Public Auction 52 / Philately / Philatelic Literature

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189553 - 1942 IN MEMORIAM BOHUMILA HEINZE 1940  important publication
1942 IN MEMORIAM BOHUMILA HEINZE 1940 important publication about part předního engraver B. Heinz, incl. 34 copy-print gravures and drawings /larger part used for bank note/-s and post. stamps Protekrotátu BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and foreign postal správ/, contains also view of his ryteckých work and set other information; K. Kryl, Kroměříž, 1942, in 120 numbered výtiscích on hand-made paper and 100 výtiscích on/for ofsetovém paper; overall good and in good condition condition, slightly toned
Starting price: CZK
189558 - 1968-2014 MONOGRAFIE CZECHOSL. A ČESKÝCH ZNÁMEK  comp. 11
1968-2014 MONOGRAFIE CZECHOSL. A ČESKÝCH ZNÁMEK comp. 11 pcs of monografií, i.a. No. 1-4, 11, 13-17, 20; in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
185483 - 1996, 2004 BENEŠ, F. / TOŠNEROVÁ, P.: Post in ghetto Tere
1996, 2004 BENEŠ, F. / TOŠNEROVÁ, P.: Post in ghetto Terezín, selection of gift publication - Profil 1996 and Monograph of Czechosl. stamps No.11 - Pofis 2004; both as new
Starting price: CZK
189950 - 1926-1938 ČESKÝ FILATELISTA, annual volumes 31-42 / 1926-1
1926-1938 ČESKÝ FILATELISTA, annual volumes 31-42 / 1926-1938; complete set year in 2 bounded books, only several kopií nedostupných numbers, otherwise all original issue; interesting contemporary articles, trial, valuation aukcí etc.., important spring well for every collector not only Czechoslovak stamps
Starting price: CZK
190020 - 1934-1943 TRIBUNA FILATELISTŮ  complete bound annual volume
1934-1943 TRIBUNA FILATELISTŮ complete bound annual volumes 1934, 1936, 1941 and 1943 + ČESKÝ FILATELISTA year/volume 1942; very fine
Starting price: CZK
189469 - 1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION  1.5. 1934 - 24.10
1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION 1.5. 1934 - 24.10. 1934, comp. 6 pcs of auction catalogues 1. - Great Britain, European Colonies, 2. - West Indies, British Guiana, 3. - Asia with India and States, 4. - Africa with Mauritius, 5. - Australia and Oceanic Possesions, 6. - France and Colonies; perfectly good condition
Starting price: CZK
189474 - 1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION  7. - 9.5. 1934, W
1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION 7. - 9.5. 1934, West Indies with British Guiana, SECOND SALE; perfectly good condition
Starting price: CZK
189503 - 1993 MAURITIUS  catalogue today already legendary auction Ma
1993 MAURITIUS catalogue today already legendary auction "Mauritius", ex. H. Kanai, issue D. Feldmann, Geneva 1993 and especially addition to this auction from A.J.B. Rudge (RPSL) - detail distinction stamp fields and all stage "impressions" issues from POST PAID after/around DARDENNE, this is sama about/by sequence unique publication nezbytná for every zájemce about/by Mauritius!
Starting price: CZK
189507 - 2011 INDIA - Classic India 1669-1857 , Dr. Sita Bhateja, iss
2011 INDIA - "Classic India 1669-1857" , Dr. Sita Bhateja, issue "Great philatelic Collections catalogue", David Feldman, Geneva
Starting price: CZK
189506 - 2012 PANAMA - The First Issues as and State of Colombia...,
2012 PANAMA - "The First Issues" as and State of Colombia..., A. Castro-Harrigan; EGYPT - "Postal Services in the Suez Canal Zone" S.A. Fikri FRPSL, issue "Great Philatelic Collections" David Feldman, Geneva, 2 fine catalogues
Starting price: CZK
189504 - 2013 JAPAN - Classic Japan, H. Kanai RDP, FRPSL, issue Great
2013 JAPAN - "Classic Japan", H. Kanai RDP, FRPSL, issue "Great Philatelic Collections", David Feldman, Geneva
Starting price: CZK
190024 - 2011 SCOTT CLASSIC SPECIALIZED 2012  specialized catalogue w
2011 SCOTT CLASSIC SPECIALIZED 2012 specialized catalogue world 1840-1940; 1.263 sides, color picture; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
189733 - 2014 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2015, Commonwealth &
2014 STANLEY GIBBONS - Stamp Catalogue 2015, Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840-1970; prestigious stamp catalogue of Commonwealth, format A4; very good condition
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 52 / Philately / Philatelic Literature - Information

Na filatelii je možno nahlížet mnoha způsoby, mimo jiné také jako na vědní obor, který je definován svým specifickým objektem zkoumání, metodami a technikou práce, terminologií, vymezenými pojmy apod. K prezentaci získaných poznatků i ve filatelii od počátků slouží odborná literatura, která sběratelům pomáhá určit směr jejich sběratelské činnosti a případně naznačuje „co má a nemá smysl".