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1938 SG.18-33, George VI. "Portraits and country motives" 1P-10Rp; complete set, cat. £225 U:A5
1943 Japanese occupation SG.J74 , local issue Rangoon 2C green, block of 6, on 26. pos. numeral "2" with ROUND TOP, described in literature, SG. doesn't report U:A5
1943 Japanese occupation SG.J82-J87, provisional Rangoon 1C-5C perf.11 and 1C-5C with perforation, total 33 stamps, some blocks of four, imperforated, i.a. whole set of imperforated on cut-square with commemorative FD postmark U:A5
1943 Japanese occupation SG.J88-J97, definitive issue for Batavia i.a. 1C-2Rp used set, total 25 pcs, cheap 10C damaged, otherwise nice, cat. £154, rare set! U:A5
1921 SG.339aw, George V. 3c green, marginal block-of-4 with INVERTED WMK; decorative multiple, cat. £180++ U:A5
1921 SG.343aw, George V. 6c light violet, block of four with INVERTED WMK; cat. £384++ U:A5
1921 SG.346ay, George V. 10c sage-green, block of four with lower margin with INVERTED and REVERSED WMK; chip of wood in paper, F, cat. £336 U:A5
1904 SG.10, 11, Holkar III., half-sheets of 40; values 1/2A and 1A; fine quality, cat. only as single stamps £1.640 U:A3v–