Public Auction 54 / Collections

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194573 - 1913-1986 [COLLECTIONS]  large collection in two albums, i.a
1913-1986 [COLLECTIONS] large collection in two albums, i.a. Red Cross 1924, postage-dues 1930, Red Cross 1945, from 1946 almost complete, mostly ** (some stamps from the beginning * , considered according to catalogue); also sets as fauna, sport, cosmos, some also imperforated; then i.a. Bl.34 Hoxha and very rare Mi.2135-36 Zéri also Popullit and Mi.2264-65 40. Anniv victory (printing only 1.370), cat. over 5.200€
Starting price: CZK
193601 - 1914-1915 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE PROOF  Mi.107-109, 110-112, s
1914-1915 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE PROOF Mi.107-109, 110-112, selection of bloks of four and single stamps King Albert I. - Red Cross II and III, mainly imperforated PLATE PROOF in various colors (part in blocks of four) etc.; on 2 sheets
Starting price: CZK
194294 - 1982 [COLLECTIONS] representative publication of Ministry of
1982 [COLLECTIONS] representative publication of Ministry of post for exhibition Philexfrance ´82, contains exhibition issues, also 12 ministerial prints – prints on carton and especially rare "de luxe sheets" IMPERF - Durer, Exposition (Trémois), La Poste et forest Hommes (Folon) and miniature sheet Philexfrance; luxury and rare offer, cat. Ceres, min. 2.000€
Starting price: CZK
194308 - 1912-1994 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in 2 stockbooks and in f
1912-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 2 stockbooks and in folder, i.a. Mi.1-3x and y, Mi.50B, 55, 59, 65-71, 131(2x), 143-147, postage-due P13-20, then newer souvenir sheets and PB, 3x Klb Mi.655-657, in addition very interesting 3/4 sheets Mi.P1-9, 11 and postage stamp 5 K 1920 (Mi.37) with plate number; cat. over 4.000€
Starting price: CZK
194275 - 1911-1942 [COLLECTIONS] collection in old stockbook with ca.
1911-1942 [COLLECTIONS] collection in old stockbook with ca. 200-250 gutter-pairs, joined printings, advertising pos., St. Andrew's crosses; from stamp BOOKLETS, incl. several 6- and larger multiples, from Germania to issue A. Hitler., high catalogue value; originate from old estate
Starting price: CZK
193761 - 1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection on 44 sheets
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on 44 sheets, contains various, especially basic sets: Albania, Luxembourg, Alsas, Serbia, General Government, Lithuania, Latvia, Laibach, Estonia, Ostland, also Sudetenland - Rumburk etc.; mainly hinged, overprints without guarantee
Starting price: CZK
192750 - 1949-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  mainly complete collection of used
1949-1970 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of used stamps in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains i.a. Mi.242, 245, 248-249, 250, 256-259, 261-270, Mao 286-288, 289-292, Bl.11-14 etc.; cat. more than 1.000€
Starting price: CZK
194148 - 1956-1975 [COLLECTIONS]   ENTIRES  selection of more than 37
1956-1975 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES selection of more than 370 entires addressed to Czechoslovakia, contains FDC - part sent with controll stamps, part first flights, several as Reg or special delivery letters, various franking etc., placed in 4 stockbooks on FDC; various quality
Starting price: CZK
193124 - 1918-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection on ca. 40 al
1918-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on ca. 40 album sheets, from issue 1918, Cracow issue only cheaper values, then complete inter-war sets * / used, souvenir sheets Block No.1 **, Bl.2-4 *, Bl.5A-5B *, 6*, also postage-due, SO1920 etc, supplemented with parts of sheets i.a. complete block-of-40 Mi.7 etc. + stockbook A4 with duplications and envelopes with waste material; placed in little-box
Starting price: CZK
193277 - 1956-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 200 used entires
1956-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 200 used entires and FDC addressed to Czechoslovakia, larger part as Registered, addition several entires of Rumania; good condition, all in one box
Starting price: CZK
194223 - 1920-1924 [COLLECTIONS]  LOCAL ISSUE - KARTEN  collection on
1920-1924 [COLLECTIONS] LOCAL ISSUE - KARTEN collection on 4 sheets Lindner, contains i.a. 4x joined printing, Notpost LINZ, Befreiung SPIELFELD Parliament to 20Kr - rare provisional, Abstimmung SALZBURG 6 unused and complete set of 20 pcs of on memmorial sheet nr. .782, TYROL 1918 3h-1K, TYROL 1921 Type II, all on 4 sheets Lindner; extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
194530 - 1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA + Austria-Hu
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA + Austria-Hungary FIELD-POST slightly specialized collection of used and mint stamps, all issues for Bosnia, various perf of first issues, imperforated Landscapes, supplemented with all issues of Austria-Hungary field post, incomplete, after all interesting, placed on 13 sheets in big stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
193568 - 1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of ca. 45 various photos of w
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 45 various photos of war ships, submarines etc., supplemented with comp. ca. 100 Ppc and FP cards and 25 photos and Ppc of soldiers etc.; various quality
Starting price: CZK
189917 - 1850-1858 [COLLECTIONS]  I and II issues/ part of collection
1850-1858 [COLLECTIONS] I and II issues/ part of collection on exhibit sheets with descriptions, I and II issues, various values and types, papers etc., for example Reg letter with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer; underlaid middles, both sides print etc., types - The 2nd issue, letters with 5 Kreuzer and 10Kr with plate flaw etc.; high catalogue value, various quality
Starting price: CZK
194523 - 1850-1883 [COLLECTIONS]  semi-specialized collection of used
1850-1883 [COLLECTIONS] semi-specialized collection of used stamps, first seven issues of Austria-Hungary incl. newspapers and postage-dues, on 11 sheets in stockbook A4, contains i.a. from first issue 7x 1Kr yellow, 6x 2 Kr black, also 6 of blue Mercury 0,6Kr etc., lot of postmarks, part cut-squares, wmk on 6th issue, types, perf etc.
Starting price: CZK
193663 - 1945-1994 [COLLECTIONS]  ver fine collection after 1945 on s
1945-1994 [COLLECTIONS] ver fine collection after 1945 on sheets in 2 spring folders, without miniature sheets Renner, contains i.a. Mi.772B-775B, 822-828, 878-884, 952-954 etc.; supplemented with various entires, higher catalogue, only several pieces * or used
Starting price: CZK
1870-1882 [COLLECTIONS] DISPATCH NOTES AND BLANK FORMS WITH REVENUES AND WITH PRAGUE POSTMARKS collection of freight letters for railroad and dispatch notes on 76 sheets with descriptions, contains 9x p.stat freight letters for railroad, various issue, also 13 freight letters for railroad with mounted revenues, various issues and also 53 larger parts of parcel cards with imprinted stamps , various issue with interesting frankings of Franz Joseph Issue, 76 entires with cancel. of Prague post offices, exhibit was display in Schwäbisch Gmünd in 2006 and gianed silver medal, cat. Schneiderbauer 15.710Sch
Starting price: CZK
193118 - 1870-1968 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on ca. 50 sheets, from c
1870-1968 [COLLECTIONS] collection on ca. 50 sheets, from classic issues, many complete sets, to 1935 mainly used, i.a. Mi.146-153, 169-172, 187-196, 197-207, etc., various inter-war issues, mainly * as Mi.339-345, 397-401, 406-412, 413-417, 443-445, Block No.1 cancel., 484-488, also some souvenir sheets, postage-due etc.; various quality, part viewing of quality recommended, higher catalogue, supplemented with several modern PB
Starting price: CZK
194548 - 1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting specialized collection
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] interesting specialized collection of issues of RSFSR and USSR on ca. 100 hingeless album sheets, contains various blocks, strips, plate numbers, gutters, types of perf etc., in addition many entires with multiple frankings etc.; interesting material
Starting price: CZK
193065 - 1918-1969 [COLLECTIONS]  fine basic collection on sheets in
1918-1969 [COLLECTIONS] fine basic collection on sheets in 3 spring folder, contains many complete sets, i.a. * Mi.224-227B+C, 298-299, 305-307A+B, 326-327, from 1927 used, for example. Mi.407-409, 422-423, 424-426, 429-449, 453-455, 513-522, 625-636 etc.; overall good quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
194551 - 1950-1959 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of ca. 300 entires sent to Cz
1950-1959 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 300 entires sent to Czechoslovakia, various interesting frankings 1950´s. and 1960´s., part as Registered etc.; placed in smaller box, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
193775 - 1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  basic incomplete collection on shee
1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete collection on sheets in stockbook, part of classic issues, better inter-war period, without better items, also part postage-dues and especially modern period; cat. according to owner ca. 2.000€
Starting price: CZK
193603 - 1860-1935 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on 8 sheets Leuchtturm,
1860-1935 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 8 sheets Leuchtturm, from classic issue Sitting Helvetia, also Standing Helvetia, inter-war issues; various quality, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
193340 - 1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  ESTATE / AUSTRIA  basic incomplete
1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ESTATE / AUSTRIA basic incomplete collection of used / mint on sheets, supplemented with issue for Bosnia + GERMANY 1870-1945 basic incomplete collection on sheets - used / mint, in addition supplemented with several various entires and old choice album Schaubek
Starting price: CZK
194303 - 1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  collection old Europe in 16-pages s
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection old Europe in 16-pages stockbook A4, incl. some classic issues and middle values, i.a. Austria-Hungary, France, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Hungary, Tuscany, Vatican, in addition some USA; from old estate, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
194300 - 1962-2009 [COLLECTIONS]  WEST A SOUTHERN EUROPE; sets, souve
1962-2009 [COLLECTIONS] WEST A SOUTHERN EUROPE; sets, souvenir sheets, motives, Euro face-value etc., GB, Channel islands, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Vatican City, Gibraltar; full 16-sheets stockbook A4, a lot of material; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
193662 - 1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in 12-sheets stockbook A
1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 12-sheets stockbook A4, various sets, souvenir sheets, motives; only small part used
Starting price: CZK
194306 - 1950-1968 [COLLECTIONS] IFNI, collection, almost complete, f
1950-1968 [COLLECTIONS] IFNI, collection, almost complete, from Mi.97 "Child's help"; then CABO JUBY Mi.129-133, 158-168; Marruecos 1938-1955 Mi.176-189, 229-233, 239-249, 260-280, 287-301, 315-325, 333-350 etc.; MOROCCO - NOTHERN ZONE 1956 Mi.9-24; SPANISH SAHARA 1952-1975 almost complete; fine quality, cat. 518€
Starting price: CZK
194305 - 1929 [COLLECTIONS] collection from Mi.34, Exhibition Sevilla
1929 [COLLECTIONS] collection from Mi.34, Exhibition Sevilla 4Pta lilac; then Mi.114-115, 118-121, 128 etc., almost complete, missing only cheap set Mi.157-160; incl. sought motive sets, airmails and "semi-postal" issue; cat. 490€
Starting price: CZK
193875 - 1859-1956 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets from SG.1,
1859-1956 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets from SG.1, Victoria without wmk, with CC, CA, SG.8, 9 "sideways", issue 1876 set, 1912 to 5Sh, 1921 to 5Sh, also other Shilling and Pound values; cat. min. £1.750
Starting price: CZK
194301 - 1942-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  Malaya states -  small collection o
1942-1960 [COLLECTIONS] Malaya states - small collection on 10 sheets from stockbook, several Japanese occupation issues, then i.a. 6x 5$ Silver Jubilee, UPU, later motives etc.
Starting price: CZK
194292 - 1870-1966 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets from Sc.1,
1870-1966 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets from Sc.1, 10x "Lion" (various quality), also contains other issues - Nassereddin Shah more often incl. highest values, all sets, sought "Sun" 1881-1882, overprints 1899-1900, Officiel, Relais - excluded from sum, overprints 1902 and so on, incl. better values also rare PB Tehran Sc.315, Ahmad Shah, Lion, overprints 1924-1925 more material; cat. min. $8.300
Starting price: CZK
194295 - 1960-2002 [COLLECTIONS]  Mongolia, China, Taiwan, Japan, Sou
1960-2002 [COLLECTIONS] Mongolia, China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Macao, sets, souvenir sheets, motives, i.a. annual volumes of Taiwan 2000-2002 etc.; full large stockbook A4 and several cards
Starting price: CZK
194296 - cca 1980 -  2000 [COLLECTIONS]  Hong Kong, Thailand, Israel,
cca 1980 - 2000 [COLLECTIONS] Hong Kong, Thailand, Israel, Indonesia, Australia, Macao; sets, souvenir sheets, motives, i.a. HK face-value 810HK$; full large stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
193661 - 1937-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  OMNIBUS / Coronation 1937 */** and
1937-2000 [COLLECTIONS] OMNIBUS / Coronation 1937 */** and 1953 **, supplemented with about various special prints, anniv. issues etc.; mainly complete, placed in stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
194307 - 1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE / OVERSEAS part of estate in
1850-1990 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE / OVERSEAS part of estate in middle box, small collection of Switzerland from 1850 with some souvenir sheets 1936-1955 on 50 sheets, partial collections of Vatican, Monaco, Iceland, also some valuable selection of Belgian Congo, sets of old Ethiopia, annual volumes of Surinam, FDC Challenger "Eagle" $9,35 etc., in addition ca. 170 EUR of face value, especially France; high catalogue value!
Starting price: CZK
194298 - cca 1965-2000 [COLLECTIONS] SOUTH A NORTH AMERICA / modern m
cca 1965-2000 [COLLECTIONS] SOUTH A NORTH AMERICA / modern motives, sets, souvenir sheets, as Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Columbia, but also USA, Canada or Specimens of New Zealand; in addition nice sets and miniature sheets of LYBIA incl. rare printing error of miniature sheet PHILAFRANCE Mi.Bl.65 "without value"; almost full stockbook with 16-sheets
Starting price: CZK
1890-1930 [COLLECTIONS] CANADA, VICTORIA, JAPAN, INDIA, GERMANY, RUSSIA, ROMANIA etc., collection of ca. 100 various entires, part PC, interesting frankings atd.: various quality, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
194304 - 1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  CENTRAL AMERICA and NEAR EAST - 2 f
1900-1980 [COLLECTIONS] CENTRAL AMERICA and NEAR EAST - 2 full stockbooks A4, from old collection, mostly before 1930, incl. interesting destinations as Panama, French. occupation of Libanon, Syria, Jordan etc.; in addition 26 sheets, lot of MNH modern stamps and sets especially French Africa
Starting price: CZK
193668 - 1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  FLOWERS / ART / FLORA  wide collect
1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS] FLOWERS / ART / FLORA wide collection of motives in 6 stockbooks in full Ikea box, various stamp countries, supplemented with many entires; used / mint stamps, a lot of of material
Starting price: CZK
189469 - 1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION  1.5. 1934 - 24.10
1934 H.R. HARMER - ARTHUR HIND COLLECTION 1.5. 1934 - 24.10. 1934, comp. 6 pcs of auction catalogues 1. - Great Britain, European Colonies, 2. - West Indies, British Guiana, 3. - Asia with India and States, 4. - Africa with Mauritius, 5. - Australia and Oceanic Possesions, 6. - France and Colonies; perfectly good condition
Starting price: CZK
194288 - 1976 JAPAN / T.  Woodward - The Postage Stamps of Japan and
1976 JAPAN / T. Woodward - "The Postage Stamps of Japan and Dependencies", Monograph about/by first issues; history, all data, prints, color, plate, specialties, printing errors, papers, editions, valuation, list/roster post offices, detailed picture, ca. 700 sides, evidently the best dostupný spring well to Japanese classic!
Starting price: CZK
194286 - 1986 SOUTH AFRICA / I. B. Mathews, D. Crocker and oths. - Tr
1986 SOUTH AFRICA / I. B. Mathews, D. Crocker and oths. - "Transvaal Philately", Cape Town; nejvýznamnější work for this teritorium, 290 sides; postal history, Búrské war, definitive issue, date, editions, forgeries, VRI, provisory Pietersburg etc.., skvělý spring well!
Starting price: CZK
194580 - 2013 MICHEL EUROPA CATALOGUE 1-6 + Deutschland (Germany); se
2013 MICHEL EUROPA CATALOGUE 1-6 + Deutschland (Germany); selection of specializovaných catalogues European states and Germany (only without Eastern Europe part 7); issue 2013/2014, overall very good condition
Starting price: CZK
194582 - 2010-2012 MICHEL SÜDOSTASIEN 1 (2012), 2 (2010-2011) + NAHE
2010-2012 MICHEL SÜDOSTASIEN 1 (2012), 2 (2010-2011) + NAHER OSTEN 2013; comp. of 3 specializovaných catalogues South Asia and Middle East, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
191077 -  [COLLECTIONS] Pof.27-32, comp. of 10 sets in blocks of four
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.27-32, comp. of 10 sets in blocks of four with added-print For orphans of legionaries in 5 various colors!, 5x Lipový sheet and 5x Kruhový, some blocks of four marginal; one common block of four (circle in blue color) missing, on 10 album pages
Starting price: CZK
190682 - 1936 first flight PRAGUE - MOSCOW, comp. 12 pcs of airmail e
1936 first flight PRAGUE - MOSCOW, comp. 12 pcs of airmail entires sent individual traces flight, as PRAGUE - UZHHOROD, PRAGUE - KLUŽ 2x, PRAGUE - KIEV 3x, PRAGUE - MOSCOW 4x, various mixed franking, 2x as Reg and airmail letter, blue postmark 1. flight from 2.IX.36, all attributes; good condition, c.v.. Horka 14.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
193133 - 1920-30 [COLLECTIONS]  závěrečná selection of airmail st
1920-30 [COLLECTIONS] závěrečná selection of airmail stamps I., issue II and III.., contains from the first issue 3x Pof.L1-3; 2x L3; 1x L1A, 2A, 3B + 1x L2A, 3B; 4x The 2nd issue.; from The 3rd issue various types and color shades, 34 pcs of bloks of four, 22 pcs of with plate number, from that 14 pcs of in blocks of four and 1x complete set on cut-squares, in addition 15 pcs of years. direction labels from all 4 destinations; in new stockbook A4, c.v.. surely through/over 23.000CZK, příplatky after/behind corner pieces or blocks of four excluded from sum
Starting price: CZK
193373 - 1920 [COLLECTIONS]  HRADČANY-issue SO1920 (overprint) - pla
1920 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue SO1920 (overprint) - plate defects, part from big specialized collection rekonstrukcí plate, incomplete, strongly contains only values 1h, 3h, 20h blue-green, 30h yellow, and other values in/at smaller lot of, mainly Un stamp. hinged, placed on 57 pcs of unbound album sheets with descriptions pos. in box, by estimation more than 650 pcs of stamps
Starting price: CZK
190982 -  [COLLECTIONS] selection of 137 pcs of plate proofs various
[COLLECTIONS] selection of 137 pcs of plate proofs various values on/for maculature papers, on 8 album pages + copy memorial sheet printing-plant "UNION" issued on the occasion of vytištění first Czechosl. stamps of day 16.12.1918
Starting price: CZK
193376 -  [COLLECTIONS] issue Chainbreaker + PIGEON-issue - plate def
[COLLECTIONS] issue Chainbreaker + PIGEON-issue - plate defects, part from big collection rekonstrukcí plate, mainly used stamp., strongly contains lower values, lot of stamp. with perfins, placed on 30 pcs of free sheets with descriptions pos.
Starting price: CZK
193708 - 1918-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection various refu
1918-1970 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection various refused designes Czechosl. stamps on 18 pages, contains various PLATE PROOF designes, joined printings, blocks etc.., supplemented with about/by advertising labels, revolutionary Olomouc issue 1945 etc..
Starting price: CZK
193740 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  nice basic collection in 14-sheet s
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection in 14-sheet stockbook A4, from issue Hradčany i.a. imperforated 10h, 20h, 30h, Legionaire, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, i.a. Triangle 2h, Postage due stamps - small numerals 5 K, Parliament 3 K and 5 K, basic lines of T. G. Masaryk 1920, issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, also opposite facing pairs, i.a. 50h green wide and close, then issue Agriculture and Science, Congress, Festival, basic sets of postage stamps, also air-mails, postage-dues, SO 1920 etc.; mainly hinged, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
194060 - 1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  HRADČANY-issue  more/larger incomp
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue more/larger incomplete collection plate flaws according to Monograph, values 1h - 1000h, placed on free sheets with descriptions in/at office transparent covers in 8 spiral cover, part parcel cuts, supplemented with 3 stockbooks and lot of envelopes with else/yet neroztříděnými stamp. etc..; more than 15kg of material!, placed in Ikea box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
194064 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of 3 smaller incomplete gener
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 3 smaller incomplete general collections on album sheets in 3 spring folder, contains much basic set also from počátečních issues as Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, issue Agriculture and Science, issue Chainbreaker, T. G. Masaryk, Festival and Congress, Airmail, SO1920 (overprint) etc.., part better item/-s, supplemented with 5 big stockbooks with duplication and commercial reserve mainly used, but also mint never hinged stamps; all in/at one Ikea box, estate from abroad, more than 13kg of material to other elaboration and sale, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
193338 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  more/larger specialized collection
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] more/larger specialized collection on free sheets, basic set supplemented with stamp. with plate errors/flaws and varieties, various varieties perf, wmk etc.., part used stamp., contains issue as Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Airmail I. + II. + The 3rd issue., Legionaire, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk and issue from 30. years, all in 3 boxes on/for album sheets; cat. min. ca. 25.000CZK, estate after/around specialized collector
Starting price: CZK
1922 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue / POSTAGE-DUE VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE - REKONSTRUKCE TISKOVÝCH DESEK big specialized collection, contains all values, outside 60/50h and 30+40/15h mainly complete, mainly used stamps, all on more than 160 pcs of unbound album pages with descriptions, in 2 boxes, ca. more than 2.400ks intended stamps, result dlouholeté mravenčí work, suitable to finishing
Starting price: CZK
193359 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS  + remainin
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS + remaining comp. of stamps and entires, contains stockbook with sheets postmarks, entires and commemorative sheets, supplemented with smaller collection cancel. stamp. Czechoslovakia I., duplication, scattered stamps and parcels Reg labels, cut-squares with frankotypes, collection ca. 160 pcs of Czechosl. stamp. with perfins, entires and postcard IFOR etc..; all in 3 boxes on/for album sheets, estate of collector
Starting price: CZK
194127 - 1939-45 [COLLECTIONS]  nice basic collection, overprint issu
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection, overprint issue Pof.1-19 exp. by Gilbert., contains also whole set stamp. with coupons double-sided, for example. Pof.17-19 exp. by Gilbert.; č.32-40, 45-49, 50-53, 96-99, variants of coupons Pof.45-48 VK-13, č.96-99, 106-107 and 118-119 VK-5; without admission stamp. Terezín, all mint never hinged, in stockbook more/larger A5, cat. over 10.800Kč, index inserted
Starting price: CZK
194059 - 1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  COUNTER SHEET  selection of sheets
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET selection of sheets various issues as Landscape various issue, i.a. 20K, 10K and 5 Koruna Charles Bridge, Linden Leaves, German Red Cross, incomplete, various plate number and plate mark, placed in transparent covers on/for sheets; part worse quality - povolená perf in/at fold or hints of přichycení to background
Starting price: CZK