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1911 DESTINNOVÁ Emma (1878–1930) (Emilie Kittlová), světoznámá Czech opera singer; whole signature on postcard sent her bratrem Josefem Kittlem, supplemented with about/by B/W photo postcard - E. Destinnová on/for rybách; interesting U:A5
1943 GOLLOVÁ Nataša (1912–1988) + HÖGER Charles (1909-1977), handwritten signatures important Czech of actors on Ppc from film Okouzlená (1942), atelier Ströminger; very good condition U:A5
1918 HAŠLER Charles (1879–1941), Czech písničkář, actor, textař, composer, whole signature on advertising bulletinu with own songs "Bohemian Heart Charity", inside note writing/note skladby with text; issued by Bohemian Heart Charity, very interesting, in good condition condition U:A4
1922-1970 ACTORS / Charles Noll, Charles Želinský, Francis Black, Lubomír Leipzig, Wenceslas Kostka; comp. of 4 photo postcard + 1x B/W photo with signatures slavných of actors; perfect condition, interesting U:A5
1939-1988 HEREČKY / Olga Scheinpflugová, Jiřina Šejbalová, Ljuba Hermanová; comp. of 3 cards with signatures and B/W reproductions photos slavných Czech hereček U:A4
1935-1990 HEREČKY / WORLD interesting comp. of 10 photos, cards and Ppc with signatures slavných hereček, i.a. Brigitte Bardot, Glenda Jackson, Lilian Harvey, Romy Schneider, Virginia Bruce, Jeanne Moreau etc..; perfect condition U:A5
1900-1940 MUSIC / selection 15 photo postcard, from that 10 pcs of with signatures, i.a. John Kubelík, R. A. Dvorský, Eda Krtička, then i.a. Fritz Soot (2x), Friedrich Plaschke, Eva Plaschke etc.. U:A5
1940? KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), slavná Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature; very good condition U:A5
1940? KABÁTOVÁ Zita (1913-2012), slavná Czech actress, portrait photo postcard with signature; very good condition U:A5
1940 MANDLOVÁ Adina (1910–1991), slavná Czech movie actress, whole signature on carton; good condition U:A4
1930? MARSCHALL Herbert (1890-1966), slavný Brit. actor; whole signature on B/W portrait photograph U:A5
1900? MOŠNA Henry (1837-1911), slavný Czech theatre actor, autograph and written note writing/note with libretem to/at play Mravenci from Joseph George Kolára, total 6 sides; exceedingly interesting! U:A4
1937 NOVÝ Oldřich (1899–1983), Czech actor, signature with dedication on own portrait photograph greater format 185x270mm; interesting U:A4
1970? OLIVIER Lawrence (1907-1989), slavný Brit. actor, holder Oskara, film director, dramatist, povýšen to šlechtického status, autograph on B/W fotografi; sought U:A5
1916-1937 OPERA / Jarmila Novotná (2x), Ada Nordenová, Marja Bogudská; comp. of 4 photo postcard with signatures important operních pěvkyň U:A5
1908-1937 OPERA / Charles Burian, Emil Burian, Vendelín Budil, Bohumil Benoni; comp. of 4 signatures on/for postcards and card slavných Czech operních pěvců U:A5
1925? PICKFORD Mary (1893-1979), slavná kanadská actress, držitelka in/at sequence other Oskara in 1929, one of first screen superstar; whole signature on own B/W portrait photograph; L lower bent corner, interesting U:A4
1940? ROGERS Charles "Buddy" (1904-1999), slavný American movie actor and musician; signature with dedication on B/W photograph 190x240mm; folds in corners, interesting U:A4
1915-1930 SEDLÁČKOVÁ Andula (1887–1967), important Czech theatre and movie actress, comp. of 3 photo postcard + 1 card with signatures; various roll U:A5
1935-1980 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and writer, B/W photo postcard + B/W photo from later years with signatures U:A5
1975 WERICH John (1905-1980), film also theatre actor and writer, signature on front side B/W photo postcard + handwritten text on/for her back side with statement address George Voskovce in USA; supplemented with about/by envelope with Werichem nadepsanou address; interesting U:A5