1925Pof.198 production flaw, Gravure 3CZK brown, type III., wmk P7, upper corner horiz. str-of-6 with 4x omitted vertical perf (!); mint never hinged, exp. by Hirsch., Karasek, Vrba, marks Tribuna, cat. min. 12.000CZK, decorative strip with omitted perf!
1925 Pof.198, Gravure 3CZK brown, type III., production flaw 1x stamp. with margin and incomplete offset (P5), 1x stamp. with 2mm paper crease (P8); mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., rare usage
1925 Pof.200, 201, 203, Gravure 1CZK red, comp. 6 pcs of bloks of four and 10 pcs of corner stamp. with various plate number; mainly mint never hinged, only 4 item/-s hinged, outside 1 pcs of all exp. and marked Vrba
1926 Pof.204-208, selection of 23 pcs of bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate number, it contains e.g. Pof.204 type I., plate number 1 with P6 and plate number 1A with P7 and P8; 2x Pof.204 type II., plate number 3 and 3A with P8; 5x Pof.206 with plate number 3A, 4, 4A, 5, 5A; Pof.205, plate number 1 with P6 and plate number 1A with P7; 2x Pof.207 with plate number 1 and 1A; Pof.208, complete set 8 various plate number + blocks of four without plate number, 1x Pof.204 type I with P8 and 3x Pof.205 with P6, 7, 8; major-part wmk marked, 5 pcs of exp. by Müller or Pitt
1926 Pof.204-208, T. G. Masaryk 50h-1Kč, contains i.a. Pof.204 type I with wmk P6 (2x), 7, 8 and type II with complete P5-8; Pof.204A with leader strip; Pof.206a, 207a in pairs + 27 pcs of bottom corner stamp. with plate number, complete set Pof.208 with plate number 13 to 16A, etc.; major-part wmk marked, 11 pcs of exp. various experts
1926 Pof.217-224, Castles without watermark, the bottom corner pieces with plate number, complete set all plate numbers (without coil- Pof.216A); interesting chance, all mint never hinged, both stamp. Pof.222 marked and exp. by Gilbert
1926Pof.225 P4, Prague, Tatras 2CZK blue with SVISLOU (!) wmk P4, nice imprint of daily postmark BRNO 2/ 23.IV.28; very fine piece good condition, Vrba certificate incl. zobrazené wmk, certificate Karasek + exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, c.v.. 100.000CZK, very fine piece with exceedingly rare vertical wmk!
Pof.229-232, Prague - Tatras 2Kč-5Kč without watermark, all corner pieces with plate numbers: 2Kč with plate number 5, 3Kč with plate number 3, 4Kč with plate number 1 and 5Kč with plate number 1
1927 printing by pencil for stamp. Pof.233, Hradec by/on/at Opava 30h, size printings 141x175 mm, on/for yellowy carton paper, lower handwritten note. and R lower signature K. Seizinger; exp. Karásek
1927 printing by pencil for stamp. Pof.240, Tatras 2,50CZK, size printings 140x172mm, on/for yellowy carton paper, R lower signature K. Seizinger; exp. by Karasek
1929 Pof.248-253, Coat of arms 5h - 40h, selection of plate numbers, contains: i.a. coil- Pof.250A, 1x 4-pásku and 1x str-of-6 hinged plate number "2", mint never hinged + two str-of-3 with larger part of plate number 2, resp. 2A, both *, then for example. 23 pcs of bloks of four with various plate number as Pof.249X with plate number 1 also 1A, Pof.253 with plate number 1, 1A, 2 and 2A, Pof.253aII with plate number 2A, then Coat of arms 20h, 25h and 30h, Pofis. 250, 251 and 252 without bands etc..; interesting ticket
1929 Pof.249x, Coat of arms 10h brown, transparent paper, upper and the bottom blk-of-50 from L middle 200 pcs of counter sheet, with plate number 1; stamp. on pos. 10 with fold, other very fine + Pof.249, right half from 200 pcs of counter sheet, normal paper
1933 Pof.273K+DČ, Nitra 50h green, 2 stamps in margin with bottom coupon and with plate number 1, resp. 1A; only production omission gum, c.v.. 7.000CZK, certificate + exp. Vrba, rare usage
1933Pof.273Ms(4), Nitra 50h green, complete bnd-of-10 4-stamps gutter with margin and with plate number 1; mint never hinged and intaktní block, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, cat. only gutter and plate number 115.000Kč, rare multiple!
1933Pof.273Ms(4), Nitra 50h green, complete bnd-of-10 4-stamps gutter with margin and with plate number 1A; only in the middle label in perforation and one stamp. with thin place, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, cat. only gutter and plate number 101.000Kč, rare multiple!
1934 Pof.281-282, Anthem-issue 1CZK and 2CZK, selection of corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1 and 1A both values 1CZK and 2CZK, corner strips with plate number, then for example. 1CZK with R coupon and margin counter sheet, stamps from miniature sheets etc.., solid quality **/*, several pieces expertized
1934 PLATE PROOF Pof.282, Anthem-issue 2CZK, plate proof - !print original gravure in/at grey-blue color on card without gum; marked by Tribuna., Karasek
1937PLATE PROOF Pof.A329/330, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, plate proof of Coat of arms / national symbols and inscriptions in red color on chalky paper without gum, by pencil written date 21/7.37; hinged, exp. Vrba, interesting and rare!
1933 philatelically influenced Reg letter franked with. vertical 2-stamps. gutter Nitra 50h green, Pof.273Ms(2) + Pof.260(2x), CDS PRAGUE 7/ 22.XI.33, arrival postmark MŠENÉ by/on/at BUDYNĚ n. O. on reverse, right value postage; quite rare occurrence, here for the first time in auction (!), c.v.. Pofis entires paid/franked gutter Nitra at all doesn't evaluate; very good condition
Pof.L1-3, I. provisional air mail stmp., complete set, marginal pieces, value 24Kč/500h spiral type I., value 28CZK/1000 light hinged hinged; all exp. by Karasek
Pof.L1-L3, I. provisional air mail stmp., complete set in pairs, 14Kč/200h vertical, 24Kč/500h and 28Kč/1000h horiz., good margins; all exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, Karasek and Pithart, Pof.L2 both type I., on stmp L proškrábnutá spiral - zdánlivě type II., c.v.. 6.000Kč+
Pof.L3B Pp, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet with perf comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, INVERTED overprint; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + 2x certificate Karásek, c.v.. 10.000CZK
PLATE PROOF values 14CZK, 24CZK and 28CZK, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint, definitive making, values 14CZK and 24CZK in black color and 28CZK in dark green color, all on/for smooth white paper without gum; exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 24CZK, overprint trial printing from nedohotoveného printing block, in black color on brown paper, as blk-of-4 interesting; exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs přetisku: value 14CZK, 2 pcs of else/yet from nedohotovených cliché, in black color on various papers; value 28CZK, definitive making in dark green color, in vertical pair on/for smooth white paper; all without gum, exp. Vrba
refused essay for airmail stamp 28Kč issue 1920 from V. H. Brunner, letterprint in violet color, on stamp paper with gum; marked and exp. Vrba, cat. 10.000CZK, sought by specialists,
1920-1921 comp. 4 pcs of letters and one front sides envelope/-s, franked with. air stamp. the first issue., all without průkazné air-mail transport; various quality
Pof.L4 plate variety 2, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50/100h green, horizontal pair with lower margin counter sheet, 1 pcs of with plate variety - wedge [ ˇ ] place kolečka , pos. 100; exp. by Karasek
Pof.L4-6, II. provisional air mail stmp., complete set in blocks of four, all marginal with special postmark KARLOVY VARY/ AIR SLAVNOST/ 7.VI.30, at value 250/400h 2x combination types; on reverse heavier hinges, marked and exp. Vrba
1928UZHHOROD - RIO DE JANEIRO, pictorial PC CDV39/5 sent registered and as Air-mail to Brazil, richly uprated with stamp Pof.L6, 242 3x, CDS UZHHOROD 1/ 29.XII.28, on reverse oval air-mail cancel. COREIRO AEREO RIO DE JANEIRO/ 12.JAN.1929, sent to J. Jůzka; good condition, decorative, rare destination for period II. air-mail issue
1930 MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ - BERLIN, Reg and airmail letter to Germany, with Pof.L4, L5, 251 2x, 260, 262, posting framed pmk MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ AIRPORT/ 7.VI.30, red cachet years. post BERLIN C2, on reverse arrival postmark BERLIN/ 7.6.30; good condition
1927-1930 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 19 pcs of entires and 1 cut-square franked with. airmail stamp II. air-mail issue, from that 7 pcs of registered and as Air-mail, 3 pcs of Flight sent PC, 1x cut square with mixed franking II. and III. air-mail issue, 11x addressed to abroad; various quality - viewing of quality recommended, after all interesting selection of
Pof.L7-L15, Definitive issue 30h - 20CZK, practically complete set according to types and formats, contains Pof.L7 type I., close also wide and type II.; L8 close also wide; L9 I. also type II.; L10 I., II., type III.; L11 T I. and II. blue-grey and dark blue; L12 both color; L13 both color (ultramarine); L14 and L15 + 4 pcs of with line perforation 12¼: Pof.L8A, 9A, 11A and 14A; all mint never hinged, 11 pcs of marginal!
Pof.L7-15, Definitive issue 30h - 20CZK, selection of 23 pcs of various bloks of four with plate numbers, it contains e.g. Pof.L7 I. wide and also high and L7 II.; L10 I.+II.+III. type; L11 type I with plate number 1; L12 both shades; L13 and L14 + in addition also L7A, L8B, L11A, L14A, also in blocks of four with plate number; mint never hinged
Pof.L7-L15, Definitive issue 30h - 20CZK, nominal complete set of in vertical pairs, supplemented with about/by Pof.L8A (2x) + L9A (2x, exp. by Gilbert.) + L11 type I., (2x) + L14A + L14, marginal Pr with omitted 1 perf hole in all vertical lines; 7 pcs of marginal
Pof.L7-14, Definitive issue 50h - 20CZK, nice selection of 16 pcs of bloks of four, contains for example: Pof.L7, L9 and L11 both types; L10 I., II. and T III.; L11IIa; L12 (2x); L13 (6blok!); L14 (2x) + Pof.11A blk-of-10!; L14A 2x block of four, various color shades; all mint never hinged, 14 pcs of corner or marginal
Pof.L7-15, Definitive issue 30h - 20CZK, comp. 15 pcs of with plate numbers, it contains e.g. Pof.L7; 2x L9; L10 type I with plate number 1; L11 type I with plate number 1; L12 both shades; L13 and L14; svěží
1933 first flight BRATISLAVA - KLUŽ and BRATISLAVA - BUKUREŠŤ, selection of Let-dopisu and Let-obrazové PC 50h T. G. Masaryk, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 11.IX.33, příchodyCLUJI 11.9.33 and BUCHAREST 12.SEP.993, supplemented with framed pmk air-mail; good condition
1934 comp. 9 pcs of various airmail entires sent after/around Europe, 1x to France, 1x registered and as Air-mail to Belgium, 2x to Austria from that 1x Reg and airmail, 2x Reg and airmail card to Hungary, 3x to Germany; good condition, all attributes
1935 comp. 4 pcs of air-mail entires sent to Germany (Reg and airmail letter), Nizozemí, France and Argentina, franked with. i.a. air stamp. Pof.L13, L11, L10; good condition, all attributes
1936 comp. 5 pcs of Let- entires sent abroad, Reg and airmail letter to Rumania, Reg and airmail letter to Switzerland, commercial air-mail letters to Argentina (2 pcs of, from that 1x air 10CZK ultramarine), Italy and Denmark; good condition, all attributes
1937 first flight PRAGUE - BENÁTKY, comp. 12 pcs of airmail entires from single trace 1. flight as PRAGUE - KLAGENFURT 2x, PRAGUE - TRIESTE, BRATISLAVA - KLAGENFURT 2x Reg and airmail, blue cancel. 1. flight from 15.V.37, part supplemented with black cachet Erstflug/ Klagenfurt - Bratislava; good condition, c.v.. Horka 7.500CZK
1937 comp. 4 pcs of airmail entires sent abroad, i.a. 1x Reg and airmail to Belgium, 1x special delivery and airmail to Italy, 1x to Uruguaye, mixed franking; good condition, all attributes
1938 comp. 3 pcs of airmail letters to South America with multicolor franking airmail stamps., Pof.L14, L13, from that 1x Reg and airmail letter to Brazil and 2x airmail letter to Argentina, all attributes; good condition
1939 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. air stamp. or by air mail sent, 1x Reg and airmail letter to USA, i.a. franked by stmp Opening Slovak congress, Pof.350, 1x airmail letter to Argentina franked with. airmail stamp Pof.L14 3x, L9, L7, posting air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 1.III.39, exp. Kvasnička, 1x letter to England franked with. airmail stamp Pof.L10, L7 with CDS TARANSKÁ POLIANKA 22.II.39, 1x commercial preprinted letter franked with. i.a. airmail stamp 30h, Pof.L15, exp. Beneš; various quality
1920-30[COLLECTIONS] závěrečná selection of airmail stamps I., issue II and III.., contains from the first issue 3x Pof.L1-3; 2x L3; 1x L1A, 2A, 3B + 1x L2A, 3B; 4x The 2nd issue.; from The 3rd issue various types and color shades, 34 pcs of bloks of four, 22 pcs of with plate number, from that 14 pcs of in blocks of four and 1x complete set on cut-squares, in addition 15 pcs of years. direction labels from all 4 destinations; in new stockbook A4, c.v.. surely through/over 23.000CZK, příplatky after/behind corner pieces or blocks of four excluded from sum
1930-1938 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 80 entires franked with airmail stamps of The 3rd issue or in this period by airmail delivered, lot of Reg and airmail letters, part abroad, lot of 1. flights with blue postmarks, used Ppc of 1. flight etc.; various quality, estimate market price min. 10.000CZK
1918 Pof.NV1-NV8, selection of single stamp. also multiblocks, contains: and) color shades on all values; b) 16 pcs of plate flaws (described by pencil on reverse); c) 25 pcs of with various neúřednímizoubkováními /5 pcs of exp. by Gilbert./; d) 3 pcs of unissued stamp. 20h violet, various color shades, from that 2 pcs of *, exp. by Mrnak., resp. Gilbert and 1 marginal piece with red special postmark exp. by Pittermann.; e) PLATE PROOF 20h violet, on brownish paper without gum, exp. by Pittermann + PLATE PROOF 100h dark violet on stamp paper with gum, on reverse offset; interesting
1918 selection of 30 pcs of, contains 11 plate proofs, from that values 2h - 20h PLATE PROOF in black color on chalky paper (all exp. by Karasek.) and 6 pcs of on various color papers, unissued stamp. Pof.NV6N (exp. by Karasek.) and 18 pcs of stamps 2h-100h, color shades, value 30h both types