Public Auction 55 / Collections

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195338 - 1851-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection of duplicati
1851-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of duplication in 2 smaller stockbooks A4, from classic period, partly used and unused - more interesting especially air-mail sets, then for example complete printing sheet Mi.165; strip-of-3 Mi.902-903 **, also overprint issue Malmeds, Allgemeine Deutschland, Eupen etc.(without guarantee), also sets of officials, postage-due etc.; higher catalogue, mainly * / used
Starting price: CZK
1851-1863 [COLLECTIONS] EXTRAORDINARY CLASSIC COLLECTION / ex. Jan Strnad, on 77 exhibit sheets with descriptions in 2 ring folders, contains classic issues Coat of arms 1851-1863, Mi.1-10, AFA 1-10, high specilaization on types, plates, postmarks, plate varieties, as well supplemented with many interesting entires etc.; with lot of rare and interesting items, i.a. letter from 5.5 1851, selection of plate varieties of Mi.1 (12 sheets), includes rarest 1IIIf chest brown also on letter, Mi.2 - all types 2b (10x), also letter with Mi.2a type 9; mixed franking Mi.3, 4 and 6 on cut-square, letter with Mi.6 etc.; collection have been compiled almost 50 years, major-part of better items with certificates of Danish experts and specialists, cat. ca. 70.000€, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
192445 - 1880-1999 [COLLECTIONS]  DUPLICATION  collection of duplicat
1880-1999 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION collection of duplication in large 32-sheets stockbook, sorted according catalogue numbers, a lot of material; cat. according to owner more than 4.000€
Starting price: CZK
195606 - 1942 WAR FORGERIES, cat. Maury 2, 3, 5 , 7; 50C and 1Fr Peta
1942 WAR FORGERIES, cat. Maury 2, 3, 5 , 7; 50C and 1Fr Petain, 1,50FR Iris and 30C Mercure; very fine and complete printing sheet, 3x 20 block and 1x 16 block; cat. as single ** stamps 1.670€, complete printing sheet are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
197490 - 1930-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  set of ca. 80 entires, several Reg,
1930-1950 [COLLECTIONS] set of ca. 80 entires, several Reg, abroad, air-mail, letter-cards, with perfin etc., various frankings from inter-war and postwar period
Starting price: CZK
195828 - 1941-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting collection on shee
1941-1945 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection on sheets in 2 screw albums Schaubek, almost complete (except Mi.24-38 and miniature sheet Sturmdivision), contains lot of complete printing sheets (Klb.), miniature sheets, gutters, opposite facing pairs, coupons etc.; high catalogue value, according to owner over 5.000€, mainly mint never hinged, it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
195814 - 1876-2009 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection on sheets Lind
1876-2009 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on sheets Lindner in 2 spiral albums, mainly complete, various values from first issues Numerals, end 1902, complete unused / mint hinged Mi.35-47, 48-62, 83-98, ** Mi.125-139, Mi.142-146 **/*, 147-149 * (Mi.172-174 without guarantee - excluded from sum), 204-207 * and many other complete sets, also officials as Mi.44-58 * etc., modern period with many stamp booklets; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
188644 - 1876-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  basic collection on sheets in screw
1876-2000 [COLLECTIONS] basic collection on sheets in screw folder, mainly incomplete sets, modern period more complete; cat. according to owner over 3.500€
Starting price: CZK
188645 - 1960-1983 [COLLECTIONS]  FDC / ICELAND, FEAR ISLANDS  comp.
1960-1983 [COLLECTIONS] FDC / ICELAND, FEAR ISLANDS comp. of ca. 300 FDCs; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
196542 - 1943-1944 [COLLECTIONS]  GERMAN FIELD POST IN ITALY  collect
1943-1944 [COLLECTIONS] GERMAN FIELD POST IN ITALY collection of ca. 200 entires used by German field post in Italy, various units; various quality, very interesting set
Starting price: CZK
197377 - 1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller incomplete collection of It
1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete collection of Italy in one 8-sheets stockbook, supplemented with stamps of Fiume, Rhodos etc.
Starting price: CZK
196562 - 1840-1950 [COLLECTIONS]   POSTMARKS  collection of more than
1840-1950 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS collection of more than 600 various entires alphabetically sorted according to postmarks of post offices in territory as: BRETTO, FIUME, RISANA, RAGUSA, CHIUSA, BOZEN, GORIZIA, PROSECCO, SAGRADO, TRIESTE etc., many entires as Registered, or Ex, FP, entires sent from abroad, prephilatelic letters, mainly entires from period of Austria Hungary; various quality, more than 3kg of material!
Starting price: CZK
196604 - 1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS]   collection of ca. 500 entires, mai
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 500 entires, mainly entires from period of 1920-1945, part letters sent as Registered, Ex, many interesting frankings, entires abroad, surtax, lot of various censorships from period of I. and WWII., Field post, Ppc etc.; various quality, more than 2kg of material, very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
195072 - 1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS]  nice collection in album Stibůrek
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection in album Stibůrek 1939, almost complete, incl. specialisation on perf and papers; in addition Serbia, Montenegro incl. exile issue GAETA, both i.a. with various stamps of German occupation; cat. min. 2.500€
Starting price: CZK
197514 - 1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  ISSUE FOR SLOVENIA  issue Chain Bre
1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR SLOVENIA issue Chain Breaker / collection ca. 4.000 used stamps of various values, various types, plate variety etc. + supplemented with 10 entires franked with this issue
Starting price: CZK
192443 - 1950-1988 [COLLECTIONS]   mainly complete collection of mint
1950-1988 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of mint never hinged stamps and miniature sheets on sheets Schaubek in glassine envelopes in 3 spring folders, contains all good issues from 1950´s, cat. ca. 3.700€
Starting price: CZK
195307 - 1852-1941 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection used / unused on s
1852-1941 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection used / unused on sheets in spiral stockbook Lindner, from classic issue 1852 William III., Adolf, William, Mary Adelheid, i.a. Mi.Klb.121, Mi.164 as block-of-4, inter-war set Child's help, Mi.208-212, 213-217,227-231, then 245-249, 252-256,259-264, also rare */** Mi.266-280, International Relief Fund, miniature sheet Mi.Bl.3, issues of occupied territories, officials, telegraphs etc.; high catalogue value, mainly good quality, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
195766 - 1871-1987 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice strong collection in 6 st
1871-1987 [COLLECTIONS] very nice strong collection in 6 stockbooks A4, from issue Franz Joseph - copper print, various better sets, single stamps and souvenir sheets as Mi.403-410 *, 430-437 *, Zeppelins Mi.478-479 **/*, Mi.Bl.1 **, Mi.502-510 *, Bl.2 **, Bl.4 **(2x), Bl.5-6 **, Klb.696A+B - 698A+B, Mi.844-851, Bl.12 *, Bl.13 **, Klb.1034-1035**, Bl.16 **, Klb.1065, perforated and imperforated Mi.1111B, then better postwar sets as Mi.1069-1082 (2x), Bl.19, Bl.20-22, Bl.25 etc., after 1945 almost all MNH; very high catalogue value, placed in smaller box
Starting price: CZK
197376 - 1849-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller collection in 1 older stock
1849-1920 [COLLECTIONS] smaller collection in 1 older stockbook; various quality
Starting price: CZK
181476 - 1949-90 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection of used stamps o
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of used stamps on sheets in folder Schaubek, complete from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized, only Mi.33 **), 42-60, Block No.1, 106-109 (exp.) (!), issue Bells etc.; supplemented with several entires, high catalogue value, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
197440 - 1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice complete collection in 6
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] very nice complete collection in 6 stockbooks, contains best issues of 1950´s (often 2x, or MNH and used), i.a. miniature sheet Goethe **, Debria *, Mi.286-288 **, souvenir sheets Marx 1953 **, + used as Mi.242, 243-244, 248-249, 251-255, 261-270, 284-285 etc., also various joined printings for stamp bklt, coupons, MHB6 used etc.; very high catalogue value, according to owner over 12.000€
Starting price: CZK
195068 - 1946-1971 [COLLECTIONS]  very fine collection on sheets in 2
1946-1971 [COLLECTIONS] very fine collection on sheets in 2 large spring folders, almost complete; from Soviet occupation zone, i.a. Debria, Engels, Bl.19, MHBl.12-15 etc.; mostly used, "philatelic" postmarks counted according to catalogue, cat. ca. 3.100€
Starting price: CZK
197334 - 1949-2003 [COLLECTIONS]  almost complete basic collection od
1949-2003 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete basic collection od stamps and miniature sheets, contains i.a. good complete volumes 1949-1957, collection is complete to year 1981, then missing only several stamps and miniature sheets, placed in 2 large and 2 small stockbooks; all in good quality with nice cancellations, cat. ca. 4.900€
Starting price: CZK
194778 - 1860-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  basic incomplete used collection in
1860-1970 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete used collection in stockbook A4, from 1870, inter-war sets etc., without miniature sheets, supplemented with stamps of German states as Bavaria, Prussia, Saxony and also unused stamps of General Gouvernementu and used GDR; various quality, in 2 stockbooks A4 + 1x A5
Starting price: CZK
195764 - 1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  collection / accumulation on 36 two
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation on 36 two-sided full cards A4, mainly used, various sets also single values, also part of occupied territory, Saar, German states, souvenir sheets A. H. and others.; various quality
Starting price: CZK
196292 - 1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION /  in full IKEA box in
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in full IKEA box in stockbooks and albums, contains variously semifinished collection, i.a. better Saarland with various blocks of four, plate numbers etc., also GDR, Bundesrepublik, supplemented with about accumulation of mainly used stamps from Deutches Reich up to 1990, many miniature sheets (viewing of quality recommended), parts of sheets etc.; it is worth seeing, over 24kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
195069 - 1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  basic well represented collection o
1872-1945 [COLLECTIONS] basic well represented collection on sheets in spring folder Schaubek, mostly used stamps, incl. some complete sets, middle values etc.; cat. min. 2.200€
Starting price: CZK
196333 - 1900-1945 [COLLECTIONS]   accumulation of hundreds entires i
1900-1945 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of hundreds entires in smaller box, mainly letters of German FP from period of WW II., supplemented with lot of various letters i.a. from period of inflation (large envelope sent as valuable letter on 36 mil. Marks to Prague), from occupied territory as Sudetenland (supplemented with several Czechosl. stamps with overprints Wir Sind Frei!), also Nazi propaganda on Ppc, lot of picture PC as double etc.; various quality, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
196291 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  well represented collectio, mainly
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] well represented collectio, mainly used on sheets Stiburek in spring folder, from town provisional, overprint issues, part of Cracovia issue, various interwar issues, used suvenir sheets Mi.Bl.2-4, postage-due etc.; overprints and provisionals without guarantee, offered as is
Starting price: CZK
193277 - 1956-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 200 used entires
1956-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 200 used entires and FDC addressed to Czechoslovakia, larger part as Registered, addition several entires of Rumania; good condition, all in one box
Starting price: CZK
195947 - 1876-1908 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 190 postcards, let
1876-1908 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 190 postcards, letter cards etc.; some complete sets, also doublets, many language varieties (incl. rarer 1896/1897 with big "S" which is often missing); cat. 1.680€
Starting price: CZK
197434 - 1870-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of p.stationeries in 3 f
1870-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection of p.stationeries in 3 folders, contains i.a. more than 140 pcs of "yellows", mainly with CDS WIEN, PRAG, then several better cancel., various language types, several private prints atc., overall various quality; then other issues, newspaper wrappers, letter-cards, postcards for abroads etc., supplemented with folder with various common entires of Europe; various quality, overall interesting
Starting price: CZK
1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS] K.u.K MATROSENKORPS POLA and TRIESTE, collection of 60 Ppc - story of Czech soldier in Pula, various units postmarks as 4x red round cancel. SEEBATALION 3. MARSCHKOPAGNIE, 1x ship postmark SMS NOVARA etc., many interesting Ppc of Pula etc., photo-PC of soldiers in Pula etc.; all in spiral stockbook for entires
Starting price: CZK
197504 - 1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice old collection on sheets
1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very nice old collection on sheets KABE in 2 screw folders, with strong first issue, i.a. types, postmarks, various values, also several entires, also with II.-VI. issue, also i.a. Jubilee 1908 and 1910 with 10Kr, postage-dues, Lombardy-Veneto, Austrian postoffices abroad, Bosnia, stamps of FP etc., only part of inter-war period, after 1945 mainly complete used sets; supplemented with duplicates in small album A5 several pages with common Austria-Hungary revenues, overall worth seeing, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
194802 - 1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  collection mainly of used stamps in
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection mainly of used stamps in 16-sheet stockbook, from the first issue, various values, postmarks, types etc., also newspaper, postage-due, sets of Bosnia and Herzegovina (part mint) etc., supplemented with 4 smaller stockbooks with specialization on postmarks (all identified according to catalogue Votoček) and 2 choice notebooks; high catalogue value, it is worth seeing, ex. Zdeněk Ryvola!
Starting price: CZK
195066 - 1850-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in old album Schaubek, i
1850-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection in old album Schaubek, i.a. 1-9Kr 1850, 10cts, 10Kr 1908, issue 1916, air-mail 1918 and 1935, Composers, Towns, Poets, FIS II, Generals, Builders, Winter relief; also postage-due, Levant, FP, Bosnia; cat. min. 4.100€
Starting price: CZK
195762 - 1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  basic incomplete nice collection in
1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete nice collection in 2 stockbooks + on sheets, from the first issue, various issues, inter-war period less, contains also issue Bosnia, FP, postage-due, postwar sets mainly *
Starting price: CZK
194807 - 1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  larger compilation (ca. 600 pcs) PC
1850-1918 [COLLECTIONS] larger compilation (ca. 600 pcs) PC and letters, mainly PC with interesting postmarks from Czech lands, part FJ I. ("yellow"), several PC and cards sent as Reg or Ex with issue 1901, 1908, 1916, newspaper p.stat strips etc., supplemented with several unused p.stat of Bavaria, very interesting selection, ex Ryvola
Starting price: CZK
195067 - 1948-1973 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on 200 sheets in 2 sprin
1948-1973 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 200 sheets in 2 spring folders, incl. some better issues of 1950´s and 1960´s, monetary reform 1952, imperforated sets, favourite motives etc.; cat. ca. 1.350€
Starting price: CZK
195949 - 1922-1991 [COLLECTIONS] large nice collection in 5 spiral al
1922-1991 [COLLECTIONS] large nice collection in 5 spiral albums on sheets Schaubek, strong period 1930-1950 with many valuable and sought sets; cat. to year 1960 is 7.600€, interesting lot
Starting price: CZK
197509 - 1860-1937 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller incomplete mainly used coll
1860-1937 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete mainly used collection on sheets Stibůrek in spring folder, complete also incomplete sets, from issue Coat of arms, House of Romanov, better complete inter-war sets i.a. cancel. Mi.354-357, 363-364, 412-413, 424-426, also 429-449 (!), 457-461, 549-554 etc., supplemented with stockbook A4 with duplications
Starting price: CZK
197512 - 1860-1991 [COLLECTIONS]  collection / accumulation of mint a
1860-1991 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation of mint and used stamps of Russia - USSR in 5 stockbooks, from classic issue Coat of arms, inter-war and postwar period (incomplete and some complete sets), annual volumes 1984-1991 almost complete, supplemented with Ukraine etc.; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
197510 - 1951 [COLLECTIONS]  original large album of postal stamps of
1951 [COLLECTIONS] original large album of postal stamps of Soviet union 1923-1951, hingeless sheets with descriptions in Russian alphabet in screw original cover; good condition, without stamps
Starting price: CZK
190008 - 1901-1965 [COLLECTIONS]  nice basic collection on sheets Sch
1901-1965 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection on sheets Schaubek in spring folder, many complete sets, some highest value missing, from better for example * Mi.125-138, 190-207, then * Mi.239-245, 279, 300-303, 304-316, 321-326, 327-344, 366-351, 355-361, 362-368, ** 517-529, 596-602, 603-614, 615-617, 618-623, also surtax stamps, overprints etc.; high catalogue value, according to owner more than 8.000€
Starting price: CZK
194803 - 1854-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on album sheets, part cl
1854-1970 [COLLECTIONS] collection on album sheets, part classic period i.a. issue Sitting Helvetia for example with used pair of 5Rp "Bern print" (green silk thread), then issue Coats of arms, Pro Juventute etc.; overall fine quality, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
195757 - 1870-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  EUROPE / collection in 16-sheet sto
1870-1950 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE / collection in 16-sheet stockbook A4, contains Estonia, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Romania, Latvia etc., mainly used, lower values, incomplete sets, various quality
Starting price: CZK
196290 - 1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION  in full Ikea box in v
1870-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION in full Ikea box in various stockbooks and albums, small part of classic period, also inter-war and postwar period, contains Europe, i.a. Spain, Portugal, Bosnia, Austria, San Marino, Sweden, Estonia, then for example semifinished collection of Hungary etc., used, but part also unused, contains mainly cheaper values; various quality, lot of material, total over 27kg, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
195073 - 1885-1986 [COLLECTIONS]  Scandinavia - semifinished collecti
1885-1986 [COLLECTIONS] Scandinavia - semifinished collections of Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland in 4 albums Schaubek; Finland 1885-1986 and Denmark 1875-1986 relatively strong with mostly complete sets from 1920 etc.
Starting price: CZK
1850-1950 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, NORWAY, FRANCE, USA mixed accumulation of entires from various countries, mainly Europe, by estimation more than 400 pcs, contains also many interesting items as letters from Austria-Hungary with first issue etc., part commercial correspondence, Reg, Ex letters, major part of entires from period of WW I. and WW II, contains censorships etc.; various quality, more than 1,5kg of material!
Starting price: CZK
196248 - 1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  ENTIRES / several hundreds various
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / several hundreds various entires in middle box mainly from period after year 1945 with smaller part of additional inter-war period, various states as Austria, Switzerland, Bundes, GDR, France, Great Britain, Denmark etc., also Australia etc., various Reg, Flight, FDC, motives etc.; over 7kg of material
Starting price: CZK
190399 - 1951-1966 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of U.N. on hingeless she
1951-1966 [COLLECTIONS] collection of U.N. on hingeless sheets, only without miniature sheet Mi.Bl.1, otherwise complete
Starting price: CZK
188287 - 1980-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  nice collection on album pages in f
1980-2000 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on album pages in folder, many blocks, PB, miniature sheets, special postmarks, FDC, also interesting motives etc.; large amount of material
Starting price: CZK
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / USA / CANADA in IKEA box in 11 stockbooks A4 + 1x folder, mainly used stamps, small part classic period, especially cheaper values, more often; various quality, more than 23kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
196317 - 1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION  in 9 albums A4 + 1x A
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION in 9 albums A4 + 1x A5, contains Mexico, Nicaragua, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, then also Cuba, Costarica, Dominican Republic etc., small part of classic period, mainly used stamps, various incomplete sets, single pieces, all more often; part also modern - various motives; placed in medium box
Starting price: CZK
197516 - 1866-1966 [COLLECTIONS]  strong collection in old album Scot
1866-1966 [COLLECTIONS] strong collection in old album Scott, almost complete incl. rare sets, Country motives 1894/95, issue 1923-1927, Airmails "Pegas" 1929-1935, 100 years of constitution 30, Airmails 1939, Artigas 1932 and many more, also postage-due, parcel and official; cat. 5.100€; fine collection
Starting price: CZK
196319 - 1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION  in full IKEA box in 1
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION in full IKEA box in 19 stockbooks, contains: Brazil, Argentine, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay etc., small part of classic period, mainly used, various issues, incomplete sets, especially cheaper values, all more often; various quality, a lot of material, over 26kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
195222 - 1959-1981 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in two big albums Schaub
1959-1981 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two big albums Schaubek on ca. 200 sheets, almost complete, incl. many miniature sheets, joined printings and topic sets
Starting price: CZK
195224 - cca 1955-1990 [COLLECTIONS] North and South Vietnam, many se
cca 1955-1990 [COLLECTIONS] North and South Vietnam, many sets of various issues, i.a. older issues, imperforated, motives, souvenir sheets, parts of sheets and especially 14 rare PLATE PROOFS "de luxe sheets" of South Vietnam from 1960-197; in small box
Starting price: CZK
195230 - cca 1920-2002 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation in larger box, con
cca 1920-2002 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in larger box, contains i.a. old China, PR of China and Taiwan, thousand of stamps, sets (some better) and miniature sheets, in 9 stockbooks and in envelopes, lot of MNH material, in addition 3 annual volumes of Taiwan; from important estate, 12kg of material!
Starting price: CZK
195221 - 1994-1997 [COLLECTIONS]  MINIATURE SHEETS / collection of ca
1994-1997 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS / collection of ca. 700 especially exhibition miniature sheets, i.a. Bangkok 93 and Hongkong 97; high catalogue value, face-value H$ 8.700!
Starting price: CZK