Public Auction 54 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-39 - ex PYTLÍČEK

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190406 - 1922 Pof.DL19IIr + 19a IIr, Postage Due - overprint issue Hr
1922 Pof.DL19IIr + 19a IIr, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 50/75h grey-green, 2 pcs of with frame type, from that 1x violet overprint, corner piece light hinged in/at archovém margin + 1x blue Opt, very wide margins!; exp. and marked Vrba
Starting price: CZK
193962 - 1922 Pof.DL22 joined spiral types, Postage Due - overprint i
1922 Pof.DL22 joined spiral types, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 60h/75h grey-green, L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with control-numbers, spiral types combination pos. 82/2; mint never hinged, on pos. 91 pin hole, Vrba certificate, c.v.. Pofis 10.000CZK, Mercure 13.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
192993 - 1922 Pof.DL30B STk, joined bar types, Postage Due - overprin
1922 Pof.DL30B STk, joined bar types, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/15h bricky red, UL corner blk-of-4 with margin, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, plate 1, on pos. 2 spiral type I combined with bar type II., then on pos. 1 and pos. 12 subtype II. type bar; mint never hinged, certificate + exp. Vrba, very rare usage, for very rare occurrence catalogues doesn't evaluate, similar block from plate 1 in/at A50 sold for 280.000Kč, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
193334 - 1926 Pof.DL44B, Postage Due - overprint issue Agriculture an
1926 Pof.DL44B, Postage Due - overprint issue Agriculture and Science 40/300h red with L margin, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, clear CDS ADAMOV/ 4.XI.26; nice piece, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
193021 - 1919 Pof.DL4vz-DL14vz, Ornament, comp. 7 pcs of various valu
1919 Pof.DL4vz-DL14vz, Ornament, comp. 7 pcs of various values with overprint VZOREC L downward, good margins; value 50h L at top minor faults, expertized
Starting price: CZK
193022 - 1919 PLATE PROOF Pof.DL1-14, Ornament 5h - 2000h, comp. 13 p
1919 PLATE PROOF Pof.DL1-14, Ornament 5h - 2000h, comp. 13 pcs of plate proofs in black color, without value 25h, from that 8 pcs of on/for white and 5 pcs of on/for lightly browny paper; all exp. Pitt
Starting price: CZK
190277 - 1926 comp. 2 pcs of blank forms Daily bill výplat in/at še
1926 comp. 2 pcs of blank forms Daily bill výplat in/at šekovém control Postal office check in Prague, with high mixed frankings 2, resp. 3 various issues: and) Pof.DL13 (str-of-5), DL14 (block of 8) and DL26, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 19.V.26, supplemented with district cancel. 1/87; b) Pof.DL13, DL14 (3x), DL26 (3x) and DL35, CDS LIBEREC 1/25.V.26, supplemented with district. cancel. 1/42; signs of usage., good condition
Starting price: CZK
190206 -  Pof.SO1-23, selection of 33 pcs of imperforated stmp., it c
Pof.SO1-23, selection of 33 pcs of imperforated stmp., it contains e.g. block of four Pof.SO22, 4x SO23, some values in/at color shades stamps also overprint, line smaller also expressive flaws overprint - nejčastěji damaged letters or numeral(s), for example. by/on/at block of four damaged letter O also numeral(s) 2 and omitted numeral(s) 0; good quality
Starting price: CZK
190210 -  Pof.SO1-23, selection of 51 pcs of imperforated stmp., it c
Pof.SO1-23, selection of 51 pcs of imperforated stmp., it contains e.g. values 120h light grey, 3x 300h, 4x 400h, 5x 500h and 3x 1000h - from that 1x with plate variety thin O, Pof.SO18 carmine red Opt /exp. by Gilbert./, overprint trial printing Pof.SO19ZT in black color /exp. by Gilbert./ etc.., some values in/at color shades stamps also overprint; line pieces with heavy hinge, total 8 pcs of exp. various experts
Starting price: CZK
190201 -  Pof.SO3-SO19, selection of 51 pcs of perf stamp., from that
Pof.SO3-SO19, selection of 51 pcs of perf stamp., from that 8x pair and 2x block of four, some values in more color shades stamps also overprint, from better variants pair Pof.8C, several production flaws, for example. by/on/at Pof.8 with significantly shifted overprint, pair Pof.SO14 with full overprint offset on gum, 2 pcs of Pof.3 with plate variety - dot after/behind numeral 5; good quality, on/for plate A4
Starting price: CZK
193211 -  Pof.SO3, SO5, Hradčany 5h and 15h + pair SO22, 500h, all *
Pof.SO3, SO5, Hradčany 5h and 15h + pair SO22, 500h, all * + 2x Pof.SO4C (1 pcs of *) and 2x Pof.SO8C (1 pcs of *); 7 pcs of exp. various experts
Starting price: CZK
190204 -  Pof.SO5, Hradčany 15h bricky red, comp. 9 pcs of, various
Pof.SO5, Hradčany 15h bricky red, comp. 9 pcs of, various color shades, contains 2x Pof.SO5A, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;; 4x Pof.SO5D, line perforation 13¾; : 11½;, 2 pcs of exp. by Karasek and 2 pcs of Gilbert; 3x Pof.SO5E, line perforation 11½; : 10¾;, exp. by Gilbert., resp. Karasek and Mrňák; nice
Starting price: CZK
190092 -  Pof.SO8D, Hradčany 25h dark violet, line perforation 13
Pof.SO8D, Hradčany 25h dark violet, line perforation 13¾; : 11½;; marked by Tribuna., Gilbert, Karasek
Starting price: CZK
193968 -  Pof.SO15 joined spiral types, Hradčany 75h grey-green, LL
Pof.SO15 joined spiral types, Hradčany 75h grey-green, LL corner blk-of-9 with control-numbers, plate 2, on pos. 82 spiral type I.; superb multiple, certificates Karásek and Vrba
Starting price: CZK
190097 -  PLATE FLAWS / Hradčany  selection of plate variety on/for
PLATE FLAWS / Hradčany selection of plate variety on/for imperforated stmp Pof.SO1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 13 and perf SO4A, 5A, 8A, 10C, contains pair, blocks of four and multiblocks with various plate variety, for example. 4x favourite thin O; all exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
193044 -  Pof.SO24-SO25, Masaryk 500h grey and 1000h brown in blocks
Pof.SO24-SO25, Masaryk 500h grey and 1000h brown in blocks of four; very fine with MNH o.g., certificates Vrba and Karásek, exp. by Gilbert., cat. Pofis 18.000CZK, Mercure 24.000CZK, in blocks very rare
Starting price: CZK
193335 -  Pof.SO29 plate variety, Falcon in Flight (issue) 6h, block
Pof.SO29 plate variety, Falcon in Flight (issue) 6h, block of four with R margin sheet and with plate variety overprint - omitted year 1920; lightly hinged in upper pair outside plate variety, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
193028 -  Pof.SO33a, Postage due stmp - ornament 5h, black Opt, wide
Pof.SO33a, Postage due stmp - ornament 5h, black Opt, wide margins; mint never hinged, sought by specialists, marked and exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
193121 - 1919 POLAND /  Reg letter to Mikulov in time of Šnejdárek'
1919 POLAND / Reg letter to Mikulov in time of Šnejdárek's campaign, with Krakovského issue Coat of arms 40h, 50h and 60h with CDS TESCHEN 2/ CIESZYN 2/ 24.I.19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
193373 - 1920 [COLLECTIONS]  HRADČANY-issue SO1920 (overprint) - pla
1920 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue SO1920 (overprint) - plate defects, part from big specialized collection rekonstrukcí plate, incomplete, strongly contains only values 1h, 3h, 20h blue-green, 30h yellow, and other values in/at smaller lot of, mainly Un stamp. hinged, placed on 57 pcs of unbound album sheets with descriptions pos. in box, by estimation more than 650 pcs of stamps
Starting price: CZK
193037 -  Pof.PP2-PP4, Charitable stamps - silhouette, comp. of 4 com
Pof.PP2-PP4, Charitable stamps - silhouette, comp. of 4 complete sets, 1x imperforated (*); 1x imperforated, on small cut-squares with FP-postmark.; 1x with line perforation 11½;, **/* and 1x with line perforation 13¾;
Starting price: CZK
193036 -  Pof.PP2 ST + PP3 ST, Charitable stamps - silhouette 25k red
Pof.PP2 ST + PP3 ST, Charitable stamps - silhouette 25k red and 50k green, imperforated corner blocks of four with joined types and with plate mark on/for margins counter sheet; at value 25k thin place, marked by Tribuna and Vrba
Starting price: CZK
193112 - 1919 Pof.PP2B-4B, Charitable stamps - Silhouette 25k-1Rbl, c
1919 Pof.PP2B-4B, Charitable stamps - Silhouette 25k-1Rbl, corner blk-of-16 with margin and plate mark, various combinations joined types, then PP2B-4B, 6 complete sets according to types I. - VI., types marked; PP2B, marginal block-of-4 with double perf; PP2B, on reverse full offset + PP4B, corner blk-of-4 with full offset on gum, incl. plate mark; PP2A with line perforation 11½;, with omitted perf in lower margin etc..; on stock-sheet A4, expertized various experts
Starting price: CZK
193113 - 1919 Pof.PP5, Charitable stamps - lion 1Rbl blue / red, 5 pc
1919 Pof.PP5, Charitable stamps - lion 1Rbl blue / red, 5 pcs of, from that 2x I. and 3x type II., small and big sabre + 1 pcs of with big incomplete printing on/for ca. 50% area stamps + Pof.PP6, 1Rbl with additional-printing year 1920, 4 pcs of, 2x I. and 2x type II., big and small sabre; exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Karasek
Starting price: CZK
193150 - 1918 Pof.SK1a, SK2a, Scout 10h light blue and 20h light red,
1918 Pof.SK1a, SK2a, Scout 10h light blue and 20h light red, supplemented with stamp. 20h with slepým only relief print; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
192999 - 1918 letter franked with. both scout stamp. with overprint A
1918 letter franked with. both scout stamp. with overprint Arrival of President Masaryk, Pof.SK3, SK4, cancelled cancel. SCOUT MAIL/ PRAGUE 21/12 1918, supplemented with straight line postmark Letter from scout with signature; very fine piece, certificates Vrba and Karasek + exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Vrba, cat. min. 80.000CZK, decorative and very rare entire with both overprint scout stamps!
Starting price: CZK
1919 RUSSIA/ COMMISARIAT OF THE CZECHOSLOVAK ARMY IN SIBERIA, off. black additional printing on envelope, Reg letter sent from Kobe to Vladivostok, franked with. Japanese TESTER special postmark with head kozoroha and 1x CDS KOBE 4.7.19, on reverse arrival postmark VLADIVOSTOK 8.7.19; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Pitt, interesting letter on/for off. envelope representation Czechosl. army in/at Japan!
Starting price: CZK
188349 - 1919? RUSSIA letter sent to address Vlak polit. plnomocníka
1919? RUSSIA letter sent to address "Vlak polit. plnomocníka vlády čsl. republiky pro Rusko Dra Jirzy" to Irkutsk, resent to Vladivostok, double-circle violet cancel. " ČSL. VOJSKO NA RUSI/ POLNÍ POŠTA 3/ POSTE MILITARE" supplemented with in front also on reverse FP cachet cancel. "10. STŘELECKÝ PLUK JANA SLADKÉHO KOZINY/ 1. ROTA", sender A. P., 10 Rgt. I. troop; inserted statement of engineer Karásek: "...razítko 10. střel. pluk J. Koziny - 1. rota je vynikající a velmi hledané!!!"; envelope cut lower, otherwise sound condition
Starting price: CZK
193115 - 1920 RUSSIA/ envelope sent from Vladivostok to Plzen, franke
1920 RUSSIA/ envelope sent from Vladivostok to Plzen, franked with overprint imperforated stamp, local issue for Vladivostok 10k/3.50R, Mi.16B with violet round cancel. "POLNI POSTA CESKO-SLOVENSKYCH VOJSK NA RUSI" used by Czechosl. Cosulate in Vladivostok; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Pitt, rare letter!
Starting price: CZK
193117 - 1919 RUSSIA/  postcard sent from Japan to Vladivostok on/for
1919 RUSSIA/ postcard sent from Japan to Vladivostok on/for representation Czechosl. units, franked by. Japanese postage stamp. 2Sn and 3Sn, CDS TOKYO 14.7.19 and arrival framed pmk VLADIVOSTOK; good condition, exp. by Karasek., Pitt
Starting price: CZK
193125 - 1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, FP-postmark Italian legions on Ppc I
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, FP-postmark Italian legions on Ppc Ipolyság - Šáhy, supplemented with violet FP cachet cancel. 34. REGIMENT Č.S./ VELITELSTVÍ ROTY with emblem, addressed to to Vienna; good condition
Starting price: CZK