Public Auction 52 / Autographs

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188615 - cca 1750 FRANCIS I. (1708-1765), emperor Holy Roman Empire,
cca 1750 FRANCIS I. (1708-1765), emperor Holy Roman Empire, from year 1736 manžel later Empress and Czech queen Maria Theresa (1740-1780); folded letter with handwritten written pokynem evidently určeným state pokladně (ve věci tobacco) s podpisem "Francois", undated; rare
Starting price: CZK
188624 - 1897 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech an
1897 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, in Latin written letter with gratulací k narozeninám archduchess Blanky sent 12.2. 1897 z Vídně, autograph emperor with 2-lines přípisem + emperor handwritten nadepsaná envelope Reg letter with seal sent from Innsbruck to Prague; sent to prince Windischgratze, interesting also as document/attribut freedom from postage for emperor and his family!, very interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
1862 FRANTIŠEK CHARLES JOSEPH HABSBURSKO-LOTRINSKÝ (1802 – 1878), Austrian archduke, brother emperor of Ferdinand V., father emperor Franz Joseph I. and dědeček of Ferdinand d´Este, letter - thanks for conferment order s vlastnoručním signature archduke sent 26.2.1862 z Vídně; very rare and hard dostupný autograph!
Starting price: CZK
188622 - 1695 JOSEPH I. (1678–1711), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bo
1695 JOSEPH I. (1678–1711), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria 1705-1711, handwritten draft of a letter (!) with full pozlaceným signature "Josephus" from 19.1. 1695; very rare imperial manuscript, addressed to probably some from císařových milenek, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
188625 - 1918 Charles I. (1887-1922), last emperor Austria-Hungary, K
1918 Charles I. (1887-1922), last emperor Austria-Hungary, King of Bohemia (nekorunován) and Hungarian (as Charles IV.) etc..; signature Carl on/for official přípisu minister of finance to conferment penze jistému P. Kljaičiči, 21.3. 1918; after/around vzoru his/her/its prastrýce právě takovými parafami and příkazy on/for cards řídil also Charles chod monarchy, all autographs z doby his short governance are very rare, multiply v porovnání s obdobnými parafami Franz Joseph, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
188619 - 1737 CHARLES VI. (1685–1740), Holy Roman Emperor, King of
1737 CHARLES VI. (1685–1740), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, father Empress Maria Theresa, autograph on German psaném posélacím sheet - misivu addressed on/for velkovévodkyni Annu Mary Františku Toskánskou, rozenou vévodkyni Sasko-Lauenburskou (1672-1741), it is kondolenci to death jejího chotě, last mužského member famous florentského of family Medici, velkovévody Giovanniho Gastona Medicejského (1671-1737); superb condition incl. small seal, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
188573 - 1905 KOLOWRAT LIBŠTEJNSKÝ John (Hanuš) (1879-1955), Czech
1905 KOLOWRAT LIBŠTEJNSKÝ John (Hanuš) (1879-1955), Czech nobleman, signatář petice Czech nobiliary rodů in 1939, diplomat, in 1912 with zasloužil about/by Czech participation on/for olympic hrách in Stockholm + STRIMPL Lewis (1880-1937), important Czech painter, graphic artist, illustrator, legionnaire, disciple Prof. Hynaise, joined signature on postcard addressed to on/for of M. R. Stefanik to Pařiže!
Starting price: CZK
188617 - 1662 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of B
1662 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on misivu - sheet posélacím, dated 3.11.1662 in Vienna, congratulatory letter, recipient duke Julius Henry Sasko-Lauenburský (1586-1665), very good condition incl. small seal; without usual tearing, rare
Starting price: CZK
188552 - 1925 BAXA  Charles LLD. (1862-1938), member of parliament co
1925 BAXA Charles LLD. (1862-1938), member of parliament country congress and member empire council/court, from year 1919 mayor and then 1. Prague mayor, 1. chairman Czechosl. Ústavního court (1921-38), chairman managing council/court Czech bank etc., handwritten text on Ppc with signature; good condition
Starting price: CZK
188530 - 1933-1941 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. presi
1933-1941 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president, foreign minister, signature on strojopisném letter with heading Minister foreign Affairs, folded + BENEŠOVÁ Hana (1885-1974), wife of president Edvard Beneš, dvoustránkový handwriting letter written from exilu in London; interesting
Starting price: CZK
188551 - 1941 BENEŠOVÁ Hana (1885–1974), wife of president Edvard
1941 BENEŠOVÁ Hana (1885–1974), wife of president Edvard Beneš, handwritten 6-řádkový text on/for congratulatory card to Vánocům 1941 with whole signature + private photo with signature; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
188534 - 1945 DRTINA Prokop (1908-1980), Czechosl. lawyer and importa
1945 DRTINA Prokop (1908-1980), Czechosl. lawyer and important politician ČSNS, minister spravedlnosti in time so-called. the third republic 1945-1948, after/around Únoru convicted in vykonstruovaném operation; autograph on strojopisném letter with heading Kancelář president republic; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
188525 - 1951 DUBČEK Alexander (1921–1992), Czechoslovak and Slova
1951 DUBČEK Alexander (1921–1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak politician, main representative of the Prague Spring 1968, signature on card in passe-partout with B/W photos
Starting price: CZK
188581 - 1935? GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), one's
1935? GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), one's own name George Guth, Czech propagator sport, signature on B/W portrait photo postcard, atelier Langhans; interesting
Starting price: CZK
188548 - 1930-36 HABRMAN Gustav (1864-1932), Czechoslovak politician,
1930-36 HABRMAN Gustav (1864-1932), Czechoslovak politician, member of parliament, senator and minister education and social care, signature on proužku paper, with připojenou B/W portrait photos, on/for exhibit sheet + PEKÁREK John (1883-1942), publ., editor and member of parliament NS, popraven nacisty also with family on/for Kobyliské střelnici in Prague, signature on New Year's congratulation; interesting sound condition
Starting price: CZK
189933 - 1930? HLINKA Andrej (1864-1938), Slovak catholic priest and
1930? HLINKA Andrej (1864-1938), Slovak catholic priest and politician, leader "Slovak peoples party"; photo with autograph, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
188535 - 1985 HUSÁK  Gustav (1913–1991), communist politician, pre
1985 HUSÁK Gustav (1913–1991), communist politician, president, representative of so-called normalization., signature on color photograph
Starting price: CZK
188532 - 1934-1948 MASARYK John (1886–1948), Czechoslovak politicia
1934-1948 MASARYK John (1886–1948), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, card with whole signature and datací 27.X.34 + portrait J. Masaryk from graphic/prints V. Fleissiga (1892-1955) with his signature and datací 1948; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
189915 - 1934 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1934 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President; full signature on official document, spolupodpis minister for unifikaci John Šrámka (1870-1956); L at top minor faults, folded, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
188553 - 1930? MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), writer, soldier and politi
1930? MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), writer, soldier and politician, kterému Brit. King udělil Order after/behind excellent service, recipient French Legion of Honour etc., autograph on postcard with picture members plukovního theatre 1. infantry reg. J. Huss in Russia; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
188536 - 1942 MEDRICKÝ Gejza (1901-1989), Slovak národovecký polit
1942 MEDRICKÝ Gejza (1901-1989), Slovak národovecký politician, member of parliament Slovak congress, minister national economy in time Slovak Rep. 1939-1945; signature on request Ministry hospodárstva Slovak republic; interesting
Starting price: CZK
188516 - 1919 NĚMEC Wenceslas (1898-1963), Czechoslovak militar atta
1919 NĚMEC Wenceslas (1898-1963), Czechoslovak militar attaché in/at Tokyo (zřízeno order of M. R. Stefanik from 19.11.1918) - handwritten letter captain. V. Němcem with signature and datací Šanghai 30.I.1919, very interesting text concerning uvolnění V. Germans from function military attaché; interesting contemporary document from period of action Czechosl. units in Siberia
Starting price: CZK
189928 - 1968 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist
1968 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist politician and president in years 1957–1968, autograph on diploma udělující Order Red star, seal Czechoslovakia; size 60x42cm, very good condition, autentic signatures A. Novotny are sought!
Starting price: CZK
188537 - 1944 SOKOL Martin (1901-1957), Slovak politician,  minister
1944 SOKOL Martin (1901-1957), Slovak politician, minister of Internal Affairs autonomní Slovak governance in 1939, chairman Sněmu Slovak republic; signature on official letter addressed Kanceláři president; interesting text
Starting price: CZK
188518 - 1920-30 SOUKUP Francis (1871–1940), Czech politician, jour
1920-30 SOUKUP Francis (1871–1940), Czech politician, journalist and publicist, minister and chairman Senátu, one from "five men 28. October 1918" + KLOFÁČ Wenceslas Jaroslav (1868–1942), Czech politician, chairman National side/party socialistic, místopředseda senátu, journalist; handwritten signatures important prvorepublikových politicians on/for photo-PC
Starting price: CZK
188509 - 1978 TITO Josip Broz (1892-1980), president Socialist federa
1978 TITO Josip Broz (1892-1980), president Socialist federativní republic Yugoslavia, signature on card + konfirmační letter Jugoslávské ambasády in Prague about/by sending this autografu; rare, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
188522 - 1940? TUKA Vojtech (1880–1946), Slovak politician, Prime M
1940? TUKA Vojtech (1880–1946), Slovak politician, Prime Minister, minister foreign Affairs, war criminal, signature "Tuka" on card; in passe-partout, sought
Starting price: CZK
189074 - 1918 VZNIK Czechoslovakia  - postcard with signatures partic
1918 VZNIK Czechoslovakia - postcard with signatures participants act about/by origin Czechoslovakia in/at Geneva in days 25.10. - 3.11. 1918, handwritten signatures Beneš, Kalina, Šámal, Staněk, Habrman, Markovič, Klofáč, Osuský, Preiss, Štrimpl, sent to parliamentarian Višňovského, supplemented with kreslenou postcard from signature Versaillské mírové contract/-s with Kramářem and Benešem
Starting price: CZK
188520 - 1955 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884 -1957) Czech communist politi
1955 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884 -1957) Czech communist politician, other Czechosl. communist president, odborový předák and prime minister Czechoslovakia; card with dedication with autograph; on/for passe-partout
Starting price: CZK
1930-2000 [COLLECTIONS] POLITICS / FOREIGN COUNTRIES very interesting collection autografů important politicians Europe also other countries: presidents, premiéři, ministři and others., i.a. H. Köller, D. Rusk, H. Schmidt, H. Kohl, R. Herzog, T. Halonen, M. Vanhanen, J. Stoltenberg, W. Marteus, F. Wranitzki, T. Klestil, R. Cook, S. Hoare, E. Kennedy, M. Kováč, S. Peres, L. Walesa, W. Jaruzelski, A. Kwasniewski and others.; suitable to other elaboration, řádově stovky pieces, placed in smaller box
Starting price: CZK
189939 - 1920-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  SCOUTING/  interesting set document
1920-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SCOUTING/ interesting set documents with signatures important representatives home also foreign scoutingu i.a.: Robert Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Olave Baden-Powell, Peter Baden-Powell, A. B. Svojsík, Koseová, R. Plajner etc..; quite rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
189723 - 1920 NOVÁK Arne (1880-1939), important Czech literary histo
1920 NOVÁK Arne (1880-1939), important Czech literary historian and critic, bohemista and germanista, handwritten text on Ppc with whole signature; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
188524 - 1875? SCHLIEMANN Heinrich (1822-1890), světoznámý German
1875? SCHLIEMANN Heinrich (1822-1890), světoznámý German dealer and archaeologist, discoverer legendary Tróji and later also Mykén; katalogizační card with Schliemannovým manuscript - description archeologických items nalezených in/at Tróji: big konev, Oinochoé with one ear + odkaz on/for příslušnou stránku from Homérova eposu Illias; all manuscripty this personality are exceedingly rare, ex. auction Henrici Berlin 1920, exceptional offer!
Starting price: CZK
188527 - 1980? ASIMOV Isaac (1920-1992), slavný American writer and
1980? ASIMOV Isaac (1920-1992), slavný American writer and biochemik, one from zakladatelů modern sci-fi, creator of rules robotiky; whole signature on card, interesting and sought autograph
Starting price: CZK
188529 - 1937 ČAPEK Charles (1890-1938), Czech writer, intelektuál,
1937 ČAPEK Charles (1890-1938), Czech writer, intelektuál, journalist, dramatist, full signature on card with datací 7.VI.37, in passe-partout, supplemented with about/by B/W photograph; decorative, sought
Starting price: CZK
188587 - 1918 HERITES Francis (1851–1929), important Czech lékárn
1918 HERITES Francis (1851–1929), important Czech lékárník, poet and writer, member Czech academy věd and art and Art forum + GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), one's own name George Guth, Czech propagator sport; joined/common signatures on/for certificate of příspěvcích for club/association "Svatobor" Literární jednotou in Jindřichův Hradec; interesting
Starting price: CZK
188578 - 1908 HEYDUK Adolf (1835-1923), important Czech poet and writ
1908 HEYDUK Adolf (1835-1923), important Czech poet and writer, handwritten text on Ppc sent on/for imperial officer Kubíčka; interesting
Starting price: CZK
188579 - 1907 KRÁSNOHORSKÁ Eliška (one's own name Elizabeth Pechov
1907 KRÁSNOHORSKÁ Eliška (one's own name Elizabeth Pechová, 1847–1926), important Czech poetess, libretistka, authoress and překladatelka; handwritten text on/for own vizitce; interesting
Starting price: CZK
188580 - 1910? KVAPIL Jaroslav (1868–1950), important Czech poet an
1910? KVAPIL Jaroslav (1868–1950), important Czech poet and dramatist, handwritten text on/for own vizitce
Starting price: CZK
189931 - 1910 ORSZÁGH HVIEZDOSLAV Paul (1849–1921), important Slov
1910 ORSZÁGH HVIEZDOSLAV Paul (1849–1921), important Slovak poet, prose-writer, dramatist and translator, handwritten text on/for own vizitce, incl. envelope/-s, sent to Fedora Fridricha Ruppeldta (1886-1979), Slovak politician, publicist, cultural historian, translator; very good condition, extraordinary offer rare rukopisu!
Starting price: CZK
188528 - 1979 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, jou
1979 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984), signature with dedication on card, in passe-partout with B/W fotoreprodukcí
Starting price: CZK
188586 - 1925-1945 WRITERS  interesting comp. of 15 portrait photo po
1925-1945 WRITERS interesting comp. of 15 portrait photo postcard with signatures important Czech writers and básníků: Kvapil, Werner, Synek, Karník, Kožík, Tischová, Mašínová etc..; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
188585 - 1925-1945 WRITERS  interesting comp. of 15 portrait photo po
1925-1945 WRITERS interesting comp. of 15 portrait photo postcard with signatures important Czech writers and básníků: Svoboda, Horký, Sekanina, Herman, Flos, Krásnohorská, Benešová, Tilschová etc..; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
188584 - 1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  WRITERS  unique collection hundreds
1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS] WRITERS unique collection hundreds autografů and rukopisů important Czech, but also foreign writers and básníků, i.a. Hrabal, Machar, Seifert, Bezruč, Herites, Kožík, Kvapil, Hermann, Majerová, Čech/Bohem, Toman, Šalda, Olbracht, Rais, Jirásek, Vaculík, Viewegh, Klička, Preissová, Krásnohorská, Stýblo, Procházka, Svoboda, Šimek, Novák and much other; estate after/around významném collector in larger box, through/over 11kg of material, suitable to other elaboration and to supplement collections, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
188533 - 1935-1938 ČAPEK Joseph (1887-1945 in C.C. Bergen-Belsen), i
1935-1938 ČAPEK Joseph (1887-1945 in C.C. Bergen-Belsen), important Czech painter, writer, photographer, graphic artist, illustrator; handwritten 14-řádkový description neidentifikovaného uměleckého předmětu Mayské culture from Čapkova product "Art přírodních nations"; with full signature; wrinkled corners, folded, exceedingly interesting and rare!
Starting price: CZK
188595 - 1925-1945 MUSIC /  comp. of 10 portrait photo postcard with
1925-1945 MUSIC / comp. of 10 portrait photo postcard with signatures important Czech skladatelů and hudebníků: Foerster, Bednář, Axman, Burghauser, Dědeček, Blažek, Blahník, Kocián, Košťál, Vach; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
188594 - 1923 MUSIC / ONDŘÍČKOVO KVARTETO  in/at original složen
1923 MUSIC / ONDŘÍČKOVO KVARTETO in/at original složení: JAROŠ Frederic, PEKELSKÝ Jaroslav, VYSKOČIL Kamil and ZAHRADNÍK Vincenc, signatures on/for joined/common photograph; atelier Petruj, Brno, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
188517 - 1920? JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), světově proslulý Cze
1920? JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), světově proslulý Czech composer, signature on card; in passe-partout with B/W portrait fotoreprodukcí
Starting price: CZK
188521 - 1935? KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist
1935? KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer + KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), Czech conductor; joined/common signatures on card, in passe-partout with společnou B/W fotoreprodukcí
Starting price: CZK
188514 - 1946 MARTINŮ Bohuslav (1890-1959), světově proslulý comp
1946 MARTINŮ Bohuslav (1890-1959), světově proslulý composer, representative moderny, handwritten letter from 12.12. 1946, interesting text concerning his chystaného stay in USA; excellent condition, very rare and hard dostupný manuscript, often missing in collections
Starting price: CZK
189932 - 1927 NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer,
1927 NEDBAL Oscar (1874-1930), světoznámý Czech composer, conductor and violista, handwritten 5-řádkový letter with signature, interesting text; in passe-partout with B/W photos, small tearing, decorative
Starting price: CZK
189929 - 1946 NOVOTNÁ Jarmila (1907-1994), important Czech opera sin
1946 NOVOTNÁ Jarmila (1907-1994), important Czech opera singer and movie actress, handwritten whole signature on passe-partout supplemented with about/by big B/W portrait photos; very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
188550 - 1925? STRAUSS Johann (1866–1939), Austrian composer; own P
1925? STRAUSS Johann (1866–1939), Austrian composer; own Ppc, on reverse with handwritten written four-line text and address, with full signature, wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
188523 - 1901 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violi
1901 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka, autograph with datací and writen address on Ppc Berlin; light fold, otherwise very good condition
Starting price: CZK
189934 - 1907 ŠPANIEL Otakar (1881–1955), important Czech sculptor
1907 ŠPANIEL Otakar (1881–1955), important Czech sculptor, medailér, handwritten letter sent to Milan Rastislava Štefánik (!); interesting kontext
Starting price: CZK
188575 - 1926 TICHÝ Francis (1886–1961), important Czech architect
1926 TICHÝ Francis (1886–1961), important Czech architect, knihovník, publicist, director museum in/at Hradec Králové, collector art; handwritten letter with account after/behind vydražené book/-s zakoupené for Town industrial museum in/at Hradec Králové; perfect condition, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
188526 - 1972 VEJVODA Jaromír (1902-1988), Czech composer and kapeln
1972 VEJVODA Jaromír (1902-1988), Czech composer and kapelník, author after/around whole world proslavené polky Škoda love; card with notovým zápisem song "Škoda love" with dedication and signature, in passe-partout, interesting
Starting price: CZK
188602 - 1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  MUSIC /  extraordinary collection
1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS] MUSIC / extraordinary collection řádově several hundreds autografů and rukopisů important Czech skladatelů, virtuosů, dirigentů, operních pěvců and hudebníků in big filled box, contains i.a. Podvalová, Novotná, Ziková, Kocián, Kubelík, Foerster, Henry, Jelínková, Ludikar, Bartoš, Axman, Weis, Pollert, Haken, Heran, Kurz, Otava, Voldan, Klička, Dvořáková, Budíková, Janota, Burger, Kočová and much other, often also more times, also line portrait photo postcard with signatures etc..; estate after/around big collector, through/over 20kg of material, suitable to supplement collections also to other elaboration!, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
188592 - 1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] MUSIC / FOREIGN COUNTRIES huge colle
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] MUSIC / FOREIGN COUNTRIES huge collection řádově tisíců autografů known foreign skladatelů, dirigentů, virtuózů, musical těles, zpěváků and singers in quite filled IKEA box, contains set important names world music; estate after/around big collector, through/over 28kg materiálu(!) suitable to other elaboration or sale, doporučejeme examination, PERSONAL PICKUP PREFERRED
Starting price: CZK
188572 - 1930-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ART extraordinary collection of seve
1930-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ART extraordinary collection of several hundreds autografů and rukopisů important Czech creative artists - painters, graphic artists, sochařů etc., i.a. Nesvadba, Neprakta, Procházka, Paroubek, Pernica, Velenovský, Vymazal, Hanuš, Slavíček, Švabinský, Rak, Tondl, Tříska, Maran, Schmidt, Stretti, Vodrážka, Blažíček, Kinský, Šír, Beneš, Klápště, Šimek, Burian, Štefl, Klapka, Kalousek, Horáková, Hyliš, Hladík, Herink, Black, Cinybulka etc.; overall very good condition, placed in smaller box, estate of collector, suitable to other elaboration and to supplement collections, rare offer! Německý popis
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 52 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.