1945 ŘÍČANY by/on/at PRAHY three-line black Opt "Czechoslovakia / state coat of arms / Pravda wins" on stmp A. Hitler. Pof.78-97 and 122, values 10K and 20K with coupons!, total 21 pcs of + 2 envelope/-s with 60h and 1,20 Koruna with this overprint, nationalized CDS RADOŠOVICE/ 9.V.45
1945 envelope with mounted German stamp. Mi.886, 888-893, all with overprint "U.S.ARMY/ in/at Č.S.R." and with nominal values in/at CZK, CDS WILDENSTEIN/ 26.5.45; without address
1945-1946 comp. 2 pcs of Reg and Express letters with Linden Leaves and Personalities with provisory rubber cancel. LANŠKROUN/ 1945 and FRANTIŠKOVY LÁZNĚ/ 1946, supplemented with provisory R label; good condition
1945 selection of 16 pcs of entires with provisory cancel., i.a. JABLONEC N.N. 1 - 1x Reg letter with cancel. "Postage refunds recipient" and on reverse with remark "recipient in/at zajetí"!, 1x ordinary letter with cancel. JABLONEC N.N. 1 other sort, LIBEREC 1, 2x letter cash franked from that 1x as Registered, 10 pcs of nevyplacených entires burdened by postage-due, from that 1x Bohemian and Moravian PC; good condition
Pof.354-356, comp. of 4 L bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate number A1, values 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna blue and 6 Koruna light blue; value 2 Koruna */**, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.270Kč
Pof.353-359, selection of more than 50 pcs of, part in blocks of four and pairs, various color shades, on/for line values small flaw print and plate variety; on/for plate A4
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with significant shifted print red color L - value 2 Koruna to in margin perf and both red inscriptions posunuty outside marked field; sought by specialists
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, comp. 4 pcs of with production errors/flaws in red and blue color, for example. "circle before/(in front of) numeral 2", "shift red color in the direction of downward", etc.; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, comp. 4 pcs of with production errors/flaws in/at grey-black color, for example. "circle R from 5", "circle L from 5", etc.; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. of 15 fields, also with 6 other combinations; all described according to Čtvrtečka, it contains e.g. sought combination 7/211 and 10/211; total 21 miniature sheets
1945 money letter for 350.000Kč addressed to to glass works in/at Kyjově, franked with. complete sets Pof.353-359, 403-407 and other 4 stamp., postal-charge 77,40Kčs, CDS BRNO 7/ 14.XI.45, on reverse arrival postmark KYJOV/ 15.XI.45 and 5 whole seal of Trade Bank in Brno, format 25,5 x 19cm; usage Cps with Kosice franking is exceptional!
1945 censored Reg and airmail letter to Prague with Pof.354-356, nationalized Hungarian CDS KOŠICE 1/ 3.VI.45 also Reg label, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE badly readable; minor faults - brown spots, exp. by Karasek + in addition postcard CDV73, CDS PODBREZOVÁ/ 24.IX.45, Us
1945 two philatelically ovlivněnédopisy: and) Registered and Express letter with Pof.-355-358, provisional pmk ĹUBICA + date stamp 18.JÚL.45, arrival provisional pmk KEŽMAROK on reverse; b) Reg letter in the place franked by complete set Pof.353-359, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 31.VII.45; good quality
1945 two R+Ex-dopisy: and) addressed to to Poděbrady, with 5 Koruna cut from miniature sheet Pof.A360/362 + Pof.374, 378 and 396, CDS PRAGUE 73/ 5.XI.45, arrival on reverse; b) addressed to to Skalice, franked with. miniature sheet Pof.A360/362, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.VII.45, format 30,5x21,5cm, arrival on reverse, 2x vert. fold; usual quality
1945 Reg and airmail letter to Canada, with Pof.354, 355b!, 356 + 10 pcs of stamp. Bratislava issue, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 12.XII.45, transit pmk NEW YORK, CALGARY and arrival VERNON/ 24.DE.45 on reverse; less common destination, minor faults - envelope R cut
1945 Pof.384 production flaw, Moscow 50h green, marginal piece with omitted vertical perf L; rarest perf defect on this issue, teprve second time in auction, missing also in/at těch greatest exponátechzaměřených on/for this period or on/for this issue, catalogue very misvalues
1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow-issue, almost full selection of shades colors and sorts gum, mostly in blocks of four, on stock-sheet A4, in addition block of four Pof.386 with omitted perf holes; interesting and obtížnězkompletovatelná selection of
1945 Pof.386 production flaw, Moscow 2 Koruna blue, marginal block-of-4 with omitted vertical perf in L margin sheet, in addition guide mark with nápichem; sought!, c.v.. 7.000Kč+
1945 Pof.389 production flaw + 397 production flaw, War Heroes 20h and 2CZK, two upper corner blocks of four, 1 pcs of with smudge printing color and 1 pcs of with perf folded paper; decorative
1945 Pof.392 production flaw, War Heroes 40h, block of four, print from poškrábané plate + Pof.393, value 50h, marginal block-of-4 with rozměřovacím cross and above ním "circle"; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, War Heroes 1,50CZK, two blocks of four, 1x with upper and 1x with lower margin of sheet, both with inverted comb perf, 1 pcs of with rozměřovacím cross in margin counter sheet; superb, on request exp. by Arbeit.., c.v.. 2.500Kč+
1945 Pof.402 plate flaw, London issue 10Kč, lower left block of 15 with plate mark "1A" and with plate flaw 183/1 "feather in a hat"; mint never hinged
1945 Pof.403-407, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, complete 100 kusové sheets; in/at fold in margins povolena perf, at value 4 Koruna missing margin in/at bottom right corner, otherwise in very good status