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1914 KAPESNÍ TURISTICKÉ MAPKY KRKONOŠ I-IV/ comp. of 4 tourist mapek issued as postcard; incl. original cover, interesting, very good condition U:A5
1910-30 BLAŽOVICE, ŽABČICE, KOVALOVICE, POHOŘELICE, JEHNICE, PODOLÍ, BEDŘICHOVICE, comp. of 10 various Ppc from surroundings Brno, from that 2x lithography, 1x photo, interesting and sought places U:A5
1899-1905 JESENÍK (Gräfenberg) - comp. 3 pcs of lithography window Ppc bath; all long address, 2x Un, 1x Us (bend in corner), overall sound condition U:A5
1901 ŠERÁK (Hochschar) - color lithography collage, cottage Georgs-Schutzhaus; Us, long address U:A5
1900-1905 Šerák (Hochschar) - Georgs-Schutzhaus; Velké Losiny (Bad Ullersdorf), 6-view and Jeseníky, multi-window; comp. of 3 lithography, Us, long address, interesting U:A5
1900-1904 SUDKOV (Zautke), LITOVEL (Littau), MORAVSKÁ TŘEBOVÁ (Mähr. Trübau), comp. of 3 lithography Ppc, multi-view; 2x Us, all long address U:A5
1900-1905 OPAVA (Troppau), comp. 5 pcs of lithography window Ppc, any other one; all Un, long address, overall good quality, interesting set U:A5
1925? PRAGUE - NUSLE - Joef Deyl, factory for envelope/-s and paper wares, 5-views B/W postcard, machine, production line etc..; Un, very good condition U:A5
1900 HORNÍ HYNČICA (Ober Heinzendorf) - 3-views collage, view of inside of church, church, school, lithography; Us, long address, very good condition U:A5
1900-1910 ŠUMPERK (Mähr. Schönberg.), comp. of 6 interesting Ppc, i.a. 2x lithography, 1x "FRANCONIA" - Ferial-Verbindung dutscher hochschüler etc..; all long address, Us U:A5
1898 KRÁLÍKY (Grulich) + Muttergottesberg (Hora Mother of God), comp. of 2 víceokénkových lithography Ppc; Us, long address, sound condition U:A5
1900-1935 LUHAČOVICE (Luhatschowitz), comp. of 6 interesting Ppc, 3x long address, for example. Milchhalle, Lázeňské square, 2x Jamské valley etc..; overall sound condition U:A5
1900-1920 VRANOV N. D. (Frain), comp. of 11 various interesting Ppc, i.a. collage, single-view, multi-view, 8x long address + 2x Hradiště (Pöltenberg), 2x Bítov, 2x Jaroslavice (Joslowitz), 1x Křidlůvky (Grillowitz); interesting selection U:A5
1900 ZNOJMO (Znaim) - color lithography collage, view of castle, emblem Bund der Deutschen (German) Süd-Mähren; Us, long address, perfect condition, interesting U:A5
1895-1925 [COLLECTIONS] ZNOJMO (Znaim), interesting selection Ppc, i.a. Manévry 1901; single-view railway-station; 2x color lithography collage Bund der Deutschen (German) Süd-Mährens, lithography collage with bridge; single-view theatre; viaduct, 3x various Engelsmühle, various views of town etc..; Us, also long address, overall well preserved, rare selection of profitable! U:O5
1900-1940 [COLLECTIONS] SOUTH MORAVIA - selection 31 Ppc, 23x long address, line interesting, i.a. lithography Moravské Budějovice ; then for example. collage Dačice, Slavonice, Hrušovany - sugar-factory, Bučovice 2x, Kyjov, Uherské Hradiště, Jemnice, Třebíč etc..; mostly Us, overall good condition, rare selection of U:O5
1900-1950 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE by estimation more than 800 pcs of various Ppc, i.a. more interesting topography Czech Republic as Opava, Šternberk, Rožnov, Ostrava, Fulnek, Darkov, Uničov, Vranov, Č. Budějovice etc.., then photo postcard from 30.-50 years, motives, i.a. military, emperor Charles I., congratulatory, also addition abroad (Italy, Austria apod.); all in/at smaller box, overall very sound condition, 4.5kg of material U:K
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 120 pcs of Ppc and entires from Carpathian Ruthenia, i.a. Berehovo, Buština, Chop, Khust, bottom Apša, Jasina, Královo etc.., various postmark etc..; placed in album on/for FDC U:Z
1901-1902 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA, JAPAN, GREECE, CRETE, CEYLON selection of 29 used postcards, story of one sender from Liberec, from that 11 with German post in China, MI.17, all CDS SHAHGHAI, 12x sent from Greece and Macedonia with Austrian post in Levant, Mi.32, 33, with CDS SALONICH, CANDIA, 4x franked with Japanese stamp from that 3x with overprint Japanese post in China, Mi.6, with CDS CHEFOO/ I.J.P.O., long address, some interesting motives from China and Ceylon, interesting; mainly good condition U:O5