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1821-1840 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters with various cancel. GROSS AUGEZD, catalogue Votoček. č.638 type 1, 2, 2a, once money with 9Zl and 32Kr Conventions Münze, "franko 14x", catalogue Votoček. 240P; rare set! U:A5
1824 CZECH LANDS/ letter "Von Lettowitzem Oberamt", in Letovice was post. office from 1837, that's why sent from Zlatá Studně with additional red "Goldenbrunn" and "Post Skalitz" with post already from year 1876, through"Sllapanitz" (Šlapanice) to Podolí near Brno, marked general porto 18kr; rare letter! U:A5
1829 CZECH LANDS/ letter from Pohořelice with decorative frame cancel. POHRLITZ FRANKO to Buchlov, luxury print; rare postmark U:A5
1830-1837 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters with cancel. NEUHAUS - Jindřichův Hradec, black, dark blue and blue, 2x to Milevsko from 11. and 54. infantry regiment, i.a. with remark "Officioser Gegenstand, p(ost) Tabor"; interesting set U:A5
1834-1838 CZECH LANDS/ 3 letters from Uherské Hradiště, with cancel. HRADISCH catalogue Votoček. 2503 type 2, 3I and 3II, two military, one from correspondence of baron de Kotz, catalogue Votoček. 240P; rare set! U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS/ letter (note) from Brno to Prussian Liegnitz through Silesian Neustadt and back to Brno, cancel. NEUSTADT 12 DEZ and LIEGNITZ 18.DEZ, interesting 2x used folded letter U:A5
1840 CZECH LANDS/ letter with cancel. PROSSNITZ 18/11 1840, to Prussian BRILON, originally sent from Brilon with remark "franco Grenze" with marked porto "8" (Gr); returned with notice "retur Brilon" and ".... 8. Juny 1840 in Prossnitz gestorben"; very interesting letter U:A5
1842 CZECH LANDS/ letter with straight line postmark DORFTESCHEN - Deštné (Opava region), porto 12Kr and notice "porto wird angewiesen" U:A5
1847 CZECH LANDS/ money (!) letter with 18Kr CM with rare red cancel. PROSSNITZ FRANCO, to Nový Jičín; rarely without additional date postmark, interesting entire! U:A5
1848 CZECH LANDS/ letter with oval frame cancel. UHRŽITZ FRANCO, with additional date "23. Mär.", addressed to Chrlice, marked porto 18kr, rare postmark U:A5
1849 CZECH LANDS/ letter with blue frame cancel. LECHWITZ, by hand date 18/4; luxury condition, catalogue Votoček. č.1216 1a 200P U:A5
1849 CZECH LANDS/ letter with rare red cancel. PROSSNITZ FRANCO, to Podolí near Brno, additional date 30/3 1849; very fine and attractive letter U:A5
1853 AUSTRIA/ letter sent from Bologna from count Leiningen of The 21. Inf. Reg., addressed to Ždánice (Hodonín region); cancel. FIELD-POST No.1 with inverted date 10/11, paper seal "Linien infantry Regiments Commando No.21", arrival STEINITZ 14/11; rare letter U:A5