Public Auction 53 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-1992 - Collections

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192744 - 1945-1953 [COLLECTIONS]  STARÁ MĚNA / very nice collection
1945-1953 [COLLECTIONS] STARÁ MĚNA / very nice collection old currency on 8 pages in/at 16-sheet stockbooks, contains i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety - broken paw, horiz. and vertical 2- and 4- stamp. Košice gutter (horiz. 2-stamps. 2 Koruna with plate number A1, 5 Koruna RE and 6 Koruna RE), then Kozina horseshoe, miniature sheet May type II., miniature sheet Bratislava 52, air-mail coupons etc..; very nice quality, c.v.. more than 15.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
190795 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / very nice, light specializ
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / very nice, light specialized collection in stockbook A4 + 4 spring folders on hingeless sheets, incl. better miniature sheets as Bratislava 52, Praga 55, "Praga 1962", also line PB, i.a. complete Art I., also several blk-of-10 and others.; overall nice quality, higher catalogue, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
192780 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL collection with slight spec
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL collection with slight specialisation, contains i.a. Kosice MS with "broken paw" flaw, variants of coupons on stamps Kozina, St. Vojtěch, Moyses, XI. festival etc., then for example souvenir sheets Bratislava 52, Praga 1955, "Praga 1962", also PB etc.; placed in 5 ring folders on sheets + 2x stockbook A4; overall nice quality, cat. ca. 44.000Kč
Starting price: CZK
192743 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL  mainly complete collection
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL mainly complete collection on sheets in 4 spring folders + stockbook A4, incl. miniature sheets Bratislava 52 *, Prague 1950, Praga 1955, without miniature sheet Praga 1962, many PB 70-90. years etc.; mostly good quality, small part of stamps hinged
Starting price: CZK
1945-1946 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAGE-DUE, NEWSPAPER STAMPS, OFFICIAL and DELIVERY accumulation blocks with margin and plate number, production defects, varieties, papers, color; placed in 3 stockbooks A4, all good condition, suitable research material
Starting price: CZK
190975 - 1945-1975 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / specialized collecti
1945-1975 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collection zaměřená on/for types and folder miniature sheets and PB (all described měkkou by pencil or on/for cards), some blk-of-10 (Balloons 1968, Birds 1972, Aircrafts 1973, Lexa without plate variety on pos. 1); contains also several interesting production flaws (included to sum after/behind price usual zn.), shifts cut, color shades, plate number on/for Londýnských, several catalogue plate variety also by/on/at other stamp. from this period; interesting collection, c.v.. more than 24.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
190976 - 1945-1989 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / specialized collecti
1945-1989 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collection postmarked stamps, miniature sheets and PB in/at 8-sheet full stockbook, contains catalogue defects in blocks, folder and field miniature sheets, some interesting production defects (included to sum as common stamps) and 39 date print (mainly from 50. and 60. years), any other one; also with in addition 11 pcs of entires; cat. min. 3.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
191759 - 1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / collection containin
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / collection containing plate variety (mostly catalogue), production flaw (often very interesting), some types, souvenir sheets with identified folders, some newer blk-of-10, various shifts perf (also on/for several entires), color shades, PLATE PROOF 644 grey-blue as Pr, PT7 Hollar with zero etc..; supplemented with about/by * Overprint issue Protectorate with plate variety at value 1,60CZK; only catalogue item/-s c.v.. 20.500CZK, other matters of interest free
Starting price: CZK
191769 - 1956-1985 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / DATA TISKU  2 filled
1956-1985 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / DATA TISKU 2 filled stockbooks A4 with dates of print and color testovacími stupnicemi, total 428 date print and 47 BTS (exclusively from 70. years), contains also various catalogue plate variety (described) and corner blk-of-10 Pof.1570 with joined types; cat. only single stamps 6.250Kč, like that price significantly higher
Starting price: CZK
191755 - 1963-1985 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / 4-BLOKY  collection
1963-1985 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / 4-BLOKY collection corner blk-of-4 in 32-stránkovém stockbook, all sets also single values, by/on/at some stamp. several various corners, in addition blocks of four from turn of 40. and 50. years, supplemented with kolekcí stamp. with marks TÚS (Technical Services) from end 70. years; interesting selection of, cat. only single common stamps 2.750 CZK, like that price significantly vyšší
Starting price: CZK
191757 - 1970-1985 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collectio
1970-1985 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collection stripe with controlling color autotronovými marks in 40-stránkovém stockbook, no nepřetržená, mostly dokonce unfolded, complete set also single values, it contains e.g. sought gutter-pair with coupons Pof.2167-72 and Pof.2638-42 in big blocks, Pof.2165-66 paper fluorescent paper in/at bnd-of-10, Pof.2567yb etc.., total 429 KBZ, any other one, quite exceptional collection, in/at 70. year KBZ neither study collectors ordinarily nesbírali, cat. only single stamps above 5.100 CZK, like that price multiply higher
Starting price: CZK
191753 - 1971-1981 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / collection 70 catalo
1971-1981 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / collection 70 catalogue flaws, in addition some color shades and gum and several shifts colors; in 4-sheet stockbook and on/for two cards A4, all described, cat. min. 8.400Kč
Starting price: CZK
191772 - 1945-1973 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / in 5 albums and 3 š
1945-1973 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in 5 albums and 3 šanonech, set oceněny (price/-s from 80. years), used stamp. free; high catalogue value, cheaply offered, placed in IKEA box
Starting price: CZK
1945-1976 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / AIRMAIL STAMPS accumulation airmail stamps in/at 46-stránkovém stockbook Lindner, on issue Pof.L17-24 color shades and coupons, by/on/at Pof.L25-32 also various, also significant shifted overprints, KL29-32 upper also the bottom, on stmp with coupons from 60. and 70. years also gutter-pair zn.+K+zn.; stamps without gum and used free, c.v.. more than 10.000Kč
Starting price: CZK
190137 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / in/at filled Ikea bo
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in/at filled Ikea box in 14 stockbooks A4 + 6 spring folder, zaměřeno mainly on/for PB, often more times, i.a. 29 pcs of PB various values from issue I. art, then II. art, blk-of-10 Pof.PL1655 and 1718 etc.., in addition supplemented with about/by duplication 1945-1970 + basic incomplete collection 1960-1992 in 6 spring folder; various quality, mainly **, high catalogue value, suitable to other elaboration, ca. 40kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
192522 - 1953-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / interesting accumula
1953-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation in 16-sheet stockbook, contains favourite issue 1953-1960 with much rohovými blocks of four and multiblocks, i.a. Profession in blocks of four etc.., also printing date, all sets etc..; all **, only 15x Pof.A1268B cancel.; cat. min. 12.600CZK, vyvoláváme after/behind very low price!
Starting price: CZK
192529 - 1955-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / ARCHY / 38 sheets va
1955-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / ARCHY / 38 sheets various values, 2x Air 10Kčs Pof.L41, Lenin 1970, Guernica 1976, Butterflies 1987, Day of Stamp 70, 72, 88, Locomotive 4Kčs 88, Football 86, Hockey 85, 100 years Reg labels 86 and oths.; major-part more times; cat. only as single stamps 4.300Kč; suitable for next elaboration and sale!
Starting price: CZK
191575 - 1968-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / interesting accumula
1968-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / interesting accumulation bloks of four in 4 full stockbooks, often marginal or corner pieces with dates of print, then souvenir sheets, PB etc.., for example. Praga 1955, Vesmír Pof.A1308 (I-IV type), Praga 1968, Comenius Pof.930 I. and V. type etc., supplemented with about/by several common counter sheet; higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
191750 - 1969-1979 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION  in/at office folders
1969-1979 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION in/at office folders in/at 2 šanonech, contains much complete sets also single values, often also more/larger blocks, total almost 90 creases (1 paper crease = 1 set) naplněných from both sides; c.v.. more than 8.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
192234 - 1979-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION  strojově used miniat
1979-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION strojově used miniature sheets in/at original 100 pcs of packets (!), contains i.a. Pof.A2364B type II (ear-phone); A2826, A2827, A2828, A2554, A2704, A2545 and line other; c.v.. by estimation ca. 50.000CZK, placed in filled box from shoes
Starting price: CZK
191596 - 1989-1992 [COLLECTIONS]   ACCUMULATION / ARCHY  selection of
1989-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / ARCHY selection of 58 pcs of complete 50 pcs of and sheets of 100, incomplete set as Beetles, Vernacular Architecture, Flowers and other issue from these years, plate defects, plate A + B, all in more pcs., high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
192524 - 1990 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / ARCHY  ca. 90 sheets vari
1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / ARCHY ca. 90 sheets various values, Fight against negramotnosti, Havel, Personalities, Flowers, Coats of arms, Helsinki, M. Horáková, Pope, Equestrianism, Nature Protection, Day of Stamp and oths., all sets, mostly both plate, major-part more times; cat. only as single stamps 13.900Kč; very fine research material from big nezpracované estate, suitable for other elaboration and sale!
Starting price: CZK
192525 - 1991 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / ARCHY  ca. 90 sheets vari
1991 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / ARCHY ca. 90 sheets various values, Svojsík, Bethlehem Chapel, Mozart, Land Exhibition, Steamship Bohemia, Antarctica, Buildings, Bienále, Hlinka, Flowers Benka, and oths. major-part more times, often both plate; cat. only as single stamps 13.600CZK, very fine research material from big nezpracované estate, suitable for other elaboration and sale!
Starting price: CZK
192527 - 1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / ARCHY  ca. 120 sheets var
1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / ARCHY ca. 120 sheets various values, Winter Olympic Games, Summer Olympic Games, Expo, BESIP, West resistance, 4.kříž,Tenis, Brouci,Stavby, Pošta-bankovní service, Krumlov, Day of Stamp and oths., all sets, major-part more times, often both plate etc..; cat. only as single stamps 17.400Kč, very fine research material from big nezpracované estate, suitable for other elaboration and sale!
Starting price: CZK
191581 - 1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / LONDON-ISSUE  collect
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / LONDON-ISSUE collection of ca. 130 pcs of letters and 90 pcs of cuts and cut-squares, all with London issue, part R, Ex, Reg and Express, mainly mixed, part multiple franking, provisional postmarks and Reg labels etc..; mainly good condition
Starting price: CZK