1912 50 imperforate complete sheet of 50cts printed in S. Modiano in Trieste for 3. Albanian Congress, not used due to wrong Coat of arm - only singleheaded eagle, cigarette paper without gum; very fine, without folds
1931-2000 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION fine basic incomplete collection in luxury screw stockbook Davo, i.a. complete Mi.24-47 *, airmail 100Fr, postage-due Mi.1-8 (2x) **/*, 9-15 * (!), 41 ** etc., supplemented with stockbook A4 with interesting duplications, incl. better values (some more often), contains i.a. issue 1931 up to 1Fr; airmail 100Fr + on cut-square, Mi.48 (4x), parts of issues 1936-1961, blocks of four Mi.170, 173, 174, also postage-dues, also with used duplications, i.a. Mi.18-20, 158-160; various, mostly good quality, it is worth seeing, high catalogue value, suitable to elaboration
1849-1862 Mi.3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16 etc., selection of 16 pairs and 1x strip-of-3, 20C Ceres, 25C Ceres, 80C Napoleon, 4C Napoleon in rare color "graulila" etc.; very nice set, cat. only as single stamps 750€
1860 letter with Sass.14Bd, Victor Emmanuel II. pair 10C "bruno olivastro scuro" (color determined according to Tavole cromatiche - Quarta emissione di Sardegna), so-called. III. issue (Tinte del 1860), CDS BRESCIA 26. APR 60, to Milan; wide margins, very nice and rare letter, exp. Diena and Raybaudi, cat. min. 3.000€
1851-1857 Sass.4-9, 12-15, selection of 21 stamps "Lion", 8 different face values in various color shades, i.a. Sass.4b carminio su azzurro, 4e 1Cr carminio bruno, 7b 6Cr azzurro violaceo, 15a 6Cr azzurro vivo; except Sass.12 all with wide margins, cat. 8.290€
1860 Sass.17-21, selection of 17 stamps Coat of arms 1C-40C, 3 cut-squares, paper crease, various shades i.a. Sass. 20b,21c, all with full to wide margins, cat. 6.140€!
1921-1923 comp. of 11 pcs of unused advertising letter-cards, with Opt B.L.P., Help for war victims, all different types, part with paste-in letter paper; mainly good condition, 1x with minor fault in the middle
1852-1935[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in glassine envelopes on album sheets in spiral stockbook, from classic issues of Old Italian states - Papal States, Tuscany, Modena, Parma, Napoli, then united Italy, issue Victor Emmanuel, prewar and inter-war issues as Garibaldi, Manzoni etc., also for example Aegean islands, occupied territories + supplemented with collection of Fiume; many complete sets, high catalogue value, various quality, rarer, especially classic stamps often with faults, Opt without exp., offered as is, we advice examination!
1918-1923 set of 6 stamps, contains Mi.27-29, 2x Mi.41 - Opt KRALJEVSTVO/ S.H.S.., from that 1x INVERTED and highest value 30D, Mi.173; all ** + parcel dispatch card segment franked with. Mi.12, 26 and bisected (!) Mi.24, CDS BRČKO/ 16.VIII.19; interesting, cat. min. 800€
1916-18 Mi.180, Express stamp 2f olive + Mi.213, 215, 217, Charles 10f, 20f and Zita 40f, 1x complete counter sheet of 100 with margins and control-numbers and 1x same sheets without 1 pairs; on several places loose perf, otherwise sound condition
1900-1980[COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps and miniature sheets on sheets Schaubek in glassine envelopes in 4 spring folders, strong years 1914-1944 (*/**), i.a. contains souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.1, Bl.2, Bl.3 etc, missing annual volumes 1945-1961, then mainly complete 1962-1980 (**), cat. ca. 2.600€
1880-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small acummulation - estate of dealer on choice sheets and cards A4, mainly used and hinged, from copper print issue Franz Joseph. I., inter-war issues (often incomplete), also for example miniature sheet Mi.Bl.1 used and other miniature sheets *; various quality
1850-1910[COLLECTIONS] collection of Old German states on 26 album sheets Leuchtturm, contains Baden, Bavaria, Hannover, Hamburg, Heligoland etc.; various quality, higher catalogue value, part reprints etc., interesting
1939-40 comp. of 4 complete sheets with joined printings for stamp booklets with stamps of Hindenburg and A. Hitler., contains MHB 69, MHB 70, MHB 71 and EGB 3; perfect, cat. 850€
1872-1923[COLLECTIONS] very nice collection to period of monetary reform on album sheets in spiral stockbook Lindner, contains Mi.1-336, postage-due Mi.1-98, also unissued air-mails 1912 etc., from issue 1916/1920 mainly * or **; part of better items expertized by BPP experts, cat. according to owner more than 15.000€, it is worth seeing!
1944 LAIBACH (Ljubljana) selection of Italian PC and commercial letter sent as Registered to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with overprint stamp Mi.11, 8, CDS LJUBLJANA 19.4.44 and 31.3.44, passed through German censorship
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] very nice almost complete collection of mint never hinged stamps on hingeless sheets Schaubek in spring folder, from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (only various commercial marks), 42-60, Block No.1, issue Bells etc.; all VF, cat. more than 7.000€
1946-1965 [COLLECTIONS] GDR / ZONES collection in 10-sheets stockbook A4, contains GDR from Mi.242, various complete sets as Mi.248-249, 256-259, 260, 289-292, Bl.7, Debria, Bl.10, 12, 13 etc., then Zone issues, i.a. miniature sheet Goethe Mi.Bl.6, also souvenir sheets Weimar Bl.3AX and BL.3B etc., various sets; overall nice quality, cat. ca. 1.500€
1949-1981[COLLECTIONS] nice almost complete basic collection on hingeless sheets Schaubek in spring folder, contains all good first issues, i.a. Mi.111-112, 113-115, 123-132 exp. Schlegel, 139-140, 177-196 etc., also many miniature sheets, joined printings etc.; catalogue cca 5.500€, very fine collection
1919 comp. of 2 air-mail cards, 1x preprinted orange air-mail card of Post on Rhine franked with airmail stamp 1M/10Pf "Gelber Hund (yellow dog)" (printing this stamps only 10.000ks), Mi. IV. + 5Pf Germania, special postmark DARMSTADT/ FLUGPOST AM RHEIN 19.6.12 + 1x green-grey postcard franked with airmail stamp 10Pf (Mi. I.) and stamp 5Pf Germania, special postmark Darmstadt/ Flugpost am Rhein/ 22.6.12; perfect condition
1941 C.C. AUSCHWITZ - ARBEITSLAGER BIRKENAU, card to Protectorate, with A.H. 6Pf, posting MC BERLIN 26.1.41, supplemented with postmark with order and address for answer Rückantwort nur... die Reichsvereinigun der Juden in Deutschland; good condition
1942 C.C. BUCHENWALD preprinted postcard to Protectorate, with A. Hitler 6Pf, MC WEIMAR 6.1.42, censor straight line postmark "Postzenzur Block 14"; only small tearing in upper margin
1939 C.C. DACHAU pre-printed envelope without content, addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, with 2x 6Pf Hindenburg, CDS DACHAU 24.3.39, supplemented with frame censorship cancel. K.L. Dachau with signature; good condition
1944 C.C. LUBLIN - postcard WAFFEN SS Majdanek - pre-printed letter-card to Protectorate, with General Government stamp A. H. 24Gr, CDS LUBLIN 16.6.44, supplemented with censorship cancel. "Postprüfer 3", inside red cancel. of Polish Red Cross; missing only lower margin, otherwise without faults
1940 C.C. SACHSENHAUSEN - ORANIENBURG pre-printed envelope in brown color with pre-printed content to Protectorate, with Hindenburg 12Pf, CDS ORANIENBURG 27.1.40, censorship mark Postzenzurstelle with swastika and signature also on content; good condition
1939C.C. SCHLOSS SCHLACKENWERTH (castle Ostrov nad Ohří - the first C.C. on the territory of Czechoslovakia!) German PC Hindenburg 6Pf, to Staňkov by Plzeň, CDS SCHLACKENWERTH 13.5.39, censored red signature; fold, C.C. was established in March 1939 and abolished in August 1939, in this camp was captured about 500 prisoners, very rare!
1855-1918 [COLLECTIONS] OLD GERMAN STATES / COLONIES small collection of Old German states and German colonies on sheets in spring folder, i.a. Baden, Bavaria, Hannover, Prussia, Thurn-Taxis etc., also various colony issues as Togo, Samoa, Cameroon incl. Emperor´s Yacht higher values etc., also issue of German post abroad etc.; various quality, higher catalogue
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / ACCUMULATION full 16-sheet stockbook A4 with duplications, mainly 1930´s - 1940´s, mostly used or *, many complete sets, souvenir sheets Olympic Games Berlin; A. Hitler., Mi.Bl.10 more often etc.; various quality, higher catalogue
1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION of used stamps on stock-sheets A4 in spring folder Abria, from issue 1872, also Germania, inflation issues, also complete better sets and single stamps of 1930´s and 1940´s, also official, air-mails etc., some more often, part also incomplete sets etc.; small part of the stamps unused, also several entires, higher catalogue
1890-1945[COLLECTIONS] COLONIES/ OCCUPIED TERRITORIES / GENERAL GOVERNMENT etc. very interesting accumulation of used but also unused stamps on stock-cards in full spring folder Borek, contains colonies as Samoa, Togo, New Guinea, Cameroon etc. incl. higher values of Emperor´s Yacht issues, also interesting Gdańsk (Danzig), i.a. with souvenir sheets Bl.1-3, also Memel, issues of Generalgouvernement, occupied territories (Serbia with PB Mi.94-98) etc.; overall good quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing, suitable to other elaboration
1919-1945[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation from 1919 - 1945, contains many complete sets as Mi.351-354, 479-481, 499-507, souvenir sheets Bl.7, 10, 11 etc., also Official etc., often in blocks of four, pairs or multiblocks; high catalogue value, it is worth seeing
1768 CZECH LANDS/ 2x heavier letter (to 1Loth), from castle Zbiroh, posted at the post office in Cerhovice; red cancel. V.CZERHOVITZ; to Poděbrady, marked porto 8Kr (paid fully by sender and also by recipient, according to "Taxordnung 1.11.1751" ; perfect quality, Vot.č.313/1, Müller 800b; very rare!
1850 Ferch.3 HPIIIa, Coat of arms 3 Kr pink-red with dumb and straight line postmark POTSCHATEK; perfect quality, certificate Strakosch, Mü.1.500P, one from most precious Bohemian postmarks!
1850 Ferch.5IIIa HP, 9 Kreuzer IIIa, scarce GESTREIFTES PAPIER (laid paper), round CDS PRAG KLEINS; full to wide margins, small smoothed horiz. fold, otherwise very nice quality, certificates Matl and Diena, exp. Ferchenbauer, cat. Ferchenbauer 18.500€; very rare stamp, known only several pieces, rare offer!
1850 St. Andrew's cross from sheet value 9 Kreuzer HP, blue, with left margin; signed by Mgr. Sawczak-Knihinicki (one from best well-known Polish stamp collector)