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1939 Sy.4, Coat of arms 20h, corner blk-of-15 with shifted overprint L-wards + Sy.5, Coat of arms 25h, blk-of-12 with shifted overprint transport; in blocks interesting, both exp. by Synek., price stamps 85€, shifts excluded from sum U:A5
Sy.11, blue Štefánik 60h, as blk-of-4; exp. by Sablatura U:A5
1939 Sy.13, Mukachevo 1,20CZK + Sy.14, B. Bystrica 1,50CZK, two LR corner blk-of-4 with close margin, both overprint field PPo 89-90 / 99-100; both exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.13, Mukachevo 1,20CZK, two blocks of four with wide upper margin, 1x UL corner blk-of-4, PPo 1-2 / 11-12 + 1x UR corner blk-of-4, PPo 9-10 / 19-20; both exp. Kraus U:A5
1939 Sy.13, Mukachevo 1,20CZK, LR corner blk-of-4 with close margin, imprinted upper half overprint folder (II. variant přetiskování), PPo 39-40 / 49-50(!); small spots, catalogue existenci II. variants at value 1,20CZK nepředpokládá, quite extraordinary výskyt!!, exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.14, B. Bystrica 1,50CZK, LR corner blk-of-6 with wide margin (on this value rare), overprint field 79-80 / 89-90 / 99-100, IV. variant overprint!; very rare combination, exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.15, Kutná Hora 1,60CZK, LR corner blk-of-4 with wide upper margin, overprint field PPo 39-40 / 49-50, in addition in lower margin counter sheet 2x Braille printing overprint; exp. Kraus U:A5
1939 Sy.16, Zvíkov 2CZK, UL corner blk-of-4 with wide upper margin, overprint field 1-2 / 11-12; exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.17, Strečno 2,50CZK with brick red overprint, two corner 4-bloky: 1x UR with wide upper margin, overprint field 9-10 / 19-20, exp. Kraus + 1x LR with wide upper margin, overprint field 89-90 / 99-100, exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.18, Bohemian Paradise 3CZK with red overprint, two lower corner bloks of 4 with thin upper okrajem: 1x L with plate mark 1, overprint field 81-82 / 91-92 + 1x right/genuine with plate mark 1A, same overprint field 81-82 / 91-92; both blocks of four exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.20, Poděbrady 4CZK, overprint type II.; marked and exp. by Novotny., Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.21 plate variety, Olomouc 5CZK, overprint with inclination 45 stupňů, plate variety from overprint field 25; exp. by Novotny and Synek U:A5
1939 Sy.22, Bratislava 10CZK with overprint II. type (at top open second 9); sought by specialists, exp. Dr. Dub, Synek and mark W. Brandes, c.v.. 280€ U:A5
F22, Bratislava 10CZK blue, gravure printing FORGERY overprint from original folder cancelled poškrabáním; exp. by Kaufmann as right stmp, c.v.. 120€, interesting U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing in red color for values 5h - 1CZK, block of four on/for krémovém - on reverse from part/-s imprinted paper; in the middle ribbed paper, exp. by Synek U:A5
1939 comp. 15 pcs of stamp. with overprint offset on gum, from that 2x marginal block-of-4 (Sy.3 and 10), other (Sy.4, 6, 7, 8, 9) solo pieces or pair; c.v.. 120€ U:A5