Public Auction 54 / Philately / Europe / Austria

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193870 - 1821-1840 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters with various cancel. GROSS
1821-1840 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters with various cancel. GROSS AUGEZD, catalogue Votoček. č.638 type 1, 2, 2a, once money with 9Zl and 32Kr Conventions Münze, "franko 14x", catalogue Votoček. 240P; rare set!
Starting price: CZK
193866 - 1824 CZECH LANDS/ letter Von Lettowitzem Oberamt, in Letovic
1824 CZECH LANDS/ letter "Von Lettowitzem Oberamt", in Letovice was post. office from 1837, that's why sent from Zlatá Studně with additional red "Goldenbrunn" and "Post Skalitz" with post already from year 1876, through"Sllapanitz" (Šlapanice) to Podolí near Brno, marked general porto 18kr; rare letter!
Starting price: CZK
193778 - 1829 CZECH LANDS/  letter from Pohořelice with decorative f
1829 CZECH LANDS/ letter from Pohořelice with decorative frame cancel. POHRLITZ FRANKO to Buchlov, luxury print; rare postmark
Starting price: CZK
193865 - 1830-1837 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters with cancel. NEUHAUS - Jind
1830-1837 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters with cancel. NEUHAUS - Jindřichův Hradec, black, dark blue and blue, 2x to Milevsko from 11. and 54. infantry regiment, i.a. with remark "Officioser Gegenstand, p(ost) Tabor"; interesting set
Starting price: CZK
193871 - 1834-1838 CZECH LANDS/  3 letters from Uherské Hradiště,
1834-1838 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters from Uherské Hradiště, with cancel. HRADISCH catalogue Votoček. 2503 type 2, 3I and 3II, two military, one from correspondence of baron de Kotz, catalogue Votoček. 240P; rare set!
Starting price: CZK
193869 - 1840 CZECH LANDS/  letter (note) from Brno to Prussian Liegn
1840 CZECH LANDS/ letter (note) from Brno to Prussian Liegnitz through Silesian Neustadt and back to Brno, cancel. NEUSTADT 12 DEZ and LIEGNITZ 18.DEZ, interesting 2x used folded letter
Starting price: CZK
193867 - 1840 CZECH LANDS/ letter with cancel. PROSSNITZ 18/11 1840,
1840 CZECH LANDS/ letter with cancel. PROSSNITZ 18/11 1840, to Prussian BRILON, originally sent from Brilon with remark "franco Grenze" with marked porto "8" (Gr); returned with notice "retur Brilon" and ".... 8. Juny 1840 in Prossnitz gestorben"; very interesting letter
Starting price: CZK
193864 - 1842 CZECH LANDS/ letter with straight line postmark DORFTES
1842 CZECH LANDS/ letter with straight line postmark DORFTESCHEN - Deštné (Opava region), porto 12Kr and notice "porto wird angewiesen"
Starting price: CZK
193872 - 1847 CZECH LANDS/  money (!) letter with 18Kr CM with rare r
1847 CZECH LANDS/ money (!) letter with 18Kr CM with rare red cancel. PROSSNITZ FRANCO, to Nový Jičín; rarely without additional date postmark, interesting entire!
Starting price: CZK
193863 - 1848 CZECH LANDS/ letter with oval frame cancel. UHRŽITZ FR
1848 CZECH LANDS/ letter with oval frame cancel. UHRŽITZ FRANCO, with additional date "23. Mär.", addressed to Chrlice, marked porto 18kr, rare postmark
Starting price: CZK
193861 - 1849 CZECH LANDS/  letter with blue frame cancel. LECHWITZ,
1849 CZECH LANDS/ letter with blue frame cancel. LECHWITZ, by hand date 18/4; luxury condition, catalogue Votoček. č.1216 1a 200P
Starting price: CZK
193868 - 1849 CZECH LANDS/  letter with rare red cancel. PROSSNITZ FR
1849 CZECH LANDS/ letter with rare red cancel. PROSSNITZ FRANCO, to Podolí near Brno, additional date 30/3 1849; very fine and attractive letter
Starting price: CZK
193847 - 1853 AUSTRIA/ letter sent from Bologna from count Leiningen
1853 AUSTRIA/ letter sent from Bologna from count Leiningen of The 21. Inf. Reg., addressed to Ždánice (Hodonín region); cancel. FIELD-POST No.1 with inverted date 10/11, paper seal "Linien infantry Regiments Commando No.21", arrival STEINITZ 14/11; rare letter
Starting price: CZK
193912 - 1850 Mi.1X, Ferch.1H Ia, Coat of arms 1 Kr orange brown, can
1850 Mi.1X, Ferch.1H Ia, Coat of arms 1 Kr orange brown, cancel. ROKITNITZ; very fine piece with interesting plate variety - break frame above "UZ", cat. 750€ ++
Starting price: CZK
193911 - 1850 Mi.4Y, Ferch.4M III, Coat of arms 6 Kr, type III., mach
1850 Mi.4Y, Ferch.4M III, Coat of arms 6 Kr, type III., machine made paper; very fine margins, original gum, cat. 1.300€, rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
193960 - 1850? Mi.4Ib, horizontal strip of 3 Coat of arms 1 Kr orange
1850? Mi.4Ib, horizontal strip of 3 Coat of arms 1 Kr orange, HP on cut-square letter to Nymburk with CDS LAUTSCHIN (Loučeň), right at top close, but complete margins; rare
Starting price: CZK
193333 - 1850 2 folded letters sent to Timişoara, with Coat of arms
1850 2 folded letters sent to Timişoara, with Coat of arms 9 Kr blue, elipse CDS WAIDHOFEN and arrival postmark
Starting price: CZK
193919 - 1851 letter from Prague with Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer Ia HP to
1851 letter from Prague with Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer Ia HP to Zelená Hora (Grünberg) in address by mistake "Herrschaft Dobrzisch" in distance to 10miles; in Dobříš cancelled and corrected "per Pisek / Nepomuk" and that's why extra paid for distance to 20 miles with 3 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer as surtax fee, total franking 6 Kreuzer; interesting letter
Starting price: CZK
193332 - 1857 Reg letter to Timişoara, with Coat of arms 9 Kr blue o
1857 Reg letter to Timişoara, with Coat of arms 9 Kr blue on front side and 6 Kr brown on reverse, CDS RECOMMANDIERT WIEN, decorative blue commercial cancel. + on reverse arrival TEMESVAR
Starting price: CZK
193923 - 1858 St. Andrew's cross small from sheet of 2 Kreuzer, yello
1858 St. Andrew's cross "small" from sheet of 2 Kreuzer, yellow; very nice piece, significant color, in addition plate mark - 4 white dots on lef, cat. for * 1.875€, rare
Starting price: CZK
194176 - 1858 St. Andrew's cross, strip-of-4 red, large, left with pl
1858 St. Andrew's cross, strip-of-4 red, large, left with plate mark - 2 white dots, very fine,, perfect perforation, certificate F. Puschmann
Starting price: CZK
194460 - 1860 folded 2-page letter with 3 Kr black, Mi.11 type II., f
1860 folded 2-page letter with 3 Kr black, Mi.11 type II., framed CDS PRAG/ 10.6., addressed to Prague, on reverse remainder of seal and print of the same CDS; good quality
Starting price: CZK
193883 - 1863 Mi.24a, Eagle 2 Kr yellow, perf 14, on cut-square with
1863 Mi.24a, Eagle 2 Kr yellow, perf 14, on cut-square with CDS PRESSBURG, cat. 150€
Starting price: CZK
193918 - 1863 printed matter with Eagle 2 Kr dark yellow, perforation
1863 printed matter with Eagle 2 Kr dark yellow, perforation. 14, line CDS WODNIAN/ 21.AUG, to Blatná; cat. 320€, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
193779 - 1867 2x heavier Reg letter from Prague to Kynžvart, postal-
1867 2x heavier Reg letter from Prague to Kynžvart, postal-charge 20Kr, franked 5x 3 Kreuzer + 5 Kreuzer Franz Joseph I. rough print, CDS PRAG 22.VII., arrival KÖNIGSWART; rare franking, cat. doesn't report, only 5x 3 Kreuzer on letter 900€ (!), nice quality
Starting price: CZK
193878 - 1867 Reg letter with multiple tricolor franking 2+2+3+3+5Kr
1867 Reg letter with multiple tricolor franking 2+2+3+3+5Kr Franz Joseph rough print, thimple pmk LAUNIOWITZ 22.5., arrival DNESPEK, very attractive entire
Starting price: CZK
193780 - 1880 local Reg letter, instead rate for Reg letter 3+5Kr fra
1880 local Reg letter, instead rate for Reg letter 3+5Kr franked as local Reg printed matter 2+5Kr Franz Joseph I, fine print, CDS PRAG STATION; good condition and very rare
Starting price: CZK
193782 - 1883 comp. of 2 local Reg letters, from that 1 2x heavier, f
1883 comp. of 2 local Reg letters, from that 1 2x heavier, franking 3+5Kr and 3+3+5Kr, sent in Prague; cat. 440€
Starting price: CZK
191101 - 1910 Ferch.161-177, Mi.161-177 , Jubilee 1h-10K; perfect set
1910 Ferch.161-177, Mi.161-177 , Jubilee 1h-10K; perfect set, cat. 750€
Starting price: CZK
183609 - 1915 ANK.180U-184U,184bU, War surcharge stamps 3h-35h, luxur
1915 ANK.180U-184U,184bU, War surcharge stamps 3h-35h, luxury imperforated marginal pairs (Vorzugstücke), in addition pair of 35h in pale ultramarine - this as imperforated is extremely rare, new discovery in 2015, cat. only as singles 3.000€
Starting price: CZK
194465 - 1906 bank Reg letter, off. envelope with Mi.108A, 115A, CDS
1906 bank Reg letter, off. envelope with Mi.108A, 115A, CDS PRAG 1/ 30.3.06, addressed to Vysoké Mýto, on reverse arrival HOHENMAUTH/ 31.3.06 and 5 whole bank seals!; format 18,5x13,5cm, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
194497 - 1906 insufficiently franked letter to Switzerland, burdened
1906 insufficiently franked letter to Switzerland, burdened by postage-due, with Franz Joseph 10h with CDS WIEN 9/2 06, mounted 2 Swiss Postage due stamps 10+5c, CDS ST. MORITZ 9.II.06, redirected to Monaco, there burdened by surtax 15c, on reverse lot of postmarks; small format, good condition
Starting price: CZK
194444 - 1908 dispatch-note franked with PAIR 10K Jubilee, and 2x 2 K
1908 dispatch-note franked with PAIR 10K Jubilee, and 2x 2 K and 30h extra paid 2x 6h, CDS WIEN 3 / 28.X.08, arrival VALAŠSKÉ MEZIŘÍČÍ 29.X.08; slightly shortened one 2 K and one 6h without one line of teeth, pair 10K perfect; deep color, rare franking!
Starting price: CZK
193123 - 1918 set of 2 airmail letters franked with i.a. complete ove
1918 set of 2 airmail letters franked with i.a. complete overprint set Flugpost, Mi.225x-227x, 1x CDS LEMBERG FLUGPOST 26.IX.18 and 1x CDS CRACOW FLUGPOST 1.VI.18, arrival postmark FLUGPOST WIEN 27.IX and 2.VI.; viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
193913 - 1853 Newspaper revenue stamp, Ferch.1, 2 Kr (yellow) green,
1853 Newspaper revenue stamp, Ferch.1, 2 Kr (yellow) green, type Ia; fine piece on cut-square with line CRACOW/ 13.JUL, cat. 175€
Starting price: CZK
193884 - 1861 Mi.23a, 23b, Franz Joseph 1.05Kr, light grey and grey;
1861 Mi.23a, 23b, Franz Joseph 1.05Kr, light grey and grey; very fine, with original gum and without gum, cat. 230€
Starting price: CZK
193788 - 1915 printed matter franked with newspaper stamp Mercure 190
1915 printed matter franked with newspaper stamp Mercure 1908, 2h, sent from Kraslice to Místek, with very decorative litographic additional-printing
Starting price: CZK
194224 - 1927 airmail card to Prague franked with i.a. Nibelungen 20+
1927 airmail card to Prague franked with i.a. Nibelungen 20+5Gr WIDE SIZE, CDS WIEN 1/ 21.III.27, airmail red WIEN 1/ FLUGPOST; rare, cat. 250€
Starting price: CZK
194223 - 1920-1924 [COLLECTIONS]  LOCAL ISSUE - KARTEN  collection on
1920-1924 [COLLECTIONS] LOCAL ISSUE - KARTEN collection on 4 sheets Lindner, contains i.a. 4x joined printing, Notpost LINZ, Befreiung SPIELFELD Parliament to 20Kr - rare provisional, Abstimmung SALZBURG 6 unused and complete set of 20 pcs of on memmorial sheet nr. .782, TYROL 1918 3h-1K, TYROL 1921 Type II, all on 4 sheets Lindner; extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
193916 - 1850 Mi.1, Ferch.1 HP I, 3x Coat of arms 5Cts - gelbocker, o
1850 Mi.1, Ferch.1 HP I, 3x Coat of arms 5Cts - gelbocker, orangegelb, gelb (first print); very fine, cat. 820€
Starting price: CZK
194572 - 1863-1864 Ferch.21-23, blocks of four Eagle 5-15 Sld, perf 9
1863-1864 Ferch.21-23, blocks of four Eagle 5-15 Sld, perf 9½; one stamp 10Sld lightly hinged, two 5Sld with original ribbing of paper; very fine, cat. 1.365€
Starting price: CZK
193914 - 1858 Newspaper revenue stamp Ferch.2b, Coat of arms 2 Kreuze
1858 Newspaper revenue stamp Ferch.2b, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer zinnoberrot; very nice piece with original gum, cat. 650€, rare color!
Starting price: CZK
194374 - 1863 letter from Venice to Italian Lecco - per Milan, franke
1863 letter from Venice to Italian Lecco - per Milan, franked with 3+3Sld 1858 + 5+5Sld 1863, CDS VENTIA 8.8., additional P.D. (Paye Destination), arrival MILAN 9.AGO.63 and LECCO, rate A2-S1 and very rare MIXED FRANKING OF II. AND IV. ISSUE; cat. Ferchenbauer 2.800€, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
193241 - 1906 Mi.29U-44U, Landscape 1H - 5 K; complete imperforated s
1906 Mi.29U-44U, Landscape 1H - 5 K; complete imperforated set, cat. 120€
Starting price: CZK
193240 - 1910 Ferch.45-60, Mi.45-60, Landscape 1H-5K; complete set, s
1910 Ferch.45-60, Mi.45-60, Landscape 1H-5K; complete set, several stamps with hinge traces
Starting price: CZK
193244 - 1910 Mi.64-84, Franz Joseph. I. 1H-10K; complete popular set
1910 Mi.64-84, Franz Joseph. I. 1H-10K; complete popular set, cat. 200€
Starting price: CZK
193268 - 1915 Mi.93F + 93, overprint Franz Joseph 7H/5H green, block-
1915 Mi.93F + 93, overprint Franz Joseph 7H/5H green, block-of-9, stamp in the middle with printing error "1915" instead "7 heller"; decorative multiple
Starting price: CZK
193269 - 1915 Mi.94F + 94, overprint Franz Joseph 12H/10H carmine, bl
1915 Mi.94F + 94, overprint Franz Joseph 12H/10H carmine, block-of-9, stamp in the middle printing error "7" instead "12" heller; decorative multiple
Starting price: CZK
194413 - 1916 Ferch.117, 118, Express 2h and 5h, imperforated corner
1916 Ferch.117, 118, Express 2h and 5h, imperforated corner blocks of 6 "Vorzugstücke", with complete sheet margins with date "12/9 16" and with approval signature; imprimatur ex. Postarchiv - Wien, issued without gum, scarce, suitable for all specialized collections or exhibitions!
Starting price: CZK
193264 - 1917 Mi.121U-123U, Surtax Memorial 10+2H - 40+2H, complete I
1917 Mi.121U-123U, Surtax Memorial 10+2H - 40+2H, complete IMPERFORATED MNH set in pairs; cat. Ferchenbauer 230€
Starting price: CZK
193242 - 1917 Ferch.124-141, Mi.124-141, Charles I. 3H-10K; complete
1917 Ferch.124-141, Mi.124-141, Charles I. 3H-10K; complete mint never hinged set, cat. 180€
Starting price: CZK
193243 - 1917 set of 11 IMPERFORATED bloks of four, issue Charles I.
1917 set of 11 IMPERFORATED bloks of four, issue Charles I. 1917: values 5h, 10h, 15H, 20H, 25H, 30H, 40H, 80H, 90H, 4 K and 10K; always two stamps in block-of-4 MNH and two hinged, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
193266 - 1918 Mi.142U-143U, Invalids Relief 10H+2H and 15H+2H, imperf
1918 Mi.142U-143U, Invalids Relief 10H+2H and 15H+2H, imperforated set
Starting price: CZK
193267 - 1918 PLATE PROOF  Mi.144U-146U, Charles and Zita, complete s
1918 PLATE PROOF Mi.144U-146U, Charles and Zita, complete set of proofs in gray color as mperforated pairs; cat. Ferchenbauer 150€
Starting price: CZK
193265 - 1918 UNISSUED Mi.I-XIII, Charles I. 2H - 90H, complete IMPER
1918 UNISSUED Mi.I-XIII, Charles I. 2H - 90H, complete IMPERFORATED set; lightly hinged, cat. 250€, sought set
Starting price: CZK
186015 - 1916 Ferch.14-26, blocks of four of Postage due stamps II.,
1916 Ferch.14-26, blocks of four of Postage due stamps II., complete set 2h-3K, usual gum skips; sporadically hinged, counted only as single stamps, always 2x * and 2x MNH, cat. 700€, rare
Starting price: CZK
183598 - 1916 Ferch.P25, P26, imperforated TRIAL PRINT Postage due st
1916 Ferch.P25, P26, imperforated TRIAL PRINT Postage due stamp 1 K and 3 K blue, 4-BLOCK WITH TWO JOINED PAIRS from 5. and 6. line of the sheet, in the middle original sheet bend, otherwise very fine quality, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva; important Bosnian rarity, only 10 pairs recorded!
Starting price: CZK
193783 - 1884 2x heavier Reg letter to Sarajevo, franked with 2x Coat
1884 2x heavier Reg letter to Sarajevo, franked with 2x Coat of arms 10Kr, lithography 1879, CDS CAJNICA 22.IV.1884; rare letter, cat. 700€
Starting price: CZK
194491 - 1886-1913 selection of 17 PC and cards with various uprating
1886-1913 selection of 17 PC and cards with various upratings, 2x postal agency pmk KOBILJDOL and OSTROZAC, 1x double international post card, various postmarks; good condition
Starting price: CZK
193784 - 1893 2x heavier local Reg letter, sent in Sarajevo, franked
1893 2x heavier local Reg letter, sent in Sarajevo, franked with Coat of arms 5+5+1Kr, lithography; very rare letter, cat. LP, see catalogue Ferchenbauer IV. page 207!
Starting price: CZK