1945 comp. of 2 complete sets after/around 23 pcs of Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler with neznámým black overprint "Czechoslovak Post." - crossways R downward and negative black star with sickle and kladivem
1945 DOMAŽLICE, HLUBOKÁ N. V., BUDĚJOVICE comp. 5 pcs of letters franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. with overprints, 3 pcs of from Hluboké n./V.; good condition
1945KRÁLIKY, HOŘICE, PARDUBICE, CHOCEŇ comp. 4 pcs of letters franked with. overprint stamp., i.a. Králiky - overprint on/for German stamp. A. Hitler 12Pf with provisory cancel. KRÁLIKY 1945 and date stamp 12.6.45; only letter with cancel. Choceň without addressee, good condition
1945 KUNOVICE, FRÝDEK, LOŠTICE, KLOBOUKY U./B. comp. 4 pcs of letters franked with. overprint stamp. + letter from Olomouc with revolutionary additional-printing; good condition
1945 MIROŠOV comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x Reg letter with provisional registry label franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler 4,20 Koruna with black overprint RUDÁ ARMY/ V MIROŠOVĚ/ 9.5.1945 + ordinary letter with A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna with blue overprint MIROŠOV/ OSVOBOZEN/ RUDOU/ ARMÁDOU/ 9.5.1945, nationalized CDS MIROŠOV 9.V.45; good condition
1945 SADSKÁ Reg letter with right multicolor franking Bohemian and Moravian stamp. with black overprint "Czech Republic - Slovakia/ 1945", CDS SADSKÁ 5.V.45; good condition
Pof.353-359, complete set corner miniatures, lower corner bloks of 4, from that L with plate mark "A1", values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna place upper corner blk-of-4 L also right unfolded vertical 4-stamp gutter Pof.354-356Ms, in pairs!; minor faults - by/on/at right upper block of four 20K damaged upper sheet margin, otherwise very nice
Pof.355Mv(4) + 355aMv(4) + 355bMv(4), value 5 Koruna grey, complete set unfolded horiz. 4-stamp gutter according to color shades; superb, c.v.. 4.000CZK
Pof.354Mx-356Mx(16), Velké cross 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; unfolded, only at value 6 Koruna 1x small thinned paper, otherwise superb, c.v.. 30.000CZK
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. of 15 souvenir sheet fields, supplemented with other šesti combinations, total 21 miniature sheets; any other one, described according to Čtvrtečky
FORGERY Pof.358, 13 Koruna brown-carmine in colour values 1.50K, LL blk-of-24 with plate mark "A1", originates from counter sheet from collection of Mr. K. Fischer. Hodnota 13 Koruna brown-carmine was/were in/at 90. year některými experts (for example. engineer. Pittermannem) považována after/behind printing error, according to new poznatků (see articles F. Beneš in Philately č.6/2005, č.2/2008) this is forgery; for comparison colors inserted stamp. Pof.353 and 358, offered so as jest
FORGERY Pof.358, 13 Koruna brown-carmine in colour values 1.50K, UL blk-of-35, originates from counter sheet from collection of Mr. K. Fischer. Hodnota 13 Koruna brown-carmine was/were in/at 90. year některými experts (for example. engineer. Pittermannem) považována after/behind printing error, according to new poznatků (see articles engineer. F. Beneš in Philately č.6/2005, č.2/2008) this is forgery. For comparison colors inserted stamp. Pof.353 and 358, offered so as jest
FORGERY Pof.358, 13 Koruna brown-carmine in colour values 1.50K, selection of 16 pcs of (corner blk-of-4, block of 6, str-of-4 and 2 zn.), all from one counter sheet from collection of Mr. K. Fischer. Hodnota 13 Koruna brown-carmine was/were in/at 90. year některými experts (for example. engineer. Pittermann) považována after/behind printing error, according to new poznatků (see articles engineer. F. Beneš in Philately č.6/2005, č.2/2008) this is forgery; offered so as jest
1947 Pof.458-459 + 460-461, T. G. Masaryk 1,20-4Kčs + Moyses 1,20-4Kčs, complete group of corner blk-of-4 with coupons, creating miniatures; very good condition
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.510, 75. Anniv UPU 13Kčs, plate proof - print original gravure, definitive making in/at original grey-green color, on lightly yellowy paper without gum; oblique cut, in corners daktyloskopické print fingers in colour print, exp. by Karasek
1952 PLATE PROOF Pof.644, International day solidarity 1,50CZK grey-blue, LL corner blk-of-4 with pravidelnou plate variety on pos. 82 - stain L from vztyčenépěsti; cat. only basic stamps PLATE PROOF 2.400CZK
1952 Pof.A691/692 production flaw, miniature sheet Bratislava 1952, with oblique shift red color and significant shift blue color - outside perf!, with gum without hinged, exhibition special postmark; c.v.. 10.000CZK, with so significant shift here for the first time in auction!
1956 PLATE PROOF Pof.899, Day border guard 60h, plate proof - print original gravure, definitive making in blue color used for value 30h from same issue, with thin/light blue background print; oblique cut, lower daktyloskopický finger-print from printing color
1958 PLATE PROOF Pof.980, 80. birthday Z. Nejedlého 30h, plate proof - print original gravure in/at definitive making, in black color with lightly našedlým background print, on/for almost white paper without gum
1958 PLATE PROOF Pof.985, EXPO 1958 30h, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print definitive gravure, 1x in/at black and 1x in vine red color, both only with naznačeným wedge [ ˇ ] above "C", on lightly yellowy paper without gum; both PLATE PROOF on/for several places in margins stripped paper after/around ungentle removing labels - from the front small; both exp. by Karasek
1958 Pof.1000, Novotný 60h, R corner unfolded (!) blk-of-30, between pane position 48 and 49 two omitted perf. holes; perf defects on this stmp rare, light povolená vert. perf on/for margins; stamps very fine
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1214, World Exhibition Praga 1962 3Kčs, plate proof - print original gravure, definitive making in/at realizované blue color on lightly yellowy paper; minor faults - light damaged lower margin outside engraving, exp. by Karasek
1963 PLATE PROOF Pof.1293, Trade-union Congress 60h, plate proof - print original gravure, definitive making in original colors on/for white carton; on reverse by pencil J. Goldschied and residue/scrap paper labels after sticking in collection
1963 PLATE PROOF Pof.1323, International trade fair Brno 60h, plate proof - print original gravure in/at definitive making, in black color on lightly yellowy paper without gum; exp. by Karasek
1963 PLATE PROOF Pof.1327, Sloveský paradise 60h, plate proof - print original gravure, definitive making in black color, else/yet without through engraved wedge [ ˇ ] above "C", on lightly yellowy paper without gum; R lower daktyloskopický print from printing color
1963 Pof.1330 inverted harrow perforation, Freedom from Hunger 1,60Kčs, UR corner piece with inverted frame perf; exp. and marked Be, common pair for comparison
1965 PLATE PROOF Pof.1417, Towns - Polička 30h, plate proof - print original gravure in/at definitive making, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above character "C", in/at grey-black color on lightly yellowy paper without gum