Public Auction 54 / Autographs / Sportsmen

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190836 - 1960? ATHLETICS / ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000), Olympic champio
1960? ATHLETICS / ZÁTOPEK Emil (1922-2000), Olympic champion; signature on card
Starting price: CZK
193278 - 1976 FOOTBALL / ME YUGOSLAVIA 1976 / postcard Zagreb, on rev
1976 FOOTBALL / ME YUGOSLAVIA 1976 / postcard Zagreb, on reverse with signatures Czechosl. representatives, which/what získali in/at legendárním zápase with Germany gold medal, i.a. Doll, Švehlík, Gögh, Masný, Jurkemik, Vencel etc..; interesting
Starting price: CZK
193292 - 1976-1982 FOOTBALL / REPREZENTACE Czechoslovakia  very inter
1976-1982 FOOTBALL / REPREZENTACE Czechoslovakia very interesting selection of 18 pcs of Us Ppc with signatures Czechosl. representatives from various mezistátních utkaní from ME, championship, kvalifikací etc.., i.a. Vojáček, Cross, Nehoda, Gögh, Švehlík, Jurkemik, Berger etc..; very good condition, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
193281 - 1976 HOCKEY / KANADSKÝ POHÁR 1976 (!)  postcard Montreálu
1976 HOCKEY / KANADSKÝ POHÁR 1976 (!) postcard Montreálu to Czechoslovakia, on reverse with signatures Czechosl. hockey representatives, which/what on/for legendárním turnaji the best týmů world obsadili other place after/behind home Kanadou, i.a. Marian and Peter Šťastní, Hlinka, Holík, Augusta etc..; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
193284 - 1976 HOCKEY / championship 1976  postcard Katowice to Czecho
1976 HOCKEY / championship 1976 postcard Katowice to Czechoslovakia, on reverse with signatures several Czechosl. representatives, which/what získali golden medal, i.a.: Holeček, Marian and Peter Šťastní, Bohuslav Šťastný, Novák, Černík etc..
Starting price: CZK
193288 - 1977-1980 HOCKEY / comp. of 3 Ppc with signatures Czechosl.
1977-1980 HOCKEY / comp. of 3 Ppc with signatures Czechosl. hockey representatives, sent from championship 1979, Winter Olympic Games 1980 and Wien (Vienna) 1977 (gold medal), i.a. Hlinka, Holík, Novák, Marian and Peter Šťastní, Lukáč etc..; interesting
Starting price: CZK
194537 - 1938 ICE KOKEJ / World Championship in ice hockey Prague 193
1938 ICE KOKEJ / World Championship in ice hockey Prague 1938, invitation card for raut for účstníky World Championship with signatures of players Czechoslovakia i.a. Maleček, Modrý, Troják, Pergl, players USA i.a. Cosby, Dondi, Bogue, Quirk, Wagnild, players England i.a. Foster, Kelly, Woolsey, Chappell and other, supplemented with stamps and special cancel. to championship; rare!
Starting price: CZK
194539 - 1948 Winter Olympic Games / St. Moritz 1948, jídelníček f
1948 Winter Olympic Games / St. Moritz 1948, jídelníček from 1.2.1948 with signatures Czechosl. representatives, for example. hockey-players Sláma, Zábrodský, krasobruslaři Vrzáňová, Čáp, rychlobruslař Kolář and other; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
193295 - 1975-1985 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting selection of 77 pcs of
1975-1985 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of 77 pcs of Ppc with signatures various sportsmen, i.a. Czechosl. football and hockey representatives, members týmů Slovan Bratislava, Inter Bratislava, Dukla Banská Bystrica, házenkářů, basketbalistů, also figure skating, dorostenecké and juniorské national team etc..; very good condition, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK