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1911 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Pěvecké association teachers Moravian, lithography; Un, superb condition U:A5
1913 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Land exhibition in Ivančice; Un, superb condition U:A5
1921 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Caress of Spring, B/W reproduction original kamenotisku, Czech text; Un, superb condition U:A5
1925 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), The Slav Epic (Weill.164-165, 167, 170-171, 173), complete collection 6 pcs of Ppc, superb condition U:A5
1926 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Diploma central School Foundation; B/W, Un, sound condition, very rare U:A5
1926 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), SLAVIA vzájemně insurance bank, promotional Ppc bank with figure Slavie; Us, toned, 1x broken corner U:A5
1926 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), VIII. Sokol festival (Weill.161); Un, superb U:A5
1900-1935 [COLLECTIONS] MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), extraordinary collection 34 pcs of various Ppc, from that i.a. 4 pcs of French origin, then for example. Remembrance on/for native town Ivančice; Exhibition in Vyškov 1902; Blind club/association; The Slav Epic etc..; various, mostly however good - nice quality, 12 pcs of Us, we advice viewings! U:Z
1902 Joseph Šváb No. 214 - On důkaz, that very outside world also jinde ctí Tě....; Us, abraded and broken corners U:A5
1900-1932 Joseph Šváb No. 601 - Merry Easter, with autograph of author Joseph Šváb Malostranský, with datací 1932; good condition U:A5
1912 MUKACHEVO - comp. of 2 Ppc, "Tanec veselých rodičů" and "Dilema"; Us, sound condition U:A5
1908 FRANZ JOSEPH I. - portrait collage with stamps jubilejního issue 1908; Un U:A5
1938 TISO Jozef (1887-1947), 1. president MC, in April 1947 popraven, 1x B/W portrait and 1x color postcard; good condition U:A5
1938-39 HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), comp. 6 pcs of Ppc, for example. Mausoleum věčného leader (2 various), Otec homeland etc.., 3 pcs of with commemorative postmarks (1x mobile post office on a bus) Un; some rare, good condition U:A5
1914-1918 HYDROPLÁNY very interesting selection 18 pcs of B/W photo postcard with views military hydroplánů, in addition 1x negative; overall very good condition U:A5
1939 ZEPPELIN comp. 2 pcs of photo-PC with Zeppelins, oval postmark from visit factory on/for Zeppelins; 2x light fold in corner U:A5
1890-1925 [COLLECTIONS] SHIPS interesting comp. of ca. 130 Ppc with picture ship, přístavů, ship technique etc.., part also military etc..; small part photo, overall in good condition condition U:O5
1904 RUSSIA / battleship Emperor Alexander, cruiser Petropavlovsk and cruiser Sisoj the Great; set of 3 Ppc; interesting, sound condition U:A5
1914? KOBYLISY - k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal) military shooting range; single-view U:A5
1917 NÉMECKO / AVIATION / photo postcard - view of aircraft with přípravou hand-made bomby; Us with FP-postmark., interesting U:A5
1938 DEVĚT MLÝNU near Znojmo (Neunmühlen) - view of bunker; B/W photo postcard, Un; very good condition U:A5
1939 MALÉ BŘEZNO (Kleinpriesen and. E.), Elbe - opevňovací line - Czech bunker; B/W photo postcard Us to Vienna, good condition U:A5
1934 REICHSPARTEITAG NUREMBERG 1934 / colored propaganda Ppc from congress NSDAP in Nuremberg; Us, rare U:A5
1933 PŘEVZETÍ MOCI A. HITLEREM from by hand president Paula von Hindenburga in front of church in/at Postupimi - reproduction picture (author: Prof. C. Langhorst) according to skutečné event/-s; rare occurrence, perfect condition U:A5
1935-1937 REICHSPARTEITAG NUREMBERG 1935 and 1937 / comp. of 2 propagandistic colored Ppc issued to/at congress NSDAP in Nuremberg; Us U:A5
1938 MNICHOVSKÁ DOHODA - A. Hitler, B. Mussolini / É. Daladier, N. Chamberlain; double postcard - To historischen Begegnung / 29. Sept. 1938 in München (Munich), on/for every side stamp. Mi.482 and special postmark MUNICH/ HAUPTSTADT der BEWEGUNG/ 9.11.1938; sound condition U:A5
1938-1940 comp. 6 pcs of Ppc with nazism propaganda, 2x A. H., 2x Jihlava, Tag der Deutschen (German) Kunst, map the third empire, all Un with special postmark; good condition U:A5
1939-1941 2. REICHSTAGUNG DES RDB FRANKFURT 1939 / EXHIBITION DEUTSCHE (German) WIRTSCHAFTSKRAFT STRASSBURG 1941 comp. of 2 colored propagandistic Ppc; on reverse special postmark, very good condition U:A5
1942 SS - Die Police im Fronteinsatz, color, Un with special postmark IGLAU/ 15.II.1942/ Tag der Deutschen (German) Police; very fine U:A5
1945-1980 RUDÁ ARMY comp. 8 pcs of various drawn promotional Ppc, 2x issued in Czechoslovakia, sign. Annalida and Hečko, 1x small format U:A5