1945-1975 [COLLECTIONS] very nice general, almost complete collection on sheets Schaubek in spring folder, sought period from 1945-1960 complete (without air-mail Mi.521-522, 523-524); nice quality, cat. according to owner more than 3.000€
1849 TRIAL PRINT for Mi.2, Leopold I. 20C blue; block of four in brown-black color, print of definitive gravure, pos. 68-69 and 78-79; perfect margins, as block of four rare!
1858 TRIAL PRINT for Mi.6-9, Leopold I. 1C-40C; complete set of trial printings in black color on hand-made paper, print of definitive gravures; perfect quality
1864-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting small collection of used stamps aimed at numeral postmarks, ca. 60 pcs, on 3 sheets from exhibit; cat. ca. 2.400€
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.11, Coat of arms 2S, (AFA 11), interesting study collection of used stamps on 3 sheets from exhibit, aimed at colors, shades, types, plate flaws and others. + 2 entires, i.a. 1x franked with pair; cat. according to owner ca. 2.100DK
1865-1870 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.13, Coat of arms 4S, very nice collection aimed at numeral postmarks, many better and more interesting pieces, i.a. 2x blue and others., ca. 180 pcs, on 4 sheets in spiral stockbook with descriptions; cat. ca. 2.600€
1851-1930 [COLLECTIONS] DENMARK + ICELAND, collection in small stockbook, i.a. Mi.11(*), 11, 66 used, MNH Mi.243 block-of-20, officials, postage-due etc., Iceland with some values of Aur and Gildi, Christian and officials, in addition 43 stamp booklets!
1934 Mi.137-145, World Championship in football, complete set incl. air-mails, on Italian stamps Mi.479-483 with Opt ISOLEITALIANE DELL´EGEO"; value 50C violet **, cat. ca. 700€
1866 Mi.8C, pair and 4 stamps of Coat of arms 20Pen, light blue to dark blue, 1 stamp from the pair short teeth, 5 pcs perfect, significant colors, blue CDS HELSINGFORS and oths.; cat. min. 540€ as cheapest types
1853 Mi.17, Maury 18, Napoleon III. 1Fr carmine; small thin in the place of hinge, otherwise fine piece with original gum and full to wide margins, certificate B. Behr, exp. Bernichon and Calves, cat. Maury 12.000€; classic rarity, scarce!
1949-1974 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album Abria, i.a. Mi.3, 4a-c,9, issue 1853, 1862, 5Fr 2x (excluded from sum, faults), Ceres Mi.33, also Bordeaux etc., Allegory except Mi.57I complete, Mi.211-214, 157V *, 1930´s, Mi.327 (10Fr), 425, Tlg. 50c and 2Fr, postage-due 2,6,17,24,34x; in addition stockbooks of duplication incl. classics and ** from Mi.1274; high catalogue value - estimated over 10.000€
1852 8 cut-squares with multiple and color frankings, i.a. with rare pre-philatelic cancel. CODICORO, green CENTO, BAGNACAVALLO, dumb ROMAGNA; cat. 1.100€++
1852 Sass.9e, Coat of arms 10C dark color shade, printing error "CENE" instead "CENT"; very nice piece with original gum and very nice margins, 2x exp. Diena, cat. 2.750€
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO Sass.13,14, Coat of arms 15C brown and grey (with sheet margin), original gum, rare brown exp. Macoveanu, cheap grey with light fold, cat. min. 4.350€
1852 Sass.4c, Coat of arms, 25C violet, with rare printing flaw (errore di valore) - missing numeral in value (description in Sass.2016 page 206), at the post office was the omitted place crossed by pen stroke, grid pmk; on reverse in the middle faded color of paper, otherwise perfect piece, exp. Senf, cat. 10.000€, important tarity, unrepeatable offer!
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO Sass.15e,15d, Stati Parmensi 2 pcs of 20C, interrupted "T" in STATI and big "0" (grasso 0); perfect with larger part of gum, resp. with full original gum, exp. Diena, cat. 6.000€, rare and very favourite printing errors!
1859 Sass.7, P12, Numerals, 6Bai yellow-green, definitive stamp and TRIAL PRINT for 6Bai in dark green color, TRIAL PRINT from the beginning of 1859 with additional color in paper, issued 6 values of these "PROVE" for definitive issues issued onn 1.9.1859; perfect, cat. 1.850€, rare
1851 Sass.7, 7b, 8a, 8d; Lion 6Cr blue (ardesia) on grey paper, wide margins; 6Cr indigo on blue paper, on cut-square with decorative cancel. FIRENZE, luxury; 9Cr dark violet-brown on blue paper with wide margins and ditto as pair on grey paper (very rare) with close margins, decorative cancel. FIRENZE; extraordinary set, cat. 12.200€
1852Sass.1, Heraldic Lion 1 Quattrino black on grey paper, perfect piece with part original gum, according to certificate Dr. Colla "senza gomma", cat. (*) 6.250€, * 25.000€
1860 Sass.17-21, 12 pcs of stamps Coat of arms, issue Governo Provisorio; various shades, i.a. 1C "violetto scuro", 5C "verde oliva", 20C "azzurro grigio" and "azzurro chiaro" (undervalued stamp); very nice quality, without thin places and folds, cat. 7.990€
1851 Sass.5, 7, 7e; LOCAL LETTER from Rocca S. Casciano with 2Cr azzuro chiaro and two others franked with 6Cr ardesia and 6Cr indaco; all grey paper, grid pmk (Firenze) and P.D., wide margins, chosen quality, cat. min. 4.500€
1933 letter with Sass.A51B, strip-of-3 CROZIERA NORD ATLANTICA 5,25L with Opt of pilots name I-BIAN (Vincenzo Biani) with CDS ROMA 6 VIATOR DE SPECCHI 4.7.33, to Prague, very nice and rare letter, cat. 5.000€ (single strip-of-3 - 2.500€)
1921-1930 Reg letter to Vienna with Mi.78, 79(2x),81, 84 - first edition Coat of arms in Rbl currency, CDS LIEPAJA, sought German destination LIBAU and also very interesting Reg airmail letter to Brno with airmail Mi.129-131 + Coat of arms Mi.122, 149, 150, CDS RIGA-LIDPASTS trazit BERLIN C L2; very nice quality
1926-1935 comp. of 4 Reg letters, from that 3 with airmail issue 1931 - 15St coupon, CDS ALUKSNE, additional printing CDS RIGA, rare mixed franking with 10x Mi.149, CDS RIGA to Sychrov; in addition airmail letter to Uruguay with Mi.100, 101, 102 in pairs, cachet BERULUFT RIGA
1866 Mi.20, 21, both Innendienst-Marken 10gr+30gr on cut-square with CDS HOCHHOLZ (very small location); perfect quality, exp. Calves and others, very rare franking!
1940-1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ set of 8 mostly Reg letters to Germany and to Bohemia-Moravia, with frankings "Overprint" - Viennese issue", mixed franking with solid stamps, i.a. Mi.26, 27, 28, 37 (cat. 100€); simple franking Mi.32 and others.; very interesting set!