1934-1936 2 letters and Ppc from Brussels to Belgian Congo and back; special flight so-called. RAID RUBIN as first flight to Congo 1934; all with interesting mixed frankings of Belgium + Belgian Congo; very nice quality
1851-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of duplication in 2 smaller stockbooks A4, from classic period, partly used and unused - more interesting especially air-mail sets, then for example complete printing sheet Mi.165; strip-of-3 Mi.902-903 **, also overprint issue Malmeds, Allgemeine Deutschland, Eupen etc.(without guarantee), also sets of officials, postage-due etc.; higher catalogue, mainly * / used
1889-1909 [COLLECTIONS] POSTAL STATIONERY selection of 22 various used PC, contains 4x double, 9 with added-prints, larger part addressed to abroad, part uprated, minor faults - stains, after all interesting
1851 Mi.1, AFA1, Coat of arms FIRE R.B.S., set of 3 stamps with circular numeral pmks "16" (Flensburg), "58" (Roskilde) and "122" (Lutjenburg); chosen pieces
1851-1854 Mi.1, AFA1, Coat of arms FIRE R.B.S., 1x pair with cancel. "65", 2x cut square with cancel. "23" and "31" + 2 singles with cancel. "19" and "113"; chosen pieces
1854-1863 Mi.4(5x), 5, 6, 7(7x), 9(2x), selection of 16 stamps Coat of arms, mostly 4Sk, various colors and better complete postmarks incl. VF prints of No. "7", "72", "73"; cat. only stamps 440€
1853 Mi.1, FIRE RBS, dark brown with postmark "162" (HOLSTEINISCHES BAHNPOST-SPEDITIONSBUREAU) used in German Altona, sent to Kiel; fine color and wide margins, small format letter
1860-1866 comp. of 13 entires, all with single frankings, mainly stamps Coat of arms 4S, AFA 13 (9x), 1x stamp Coat of arms 2S, AFA 9, + 2x FRM 4S, various postmarks and quality
1851-1863[COLLECTIONS] EXTRAORDINARY CLASSIC COLLECTION / ex. Jan Strnad, on 77 exhibit sheets with descriptions in 2 ring folders, contains classic issues Coat of arms 1851-1863, Mi.1-10, AFA 1-10, high specilaization on types, plates, postmarks, plate varieties, as well supplemented with many interesting entires etc.; with lot of rare and interesting items, i.a. letter from 5.5 1851, selection of plate varieties of Mi.1 (12 sheets), includes rarest 1IIIf chest brown also on letter, Mi.2 - all types 2b (10x), also letter with Mi.2a type 9; mixed franking Mi.3, 4 and 6 on cut-square, letter with Mi.6 etc.; collection have been compiled almost 50 years, major-part of better items with certificates of Danish experts and specialists, cat. ca. 70.000€, extraordinary offer!
1880-1999[COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION collection of duplication in large 32-sheets stockbook, sorted according catalogue numbers, a lot of material; cat. according to owner more than 4.000€
1919-1924 comp. of 10 entires with Fiume, from that 1x Reg letter with multicolor franking of overprints Mi.115, 119, 121, 144, addressed to Czechoslovakia with mailing CDS FIUME 28.Oct.921, supplemented with other 2 commercial letters and 4 used Ppc mainly addressed to Czechoslovakia; good condition
1849 Mi.3, 4, Maury 3, 4; selection of 6x CERES 20C black, various shades i.a. "gris noir" also colours of paper i.a. "chamois foncé"; then 6x CERES 25C blue and two pairs; cat. Maury min. 1.600€
1862 PLATE PROOF for Mi.18, issue Napoleon / Empire Francais, from cliché 1C made so-called Loewenberg PLATE PROOF, print on reverse of special paper "onion skin"; print in black color; two folds, quite usual, wide margins, rare offer
1942 WAR FORGERIES, cat. Maury 2, 3, 5 , 7; 50C and 1Fr Petain, 1,50FR Iris and 30C Mercure; very fine and complete printing sheet, 3x 20 block and 1x 16 block; cat. as single ** stamps 1.670€, complete printing sheet are very rare!
1852 Mi.10, Maury 10, Napoleon REPUB. FRANCE 25C, "percé en ligne", on letter with numeral cancel and CDS VIMOUTIERS; perfect quality, cat. for basic imperforate stamp on letter 80€, with percé en ligne ca. 160€
1850-1852 2 letters with Mi.4a, Ceres 25C blue, FIRSTPRINT from early period, cancel. "grille" and CDS VERMONT - FERRAND 21.SEPT 1850 and Mi.4a Ceres 25C light blue with numeral pmk and CDS JANVIERE 22.APRIL 1852; attractive small formats
1851-1852 2 letters with Mi.4a,4b, Ceres 25C blue and rarer dark blue, cancel. "grille" and CDS TENCE; numeral and CDS RABASTENS S TARN, mourning margin, interesting additional cancel. "Par la Froid", nice letters from
1922 PERFIN whole money dispatch-note for 110Fr to Switzerland with commercial additional-printing, franked on front also back side with 4 stamps with perfin "Z." company Manufacture Alsacienne d´Outils, CDS SAVERNE/ 14.12.22, arrival ZUG/ 16.XII.22; good condition
1893-1962 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 entires, from that 13x Reg or Express letter + other 19 identification entires with PERFINS (1x postcard) + whole printing sheet of exhibition labels III. philatelic exhibition in Paris; usual quality
1914-1917 FIELD POST + PRISONER OF WAR MAIL selection of 24 entires with postmarks of various formations and field post offices, i.a. Base Arienne 709 Meknes - Morocco, Arme Brirannique, Arme Serbe, Arme D´Orient, part addressed to Italy, supplemented with 5 entires with cancel. of various prisoner's formations and post offices; good condition
1916-1918 FIELD POST ABROAD set of 9 entires - correspondence of members of military missions in England, Greece, Germany, Russia, supplemented with sheetlet sent to France through Serbian field post; good condition
1930-1950 [COLLECTIONS] set of ca. 80 entires, several Reg, abroad, air-mail, letter-cards, with perfin etc., various frankings from inter-war and postwar period
1935 SG.115+115b, Jubilee George V. 3P, block of four, left bottom stamp shows plate variety - "Short extra flagstaff"; stamp with plate variety MNH, cat. * £325, ** £650
1941 Mi.47, 48, Landscape 0,25K and 0,50K, complete sheets of 100, value 0,25K with OMMITED VERTICAL PERFORATION, value 0,50K with full MACHINE OFFSET, total 200 sought specialities, interesting lot
1941-1943 comp. of 4 entires mainly sent to Bohemia-Moravia, 1x commercial Reg, express and airmail letter with Mi.149, 55 2x, 54, 129, CDS ZAGREB 15.III.44, on reverse arrival OLMÜTZ 22.III.44, then for example letter sent in the place franked with overprint stamp Mi.42 with MC SARAJEVO 13.VI.41, 3x passed through German censorship; good condition
1942-1944 selection of 7 PC from that 2x as Registered, 5x addressed to Bohemia-Moravia and Sudetenland, 2x to Vienna, variously franked as Mi.60, 103, 107, Surtax Mi.4, various CDS as SPLIT, STON, SMOBOR, LUKAVAC etc., all passed through German censorship; good condition
1941-1945[COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection on sheets in 2 screw albums Schaubek, almost complete (except Mi.24-38 and miniature sheet Sturmdivision), contains lot of complete printing sheets (Klb.), miniature sheets, gutters, opposite facing pairs, coupons etc.; high catalogue value, according to owner over 5.000€, mainly mint never hinged, it is worth seeing!