573 and CDS FIELD-POST 02.9.42, to Germany, notice about delivery "Empfg.12.9.42"; very nice quality, in addition with rare additional-printing "Palm with swastika"!
1944 C.C. DACHAU preprinted folded letter with 12Pfg with CDS DACHAU 3/ 15.12.44, to Plánice near Klatovy, censorship mark POSTZENSURSTELLE K.L. DACHAU 4 (less usual late postmark with new type of letters), below the text notice by sender: "Expressendungen....ab sofort eizustellen"; luxury quality
1944 C.C. DACHAU, preprinted folded letter with 12Pfg with CDS DACHAU 3 22.6.44, to Prague, censorship mark POSTZENSURSTELLE K.L. DACHAU; luxury quality
1942-1943 C.C. DACHAU, comp. of 2 entires; pre-printed envelope - grey with 12Pfg with CDS 15.4.42 and preprinted folded letter with 12Pfg with CDS DACHAU 3 12.2.43, both to Jihlava, censorship marks POSTZENSURSTELLE postcard DACHAU; envelope with damaged corner, otherwise fine quality
1943 C.C. GROSSROSEN 2x pre-printed letter-card sent by Czech prisoner to Kutná Hora in Protectorate, with 2x 6Pf A. Hitler and 1x 12Pf, CDS GROSSROSEN/ 5.3. and 17.3. 43, censorship marks with swastika on address-side + frame censorship mark inside; 1x small tearing, otherwise good condition
1943 C.C. GROSSROSEN pre-printed letter-card sent by Czech prisoner to Kutná Hora in Protectorate, with 2x 6Pf A. Hitler, CDS GROSSROSEN/ 17.3.43, censorship mark with swastika on address-side + frame censorship mark inside and postmark with notice "to use only German language"; good condition
1942 C.C. RAVENSBRÜCK, women's camp, pre-printed envelope with 12Pfg, CDS FÜRSTENBERG 23.12.42, to Valašské Meziříčí (Bohemia), censorship mark POSTZENSURSTELLE F. K.L. RAVENSBRÜCK; in front arrival MILOTICE N. B. 28.12.42; very fine quality, interesting entire!
1944 C.C. RAVENSBRÜCK, women's camp, letter-card with 12Pfg, CDS FÜRSTENBERG 7.8.44, to Prague, censorship mark POSTZENSURSTELLE F. K.L. RAVENSBRÜCK; fine quality
1870-2000[COLLECTIONS] DEUTSCHES REICH, General Government, BERLIN, BDR, GDR (East Germany) basic incomplete collections in IKEA box, total 12 spring folders Schaubek, mainly used stamps, part also unused; from issue 1870, inflation issues,interwar sets hinged/used, zones, Berlin, postwar issues etc.; lot of material, almost 30kg of material, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED
1852-2005 [COLLECTIONS] general incomplete collection of mainly used stamps on sheets in 3 spring folders Schaubek, from 1. issue, mainly without highest values + supplemented with stockbook A4 with colonies: Curacao, Antilles, India, Surinam etc.
1918-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on ca. 80 old sheets with German descriptions, i.a. revolutionary, locals and overprint issues, specialties, Poln. Korps, * postage stamps, postage-due provisionals, SO, Gdańsk (Danzig) etc.; high catalogue value and lot of interesting material!
1918-1967 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets in stockbook, from 1918, used or hinged, i.a. used Mi.Bl.6 and 7, better with postwar period (hinged) for example. Mi.399-402, 403, 407, 428-433, 455B-462B etc.
1853-cca1960 [COLLECTIONS] small collection in 2 stockbooks and on 10 cards, especially classics from Mi.1, complete issue Pedro V. and Louis I., some more often, rare Mi.47xa, Provisorio 1892-93, but also set 1924, Red cross etc.; cat. of stamps only on cards over 9200€ (included to sum only as the cheapest types)
1771 CZECH LANDS/ letter from castle Zbiroh, by hand "From Zbirow" posted at the post office in Cerhovice; red cancel. V.CZERHOVITZ, to Kolín, marked porto 12Kr half paid by sender, perfect quality; Vot.313/1 - for scarcity price not stated, Müller 800 points; extraordinary letter!
1833 Reg letter from Doksy to Olomouc, with frame HIRSCHBERG, transit V. HÜNERWASSER (Hühnerwasser - Kuřívody), rate 12 (Kreuzer) porto and 4 (Kreuzer) as Reg rate, by pen "nota bene"; interesting letter with combinations of rare postmarks!
1835 CZECH LANDS/ Reg letter from Tovačov near Olomouc, to Antonin Mark, owner of land in Komořay in Moravia (Gundrum), in Komořany at the back side written, that there weren´t there, but that he is supposed to be by his brother in Lýsky, today part of Přerov (Lejsek, Legsek) near Lipník nad Bečvou, then written by hand "auch in Legsek nicht" and returned back to Olomouc also as Registered; decorative postmark OLMUTZ RECOMMANDIRT and BRÜNN RECOMMANDIRT, transit WISCHAU, notice nota bene, per Wischau, gegen Aufgabsrezepisse and oths.; marked 2x porto 8Kr; rare and extraordinary letter with unique combinations of postmarks!
1841 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with beautiful red (!) frame cancel. POHRLITZ / FRANCO (Vot.2957=300), on reverse single line cancel. "23. NOVBER.1841", removed seal, rare letter
1850 Mi.2X, Ferchenbauer 2HIIIa, 2 Kreuzer black, hand-made paper, type IIIa; unused, new gum, only lower close margin, otherwise fine, exp. by Ferchenbauer., cat. 450€
1850 Mi.3X, Ferchenbauer, 3HIa, 3 Kreuzer vermilion red, hand-made paper, type Ia, significant machine offset; mint never hinged, small part original gum, left close margin, test full margins, certificate Kopřiva
1850 Ferch.5MIIIb, Mi.5Ya, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer (dark) blue, machine made paper, type IIIb; unused with original gum, irregular full to wide margins, light original fold, certificate Kopřiva; nice piece, cat. Ferchenbauer 2.000€
1850ST. ANDREWS CROSS, complete set of yellow - blue (1Kr-9Kr) crosses; except black cross (2 Kr) on hand-made carton (!) paper - the rest on machine paper; brown (6 Kreuzer) with full ** gum, all with certificates G. Babor; extraordinary offer!
1858 Mi.10-15, Ferchenbauer 10I, 11II, 13Ia, 14II, 15Ia, complete set of all values of The 2nd issue.; unused stamps, 2 Kreuzer and 5 Kreuzer with part original gum, other new gum, all with certificate Kopřiva (except 10Kr)
1858 Mi.11II-15II, incomplete set of unused issue 1858, missing 2 Kreuzer, in addition 3 Kreuzer black 2x; all type II.; part new gum, values 5 Kreuzer and 10Kr exp. by Ferchenbauer, Diena, cat. ca. 3.700€
1858 Reg letter to Switzerland with 10+10+15Kr II. types, red CDS WIEN RECOMMANDIRT, 10Kr on reverse during the opening torn; after all attractive entire addressed to very small village BONISWYL in Aargau; cat. min. 700€!
1918Mi.186Pfä, 188Pfä, 223Pfä, BRITISH WAR FORGERIES, 5h Crown **, 10h Crown **, 25h Charles *; perfect, 5h and 25h exp. Seitz, 10h with typical ribbed gum; cat. Michel 920€, for ** 1.400€", rare offer!
1890-1917 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 12 interesting entires - issues 1890-1918 on exhibit sheets with descriptions, Reg, Ex, liberated from postage, Jubilee issue, Reg letter with delivery advice, issue 1916 and 1917/18, saving card etc.; various condition, high catalogue value
1851Ferchenbauer. 6IIb, Blue Mercury, 0,6Kr blue; type IIb, very fine piece with full to wide margins, certificate Goller, very rare unused example; unrepeatable offer!
1851Mi.8a, Ferch.8, Rose Mercure 30Kr, CDS ZEITUNGSEXPED. WIEN 18/12; very nice piece with usual margins, close all around (spaces 0,75mm), otherwise perfect; certificate Matl "links and rechts eng geschnitten, sonst vollrandig und einwandfrei", exp. Jules Bernichon (1840-1911), Ferchenbauer. 17.500€, Michel 18.000€; one from important rarities of European classic missing in most collections!
1858 Newspaper revenue stamp Ferch.4a, block of four Coat of arms 4Kr brown, perfect, upper pair **, right lower SIGNIFICANT SHIFT; rare speciality, catalogue doesn't report; only as **/* block of four ca. 4.150€
1933 ANK.N3Klb., 8x miniature sheet Mercure, issued to occasion of exhibition WIPA 1933, various colors, 2x dark green; various condition, viewing of quality recommended, cat. ANK 208€
1854-1861 2 newspaper wrappers to Trenčín, with blue Mercure IIIb 0,6Kr blue and Franz Joseph 1861 1,05 Kreuzer grey; without arrival postmarks on stamps, perfect quality, cat. 975€
1928 reg + airmail postcard to Chicago; 10Gr Beethoven uprated with 10gr+30gr Hainisch and 15gr+30gr I. air-mail issue, CDS WIEN FLUGPOST 8.XI.28, through Berlin with arrival CHICAGO NOV 23 1928; rarer p.stat!
1853VERONA FORGERY - Sass.F2a, 30C bruno sepia, perfect piece with original gum, more often signed, certificate Raybaudi; Sass. 40.000€; legendary stamp, scarce!