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1962 PT1, PRAGA '62, 2 pcs of, 1x with print exhibition special postmark; both pieces on/for width smaller size about/by 2-4mm U:A5
1968 PT3, PRAGA 1968, black unnumbered, large format 148x208mm (!); very good condition, rare occurrence, catalogue price doesn't report, in/at Aukci 48 sold after/behind 26.500Kč! U:A4
1968 PT4N, Rosary celebration, officially unissued special commemorative print, black, size 75,5x101mm, still known only ca. 30 pcs of (!); sought, very good condition U:A5
1968 PT4N, Rosary celebration, officially unissued special commemorative print, in addition with signature of engraver Švengsbír, size 75x119mm; sought, still known only ca. 30 pcs of (!), R at top bend in corner U:A5
1968 PT5A + 5B, Hradčany, black and red, numbered U:A5
1968- Pof.PT5Ab, 6b, 7b, 8b, 9b, 12b, comp. 6 pcs of příležistostných prints, all with zero!; sound condition, c.v.. 2.900CZK U:A4
1971 PT8a + PT8b + PT8c, Agriculture and science; complete set all 3 variants U:A4
1972 PTX, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card red special postmark U:A5
1972 PTX, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, without special postmark U:A5
1972 PTX, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, without special postmark U:A5
1972 PTX, 50. anniv of Soviet Union, 3-piece invitation-card, variant with mounted stamp. Pof.1991-1992 below pictures, with black (!) special postmark; rare U:A5
1974 PT9, Karlův Týn, unnumbered, c.v.. Pofis this variety at all doesn't report (!); in the middle stamp. smudge printing color, perfect condition, sought U:A5
1974 PT9a + PT9b (2x), Karlův Týn, 2 pcs of with zero, from that 1x with signature Seizinger (!) + 1x numbered U:A5
1988 PT19Ab + 19B, PRAGA ´88, 1x blue and 1x light brown, both unnumbered!; c.v.. 5.000CZK U:A5
1988 PT19Ab, PRAGA ´88, blue, unnumbered U:A5
1989 PT22, Exhibition WASHINGTON ´89 - Indian U:A5
1989 PT22, Indian; c.v.. 1.100CZK U:A5
1989 PT22, Indian; c.v.. 1.100CZK, 2 pcs of - 1x with special cancel. UPU CONGRESS NOV/16.1989 U:A5
1992 PT25, 500th Anniv of Discovery of America.; c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A5
1970 VT3a, Czechosl. stamp production, comp. 2 pcs of numbered commemorative prints, 1x light/ close, 1x dark/ wide U:A5
1973 VT4a, Czechosl. stamp production, numbered + Un envelope with green additional-printing; superb U:A5
1973 VT4a, Czechosl. stamp production, numbered; superb U:A5
1974 VT5a, Universal Postal Union, numbered, white paper; superb U:A5
1974 VT5a, Universal Postal Union, comp. 2 pcs of numbered VT, 1x white paper, 1x stronger yellowish paper; superb, c.v.. 4.400CZK U:A5
1976 VT7a, Hydrological Decade, numbered + Un envelope with additional-printing + PF76; very fine U:A5
1976 VT7a+b, Hydrological Decade, 2 pcs of, numbered and with zero, superb, c.v.. 5.300Kč U:A5
1976 VT7b, Hydrological Decade, with zero; very fine U:A5
1970-2005 [COLLECTIONS] šanon with black prints in/at office folders, contains většinu basic special commemorative print Czechoslovakia (incl. PT1 and 2) and various special commemorative print, PTR and PTM Czech republic, in addition total 17 sheets to exhibition Brno 1974 (2066, 2091 and 2092 with coupons); catalogue min. 13.000 CZK, free some other insert to exhibition catalogues, cheaply offered U:Z
1962-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PT1-24 (without PT22) collection of special prints in album A4, i.a. PT1, PT5A, 5B; PT14, PT15 etc..; c.v.. 7.000CZK U:Z