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1852 Mi.1-2, William III. 5C - 10C, specialized selection aimed to halfcircle pmks so-called. Halfrondstempels, total 12x value 5C and 15x value 10C, all identified and described; chosen pieces, supplemented with study of Dr. Redd - De Halfrondstempels op de Emissie 1852 Nederland, 1970, cat. only basic stamps 695€ U:A4
1869-1871 Mi.13-18, Coat of arms ½C - 2½C; complete very fine set, cat. 200€ U:A5
1872 Mi.19-29, William III. 5c - 2.50G, complete set, very fine, cat. for basic types 280€ U:A5
1891 Mi.34-45, Wilhelmene 3c - 2.50G; complete very fine set, cat. for basic types 320€ U:A5
1898 Mi.63IB, Vilhelmine 1G dark blue-green; very fine, cat. 140€ U:A5
1905 Mi.66A, Vilhelmine 10G dark orange with CDS AMSTERDAM; very fine, cat. 700€, rare highest value! U:A5
1913 Mi.88-92, William III. and Vilhelmíne 50C green - 10G orange (!); highest values of favourite set incl. rare 10G, very fine, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1937-1939 selection of chosen sets, complete volume 1937, then for example. Mi.313-317, 322-326, 334-335, 336-340; perfect quality, cat. 260€ U:A5
1940 Mi.357-374, Postage 2½C-500C; complete used set, cat. 160€ U:A5
1870-1924 POSTAGE-DUE Mi.1A, 2A +2B, POSTAGE-DUE Mi.3IIIE - 12IIIE (complete set, type III, perf 12½;) + PACKAGE Mi.1A, 1E and 2A; very fine, cat. 264€ U:A5
1906-1910 Mi.27, 43, Postage due stamps 50C/1G and 3C/1G, oblique Opt; cat. min. 195€ U:A5
1928 first day sheet issued to Summer Olympic Games Amsterdam 1928, text in Esperanto Amsterdam Olimpaj Ludoj 1928, with complete Olympic set Mi.205-212 with pentagonal postmark, format A4; good condition, only some minor faults U:A3v–
1932-1946 9 air-mail letters, to Batavia, Czechoslovakia, Johannesburg, New York; i.a. 5x with Mi.242, from that 3 stamps with better perf B; first flight Nederland-Zuid Africa; first flight KLM over Atlantic; envelope KLM the first flight Amsterdam-Batavia 1935; Express letter to Prague by air mail through Berlin with cancel. LIUFTPOST BEFÖRDERT ZWEIGLUFTPOSTAMT BERLIN; attractive letter with label of the Club Concordia by airmail through Paris and then with Czechoslovak Airlines; returned letter to Batavia with label of INCONN as "Dead Letter" after 3 months etc.; interesting selection U:A5