Public Auction 54 / Philately / Europe / Germany

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193202 - 1938-1939 Mi.MHB63-64, 65-66, comp. of 4 complete booklet sh
1938-1939 Mi.MHB63-64, 65-66, comp. of 4 complete "booklet" sheets, 6x10 fields; partially loos centre perf, overall nice quality without stains and other faults, cat. 1.360€
Starting price: CZK
194520 - 1913 SEMIOFFICIAL AIRMAIL ISSUE  Mi.11a, Flight of Zeppelin
1913 SEMIOFFICIAL AIRMAIL ISSUE Mi.11a, Flight of Zeppelin Liegnitz-Bunzlau brown-red with special postmark FLUGPOST...; at top short tooth, on reverse stains of black printing color, cat. 600€, in addition including reprint
Starting price: CZK
194275 - 1911-1942 [COLLECTIONS] collection in old stockbook with ca.
1911-1942 [COLLECTIONS] collection in old stockbook with ca. 200-250 gutter-pairs, joined printings, advertising pos., St. Andrew's crosses; from stamp BOOKLETS, incl. several 6- and larger multiples, from Germania to issue A. Hitler., high catalogue value; originate from old estate
Starting price: CZK
194488 - 1900-1935 selection of gutter-pairs on 3 cards A4, mainly is
1900-1935 selection of gutter-pairs on 3 cards A4, mainly issue Germania, also Hindenburg etc.; all described, cat. 1.200€
Starting price: CZK
194442 - 1920-1939 set of 7 letters, franked with overprint Germania
1920-1939 set of 7 letters, franked with overprint Germania 25Pfg, Coats of arms, "Shipˇ", Airmail and overprint Deutsches Reich; exact frankings, express, rare printed matter to USA etc.
Starting price: CZK
194519 - 1941-1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION  set of 2 envelopes, 1x f
1941-1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION set of 2 envelopes, 1x franked with. Mi.I-IV + 1x Mi.IX-XIV, FP-postmarks
Starting price: CZK
194516 - 1941 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.I-IV, complete set in strip
1941 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.I-IV, complete set in strips-of-3; cat. 330€+
Starting price: CZK
194515 - 1941 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.I-IV, complete set; exp. Kr
1941 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.I-IV, complete set; exp. Krischke, cat. 110€
Starting price: CZK
194513 - 1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XI, 15Fr, marginal piece wi
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XI, 15Fr, marginal piece with double left perforation; unusual
Starting price: CZK
194517 - 1942 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XXI-XXIV, complete set in p
1942 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XXI-XXIV, complete set in pairs with margins; hinge traces on only in sheet margins
Starting price: CZK
194518 - 1942 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XXIV, set of 2 complete 4-s
1942 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XXIV, set of 2 complete 4-stamps miniature sheets, 1x perforated, 1x imperforate; interesting
Starting price: CZK
193595 - 1942 FRANCE  Mi.VI-X, stamps Volunteer Legion against Bolshe
1942 FRANCE Mi.VI-X, stamps Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism, complete set in whole printing sheets 5x5 stamps + 5+5 coupons, rare offer, cat. ca. 1.330€
Starting price: CZK
194505 - 1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  Mi.89-91, Hitler. 30 +1Zl - 1,20 +
1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mi.89-91, Hitler. 30 +1Zl - 1,20 + 1Zl; set of complete sheets of 25, very nice quality
Starting price: CZK
194507 - 1941-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT  set of 2 newspapers, 1x to Pro
1941-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT set of 2 newspapers, 1x to Protectorate + 1x to Germany, with General Government Mi.40 and Mi. 72, CDS CRACOW; good condition and interesting
Starting price: CZK
194443 - 1942-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT comp. of 12 mostly Reg letters
1942-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT comp. of 12 mostly Reg letters franked with issues A. Hitler., i.a. provisional registry labels LEMBERG and OTWOCK, smaller post offices KRYNICA and ZABNO; major-part with arrival CDS of Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia and Germany
Starting price: CZK
194490 - 1941-1944 GUERNSEY Mi.1-5 + JERSEY Mi.1-2, 3-8, complete set
1941-1944 GUERNSEY Mi.1-5 + JERSEY Mi.1-2, 3-8, complete set, in addition supplemented with 6 envelopes i.a. franked with stamps Jersey Mi.3-8; only stamps cat. 255€
Starting price: CZK
193761 - 1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection on 44 sheets
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on 44 sheets, contains various, especially basic sets: Albania, Luxembourg, Alsas, Serbia, General Government, Lithuania, Latvia, Laibach, Estonia, Ostland, also Sudetenland - Rumburk etc.; mainly hinged, overprints without guarantee
Starting price: CZK
194481 - 1931 Mi.144-150, Paintings (III) 40C - 10Fr + 10Fr; complete
1931 Mi.144-150, Paintings (III) 40C - 10Fr + 10Fr; complete set, cat. 450€
Starting price: CZK
194484 - 1950 Mi.289-303, complete volume 1950, i.a. Mi.291, 297, 298
1950 Mi.289-303, complete volume 1950, i.a. Mi.291, 297, 298 etc.; cat. 490€
Starting price: CZK
194482 - 1947-1949 complete volumes 1947-1949 without miniature sheet
1947-1949 complete volumes 1947-1949 without miniature sheets, contains sets as Mi.239-251, 252-254, 259, 267-271, 272-288 etc.; cat. 474€, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
194485 - 1951-1959 complete volumes 1951-1959 + postage-due 1949, con
1951-1959 complete volumes 1951-1959 + postage-due 1949, contains i.a. sets as Mi.309-313, 319-337 etc., supplemented with 4 entires; cat. 370€, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
194447 - 1950 Mi.Bl.7, Exhibition issue card with miniature sheet DEB
1950 Mi.Bl.7, Exhibition issue card with miniature sheet DEBRIA 1950 (Mi.271-272), special postmark with date 27.8.1950
Starting price: CZK
192750 - 1949-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  mainly complete collection of used
1949-1970 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of used stamps in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains i.a. Mi.242, 245, 248-249, 250, 256-259, 261-270, Mao 286-288, 289-292, Bl.11-14 etc.; cat. more than 1.000€
Starting price: CZK
194148 - 1956-1975 [COLLECTIONS]   ENTIRES  selection of more than 37
1956-1975 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES selection of more than 370 entires addressed to Czechoslovakia, contains FDC - part sent with controll stamps, part first flights, several as Reg or special delivery letters, various franking etc., placed in 4 stockbooks on FDC; various quality
Starting price: CZK
194226 - 1893-1919 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of German colonies, incl
1893-1919 [COLLECTIONS] collection of German colonies, incl. Morocco and China, many complete sets, incl. high values, all hinged on 16 album sheets, cat. ca. 4.800€
Starting price: CZK
185997 - 1900-1910 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 33 postcards, always s
1900-1910 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 33 postcards, always several pieces from each territory (Marshall - Inseln, Samoa, Deutsch Neu Guinea, Togo, Caroline Isl. atd.), overprint also definitives, double 15x etc.; rare set in perfect quality, high catalogue value!
Starting price: CZK
193221 - 1943 SS FIELD-POST  envelope with MC PRAG/ 19.XI.43, supplem
1943 SS FIELD-POST envelope with MC PRAG/ 19.XI.43, supplemented with cancel. SS-FELDPOST and print FP cachet cancel. with eagle SS - Pz. Gren. Ers. Batl, sender SS member Gen. Komp. E. SS D. Prag, incl. German written content; good condition
Starting price: CZK
193222 - 1944? SS FIELD-POST, envelope with CDS Deutsche Reichspost/
1944? SS FIELD-POST, envelope with CDS Deutsche Reichspost/ 15.7.?, addressed to Wuppertal, red framed pmk Durch Deutsche Dienstpost/ Bohemia - Moravia I, supplemented with red FP cachet cancel. with eagle SS - FIELD-POST/ Waffen- SS, on reverse on flap black additional printing Rasse - and Siedlungshauptamt - SS/ Rassenamt/ PRAG
Starting price: CZK
189156 - 1944-1945 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / 3 cards of German prisoners
1944-1945 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL / 3 cards of German prisoners from Italy, France and Egypt - MIDDLE EAST FORCE, sent to Prachatice, delivered after May 1945 with postmarks "POŠTA NĚMCŮ - CENZUROVÁNO" ("Post of Germans - Censured"); rare!
Starting price: CZK
193223 - 1934 4. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1934, return flight, Ppc DELAG post
1934 4. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1934, return flight, Ppc DELAG posted to transport on deck LZ 127, valuable 4-coloured franking, i.a. pair Mi.543 (!), CDS LUFTSCHIFF / GRAF ZEPPELIN/ 30.7.34, cachet and 2 confirmation cancel., addressed to Czechoslovakia; decorative entire, only wrinkled corners, sound condition, cat. Sieger 260.D
Starting price: CZK
186291 - 1936 1. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT and 7. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT, 4 letters,
1936 1. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT and 7. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT, 4 letters, 2x Reg, from that once on pre-printing envelope, all with Zeppelin stamps Mi.606-607; 2 letters to New York and 2x franked also for return flight, sent to Pardubice and Zvolen
Starting price: CZK
194562 - 1939 FRANKFURT - GÖRLITZ  Zeppelin Ppc Graf Zeppelin, frank
1939 FRANKFURT - GÖRLITZ Zeppelin Ppc Graf Zeppelin, franked with 3 surtax stamps on face-side and Hindenburg 25Pfg on reverse, CDS FRANKFURT (MAIN)/ 16.7.39, red flight cachet and arrival GÖRLITZ
Starting price: CZK
193220 - 1941 C.C. DACHAU / SS-FELDPOST  letter without franking addr
1941 C.C. DACHAU / SS-FELDPOST letter without franking addressed to Vienna, broken-out CDS with date 14.2.41, supplemented with 1-circle FP canc. Eagle/ K. 3, sender: A. E., SS Unterscharfführer, Kommand - Stab, DACHAU 3 K; good condition
Starting price: CZK