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1931 letters transported by 1. and 2. Experimental flight Melbourne-London, i.a. franked with stamps "Southern Cross" SG.121-123; first flight as Reg letter with airmail confirmation cachet, CDS MIDLAND JUNCTION 13.APR.13, transit REGISTERED PERTH 13.APR.13 and from here by ship; 2. flight (arrival from London 14.5.31), with CDS MELBOURNE 16.MY.31 (back in London 4.6.31) and arrival postmark BUCLE/CORNWAL 5.JU.31; usual faults, signs of age U:A4
1914 BRITISH OCCUPATION, SG.62, Opt "G.R.I./ 5s." on German colonial stamp of Marshall Inseln 5M Emperor´s Yacht carmine / black; certificate RPS London, exp. Diena, cat. £14.000, very nice piece, scarce stamp! U:DR
1857 SG.10, Victoria Chalon Head, 2P blue, unwatermarked; at upper margin small thin place, wide margins, cat. £1.300, rare stamp U:A5
1862-1864 SG.50, Victoria Chalon Head, 2P dark blue, wmk "star", perf"rouletted 7 at Auckland"; very fine piece with full perf all sides; sign. RUWO cat. £475 U:A5
1864 SG.110, 111, 113, 114, 117-120, 122, 122a, 125; set of 11 stamps Victoria Chalon Head, nominal complete issue 1P-1Sh; very fine, chosen pieces, cat. £805 U:A5
1864-1871 SG.117, 125, 132, 3x Victoria Chalon Head 3P violet (lilac), 1Sh yellow green, 1P brown, wmk star; very fine with original gum, cat. £710 U:A5
1925-1930 SG.F133, Victoria 3Sh violet, postally fiscal stamp, perf 14:14½; cat. £225 U:A5
1925-1930 SG.F134, Victoria 4Sh orange - red, postally fiscal stamp, perf 14:14½; cat. for * £170 U:A5
1925-1930 SG.F135, Victoria 5Sh yellow - green, postally fiscal stamp, perf 14:14½; cat. £180 U:A5
1857-1867 SG.26-29, 35-37, 8x Victoria Chalon Head 1P and 4P imperforated; various colors, wide margins; cat. £312 U:A5
1860 SG.45, 46, 47, 3x Victoria Chalon Head 6P imperorated: grey, grey violet and sought dull cobalt; very fine, cat. £315 U:A5
1860-1880 SG.57, 59, 77, 143, Victoria Chalon Head 1P bricky red, perforation. 10, 1P carmine perforation. 10, 1Sh vermilion perforation. 12, 6P "dull claret" (1871) perforation. 12; very fine, cat. £735 U:A5
1863-1880 SG.F9(2x), F13, F15, Postage fiscal stamps; St. George 2Sh6P perf.10, perf.12 and 5Sh perf.12; very nice, rare occurrence, cat. ca. £640 U:A5