1913-1986[COLLECTIONS] large collection in two albums, i.a. Red Cross 1924, postage-dues 1930, Red Cross 1945, from 1946 almost complete, mostly ** (some stamps from the beginning * , considered according to catalogue); also sets as fauna, sport, cosmos, some also imperforated; then i.a. Bl.34 Hoxha and very rare Mi.2135-36 Zéri also Popullit and Mi.2264-65 40. Anniv victory (printing only 1.370), cat. over 5.200€
1903-1953 comp. of 12 entires, i.a. 3 due bills franked with Leopold II. 1893-95, Caritas 26, Airmail 30, Reg letter with single franking Mi.125, R - letter "exchange control" with better issues Mi.979-986 (40€) etc.
1914-1915 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE PROOF Mi.107-109, 110-112, selection of bloks of four and single stamps King Albert I. - Red Cross II and III, mainly imperforated PLATE PROOF in various colors (part in blocks of four) etc.; on 2 sheets
1849-1871 Mi.4a, 18, 19(2), 24, 25, 26, 28, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41III, 45-47, 51; selection of 17 unused stamps Ceres and Napoleon; some minor failts (thin place), mostly fine, cat. 5.960€ (stamps (*) included to sum as 50% according to notice in cat. Michel; ex. Rieger
1853-1872 Mi.10-13,15,16,19-21,24,29 etc. selection of 18 pairs and one strip-of-3, issues Ceres and Napoleon, then also 20 cut-squares mostly with 2-colored frankings, 1x tricolour, i.a. Mi.26 4C with red cancel. etc.; very interesting set, cat. only as single stamps 875€
1870 Mi.39a, 39b-44, set of 12 stamps issue Bordeaux, 2x 5C, 10C, 3x 20C Type II, 3x 20C Type III, 30-80C; stamps 5C with small thin place, otherwise very fine, cat. 1.330€, favourite issue!
1859-1878 Mi.2(2), 3(2), block of four Mi.3, 5(2), 6, 8, 9a(3), selection of 15 postage-due stamps, numeral issue, i.a. 2 x 25C, 30C, 40C blue and 3x 60C blue; 40C at top with small thin place otherwise all very fine, cat. 1185€
1982 [COLLECTIONS] representative publication of Ministry of post for exhibition Philexfrance ´82, contains exhibition issues, also 12 ministerial prints – prints on carton and especially rare "de luxe sheets" IMPERF - Durer, Exposition (Trémois), La Poste et forest Hommes (Folon) and miniature sheet Philexfrance; luxury and rare offer, cat. Ceres, min. 2.000€
1881-1937 selection of 26 common p.stat, contains 20 post cards (some more often), 5 envelopes and 1 newspaper strip, from that 11 with additional frankings, 3 unused, usual quality
1943 2 x PLATE PROOF for Mi.94U, in complete printing sheets(!); State labour service 2+1K, olive / brown, original colors and paper without gum and with wmk, on reverse in addition L-wards shifted print in light green shade, second piece in addition on reverse print in brighter colors and offset; perfect condition, certificates Zrinjšćak, scarce PLATE PROOF!
1859 Sass.12a,b,13,14b,16b,17c,18a, Governo Provvisorio, Coat of arms 5C emerald and dark green, 15C brown and grey-black, 20C dark violet, 40C brown-carmine, 18a brown-orange; very nice set of chosen colors, signs of age, originates from important specialized collection, cat. 6.200€ (stamps without gum considered according to catalogue); stamp 15C brown (exp. Macoveanu) is rare!
1859 Sass.15,15a,17,17a, Governo Provvisorio, Coat of arms 20 ardesia (violet) and dark violet, 40C rose carmine and bright carmine; minor faults, all expertized, cat. 6.050€
1853-1859 Sass. Giornali 1, 2, postage stamp 13, 17; STATI PARMENSI 6C, 9C and 5C verde giallo, 40C vermiglio, cat. * 3.900€, the first newspaper 6C is with original gum and it is rare stamp!
1863 UPRATED letter from Naples to Austrian Mantova, franked with 3x5C Sass.13E, CDS NAPOLI 10/ APR/ 63, postage-due cancel. CREDITO ITALIANO CENT "13" and Austrian surtax "11" (Kreuzer); rare letter!
1860 Sass.17-21, selection of 21 stamps Governo Provvisorio Coat of arms 1C-40C, i.a. 3x40C on cut-square, 2x1C, 5x 5C in various shades, also i.a. Sass. 20, 20a, 21, 21b; cat. min. 8575€!
1941-1942 OCCUPATION OF YUGOSLAVIA - Croatia, 2 exactly franked Reg letters, i.a. Sass.456, CDS SPALATO and SUSSAK, provisional registry labels; censored and sent to Bohemia-Moravia and to Vienna; rare!
1942 OCCUPATION OF YUGOSLAVIA - Slovenia, comp. of 3 Reg letters, i.a. with Express Sass.16, "Hitler - Mussolini" 452-4,456-7 and Galilei 462-465; CDS LUBIANA 1-3, censored and sent to Bohemia-Moravia; sought destination!
1942-1943 OCCUPATION OF YUGOSLAVIA - Slovenia, comp. of 3 Reg letters, i.a. Sass.458-461, Titus Livius , 462-465 Galilei, 466-469 Rossini and Propaganda di Guerra Sass.6, all CDS LUBIANA 2, censored and sent to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x with arrival postmark; rare offer!
1943 TUNISIA Sass.F1, occupation issue "Franchigia Militare", block of 6 (complete printing sheet) "El Djem" blue; still almost unknown Italian war issue, certificate Diena, cat. 1.600€
1930 ZEPPELIN letter transported by Zeppelin flight Sie.57, Südamerikafahrt 1930, with Mi.60+71, CDS TRIESENBERG 12.V.30, to PERNAMBUCO 27.MAI and to Vienna WIEN 21.VI.30; perfect quality, rare franking!
1912-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection in 2 stockbooks and in folder, i.a. Mi.1-3x and y, Mi.50B, 55, 59, 65-71, 131(2x), 143-147, postage-due P13-20, then newer souvenir sheets and PB, 3x Klb Mi.655-657, in addition very interesting 3/4 sheets Mi.P1-9, 11 and postage stamp 5 K 1920 (Mi.37) with plate number; cat. over 4.000€
1912-1930 [COLLECTIONS] selection sets also single stamps on 3 cards A4, from the first issue Mi.1-3 **/* and also used, then for example. Mi.4-9 in blocks of four, Mi.40-42 ** and used, Mi. 78-81 used, 90-93 **, Mi.60 * and others.; cat. according to owner ca. 3.000€
1919 DEBRECEN, ARAD, SZEGEDIN selection of stamps with overprints on stock-sheet A4, various values, overprint types etc.; without guarantee, cat. according to owner ca. 1.200€, offered as is
1896-1931 comp. of 7 letters mostly franked with issues Albert I. 1891-1901, Louis II., then 1x Exhibition 28 and 2 letter-cards Albert I. 25C; nice set, strips, gutter, block of four, rare single franking 40C etc.
2006 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.94, imperforated miniature sheet Prince Albert II. and other 15 stamps from year 2006, imperforated from "feuillet ministeriel"; all in gift album for VIP exhibition MONACOPHIL 2006
1938-1939 Mi.MHB63-64, 65-66, comp. of 4 complete "booklet" sheets, 6x10 fields; partially loos centre perf, overall nice quality without stains and other faults, cat. 1.360€
1913 SEMIOFFICIAL AIRMAIL ISSUE Mi.11a, Flight of Zeppelin Liegnitz-Bunzlau brown-red with special postmark FLUGPOST...; at top short tooth, on reverse stains of black printing color, cat. 600€, in addition including reprint
1911-1942 [COLLECTIONS] collection in old stockbook with ca. 200-250 gutter-pairs, joined printings, advertising pos., St. Andrew's crosses; from stamp BOOKLETS, incl. several 6- and larger multiples, from Germania to issue A. Hitler., high catalogue value; originate from old estate
1920-1939 set of 7 letters, franked with overprint Germania 25Pfg, Coats of arms, "Shipˇ", Airmail and overprint Deutsches Reich; exact frankings, express, rare printed matter to USA etc.