Public Auction 54 / Autographs

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194327 - 1643 FERDINAND III. HABSBURG (1608–1657), Holy Roman Emper
1643 FERDINAND III. HABSBURG (1608–1657), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, imperial folded letter in German sent to saského duke Julia Henry Sasko-Lauenburského (1586-1665), in which/what mu nařizuje, to zaplatil to country treasury dlužnou sumu; caused by in Skalici 8.9.1643; excellent condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
194323 - 1891 FRANTIŠEK FERDINAND d´ESTE (1863-1914), crown prince
1891 FRANTIŠEK FERDINAND d´ESTE (1863-1914), crown prince rakousko-uherského throne, synovec emperor Franz Joseph I. I., murdered near/in/at assassination in/at Sarajevu 28.6. 1914 with his woman Žofií hraběnkou Chotkovou, handwritten 4-page letter addressed to strýci - emperor Františku Josefovi I. - přímluva for baroness Spiegelfeld, to získala place court ladies; caused by in/at Ödenburgu 5.1. 1891, superb condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
193787 - 1881 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech an
1881 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, imperial edict with autograph "ferencz joszef" issued in/at BUDAPEŠTI; in/at original folds zpevněno, big paper seal
Starting price: CZK
194330 - 1891 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech an
1891 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, in Latin written congratulatory letter to birth vévodkyně Agnes Maria Theresa (1891-1945) with autograph "franciscus josephus" and 2-lines handwritten written kurtoazním pozdravem, caused by in Vienna 13.4.1891; nice in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
194324 - 1696 JOSEPH I. (1678–1711), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bo
1696 JOSEPH I. (1678–1711), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria 1705-1711, handwritten draft of a letter (!) with full pozlaceným signature "Josephus" from 8.1. 1696; very rare imperial manuscript, addressed to probably some from císařových milenek; nice in good condition condition, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
188617 - 1662 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of B
1662 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on misivu - sheet posélacím, dated 3.11.1662 in Vienna, congratulatory letter, recipient duke Julius Henry Sasko-Lauenburský (1586-1665), very good condition incl. small seal; without usual tearing, rare
Starting price: CZK
193275 - 1935 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president,
1935 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president, foreign minister + BENEŠOVÁ Hana (1885–1974), wife of president Beneš, signature on carton below reproduction B/W photo
Starting price: CZK
190437 - 1939 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president,
1939 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president, foreign minister; whole signature in zvlaštním booklet "Free Czechoslovakia in free Europe, New York 1939" with mounted stmp 50h; unusual, interesting
Starting price: CZK
190436 - 1991 DUBČEK Alexander (1921–1992), Czechoslovak and Slova
1991 DUBČEK Alexander (1921–1992), Czechoslovak and Slovak politician, main representative of the Prague Spring 1968; signature on back side B/W photo
Starting price: CZK
192583 - 1943 HITLER Adolf (1889-1945), German Nazi politician Austri
1943 HITLER Adolf (1889-1945), German Nazi politician Austrian origin, German kancléř and diktátor nacistického Germany, autograph on off. document - promotion warrant, countersignatured Rudolfem Schmundtem (1896-1944), head military pobočník German leader and chancellor A. Hitler., přednosta personálního detachment/section German army; perfect condition, certificates genuineness rrauction (USA) and PSA/DNA (USA), extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
192191 - 1985 HUSÁK Gustav (1913–1991), communist politician, Czec
1985 HUSÁK Gustav (1913–1991), communist politician, Czechoslovak president; signature on memorial sheet + 1x postcard with signature; very fine
Starting price: CZK
190844 - 1932 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1932 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechosl. president; signature on card on/for autographs with datací; condition to examination (tearing in margins, folds)
Starting price: CZK
192181 - 1942 TISO Fraňo (1897-1959), Slovak politician, bratranec J
1942 TISO Fraňo (1897-1959), Slovak politician, bratranec Joseph Tisa, ambassador in USSR, Slovak foreign minister; signature on official document addressed on/for ministry of finance in věci zajištění suitable buildings for German vědecký institution in Bratislava; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
190435 - 1940 TUKA Vojtech (1880–1946), Slovak politician, Prime Mi
1940 TUKA Vojtech (1880–1946), Slovak politician, Prime Minister, minister foreign Affairs, war criminal, signature Tuka on card; in passe-partout photo, sought
Starting price: CZK
190883 - 1970 HEYERDAHL Thor (1914-2002), světoznámý norský moře
1970 HEYERDAHL Thor (1914-2002), světoznámý norský mořeplavec and dobrodruh, experimental archaeologist and antropolog; full signature with dedication on B/W postcard ship Kon-Tiki; interesting
Starting price: CZK
193070 - 1883 ČECH Svatopluk (1846–1908), important Czech poet and
1883 ČECH Svatopluk (1846–1908), important Czech poet and writer, handwritten text - answer for letter Francis Šimáčka (1834-1885) concerning uveřejnění poems "Dagmar" in/at Květech; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
193067 - 1987 FOGLAR Jaroslav, Jestřáb (1907–1999), Czech writer,
1987 FOGLAR Jaroslav, Jestřáb (1907–1999), Czech writer, vedoucí scout divisions, author Rychlých šípů; autograph on memorial sheet Rychlé šípy/ moji přátelé from 23.4.1987; format A4, interesting
Starting price: CZK
193084 - 1930? PIRANDELLO Luigi (1867-1936), slavný Italian dramatis
1930? PIRANDELLO Luigi (1867-1936), slavný Italian dramatist, prose-writer and poet, Nobel laureate after/behind literature after/behind year 1934, B/W photo with whole signature; atelier Zikm. Reach, rare, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
190341 - 1965 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, jou
1965 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984), handwritten 14-řádkový letter with signature; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
193724 - 1951 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, jou
1951 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984), handwritten 2-page letter with whole signature; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
193722 - 1946 TZARA Tristan (1896-1963), French poet and dramatist ru
1946 TZARA Tristan (1896-1963), French poet and dramatist rumunsko-židovského origin, one from zakladatelů dadaismu; handwritten full signature with datací - Prague 13.Mar.1946, in/at Czech překladu his product Slunná road samá radost from year 1946, exceedingly interesting, rare autograph!
Starting price: CZK
193078 - 1930-1950 HUDEBNÍ SKLADATELÉ / Wenceslas Talich, Jarmil Bu
1930-1950 HUDEBNÍ SKLADATELÉ / Wenceslas Talich, Jarmil Burghauser, Jaroslav Foerster; comp. of 3 photo postcard with signatures
Starting price: CZK
194143 - 1938 LADA Joseph (1887-1957), Czech painter, illustrator and
1938 LADA Joseph (1887-1957), Czech painter, illustrator and writer, handwritten letter with signature, incl. envelope/-s addressed to on/for Prof. J. Durycha; good condition
Starting price: CZK
193719 - 1938 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), signature Mucha with datac
1938 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), signature Mucha with datací and wish, on face-side own portrait photo postcard, atelier Drtikol (!); rare, very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
190432 - 1950 OISTRACH David Fjodorovič (Дави
1950 OISTRACH David Fjodorovič (Давид Фёдорович Ойстрах, 1908–1974), světoznámý Russian virtuoso violinist; signature with datací on card, in passe-partout with B/W photos from concert; decorative, sought signature also abroad!
Starting price: CZK
193068 - 1950 RABAS Wenceslas (1885-1954), Czech painter, krajinář,
1950 RABAS Wenceslas (1885-1954), Czech painter, krajinář, graphic artist; autograph with dedication in exhibition catalogue "Píseň peace"; interesting
Starting price: CZK
190858 - 1931 SLAVÍČEK John (1900-1970), Czech painter, handwritten
1931 SLAVÍČEK John (1900-1970), Czech painter, handwritten letter - request for delivery pláten, with full signature; very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
193081 - 1931 SLAVÍČEK John (1900-1970), slavný Czech painter, han
1931 SLAVÍČEK John (1900-1970), slavný Czech painter, handwritten letter from German Rybné from January 1931, interesting text concerning vážného úrazu (popáleniny)
Starting price: CZK
190434 - 1933 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violi
1933 SUK Joseph (1874-1935), important Czech composer, violinist and pedagogue, disciple and zeť Anthony Dvořáka, autograph with wish and datací on reverse portrait photo postcard
Starting price: CZK
193077 - 1935 VÝTVARNÉ ART / Wenceslas Špála, Charles Špillar, A
1935 VÝTVARNÉ ART / Wenceslas Špála, Charles Špillar, Adolf Branald; comp. of 2 portrait photo postcard + 1x card with signatures important creative artists
Starting price: CZK
190311 - 1900 [COLLECTIONS]  MUSIC /  extraordinary accumulation afte
1900 [COLLECTIONS] MUSIC / extraordinary accumulation after/around big collector, contains řádově stovky autografů and rukopisů important foreign, but also tuzemských skladatelů, dirigentů, zpěváků, virtuózů etc.., namátkou for example. Strauss, Firkušný, Steinberg, Nikolská, Ševčík, Chlubna, Slavický, Hanuš, Prague quartette, Kocián, Suchý, Smetáček, Klička, Wronski, Bednář, Waldmannová, Vaněček, Olias, Fierlingerová, Jiránek etc..; photo, letters, cards with signatures, passe-partout etc.., placed in IKEA box, total 16kg interesting of material to other elaboration!, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
190834 - 1911 DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930) (Emilie Kittlová), svě
1911 DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930) (Emilie Kittlová), světoznámá Czech opera singer; whole signature on postcard sent her bratrem Josefem Kittlem, supplemented with about/by B/W photo postcard - E. Destinnová on/for rybách; interesting
Starting price: CZK
190808 - 1943 GOLLOVÁ  Nataša (1912–1988) + HÖGER Charles (1909-
1943 GOLLOVÁ Nataša (1912–1988) + HÖGER Charles (1909-1977), handwritten signatures important Czech of actors on Ppc from film Okouzlená (1942), atelier Ströminger; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
193570 - 1918 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), Czech písničkář, act
1918 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer, whole signature on advertising bulletinu with own songs "Bohemian Heart Charity", inside note writing/note skladby with text; issued by Bohemian Heart Charity, very interesting, in good condition condition
Starting price: CZK
193076 - 1922-1970 ACTORS / Charles Noll, Charles Želinský, Francis
1922-1970 ACTORS / Charles Noll, Charles Želinský, Francis Black, Lubomír Leipzig, Wenceslas Kostka; comp. of 4 photo postcard + 1x B/W photo with signatures slavných of actors; perfect condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
193072 - 1939-1988 HEREČKY / Olga Scheinpflugová, Jiřina Šejbalov
1939-1988 HEREČKY / Olga Scheinpflugová, Jiřina Šejbalová, Ljuba Hermanová; comp. of 3 cards with signatures and B/W reproductions photos slavných Czech hereček
Starting price: CZK
193088 - 1935-1990 HEREČKY / WORLD  interesting comp. of 10 photos,
1935-1990 HEREČKY / WORLD interesting comp. of 10 photos, cards and Ppc with signatures slavných hereček, i.a. Brigitte Bardot, Glenda Jackson, Lilian Harvey, Romy Schneider, Virginia Bruce, Jeanne Moreau etc..; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
193571 - 1900-1940 MUSIC / selection 15 photo postcard, from that 10
1900-1940 MUSIC / selection 15 photo postcard, from that 10 pcs of with signatures, i.a. John Kubelík, R. A. Dvorský, Eda Krtička, then i.a. Fritz Soot (2x), Friedrich Plaschke, Eva Plaschke etc..
Starting price: CZK
190828 - 1940? KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), slavná Czech actress, po
1940? KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), slavná Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
190829 - 1940? KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), slavná Czech actress, po
1940? KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), slavná Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
190847 - 1940 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actr
1940 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, whole signature on carton; good condition
Starting price: CZK
193083 - 1930? MARSCHALL Herbert (1890-1966), slavný Brit. actor; wh
1930? MARSCHALL Herbert (1890-1966), slavný Brit. actor; whole signature on B/W portrait photograph
Starting price: CZK
193079 - 1900? MOŠNA Henry (1837-1911), slavný Czech theatre actor,
1900? MOŠNA Henry (1837-1911), slavný Czech theatre actor, autograph and written note writing/note with libretem to/at play Mravenci from Joseph George Kolára, total 6 sides; exceedingly interesting!
Starting price: CZK
193066 - 1937 NOVÝ Oldřich (1899–1983), Czech actor, signature wi
1937 NOVÝ Oldřich (1899–1983), Czech actor, signature with dedication on own portrait photograph greater format 185x270mm; interesting
Starting price: CZK
193082 - 1970? OLIVIER Lawrence (1907-1989), slavný Brit. actor, hol
1970? OLIVIER Lawrence (1907-1989), slavný Brit. actor, holder Oskara, film director, dramatist, povýšen to šlechtického status, autograph on B/W fotografi; sought
Starting price: CZK
193074 - 1916-1937 OPERA / Jarmila Novotná (2x), Ada Nordenová, Mar
1916-1937 OPERA / Jarmila Novotná (2x), Ada Nordenová, Marja Bogudská; comp. of 4 photo postcard with signatures important operních pěvkyň
Starting price: CZK
193075 - 1908-1937 OPERA / Charles Burian, Emil Burian, Vendelín Bud
1908-1937 OPERA / Charles Burian, Emil Burian, Vendelín Budil, Bohumil Benoni; comp. of 4 signatures on/for postcards and card slavných Czech operních pěvců
Starting price: CZK
193085 - 1925? PICKFORD Mary (1893-1979), slavná kanadská actress,
1925? PICKFORD Mary (1893-1979), slavná kanadská actress, držitelka in/at sequence other Oskara in 1929, one of first screen superstar; whole signature on own B/W portrait photograph; L lower bent corner, interesting
Starting price: CZK
193086 - 1940? ROGERS Charles Buddy (1904-1999), slavný American mov
1940? ROGERS Charles "Buddy" (1904-1999), slavný American movie actor and musician; signature with dedication on B/W photograph 190x240mm; folds in corners, interesting
Starting price: CZK
193073 - 1915-1930 SEDLÁČKOVÁ Andula (1887–1967), important Czec
1915-1930 SEDLÁČKOVÁ Andula (1887–1967), important Czech theatre and movie actress, comp. of 3 photo postcard + 1 card with signatures; various roll
Starting price: CZK
193069 - 1935-1980 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor a
1935-1980 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and writer, B/W photo postcard + B/W photo from later years with signatures
Starting price: CZK
193071 - 1975 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and wr
1975 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and writer, signature on front side B/W photo postcard + handwritten text on/for her back side with statement address George Voskovce in USA; supplemented with about/by envelope with Werichem nadepsanou address; interesting
Starting price: CZK
190836 - 1960? ATHLETICS / ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000), Olympic champio
1960? ATHLETICS / ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000), Olympic champion; signature on card
Starting price: CZK
193278 - 1976 FOOTBALL / ME YUGOSLAVIA 1976 / postcard Zagreb, on rev
1976 FOOTBALL / ME YUGOSLAVIA 1976 / postcard Zagreb, on reverse with signatures Czechosl. representatives, which/what získali in/at legendárním zápase with Germany gold medal, i.a. Doll, Švehlík, Gögh, Masný, Jurkemik, Vencel etc..; interesting
Starting price: CZK
193292 - 1976-1982 FOOTBALL / REPREZENTACE Czechoslovakia  very inter
1976-1982 FOOTBALL / REPREZENTACE Czechoslovakia very interesting selection of 18 pcs of Us Ppc with signatures Czechosl. representatives from various mezistátních utkaní from ME, championship, kvalifikací etc.., i.a. Vojáček, Cross, Nehoda, Gögh, Švehlík, Jurkemik, Berger etc..; very good condition, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
193281 - 1976 HOCKEY / KANADSKÝ POHÁR 1976 (!)  postcard Montreálu
1976 HOCKEY / KANADSKÝ POHÁR 1976 (!) postcard Montreálu to Czechoslovakia, on reverse with signatures Czechosl. hockey representatives, which/what on/for legendárním turnaji the best týmů world obsadili other place after/behind home Kanadou, i.a. Marian and Peter Šťastní, Hlinka, Holík, Augusta etc..; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
193284 - 1976 HOCKEY / championship 1976  postcard Katowice to Czecho
1976 HOCKEY / championship 1976 postcard Katowice to Czechoslovakia, on reverse with signatures several Czechosl. representatives, which/what získali golden medal, i.a.: Holeček, Marian and Peter Šťastní, Bohuslav Šťastný, Novák, Černík etc..
Starting price: CZK
193288 - 1977-1980 HOCKEY / comp. of 3 Ppc with signatures Czechosl.
1977-1980 HOCKEY / comp. of 3 Ppc with signatures Czechosl. hockey representatives, sent from championship 1979, Winter Olympic Games 1980 and Wien (Vienna) 1977 (gold medal), i.a. Hlinka, Holík, Novák, Marian and Peter Šťastní, Lukáč etc..; interesting
Starting price: CZK
194537 - 1938 ICE KOKEJ / World Championship in ice hockey Prague 193
1938 ICE KOKEJ / World Championship in ice hockey Prague 1938, invitation card for raut for účstníky World Championship with signatures of players Czechoslovakia i.a. Maleček, Modrý, Troják, Pergl, players USA i.a. Cosby, Dondi, Bogue, Quirk, Wagnild, players England i.a. Foster, Kelly, Woolsey, Chappell and other, supplemented with stamps and special cancel. to championship; rare!
Starting price: CZK
194539 - 1948 Winter Olympic Games / St. Moritz 1948, jídelníček f
1948 Winter Olympic Games / St. Moritz 1948, jídelníček from 1.2.1948 with signatures Czechosl. representatives, for example. hockey-players Sláma, Zábrodský, krasobruslaři Vrzáňová, Čáp, rychlobruslař Kolář and other; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 54 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.