1941-1943 comp. 3 letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 1x commercial Reg letter with Mi.308, 320 2x, 302 2x, CDS DURRËS, through Italian and German censorship, other entires with posting CDS VLONE, TIRANË; good condition, rare
1945-1975[COLLECTIONS] very nice general, almost complete collection on sheets Schaubek in spring folder, sought period from 1945-1960 complete (without air-mail Mi.521-522, 523-524); nice quality, cat. according to owner more than 3.000€
1931-1999[COLLECTIONS] great complete collection on hingeless sheets in luxury screw stockbook Davo, contains i.a. Mi.1-23 *, 24-47 **, 103-141 **, 142-160 **, airmails, also complete postage-due stamps **/* etc.; very nice quality, cat. accordng to the quality **/* min. 3.500€, it is worth seeing, rare offer
1931-2000 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION fine basic incomplete collection in luxury screw stockbook Davo, i.a. complete Mi.24-47 *, airmail 100Fr, postage-due Mi.1-8 (2x) **/*, 9-15 * (!), 41 ** etc., supplemented with stockbook A4 with interesting duplications, incl. better values (some more often), contains i.a. issue 1931 up to 1Fr; airmail 100Fr + on cut-square, Mi.48 (4x), parts of issues 1936-1961, blocks of four Mi.170, 173, 174, also postage-dues, also with used duplications, i.a. Mi.18-20, 158-160; various, mostly good quality, it is worth seeing, high catalogue value, suitable to elaboration
1940-1943 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 18 letters addressed mainly to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 3x as Registered, airmail sent entires, various frankings, part commercial correspondence; major-part good condition
1851 Mi.2 II., 2S blue "RIGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele, numeral pmk "1" supplemented with blue oval cancel. Copenhagen food post "F: 12 6/6 53P:" (Fod Post); wide margins, left lower missing corner outside picture of the satmp, cat. 1.000€, on cut-square + 25%
1851 Mi.2 II., 2S blue "RIGSBANK-SKILLING", Thiele; very wide margins, numeral pmk "1" supplemented with blue oval cancel. of Copenhagen food post "F: 10 18/2 54 P:" (Fod Post), cat. 1.000€, on cut-square + 25%
1929-1933 set of of 2 Reg-airmail letters with airmail stamps Mi.143-145, 180-181, CDS RANDERS 30.1.33 and KOBENHAVEN 30.10.29; to Katowice and Berlin; perfect, cat. only stamps 515€
1851-1863[COLLECTIONS] EXTRAORDINARY CLASSIC COLLECTION / ex. Jan Strnad, on 77 exhibit sheets with descriptions in 2 ring folders, contains classic issues Coat of arms 1851-1863, Mi.1-10, AFA 1-10, high specilaization on types, plates, postmarks, plate varieties, as well supplemented with many interesting entires etc.; with lot of rare and interesting items, i.a. letter from 5.5 1851, selection of plate varieties of Mi.1 (12 sheets), includes rarest 1IIIf chest brown also on letter, Mi.2 - all types 2b (10x), also letter with Mi.2a type 9; mixed franking Mi.3, 4 and 6 on cut-square, letter with Mi.6 etc.; collection have been compiled almost 50 years, major-part of better items with certificates of Danish experts and specialists, cat. ca. 70.000€, extraordinary offer!
1940-1944 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 entires sent to Bohemia-Moravia or to Slovakia, mainly commercial correspondence, from that 3x as Registered, 3x with perfin "G.B." etc., all passed through German censorship, also Slovak; good condition
1869 Mi.32, pair (!) of Napoleon 5Fr blue-grey, cancel. "star"; very fine, only several short tooth lower, without usual thins, cat. Ceres 2.400€, rare pair!
1910-1953 20 mostly Reg letters franked with. i.a. GUTTER Mi.86 and 114, "Merson" 2Fr; airmail letter to Prague with arriaval PRAGUE AIRPORT, 10 letters with special stamps from 1930´s, also Cathedrals 1947, 2x Personalities 1953; 3x German censorship; interesting set!
1935-1937 3 interesting airmail entires - folded letter-card PAR AVION AUTOUR DE MOND with franking of France, Brazil, Hongkong, USA, posting PARIS EXPOSITION 1937 16-10 37, arrival PARIS R.P. 22.11.37; then card 1. flight without landing FRANCE - AMERIQUE DU SUD 1935 with interruption to Cabo Verde with confirmation cancel. "RAID INTERROMPU" and with CDS PRAIA CABO VERDE 17.FEV.35; also first flight from Paris to Buenos Aires from 1936 INAUGURATION DE SERVICE 100% AÉRIEN TRANSATLANTIQUE with atypical non airmail franking Mi.298(2x),301(2x); perfect quality
1921 PORT SAID Maury 48b, Merson 60m/2Fr violet / blue, printing error numeral "1" instead of second letter "I" in the word "MILLIEMES"; mint never hinged, cat. 950€, rare stamp
1938-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mint never hinged stamps in 3 stockbooks, strongly contains 1940-1950´s, contains i.a. airmail issue from 1947 and 1949, Mi.778-782, 861-865, miniature sheet Mi.Bl.4, strip-of-5 Mi.589-593 etc.; cat. total cca 2.400€
1942-1944selection of 7 PC from that 2x as Registered, 5x addressed to Bohemia-Moravia and Sudetenland, 2x to Vienna, variously franked as Mi.60, 103, 107, Surtax Mi.4, various CDS as SPLIT, STON, SMOBOR, LUKAVAC etc., all passed through German censorship; good condition
1932-1950 airmail card from Galway to Würzburg transported by flight GALWAI-DUBLIN-BERLIN-DUBLIN, franked with stamp 6P - special rate only for this flight, CDS BAILE ATHA CLIATH 21.OC 32, special Irish green cachet, German red confirmation cancel. MIT LUFT BEFÖRDERT and arrival postmark BERLIN 22.10.32; only very small amount of mailing was carried by this flight with airplane "Gypsy Moth"; signs of age, very rare, extraordinary offer!
1876-2000 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection on sheets in screw folder, mainly incomplete sets, modern period more complete; cat. according to owner over 3.500€
1859 Sass.12-18, Governo Provvisorio 5C-80C, including rare 15C bruno and 20C ardesia; very nice and complete set; exp. Diena, Macoveanu etc., stamps without gum No.14 and 16 considered according to catalogue, cat. total 11.400€, rare offer!
1860 letter with Sass.14Bd, Victor Emmanuel II. pair 10C "bruno olivastro scuro" (color determined according to Tavole cromatiche - Quarta emissione di Sardegna), so-called. III. issue (Tinte del 1860), CDS BRESCIA 26. APR 60, to Milan; wide margins, very nice and rare letter, exp. Diena and Raybaudi, cat. min. 3.000€
1851-1857 Sass.4-9, 12-15, selection of 21 stamps "Lion", 8 different face values in various color shades, i.a. Sass.4b carminio su azzurro, 4e 1Cr carminio bruno, 7b 6Cr azzurro violaceo, 15a 6Cr azzurro vivo; except Sass.12 all with wide margins, cat. 8.290€
1860 Sass.17-21, selection of 17 stamps Coat of arms 1C-40C, 3 cut-squares, paper crease, various shades i.a. Sass. 20b,21c, all with full to wide margins, cat. 6.140€!
1942-1943 LJUBLJANA selection of 4 entires sent to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 3x as Registered, various frankings, Italian also German censorships; good condition
1921-1923 comp. of 11 pcs of unused advertising letter-cards, with Opt B.L.P., Help for war victims, all different types, part with paste-in letter paper; mainly good condition, 1x with minor fault in the middle
1926-1939 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 56 letters addressed mainly to Czechoslovakia, part commercial correspondence, many multicolor frankings, multiple frankings, various postmarks; mostly in good condition, interesting set of prewar Italian correspondence addressed abroad
1940-1943[COLLECTIONS] selection of 100 entires mainly addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, mostly commercial correspondence, from that 40 Ex, Reg or Reg and Express, interesting frankings, various postmarks, 8x PC, letter with nazism promotional added prints etc., all through German or Italian censorship; mainly good condition, interesting selection
1940-1941 comp. of 15 entires mainly addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 5x Reg or Reg and Express or Airmail, multicolor frankings of postage stamps, 1x service letter of Serbian Red Cross to Ljubljana, all passed through German censorship; good condition
1950-1988 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of mint never hinged stamps and miniature sheets on sheets Schaubek in glassine envelopes in 3 spring folders, contains all good issues from 1950´s, cat. ca. 3.700€
1881 SG.9ba, stamp of GB Victoria 1P red, plate 215 with TRIPPLE OPT "HALF PENNY", wmk Large Crown, perforation 14; with part of original gum, certificate Brandon, cat. £800, rare stamp!
1930 3 letters, FIRST FLIGHTS - especially Vaduz - St. Gallen, Mi. 108, 109, 113, red deck cancel. I. POSTFLUG...31.AUGUST 1930; arrival ST. GALLEN LUFTPOST 31.VIII.30; also first flight Basel-Cherbourgs Mi.57, 66(2x) with CDS TRIESENBERG 4.VII.30 and first flight Vaduz - Amsterdam redirected to Haag with mixed franking of both countries with CDS TRIESENBER 1.V.30; perfect quality, high cat. also as franking
1930-1936 3 airmail letters, first flights Vaduz - St. Gallen, with Mi.110-112, red deck cancel. I. POSTFLUG...31.AUGUST 1930; arrival ST. GALLEN LUFTPOST 31.VIII.30; first flight Vaduz - Innsbruck with Mi.148 and Reg airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.143-146; very fine, cat. only as frankings 540€
1932 SWITZERLAND letter sent from Vaduz to Vienna, transported by zeppelin LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin, franked with Airmail Mi.109, 111-113, CDS VADUZ 28.VI.32, blue cachet FTM LIECHTENSTEIN ZEPPELIN POST 1932, on the back side transit and arrival postmarks; good condition, decorative
1928-1936 comp. of 8 entires, 3x Reg and card franked with airmail Mi.129, 130, 178, 179, CDS RIGA; to Czechoslovakia, Switzerland and Estonia; also 4 letters with special stamps as "20 years of the state" 1938 and "Monument of freedom" 1937, CDS MAJORI, PUMPURI, KRASLAVA, RIGA-LIDPASTS
1900-1980[COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps and miniature sheets on sheets Schaubek in glassine envelopes in 4 spring folders, strong years 1914-1944 (*/**), i.a. contains souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.1, Bl.2, Bl.3 etc, missing annual volumes 1945-1961, then mainly complete 1962-1980 (**), cat. ca. 2.600€
1862-1864 Mi.27, Numerals 1/3 Sgr. green, BLOCK OF 4 (!) with round cancel. "51" NEUSTADT; very fine and extraordinary multiple with certificate P. Sem BPP, cat. 6.000€, rare offer!
1864 folded letter to Berlin, with Numerals 15 Kr, 6 Kr and 3 Kr, Mi.24, 32 and 33, 3-circle cancel. "220" and FRANKFURT A.M. 13.MAI, red "CHARGE", especially rare 15 Kr wide margins, at top with part of adjacent stamp; very rare cover with certificate P. Sem BPP in excellent quality!
1866 postal stationery cover 2 Kr yellow uprated with strip of 4 value 1 Kr green, Mi.51, circular cancel. "220" and FRANKFURT A.M. 8/2, on reverse arrival postmark; very light smoothed horiz. bend over the stamps, some minor faults, exp. Köhler, rare entire!