1919 DEBRECEN, ARAD, SZEGEDIN selection of stamps with overprints on stock-sheet A4, various values, overprint types etc.; without guarantee, cat. according to owner ca. 1.200€, offered as is
1938-1939 Mi.MHB63-64, 65-66, comp. of 4 complete "booklet" sheets, 6x10 fields; partially loos centre perf, overall nice quality without stains and other faults, cat. 1.360€
1911-1942 [COLLECTIONS] collection in old stockbook with ca. 200-250 gutter-pairs, joined printings, advertising pos., St. Andrew's crosses; from stamp BOOKLETS, incl. several 6- and larger multiples, from Germania to issue A. Hitler., high catalogue value; originate from old estate
1942 FRANCE Mi.VI-X, stamps Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, complete set in whole printing sheets 5x5 stamps + 5+5 coupons, rare offer, cat. ca. 1.330€
1949-1970 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of used stamps in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains i.a. Mi.242, 245, 248-249, 250, 256-259, 261-270, Mao 286-288, 289-292, Bl.11-14 etc.; cat. more than 1.000€
1893-1919[COLLECTIONS] collection of German colonies, incl. Morocco and China, many complete sets, incl. high values, all hinged on 16 album sheets, cat. ca. 4.800€
1918-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on ca. 40 album sheets, from issue 1918, Cracow issue only cheaper values, then complete inter-war sets * / used, souvenir sheets Block No.1 **, Bl.2-4 *, Bl.5A-5B *, 6*, also postage-due, SO1920 etc, supplemented with parts of sheets i.a. complete block-of-40 Mi.7 etc. + stockbook A4 with duplications and envelopes with waste material; placed in little-box
1847 CZECH LANDS/ money (!) letter with 18Kr CM with rare red cancel. PROSSNITZ FRANCO, to Nový Jičín; rarely without additional date postmark, interesting entire!
1858 St. Andrew's cross "small" from sheet of 2 Kreuzer, yellow; very nice piece, significant color, in addition plate mark - 4 white dots on lef, cat. for * 1.875€, rare
1880 local Reg letter, instead rate for Reg letter 3+5Kr franked as local Reg printed matter 2+5Kr Franz Joseph I, fine print, CDS PRAG STATION; good condition and very rare
1918 set of 2 airmail letters franked with i.a. complete overprint set Flugpost, Mi.225x-227x, 1x CDS LEMBERG FLUGPOST 26.IX.18 and 1x CDS CRACOW FLUGPOST 1.VI.18, arrival postmark FLUGPOST WIEN 27.IX and 2.VI.; viewing of quality recommended
1863letter from Venice to Italian Lecco - per Milan, franked with 3+3Sld 1858 + 5+5Sld 1863, CDS VENTIA 8.8., additional P.D. (Paye Destination), arrival MILAN 9.AGO.63 and LECCO, rate A2-S1 and very rare MIXED FRANKING OF II. AND IV. ISSUE; cat. Ferchenbauer 2.800€, extraordinary offer!
1915 Mi.93F + 93, overprint Franz Joseph 7H/5H green, block-of-9, stamp in the middle with printing error "1915" instead "7 heller"; decorative multiple
1916 Ferch.117, 118, Express 2h and 5h, imperforated corner blocks of 6 "Vorzugstücke", with complete sheet margins with date "12/9 16" and with approval signature; imprimatur ex. Postarchiv - Wien, issued without gum, scarce, suitable for all specialized collections or exhibitions!
1916Ferch.P25, P26, imperforated TRIAL PRINT Postage due stamp 1 K and 3 K blue, 4-BLOCK WITH TWO JOINED PAIRS from 5. and 6. line of the sheet, in the middle original sheet bend, otherwise very fine quality, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva; important Bosnian rarity, only 10 pairs recorded!
1916 S.M.S. TEGETTHOFF Ppc - submarine S.M.Unterseeboot U.15 sent to Prague, black double circle pmk K.u.K.. KRIEGSMARINE / S.M. SCHIFF TEGETTHOF + CDS Field Post POLA 2.II.16; bumped corners, interesting also for collectors of picture-postcards
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 45 various photos of war ships, submarines etc., supplemented with comp. ca. 100 Ppc and FP cards and 25 photos and Ppc of soldiers etc.; various quality
1850-1858[COLLECTIONS] I and II issues/ part of collection on exhibit sheets with descriptions, I and II issues, various values and types, papers etc., for example Reg letter with Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer; underlaid middles, both sides print etc., types - The 2nd issue, letters with 5 Kreuzer and 10Kr with plate flaw etc.; high catalogue value, various quality
1870-1882[COLLECTIONS] DISPATCH NOTES AND BLANK FORMS WITH REVENUES AND WITH PRAGUE POSTMARKS collection of freight letters for railroad and dispatch notes on 76 sheets with descriptions, contains 9x p.stat freight letters for railroad, various issue, also 13 freight letters for railroad with mounted revenues, various issues and also 53 larger parts of parcel cards with imprinted stamps , various issue with interesting frankings of Franz Joseph Issue, 76 entires with cancel. of Prague post offices, exhibit was display in Schwäbisch Gmünd in 2006 and gianed silver medal, cat. Schneiderbauer 15.710Sch
1927 comp. 5 designes for stamps to occasion of 10. anniv of revolution, printings by pencil, format 6x9cm; also with copy of certificate from 1982, interesting
1920 WRANGEL - ARMY setr of 3 philatelically influenced letters, franked with overprint stamps of Russian postoffice in Constantinople; good condition, interesting
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] interesting specialized collection of issues of RSFSR and USSR on ca. 100 hingeless album sheets, contains various blocks, strips, plate numbers, gutters, types of perf etc., in addition many entires with multiple frankings etc.; interesting material
1840SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, unused vertical pair, letters IA-JA, plate 8; original gum, minor faults, touched at top left and bottom left, overall nice and scarce piece with signs of age, certificate B.P.A., i.a. Neil Granger, cat. £75.000, rare offer
1840-1854 SG.5, 13, 19, pairs TWO PENCE, 1x first issue., 4x 2nd issue and 1x I. perforated, perf 16 wmk Small Crown, stmp on right - issue 1840 fold, mostly fine, cat. £3.320
1841 SG.14, Penny Blue, horizontal strip of 4, plate 3, letters B-D / B-G, left stamp with "guide line", cancel. "131" Edinburgh; left with part of adjacent stamps and with slight cut to letters "B"; overall nice multiple, cat. as 2x pair £560
1855SG.29a, SG.Spec.C8, 1P red-brown plate 25, wmk Large Crown; imperforated PLATE PROOF "trial printing" from so-called. Neal´s Steam Press - issued on paper without gum; at top horiz. fold, wide margins, cat. £4.000
1857SG.40, 1P rose - red, perf 14, wmk Large Crown, plate 66; BLOCK OF 108 (!), letters LA-TL; most of stamps mint never hinged, several dots, stamp M-L damaged, otherwise very nice; in the middle fold, cat. only as MNH blocks of four £17.000; rare multiple!
1858-1879 SG.43, 1P dark rose red, 240 stamps, complete reconstruction of plate according to letters AA - TL, various plates, i.a. pairs, better plate numbers etc.; mainly F - VF, rare offer
1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ESTATE / AUSTRIA basic incomplete collection of used / mint on sheets, supplemented with issue for Bosnia + GERMANY 1870-1945 basic incomplete collection on sheets - used / mint, in addition supplemented with several various entires and old choice album Schaubek
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection old Europe in 16-pages stockbook A4, incl. some classic issues and middle values, i.a. Austria-Hungary, France, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Hungary, Tuscany, Vatican, in addition some USA; from old estate, high catalogue value
1870-1879 Sc.145-190, Bank Note Issues - nominal complete issue "Personalities" 1C-90C, total 20 stamps, all without "GRILL´S", various colors and papers, 6C-30C always two varieties of paper, valued for example: 30C black as cheaper Sc.190, 90C as cheaper Sc.166 etc., fine, cat. min. $1.350
1948 SG.S9, S19, S20(2x),S31, 5 highest values of George VI., EAF, BMA SOMALIA and BA SOMALIA, all with guide marks "T" in printings of hair of the king; in addition block of four 5Sh BMA TRIPOLITANIA; cat. only as basic stamps £208
1899 BRITISH POST OFFICE ABROAD / SG.9b-16b, Gibraltar Victoria 5C-2Ps, with overprints MOROCCO AGENCIES, mixed pairs with overprint normal and with DOT BETWEEN letters N-C; very fine and complete set; cat. £1.300++, rare offer!
1899 BRITISH POST OFFICE ABROAD / SG.9b-16b, Gibraltar Victoria 5C-2Ps, with overprints MOROCCO AGENCIES, mixed pairs with overprint normal and with WIDE "M" (broad top to M); very fine and complete set; cat. £1.250++, rare offer!
1854SG.14, blue Mauritius "POST PAID" 2P blue "Intermediate impression"; unused piece with certificate B.P.A. 2013, without gum, heavily repaired at left margin, som thin places, cat. Gibbons 2017 £24.000 (SG 2012: £18.000), very rare stamp, affordable example
1893-1894SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, this issue (Waterlow & Sons) was prepared in 1893 for Oil Rivers Protectorate, so-called. "unissued" and used with overprint NIGER COAST for new colony of Niger Coast Protectorate (from 12.5.93); only single sheet of 1Sh exists WITHOUT OVERPRINT - NIGER COAST; luxury quality, cat. doesn't report; rare stamp!