Public Auction 53 / Exclusive items
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1862-1864 Mi.27, Numerals 1/3 Sgr. green, BLOCK OF 4 (!) with round cancel. "51" NEUSTADT; very fine and extraordinary multiple with certificate P. Sem BPP, cat. 6.000€, rare offer! U:DR
1864 folded letter to Berlin, with Numerals 15 Kr, 6 Kr and 3 Kr, Mi.24, 32 and 33, 3-circle cancel. "220" and FRANKFURT A.M. 13.MAI, red "CHARGE", especially rare 15 Kr wide margins, at top with part of adjacent stamp; very rare cover with certificate P. Sem BPP in excellent quality! U:A5
1855 Mi.1, Lion 4 Skilling, selection of stamps, from that 2 with rare hand-made cancellation, complete postmarks, cut square, color shades etc.; very fine set on two sheets from old collection, rare offer! U:DR
1850 Ferch.5IIIa HP, 9 Kreuzer IIIa, scarce GESTREIFTES PAPIER (laid paper), round CDS PRAG KLEINS; full to wide margins, small smoothed horiz. fold, otherwise very nice quality, certificates Matl and Diena, exp. Ferchenbauer, cat. Ferchenbauer 18.500€; very rare stamp, known only several pieces, rare offer! U:DR
1864 Ferch.30, horiz. STRIP OF 5 Eagle 2 Kr yellow, on large cut-square with RED POSTMARKS BELLOVAR 29.JAN; certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer "besonders wirkungsvolles erlesenes Prachstück!"; provenance ex. K.Huber and J. Hein, cat. for strip-of-5 with red postmarks min. 26.000€, in addition only postmarks 3.400 MüP; very scarce! U:DR
1851 Ferch.6Ib, blue Mercure 0,6kr type Ib, CORNER BLOCK OF 4 with complete original gum, upper pair **, hinged on the edge, exp. E. Müller and certificate Dr. Colla Asinelli, cat. 9.500€ - 13.500€, scarce multiple! U:DR
1851 Ferch.8, Mi.8, Sass.5a; rose Mercure 30kr type Ib, USED IN LOMBARDY-VENETIA, with cancel. VENICE 7/1; exp. E. Müller; certificate Goller shows small reparation right lower - " der rechten unteren Ecke ist kaum auszumachen....überaus seltene Marke in respektablem Zustand", according to our opinion without such reparation, also not mentioned in Friedl Expert Committee certificate with signatures of E. Müller and H. Bloch; wide margins, overall extraordinary piece, cat. Ferchenbauer (2008) 37.500€, Sassone (2017) 100.000€; this example was sold i.a. in 1918 in Viennese auction Dorotheum; unrepeatable offer of great European classic rarity! U:DR
1858 Newspaper revenue stamp, Ferch.4a, Coat of arms 4Kr brown, block of 6, type I.; very fine, cat. * 4.500€, as MNH 9.000€; scarce multiple! U:DR
1951-1952 SG.128a, George VI. 12C black / green, wmk "mult. script CA", MISSING "C" in "CA"; VF, cat. £1.200! U:A5
1905 TRIAL PRINT for SG.80 (1906), primary Essay Coat of arms (Santa Maria) value 2½P ultramarine, on carton with date 6. April 05., in addition HANDMADE designs for value plates ½P green and 1P red; perfect quality, ex. De La Rue archives U:DR
1907 TRIAL PRINT for SG.82-83, print of final gravure on chalky carton 92x60mm, Coat of arms (Santa Maria), inscriptions 23 OCT. 07, BEFORE HARDENING and "Original Die Plate"; perfect quality, ex. De La Rue archives U:A5
1908 TRIAL PRINT for SG.88, Coat of arms 5Sh, imperforated in unissued colors - green / blue, mounted on sheet; very fine and rare U:A5
1886-1889 SG.27b, Victoria 1P/6P "stone", black Opt "½PENNY" INVERTED; perfect piece with part original gum, certificate BPA, cat. £3.250, very rare stamp! U:DR
1849 SG.9, POST PAID "Early impressions" 2P dark blue, with framed pmk PAID; very fine piece, certificate Brandon, cat. £9.500, scarce! U:DR
1895 SG.3, Missionary numeral issue U G 30(C) "wide", black print; typical hand obliteration; rare stamp, very fine, cat. £1.600 ++ U:DR
1914 BRITISH OCCUPATION, SG.62, Opt "G.R.I./ 5s." on German colonial stamp of Marshall Inseln 5M Emperor´s Yacht carmine / black; certificate RPS London, exp. Diena, cat. £14.000, very nice piece, scarce stamp! U:DR
1908 ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION SG.A1b, Victoria 1P with green Opt "KING EDWARD VII LAND"; very nice piece with part original gum, certificate Sismondo, cat. £1.600, rare stamp! U:DR
1912 SG.322, George V. 500R grey-green; very fine and nice centered piece with original gum; lightly hinged, signed H. Bloch, cat. £8.000, scarce stamp, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1852 SG.S2, Scinde Dawk 1/2 Anna blue; some usual thin place, fine piece with wide margins, with typical so-called. " diamond of 72 dots" cancellation; exp. Thier, cat. £9.500, scarce stamp! U:DR
1889-1892 SG.24b+24, lower right corner block-of-4, overprint Brooke 2c / 8c green / carmine, corner stamp with INVERTED BLACK OVERPRINT of value "2C"; very fine, original gum, certificate BPA London, scarce "joined types", cat. £4.250++, exceptional offer! U:DR
1941 UNISSUED - Suleiman 2C yellow, 6C grey, 8C red, 15C ultramarine; cat. £1.300, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1919 FORGERY OF VEJPRTY Pof.F20, value 100h brown with part of CDS WEIPERT; very nice piece with superb margins, certificates Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Karasek., Vrba, cat. Pofis 40.000CZK, rare and sought counterfeit! U:DR
Pof.4D joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, lower left corner block-of-4 with control-numbers, line perforation 11½; plate 2, pos. 81-8 / 91-9, on pos. 91 spiral type I.; VF, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, cat. Pofis 10.000CZK, Mercure 55.000Kč, rare multiple! U:DR
Pof.7E joined bar and spiral types, 15h bricky red, upper left corner block-of-4, line perforation 11½ : 10¾; plate 1, on pos. 2 - spiral type I and bar type II., in addition on pos. 1 and pos. 12 bar subtype IIap; very fine, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba, cat. Pofis only as 1x STk + 1x STp 38.000CZK, cat. Mercure 75.000CZK, an exhibition item with scarce joined types! U:DR
Pof.7I joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, pair with lower margin and control-numbers with mixed line perforation 13¾ : 11½; + 10¾;, pos. 93-94/ plate 1, on pos. 94 spiral type I.; mint never hinged, certificates Vrba and Pittermann, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, Karasek, Pitt, Ma, cat. price only for basic stamps Pofis 70.000CZK, Mercure 200.000Kč, unique multiple! U:DR
Pof.11D + 13¾; joined spiral and bar types, valoue 25h violet, horizontal corner strip-of-4 with combined line perforation 11½ + 13¾; upper horiz. perf double 11½; and 13¾;, plate 1, pos. 1-4, on pos. 3 spiral type I., on pos. 2 bar subtype IIa; MNH, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, unique multiple with exceptional rare perforation and joined types! U:DR
Pof.11H joined spiral types, 25h violet, line perforation 13¾ : 10¾;, block of four with joined spiral types, pos. 13-14 / 23-24, plate 1, superbly centered block of four with very rare perforation with joined spiral types (!); for the first time in auction, marked and exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + certificate Karásek, cat. Pofis 80.000+, cat. Merkur-Revue 200.000Kč+, extremely rare multiple, exhibition item! U:A5
Pof.13A, 30h light violet, block of four (!) with combined perforation 13¾; : 13½; light fold in paper in left vertical pair and repaired upper part of loose middle perf (6 teeth), certificate Karásek and Vrba + exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Be, cat. 100.000CZK, still known only two unused blocks of four!, scarce U:DR
Pof.13C, 30h light violet with line perforation 13¾; hinged, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Šrámek, cat. Pofis 18.000CZK, Mercure 80.000CZK, very rare stamp! U:DR
TETE-BECHE - GUTTER PAIR Hradčany 100h brown, imperforated vertical strip of 4 in original color on brownish paper without gum, 2nd stamp inverted (!); certificates Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Karasek., cat. Pofis -,-; only few examples recorded, an exhibition item! U:DR
1918 FDC / 1. DAY COVER of Hradčany-issue, commercial Reg letter addressed to Germany, franked on front side with 3 stamps Hradcany 5h green, Pof.3, and on reverse 2 pairs of stamps 5h green and 10h red, Pof.3, 5, rate 45h for posting abroad, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 18.XII.18; certificate Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Karasek., Pitt, Vrba, very sound condition, scarce and famous cover!, exhibition item! U:DR
1920 bank money letter with stated value of 100.000Kč (!), franked only on front sidewith total of 10 stamps Hradčany 1000h, 2x issue Agriculture and Science 300h, Hradčany 20h and Pigeon-issue 5h, Pof.26 10x + 166 2x, 8, 143, CDS PRAGUE 5/ 20.X.20, addressed to sugar factory in Krásné Březno, high franking 16,25Kč; exp. by Pittermann, Vrba + certificate Vrba,very good condition, rare entire, exhibition item! U:DR
1920 Reg letter franked on front side with two 2-stamps opposite facing gutters 30h yellow and 10h red + stamps Hradčany 100h brown and 5h green, Pof.5Mp, 12Mp, 20, 3, exact franking for IV. postal rate, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 22.X.20; very fine, certificate Vrba + exp. by Karasek., Pithart, cat. only for mint never hinged gutters 30h Pofis 120.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 80.000CZK, for entire we estimate 250.000CZK, unique cover, an exhibition item! U:DR
Pof.35a, Crown 6h orange with BLACK Opt, type II.; well centered Opt, hinged, certificates Karásek, Friedl and Vrba, exp. Lešetický, Gilbert, Karasek, Tri, cat. Pofis 45.000CZK, Mercure 60.000CZK, very rare stamp! U:DR
Pof.52-54, Airmail stamps with overprint FLUGPOST, all BLOCK OF FOUR; each multiple 2x joined types of overprint I. + II.; certificates Vrba for eeach value, cat. Pofis 185.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 228.000CZK, extremely rare multiples, an exhibition item! U:DR
1920 money letter franked with complete airmail set of FLUGPOST 1,50K/2K violet, 2,50K/3K yellow and 4K grey, Pof.52-54, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 30.I.20; certificate Karasek, exp. by Karasek, Gilbert, Pithart, value 4 K at top repaired perforation (viewing of quality recommended), cat. min. 29.000CZK, scarce entire! U:A5
Pof.56(4K), Triangle 5h green with 4 overprinted coupons!!; certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 200.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 250.000CZK, scarce, only few examples known, an exhibition item! U:DR
Pof.57AK, Rectangle 2h brown-red with bottom overprinted coupon, line perforation 12½; BLACK OVERPRINT (!), type III., shifted overprint to the right; hinged, left small original bend, lower short tooth, certificate and exp. Vrba, cat. Pofis 22.000CZK, Mercure 40.000CZK, very rare! U:DR
Pof.58Ab, Rectangle 5h green, BLUE Opt, block-of-4, line perforation 12½; 1x joined types of Opt III+II; certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 33.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 56.000Kč, scarce multiple! U:DR
Pof.65, Large numerals 2h, overprint type III.; MNH, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba, Tribuna, scarce stamp in fine quality, cat. Pofis 150.000CZK! U:DR
Pof.107a, Reaper - MAGYAR POSTA 20f brown, UNIQUE MARGINAL BLOCK OF 9 (!), contains all 4 overprint types in joined types; catalogue Pofis 1.800.000CZK, Mercure 2.550.000CZK, catalogue Stanley Gibbons 2012 for single stamps £126.000++(!!), Scott 2017 - USD 90.000++; only one sheet of 100 existed, this is the largest known multiple, then recorded only two blocks of four and one marginal pair, awarded at "MonacoPhil 2004" and "Washington 2006" exhibitions, rarest block of Czechoslovak philately, the gem of The Large Gold Collection of Ludvík Pytlíček!, after almost 100 years of its existence offered for the first time in the auction! U:DR
Pof.128Pz, Black numerals 5f green / black, combined perforation 15, wmk Pz, overprint type III.; very fine centering of Opt, certificate Vrba, exp. by Leseticky., Mrňák and Vrba, cat. 45.000CZK U:DR
Pof.129Py, Black numerals 12f green / black, combined perforation 15, wmk Py - to the left, overprint type I.; lightly hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Leseticky., Mrňák, Tribuna, Vrba, cat. Pofis 100.000CZK, Mercure * 125.000Kč, very rare stamp! U:DR
1919 money letter for 2.660Kč with Coat of arms 3 K dull red, high size, type I., Pof.49Ia, CDS PRAGUE 12.XII.19, arrival LIBEREC 2.I.20; exp. by Pittermann., Mahr BPP, cat. Pofis only as used stamp 20.000CZK, Mercure 25.000CZK, extraordinary entire! U:DR
Pof.140a ST + plate variety, 125h ultramarine, block of four, right bottom stamp type II with plate variety - shorter bar of numeral "2" - position 80/ plate 2, 1x combined type and 1x plate variety; lightly hinged, original light fold in paper, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., rare combination of joined types and plate variety, decorative multiple! U:A5
Pof.140NaI, 125h ultramarine, unissued IMPERFORATED BLOCK OF 4 (!), all stamps type I.; lightly hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Karasek., mark Pytlíček, decorative multiple! U:A5
PLATE PROOF value 50h, small format, unfinished cliché, plate proof in blue color on stamp paper with gum (!), as miniature sheet trial perforation 11½; rare occurrence, hinged only in corners, "miniature sheet" mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.148N II, 20h orange, IMPERFORATED BLOCK OF 4 with stamps of II. TYPE (!); lightly hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. and marked Mrňák, Vrba, cat. Pofis */** 35.000CZK, Mercure * ca. 60.000CZK, rare multiple! U:DR
Pof.154N, 40h brown, IMPEROFARATED BLOCK OF 4 (!), all type I.; hinged on upper pair of stamps, certificate Vrba, exp. and marked Mrňák, rare multiple! U:A5
Pof.155N plate variety, Chainbreaker 50h red, IMPERFORATED pair, UNISSUED with favourite plate variety on left stamp - "little egg in waist", pos. 39-40; luxury, certificate Karásek and Vrba, cat. Pofis 50.000CZK italic, scarce exhibition item! U:DR
Pof.156N plate variety, Chainbreaker 50h green IMPERFORATED with favourite plate variety - "little-egg in waist", pos. 39; luxury, certificate Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Mrnak, Vrba, cat. Pofis 60.000CZK, Mercure 80.000CZK, scarce imperforated stamp, exhibition item! U:DR
FORGERY TO DEFRAUD THE POST issue Chainbreaker 60h blue, F157, line perforation 13¾; counterfeit on cut-square with CDS OHNÍČ (dist. Teplice); very fine, certificate Vrba, exp. by Karasek., Vrba, scarce! U:A5
1925 REFUSED OVERPRINT ESSAY T. G. Masaryk 100h red, Pof.181, wmk P5 with refused design of overprint CONGRES OLYMP INTERNATIONAL PRAGUE 1925; lightly hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, scarce! U:DR
1925 REFUSED ESSAY OF OVERPRINT T. G. Masaryk 200h blue, Pof.178, wmk P6 with refused halfround essay of overprint CONGRES OLYMP INTERNATIONAL PRAGUE 1925 in black color; mint never hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, scarce! U:DR
1925 REFUSED ESSAY OF OVERPRINT T. G. Masaryk 300h brown, Pof.179, wmk P7 with refused halfround design of overprint CONGRES OLYMP INTERNATIONAL PRAGUE 1925 in black color; hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, very rare! U:DR
1925 Pof.187B P8, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h orange, with extremely rare horizontal wmk P8 (!), line perforation 13¾; very nice piece with clear CDS, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, cat. Pofis 70.000CZK, scarce, only few known! U:DR
1925 Pof.195II, Gravure 2Kč blue, type II., pair with HORIZONTAL WATERMARK, type P3 (!), with CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 30.III.26; certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 160.000CZK, only this pair and one block with this extremely rare watermark recorded, exhibition item! U:DR
1926 Pof.225 P1, Prague, Tatras 2Kč blue with scarce wmk type P1, part of cancellation; certificates Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, cat. Pofis 70.000CZK, very rare stamp, only few known! U:DR
Pof.L1, I. provisional airmail issue 14Kč/200h blue, marginal block-of-12 (!) imperforated; MNH, original gum, exp. Vrba + certificate Vrba, extraordinary and rare multiple, exhibition item! U:A5
Pof.L2 STs, I. provisional airmail issue 24Kč/500h brown, imperforated block of four with left margin and extremely rare joined spiral types, pos. 21-22 / 31-32, plate 2; mint never hinged, original gum, superb exhibition item, exp. by Karasek., Vrba + certificate Karásek and Vrba, cat. Pofis 300.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 400.000CZK, one of the famous Czechoslovakian item!, known only three imperforated blocks with joined spiral types! U:DR