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1865-1871 SG.22, 28, 29, 31, all 2x "V" 3P, 2C, 5C (once rarely with blue cancel.); some minor faults, several short tooth, 25C one fold, cat. £1.325; rare offer U:A5
1860 SG.18, steamship Washington 12½C blue, vertical pair with lower margin, imperforated PLATE PROOF, VF U:A5
1857-1864 SG.1, 13, 17-20, 23, Flowers 1P brown purple, 5P venetian red, and 2 -1Sh from 3. issue, fine, ex. Rieger, cat. £835 U:A5
1860 SG.11, Heraldic Flowers 3P, 2x triangle, in green and dark green color; ex. Rieger, 1x signed, cat. £220 U:A5
1865 SG.29-31, 33-35, comp. of 6 unused stamps from the first issue "Pictorials", nice quality, cat. £555 U:A5
1876-1887 SG.40-43, 44-48, 49-54, three complete sets, cat. £300 U:A5
1932 PLATE PROOF for SG.213, Caribou 5C violet, block of four, plate proofs from definitive plate, in definitive violet color on stamp paper with wmk U:A5
1932 SG.225, Caribu 5C violet, II. issue from August 1932, two corner blocks of four, wmk sideways and WMK INVERTED; very fine, cat. £340 U:A5
1937 SG.263cb, pair Coronation Issue 15C purple-red, in the middle OMITTED PERFORATION; VF, cat. £1.600, rare speciality! U:DR
1947 SG.293a, princess Elizabeth 4C light blue, two pairs with OMMITED VERTICAL PERFORATION as GUTTER - cat. only as single pairs £950, rare U:DR
1862-1872 SG.12, 30-32, 42-45 etc., set of 10 stamps issue Victoria; fine, cat. as cheapest colors and perf £335 U:A5
1870-1879 Sc.145-190, Bank Note Issues - nominal complete issue "Personalities" 1C-90C, total 20 stamps, all without "GRILL´S", various colors and papers, 6C-30C always two varieties of paper, valued for example: 30C black as cheaper Sc.190, 90C as cheaper Sc.166 etc., fine, cat. min. $1.350 U:A5
1887-94 Sc.212-217 + 219-229 + 247-259, set of 3 various issues; usual quality, cat. ca. 610$ U:A5
1929-33 FLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD Zeppelin letter with multicolor franking of airmail stamps Mi.301(2x), 302(3x), 306, and 310(2x), CDS LEONIA/ N.J./ 8.AUG., violet flight cachet; small flaw. - brown teeth on stamp, Sie. 28 + air-mail card addressed to Vienna, with Mi.358, MC VARICK ST.ANNEX. N.Y./ 7.DEC.1933 and CDS CHICAGO U:A4
1853 Sc.10Sa, Mi.5IwI, Kamehameha III., value 5C blue with red overprint SPECIMEN, plate variety - vertical line through "HONOLULU", cat. $100 U:A5
1864 Sc.23, Mi.9Bx, Numerals 1C black "Hawaiian Postage" on ribbed "laid" paper; very fine, cat. $300 U:A5
1864 Sc.24 ,Mi.10Cx, Numerals 2C black "Hawaiian Postage" on ribbed "laid" paper; fine, on back with red mark, cat. $325 U:A5
1869 Mi.18I, Kamehameha IV., value 2C "elua keneta" red, then 2x with black overprint CANCELLED, 1x with blue overprint SPECIMEN and 1x with black REPRINT; very fine selection, Mi.430 EUR (Spec.USA 2014 page 760) U:A5
1867 Mi.14b, Rivadavia 5C rosa, without watermark; fine piece, cat. 320€ U:A5
1931-35 ZEPPELIN / 2 letters + 1x card, from that to Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, nice frankings of airmail and postage stamps, i.a. cancel. ZEPPELIN-CONDOR SERVICO AEREO TRANSATLANTICO; CONDOR-ZEPPELIN LUFTHANSA; MIT LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN BEFÖRDERT etc., arrival postmarks; overall sound condition U:A5
1966 SG.424a,b; and pair 426 imperf., Elizabeth II. issue De La Rue 1961 6C, 12C with local overprints GUYANA INDEPENDENCE 1966, overprints INVERTED, DOUBLE, pair IMPERFORATED (certificate Sismondo - for block of four); rare! U:A5
1861 NEW GRANADA Mi.10a-13, Coat of arms 5C ochre, 10C blue with interesting transcription "NEIVA", 20C bricky red in two shades, 1 Peso pink; fine, cat. 2.100€ U:A5
1863-1872 SG.7, 14w Victoria 1P vermilion, wmk Small star; very nice piece, sign. Hartmann and Victoria 1P scarlet, perf 12½;, INVERTED WMK CC; nice quality, cat. £450 U:A5
1935 SG.145s, George V. 8P, SPECIMEN; mint never hinged, cat. ca. £160 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.149s-157s, George VI. ½P - £1, complete set SPECIMEN; cat. £600 U:A5
1938 SG.158-160, George VI. 4P - 8P, complete set SPECIMEN; cat. £150 U:A5
1938 SG.248cb, Coat of arms 1/2P yellow-brown, strip-of-3 with retouch of frame RECUT LINE and other printing specialties - 1P with RE ENTRY U:A5
1938 SG.252ba, 252ca, Coat of arms 3P brown, block of 8 with plate variety - LINE OVER HORSES HEAD; ditto on pair 3P blue and other block of 8 3P blue, with this plate variety RETOUCHED; interesting set U:A5
1950 SG.271-282 ,George VI. Landscape 1C-2,40$; complete set of blocks of four, cat. £220++, VF U:A5
1866 SG.5aw, Victoria (De La Rue) 3P yellow-buff with INVERTED WMK, wide right margin; with part of original gum, rare stamp, cat. £1.800 U:DR
1940 SG.117, George VI. 2Sh6P "black and red on grey-blue"; very fine corner pair with plate number 1, cat. ca. £350 U:A5
1907 PLATE PROOF for SG.82-83, print of gravure on chalky carton 24x30mm, Coat of arms; ex. De La Rue archives U:A5
1870-1883 SG.7, 7a, 8, 9, 9a, 12-15, Victoria 1P-5Sh, wmk CC; nice set, cat. £640 U:A5
1894-1895 FISCAL STAMPS set of 3 multiples of fiscal stamps with sheet margins, value 35C block-of-10, 50C block-of-15 and 5C block-of-10; minor gum faults, interesting U:A3v–
1862 PLATE PROOF for SG.2 and 3; marginal PLATE PROOF pairs, 4P in grey-violet and 6P in orange color; very fine and rare! U:A5
1950 PLATE PROOF portrait George VI., definitive gravure in oval, then used for print of medallion issue "Landscape" SG.136-147; in green color on machine paper 75x87mm; ex. De la Rue, rare plate proof U:A5
1863 SG.5, strip-of-5 Victoria 1P pink, without wmk, perforation. 11, cancel. A10; very fine and rare multiple, ex. Jaffé 2006 U:A5