Public Auction 53 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-39 - ex PYTLÍČEK

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190051 - 1918 Pof.RV43-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), comple
1918 Pof.RV43-84, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set of 42 stamps with overprint in RED color (!), values 2 Koruna and 3 Koruna granite paper; rare offer, value 10K hinged and short teeth, all marked and exp. by Gilbert + mark Mareš, cat. 14.700Kč
Starting price: CZK
189632 - 1919 Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Reg letter with P
1919 Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), Reg letter with Pof.RV138-140, 146, 148, 149, 151 and 157, CDS TÁTRALOMNICZ 1/ 919.FEB.15., on reverse double circle pmk "Fürdögazgatóság/ Tátralomnicz"; hinges at the back, all stamps exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
190642 -  Pof.1-26, selection of 27 stamps, almost complete set (with
Pof.1-26, selection of 27 stamps, almost complete set (without Pof.13N), incl. Pof.6 (hinged) and Pof.9N (both exp. by Gilbert.), Pof.10Nc (expert Beneš); value 500h *; cat. 5.850Kč
Starting price: CZK
190643 -  Pof.6, 10h green, block of four with lower margin and contr
Pof.6, 10h green, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers, added paper!; on this value rare, exp. by Karasek., Vrba
Starting price: CZK
190645 -  Pof.11STs, 25h violet, marginal block-of-4 with joined spir
Pof.11STs, 25h violet, marginal block-of-4 with joined spiral types, pos. 59-60 / 69-70, plate 2; marked and exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
190049 -  Pof.13N, 30h light violet with right sheet margin; superb,
Pof.13N, 30h light violet with right sheet margin; superb, marked by Tribuna, Franěk, cat. 4.500Kč+
Starting price: CZK
190659 -  Pof.13N, 30h light violet, wide margins, small oblique pape
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, wide margins, small oblique paper creases; exp. by Mrnak., Vrba
Starting price: CZK
190660 -  Pof.13Na production flaw, 30h dark violet, marginal piece w
Pof.13Na production flaw, 30h dark violet, marginal piece with large folded paper, more than 50% print on gummed side; in this issue rare, exp. by Mrnak, Vrba
Starting price: CZK
190048 -  Pof.13Na, 30h dark violet with left sheet margin, nice shad
Pof.13Na, 30h dark violet with left sheet margin, nice shade, with plate variety - interrupted frame; VF, marked by Tribuna., Hirsch, Gilbert and owner's mark, cat. 5.500Kč++
Starting price: CZK
190611 -  Pof.18 joined spiral types, 75h grey-green, block of four w
Pof.18 joined spiral types, 75h grey-green, block of four with lower margin with control-numbers, pos. 81-82 and 91-92/ plate 2, on pos. 82 spiral type I.; hinged in upper margin, certificate and exp. Vrba, cat. Pofis 8.000CZK, Mercure 12.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
190403 -  Pof.25 joined frame types, 500h brown, vertical pair, joine
Pof.25 joined frame types, 500h brown, vertical pair, joined frame type, pos. 83-93/ plate 1, CDS VELKÝ GRUNOV; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
190684 -  Pof.25 joined spiral types, 500h brown, vertical strip of 3
Pof.25 joined spiral types, 500h brown, vertical strip of 3, plate 2, pos. 35, 45, 55, on pos. 35 spiral type I., used with complete CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 13.XII.20; very nice quality, certificates Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Karasek., Vrba, cat. 15.000CZK, nice piece with joined types!
Starting price: CZK
190402 -  Pof.5Ms(2), 10h red, 2-stamps same facing unfolded vertical
Pof.5Ms(2), 10h red, 2-stamps same facing unfolded vertical gutter with right sheet margin; lightly hinged near the margin, exp. by Karasek, nice piece
Starting price: CZK
190675 - 1919 FORGERY OF VEJPRTY  Pof.F20, value 100h brown with part
1919 FORGERY OF VEJPRTY Pof.F20, value 100h brown with part of CDS WEIPERT; very nice piece with superb margins, certificates Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Karasek., Vrba, cat. Pofis 40.000CZK, rare and sought counterfeit!
Starting price: CZK
190683 -  Pof.4D joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, lower left corne
Pof.4D joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, lower left corner block-of-4 with control-numbers, line perforation 11½; plate 2, pos. 81-8 / 91-9, on pos. 91 spiral type I.; VF, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, cat. Pofis 10.000CZK, Mercure 55.000Kč, rare multiple!
Starting price: CZK
190681 -  Pof.4E joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, left bottom corn
Pof.4E joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, left bottom corner block-of-6 with control-numbers, line perforation 11½ : 10¾; plate 2, pos. 81-83 / 91-93, on pos. 91 spiral type I.; superb, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, cat. Pofis 7.000CZK, Mercure 30.000CZK, scarce multiple!
Starting price: CZK
190680 -  Pof.7E joined bar and spiral types, 15h bricky red, upper l
Pof.7E joined bar and spiral types, 15h bricky red, upper left corner block-of-4, line perforation 11½ : 10¾; plate 1, on pos. 2 - spiral type I and bar type II., in addition on pos. 1 and pos. 12 bar subtype IIap; very fine, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba, cat. Pofis only as 1x STk + 1x STp 38.000CZK, cat. Mercure 75.000CZK, an exhibition item with scarce joined types!
Starting price: CZK
190584 -  Pof.7I joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, pair with lower
Pof.7I joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, pair with lower margin and control-numbers with mixed line perforation 13¾ : 11½; + 10¾;, pos. 93-94/ plate 1, on pos. 94 spiral type I.; mint never hinged, certificates Vrba and Pittermann, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, Karasek, Pitt, Ma, cat. price only for basic stamps Pofis 70.000CZK, Mercure 200.000Kč, unique multiple!
Starting price: CZK
190691 -  Pof.7L STs, 15h brown-red, special line perforation 10½
Pof.7L STs, 15h brown-red, special line perforation 10½; block of four with lower margin and control-numbers with joined spiral types, positions 84-85 / 94-95, printing plate 1; exp. by Leseticky, Tri, Hirsch, Mrňák, Vrba and 2 owners marks, cat. 10.000Kč++
Starting price: CZK
190747 -  Pof.11D + 13¾; joined spiral and bar types, valoue 25h
Pof.11D + 13¾; joined spiral and bar types, valoue 25h violet, horizontal corner strip-of-4 with combined line perforation 11½ + 13¾; upper horiz. perf double 11½; and 13¾;, plate 1, pos. 1-4, on pos. 3 spiral type I., on pos. 2 bar subtype IIa; MNH, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, unique multiple with exceptional rare perforation and joined types!
Starting price: CZK
190038 -  Pof.11H joined spiral types, 25h violet, line perforation 1
Pof.11H joined spiral types, 25h violet, line perforation 13¾ : 10¾;, block of four with joined spiral types, pos. 13-14 / 23-24, plate 1, superbly centered block of four with very rare perforation with joined spiral types (!); for the first time in auction, marked and exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + certificate Karásek, cat. Pofis 80.000+, cat. Merkur-Revue 200.000Kč+, extremely rare multiple, exhibition item!
Starting price: CZK
190695 -  Pof.11aF combined joined types (bar + spiral), 25h black-vi
Pof.11aF combined joined types (bar + spiral), 25h black-violet, left upper corner vertical strip of 4, line perforation 13¾ : 11½; plate 2, pos. 1, 11, 21, 31; on pos. 31 spiral type I., on pos. 11 and 21 bar type II., on pos. 1 bar subtype IIa; superb, exp. and marked Gilbert, cat. Pofis 7.250Kč, Mercure 7.500CZK, decorative multiple!
Starting price: CZK
191241 -  Pof.13A, 30h light violet, block of four (!) with combined
Pof.13A, 30h light violet, block of four (!) with combined perforation 13¾; : 13½; light fold in paper in left vertical pair and repaired upper part of loose middle perf (6 teeth), certificate Karásek and Vrba + exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Be, cat. 100.000CZK, still known only two unused blocks of four!, scarce
Starting price: CZK
190582 -  Pof.13C, 30h light violet with line perforation 13¾; h
Pof.13C, 30h light violet with line perforation 13¾; hinged, certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Šrámek, cat. Pofis 18.000CZK, Mercure 80.000CZK, very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
190662 -  Pof.25C Is, 500h brown, block of four, special line perfora
Pof.25C Is, 500h brown, block of four, special line perforation 13¾; excelletnt centering; on 1 stamp from back side note by pencil., exp. Vrba, cat. 2.000Kč+
Starting price: CZK
190633 -  Pof.1Cvz-26Cvz, 1h-1000h, selection of 16 values with overp
Pof.1Cvz-26Cvz, 1h-1000h, selection of 16 values with overprint VZOREC with line perforation 13¾; + Pof.15Dvz with line perforation 11½; cat. 8.800CZK, 3 stamps viewing of quality recommended and are excluded from total sum
Starting price: CZK
190585 -  TETE-BECHE - GUTTER PAIR   Hradčany 100h brown, imperforat
TETE-BECHE - GUTTER PAIR Hradčany 100h brown, imperforated vertical strip of 4 in original color on brownish paper without gum, 2nd stamp inverted (!); certificates Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Karasek., cat. Pofis -,-; only few examples recorded, an exhibition item!
Starting price: CZK
190685 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof in blue color, changed 2. design o
PLATE PROOF plate proof in blue color, changed 2. design of E. Karel with full denomination label, on chalky paper without gum, size 95x54mm; luxury, exp. Vrba, cat. Merkur-Revue 15.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
190026 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof in green color, changed 2. design
PLATE PROOF plate proof in green color, changed 2. design of E. Karel with full denomination label, on stronger chalky paper without gum, format ca. 105x65mm; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
190981 -  PLATE PROOF  selection of 7 plate proofs of the value 10h i
PLATE PROOF selection of 7 plate proofs of the value 10h in various colors on various types of paper + trial print 20h in definitive color on stamp paper with gum (!) + 3x unauthorized reprint + 1x forgeries; all marked and exp. by Gilbert or Karasek
Starting price: CZK
190955 -  PLATE PROOF  selection of 26 trial prints in black color, v
PLATE PROOF selection of 26 trial prints in black color, values 3h - 1000h, from that 9x on brown and 17x on white paper + value 300h forgery; 17x exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
190583 - 1918 FDC / 1. DAY COVER of Hradčany-issue, commercial Reg l
1918 FDC / 1. DAY COVER of Hradčany-issue, commercial Reg letter addressed to Germany, franked on front side with 3 stamps Hradcany 5h green, Pof.3, and on reverse 2 pairs of stamps 5h green and 10h red, Pof.3, 5, rate 45h for posting abroad, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 18.XII.18; certificate Karásek and Vrba, exp. by Karasek., Pitt, Vrba, very sound condition, scarce and famous cover!, exhibition item!
Starting price: CZK
190639 - 1919 money letter for 1.100CZK, form envelope with monogram,
1919 money letter for 1.100CZK, form envelope with monogram, tricolour franking of Pof.3, 16 and 20, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 13.IX.19; missing upper lapel, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
190581 - 1920 bank money letter with stated value of 100.000Kč (!),
1920 bank money letter with stated value of 100.000Kč (!), franked only on front sidewith total of 10 stamps Hradčany 1000h, 2x issue Agriculture and Science 300h, Hradčany 20h and Pigeon-issue 5h, Pof.26 10x + 166 2x, 8, 143, CDS PRAGUE 5/ 20.X.20, addressed to sugar factory in Krásné Březno, high franking 16,25Kč; exp. by Pittermann, Vrba + certificate Vrba,very good condition, rare entire, exhibition item!
Starting price: CZK
190221 - 1920 philatelically influenced Reg letter to USA, franked wi
1920 philatelically influenced Reg letter to USA, franked with pairs of 5h and 75h, Pof.4 and Pof.18 + stamp 90h Hussite-issue!, Pof.163, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 15.IX.20, supplemented with bicircular cancel. Poštovní úřad/ Praha - Filatelie, on reverse 3 transit and arrival postmarks; small format, sound condition, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
190689 - 1920 commercial express letter to Prague franked with vertic
1920 commercial express letter to Prague franked with vertical imperforated strip-of-3 value 75h grey-green, plate 2, pos. 72, 82 and 92, on pos. 82 spiral type I., CDS PALONCZA (Plavnica) APR.8.920; perfect condition, certificate Karásek, rare cover!
Starting price: CZK
190579 - 1920 Reg letter franked on front side with two 2-stamps oppo
1920 Reg letter franked on front side with two 2-stamps opposite facing gutters 30h yellow and 10h red + stamps Hradčany 100h brown and 5h green, Pof.5Mp, 12Mp, 20, 3, exact franking for IV. postal rate, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 22.X.20; very fine, certificate Vrba + exp. by Karasek., Pithart, cat. only for mint never hinged gutters 30h Pofis 120.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 80.000CZK, for entire we estimate 250.000CZK, unique cover, an exhibition item!
Starting price: CZK
190744 - 1919 FORGERY OF VEJPRTY  smaller part of dispatch-note (!) f
1919 FORGERY OF VEJPRTY smaller part of dispatch-note (!) franked with counterfeits Pof.F22, 200h blue and genuine stamps 10h red and 20h blue-green, Pof.5 and 8, full CDS WEIPERT 1/18.XII.19; very fine, certificate Vrba, exp. by Karasek., cat. Pofis 25.000CZK, Mercure 30.000CZK, scarce combination, extremely rare!
Starting price: CZK
190586 -  Pof.35a, Crown 6h orange with BLACK Opt, type II.; well cen
Pof.35a, Crown 6h orange with BLACK Opt, type II.; well centered Opt, hinged, certificates Karásek, Friedl and Vrba, exp. Lešetický, Gilbert, Karasek, Tri, cat. Pofis 45.000CZK, Mercure 60.000CZK, very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
190066 -  selection of 8 stamps with full overprint offset on gum, co
selection of 8 stamps with full overprint offset on gum, contains 2x Pof.34 PI, 37 PI, 387 PI, 39 PI with overprint from the front also in the back side normal + Pof.33 PIII (from the front overprint normal and inverted, on reverse inverted); all exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
190064 -  Pof.33-47, selection of 16 stamps, from that 13 with shifte
Pof.33-47, selection of 16 stamps, from that 13 with shifted overprints, 1x with incomplete printing of overprint due to folded paper and 2x shifted overprint with different inclination
Starting price: CZK
190721 -  Pof.50Ia Pp, Coat of arms 4 K dark green, high format, INVE
Pof.50Ia Pp, Coat of arms 4 K dark green, high format, INVERTED overprint on in advance used stamp, on small cut-square with complete CDS PRAGUE 1/ 7.XII.19; rare occurrence, viewing of quality recommended, exp. by Gilbert., cat. 10.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
190718 -  Pof.50Ia joined types, Coat of arms 4 K dark green, block o
Pof.50Ia joined types, Coat of arms 4 K dark green, block of four, 2x joined Opt types; MNH, marked and exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
190588 -  Pof.51I, Coat of arms 10K light violet, BLOCK OF 4, high si
Pof.51I, Coat of arms 10K light violet, BLOCK OF 4, high size, overprint types II+II+I+I; MNH, certificate and exp. Vrba, Mrňák, cat. 40.000CZK, scarce multiple!
Starting price: CZK
190573 -  Pof.52-54, Airmail stamps with overprint FLUGPOST, all BLOC
Pof.52-54, Airmail stamps with overprint FLUGPOST, all BLOCK OF FOUR; each multiple 2x joined types of overprint I. + II.; certificates Vrba for eeach value, cat. Pofis 185.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 228.000CZK, extremely rare multiples, an exhibition item!
Starting price: CZK
190704 - 1920 money letter franked with complete airmail set of FLUGP
1920 money letter franked with complete airmail set of FLUGPOST 1,50K/2K violet, 2,50K/3K yellow and 4K grey, Pof.52-54, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 30.I.20; certificate Karasek, exp. by Karasek, Gilbert, Pithart, value 4 K at top repaired perforation (viewing of quality recommended), cat. min. 29.000CZK, scarce entire!
Starting price: CZK
190714 -  Pof.55Pd, Triangle 2h red, overprint DOUBLE, from that 1x I
Pof.55Pd, Triangle 2h red, overprint DOUBLE, from that 1x INVERTED; sought by specialists, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba, cat. 7.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
190574 -  Pof.56(4K), Triangle 5h green with 4 overprinted coupons!!;
Pof.56(4K), Triangle 5h green with 4 overprinted coupons!!; certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 200.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 250.000CZK, scarce, only few examples known, an exhibition item!
Starting price: CZK
190667 -  Pof.57AK, Rectangle 2h brown-red with bottom overprinted co
Pof.57AK, Rectangle 2h brown-red with bottom overprinted coupon, line perforation 12½; BLACK OVERPRINT (!), type III., shifted overprint to the right; hinged, left small original bend, lower short tooth, certificate and exp. Vrba, cat. Pofis 22.000CZK, Mercure 40.000CZK, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
190652 -  Pof.57D blank coupon, Rectangle 2h brown-red with unoverpri
Pof.57D blank coupon, Rectangle 2h brown-red with unoverprinted bottom coupon, line perforation 12½ : 11½; blue Opt, type III.; mint never hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. by Gilbert, Karasek, Vrba, only single stamp without coupon cat. 10.000CZK, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
190575 -  Pof.58Ab, Rectangle 5h green, BLUE Opt, block-of-4, line pe
Pof.58Ab, Rectangle 5h green, BLUE Opt, block-of-4, line perforation 12½; 1x joined types of Opt III+II; certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 33.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 56.000Kč, scarce multiple!
Starting price: CZK
190076 -  Pof.57-58, Rectangle 2h brown-red and 5h green, selection o
Pof.57-58, Rectangle 2h brown-red and 5h green, selection of 31 stamps with various types of perforation, plate varieties, offsets etc.; all stamps expertized by various experts!
Starting price: CZK
190075 -  Pof.57A blank coupon + 58A blank coupon, Rectangle 2h, 3 st
Pof.57A blank coupon + 58A blank coupon, Rectangle 2h, 3 stamps with not overprinted coupons, types I.-III + Rectangle 5h as pair with joined types of overprints II. + III., line perforation 12½; MNH, 3x exp. by Gilbert., 2x Pithart
Starting price: CZK
190646 -  Pof.65, Large numerals 2h, overprint type III.; MNH, certif
Pof.65, Large numerals 2h, overprint type III.; MNH, certificate Vrba, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba, Tribuna, scarce stamp in fine quality, cat. Pofis 150.000CZK!
Starting price: CZK
190052 -  Pof.72-78, Small numerals 5h-40h, selection of 24 stamps, f
Pof.72-78, Small numerals 5h-40h, selection of 24 stamps, from that 3x block of four and 3x pair, contains shifted overprints, 4x folded paper with overprint, 1x double overprint and 1x full offset; all expertized by various experts, cat. more than 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
190640 -  Pof.80-82, Small numerals 1K-10K, complete set, all overpri
Pof.80-82, Small numerals 1K-10K, complete set, all overprint type I., well centered; exp. by Karasek, Pofis, Gilbert, Mrňák etc., cat. 13.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
190641 -  Pof.80-82, Small numerals 1K-10K, complete set, all overpri
Pof.80-82, Small numerals 1K-10K, complete set, all overprint type II., well centered; zkoušeny: exp. by Karasek, Pofis, Gilbert, Mrňák etc., cat. 13.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
190067 -  Pof.80, Small numerals 1 K blue, selection of 8 stamps, con
Pof.80, Small numerals 1 K blue, selection of 8 stamps, contains block of four with joined overprint types, MNH, exp. by Mrnak + 2 stamps, types I + II, MNH, exp. Fischmeister, resp. Kessler, Fischmeister and Gilbert + 1x on damaged stamp and 1x with full overprint offset on gum, exp. by Pittermann.; interesting
Starting price: CZK
190711 -  Pof.80Ob-81Ob, Small numerals 1 K and 5 K, both with full o
Pof.80Ob-81Ob, Small numerals 1 K and 5 K, both with full overprint offset on gum; Pof.80 MNH, exp. by Mrnak., Pof.81 hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
190648 -  Pof.83a, overprint PORTO 1h grey / red, block of four, all
Pof.83a, overprint PORTO 1h grey / red, block of four, all wide "O", overprint types I+I+I+I; MNH, nice centered overprints, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba
Starting price: CZK