1851-1960 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of duplication in 2 smaller stockbooks A4, from classic period, partly used and unused - more interesting especially air-mail sets, then for example complete printing sheet Mi.165; strip-of-3 Mi.902-903 **, also overprint issue Malmeds, Allgemeine Deutschland, Eupen etc.(without guarantee), also sets of officials, postage-due etc.; higher catalogue, mainly * / used
1851-1863[COLLECTIONS] EXTRAORDINARY CLASSIC COLLECTION / ex. Jan Strnad, on 77 exhibit sheets with descriptions in 2 ring folders, contains classic issues Coat of arms 1851-1863, Mi.1-10, AFA 1-10, high specilaization on types, plates, postmarks, plate varieties, as well supplemented with many interesting entires etc.; with lot of rare and interesting items, i.a. letter from 5.5 1851, selection of plate varieties of Mi.1 (12 sheets), includes rarest 1IIIf chest brown also on letter, Mi.2 - all types 2b (10x), also letter with Mi.2a type 9; mixed franking Mi.3, 4 and 6 on cut-square, letter with Mi.6 etc.; collection have been compiled almost 50 years, major-part of better items with certificates of Danish experts and specialists, cat. ca. 70.000€, extraordinary offer!
1941-1945[COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection on sheets in 2 screw albums Schaubek, almost complete (except Mi.24-38 and miniature sheet Sturmdivision), contains lot of complete printing sheets (Klb.), miniature sheets, gutters, opposite facing pairs, coupons etc.; high catalogue value, according to owner over 5.000€, mainly mint never hinged, it is worth seeing!
1876-2009[COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on sheets Lindner in 2 spiral albums, mainly complete, various values from first issues Numerals, end 1902, complete unused / mint hinged Mi.35-47, 48-62, 83-98, ** Mi.125-139, Mi.142-146 **/*, 147-149 * (Mi.172-174 without guarantee - excluded from sum), 204-207 * and many other complete sets, also officials as Mi.44-58 * etc., modern period with many stamp booklets; high catalogue value
1851 Sass.7a, 8a, Heraldic Lion 6Cr "indaco su azzurro" and 9Cr "viola bruno scurr. su azzurro", with cancel. FIRENZE, 6Cr on cut-square; cat. 2.075€, VF
1857 Sass.11, Lion 1 Soldo "ocra" II. wmk; new gum, close but full margins, fine piece, very rare stamp, cat. without gum (*) 21.250€, for hinged with gum * 85.000€!
1918 Occupied territory - VENEZIA GIULIA Sass.15, 17, Austrian 2 K and 4 K with overprint REGNO D'ITALIA...; very nice quality, exp. Diena, Th. Champion, Szekula etc., cat. 1.900€
1900-1960[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 500 entires, mainly entires from period of 1920-1945, part letters sent as Registered, Ex, many interesting frankings, entires abroad, surtax, lot of various censorships from period of I. and WWII., Field post, Ppc etc.; various quality, more than 2kg of material, very interesting!
1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR SLOVENIA issue Chain Breaker / collection ca. 4.000 used stamps of various values, various types, plate variety etc. + supplemented with 10 entires franked with this issue
1880 SG.2, pair 1P with overprint CYPRUS, rare plate 196, in addition right sheet margin with inscriptions; perfect quality, certificate RPS London, cat. only as two stamps £1.400, as this pair att least £2.800
1852-1941[COLLECTIONS] strong collection used / unused on sheets in spiral stockbook Lindner, from classic issue 1852 William III., Adolf, William, Mary Adelheid, i.a. Mi.Klb.121, Mi.164 as block-of-4, inter-war set Child's help, Mi.208-212, 213-217,227-231, then 245-249, 252-256,259-264, also rare */** Mi.266-280, International Relief Fund, miniature sheet Mi.Bl.3, issues of occupied territories, officials, telegraphs etc.; high catalogue value, mainly good quality, it is worth seeing
1871-1987[COLLECTIONS] very nice strong collection in 6 stockbooks A4, from issue Franz Joseph - copper print, various better sets, single stamps and souvenir sheets as Mi.403-410 *, 430-437 *, Zeppelins Mi.478-479 **/*, Mi.Bl.1 **, Mi.502-510 *, Bl.2 **, Bl.4 **(2x), Bl.5-6 **, Klb.696A+B - 698A+B, Mi.844-851, Bl.12 *, Bl.13 **, Klb.1034-1035**, Bl.16 **, Klb.1065, perforated and imperforated Mi.1111B, then better postwar sets as Mi.1069-1082 (2x), Bl.19, Bl.20-22, Bl.25 etc., after 1945 almost all MNH; very high catalogue value, placed in smaller box
1935 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet OSTROPA; right size 148x105mm, without gum, in corners thin places, stamps very fine, viewing of quality recommended, cat. for (*) 1.100€, low starting price
1923 INFLATION Reg letter addressed to Czechoslovakia, with rich multicolor franking, total of 34 millions Mark (!) in stamps + bank-note 5.000M with handwriting transcription "Ungültig" (rare!), CDS MAGDEBURG 3/ 26.1023, censorship label and 2x censorship mark Post-Überwachungsstelle/ DRESDEN, on reverse transit pmk DRESDEN/26.10.23; fine, interesting entire
1940-1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ set of 8 mostly Reg letters to Germany and to Bohemia-Moravia, with frankings "Overprint" - Viennese issue", mixed franking with solid stamps, i.a. Mi.26, 27, 28, 37 (cat. 100€); simple franking Mi.32 and others.; very interesting set!
1941-1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT comp. of 6 printing sheets, 3x Cracow 10Zl, Mi.Kl65 with plate number 1, 2, 3 (minor gum faults) + 3x Koperník, Mi.Kl104 with plate number I/4, II/3, II/4 (very fine)
1945-1990 [COLLECTIONS] very nice complete collection in 6 stockbooks, contains best issues of 1950´s (often 2x, or MNH and used), i.a. miniature sheet Goethe **, Debria *, Mi.286-288 **, souvenir sheets Marx 1953 **, + used as Mi.242, 243-244, 248-249, 251-255, 261-270, 284-285 etc., also various joined printings for stamp bklt, coupons, MHB6 used etc.; very high catalogue value, according to owner over 12.000€
1946-1971 [COLLECTIONS] very fine collection on sheets in 2 large spring folders, almost complete; from Soviet occupation zone, i.a. Debria, Engels, Bl.19, MHBl.12-15 etc.; mostly used, "philatelic" postmarks counted according to catalogue, cat. ca. 3.100€
1949-2003 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete basic collection od stamps and miniature sheets, contains i.a. good complete volumes 1949-1957, collection is complete to year 1981, then missing only several stamps and miniature sheets, placed in 2 large and 2 small stockbooks; all in good quality with nice cancellations, cat. ca. 4.900€
1889 WITU - sultanate, today in Kenya, protectorate of German Empira 1885-1890, Mi.3+34, 7 Pesa blue and 1/2 Rupie brown, on cut-square with typical lined cancel. "W"; exp. Behrens, Richter etc., cat. only as singles 440€
1939 POLENFELDZUG German operation Fall Weiss, invasion to Poland, set of 2 PC sent by member of German units in Poland; Slovakian (!) PC Hlinka 50h with CDS FP 479/ 19.9.39 and Polish PC 15Gr with CDS FP--- 24.9.39, sender FP 17875, according to text from Przemysl "; interesting, good condition
1943 SS TESTER SS Panzer Jäg. / Weapons SS Reg letter to Protectorate with blue FP cachet cancel. with eagle, through German Deutsche Dienstpost NETHERLANDS, CDS HILVERSUM/ 3.II.43 (?); good condition
1931 POLARFAHRT 1931, airmail card to Vienna, forwarded by LZ 127, with Mi.456, POLARFAHRT 1931 1RM, deck cancel. LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN/ 24.7.31, supplemented with CDS BERLIN - STAAKEN 24.7.31 and red cachet + railway pmk BERLIN - BRESLAU/ Zug 41/ 24.7. and arrival WIEN 1/ 25.VII.31, on reverse arrival postmark 3 WIEN 40/ 25.7.31; good condition
1944 C.C. AUSCHWITZ PC A. Hitler 6Pf to Italy, CDS AUSCHWITZ 12.6.44, used German also chemical censorship; viewing of quality recommended - folded and torn margins
1944 C.C. AUSCHWITZ pre-printing letter-card incl. margins to Protectorate, with A. H. 12Pf, CDS AUSCHWITZ 3.10.44, camp censorship mark "Geprüft 7 K.L. Auschwitz"; missing small part in lower margin, otherwise without faults
1943 C.C. GROSSROSEN - CAMP SCHALZLAR (Žacléř) response part from double PC A.H. 6Pf, sent on prisoner in labour camp, CDS BERDSBURG 17.7.43, supplemented with violet cancel. "Z" and straight line postmark "Einlieferer: Altenstenrat Jüdischen..."; good condition
1937 C.C. LICHTENBURG IN PRETTIN official preprinted postcard C.C. addressed to Berlin, franked with official stamp 6Pf, CDS PRETTIN/ 15.4.37; folds in margin and holes, interesting
1945 HOSPITAL TRANSPORT BUCHENWALD letter without franking with red MC PRAGUE 25/ 16.V.45, line bilingual cancel. CZECHOSL. PEOPLE'S COMMITTEE, sender MD. W. Beck, Erfurth, Panzerberg Kaserne, Spital Transport Büchenwald; good condition
1860-1970 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete used collection in stockbook A4, from 1870, inter-war sets etc., without miniature sheets, supplemented with stamps of German states as Bavaria, Prussia, Saxony and also unused stamps of General Gouvernementu and used GDR; various quality, in 2 stockbooks A4 + 1x A5
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation on 36 two-sided full cards A4, mainly used, various sets also single values, also part of occupied territory, Saar, German states, souvenir sheets A. H. and others.; various quality
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in full IKEA box in stockbooks and albums, contains variously semifinished collection, i.a. better Saarland with various blocks of four, plate numbers etc., also GDR, Bundesrepublik, supplemented with about accumulation of mainly used stamps from Deutches Reich up to 1990, many miniature sheets (viewing of quality recommended), parts of sheets etc.; it is worth seeing, over 24kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1900-1945 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of hundreds entires in smaller box, mainly letters of German FP from period of WW II., supplemented with lot of various letters i.a. from period of inflation (large envelope sent as valuable letter on 36 mil. Marks to Prague), from occupied territory as Sudetenland (supplemented with several Czechosl. stamps with overprints Wir Sind Frei!), also Nazi propaganda on Ppc, lot of picture PC as double etc.; various quality, it is worth seeing
1799 AUSTRIA/ letter from Pettau from Militar Invaliden Haus-Kommission with very rare decorative red "IMP REG.UFF DI POSTA IN VENICE P TRANSITO", to Torino; half porto 6 Kreuzer; cat. Müller 480P, rare offer!
1850 Ferch.3HIa + 4HIa, Coat of arms 3 Kreuzer + 6 Kreuzer hand-made paper I. types, on cut-square with two DUMB postmarks BIELITZ; so-called. Liliputschnitt, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer, postmark according to cat. Müller total 5.100 points (Müller. nr. 218c); ex. E. Capellaro, very rare!
1850 Ferch.4HI, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, hand-made paper type I brown, with two BLUE postmarks RECCOMANDIRT; great example, very fine color, cat. Müller 1.500 points (Nr.3720), ex. E. Capellaro!
1850 Ferch.4HI, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer, hand-made paper type I on cut-square with blue (müller - blau) cancel. POHRLITZ RECOMMANDIRT; perfect quality, cat. Müller 1.275 points (in black color 840 points); extremely rare postmark, important rarity, ex. E. Capellaro!
1850 Ferch.5 HPIIIa, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer, corner piece with wmk through whole stamp, fine cancel. PESTH 20/7, margins total 19,5mm; perfect quality, cat. min. 1.200€
1850 Ferch.5H I, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer light blue, hand-made paper type I., full print of dumb postmark BIELITZ; faults - underlaid upper margin, certificate Ferchenbauer, cat. Müller 2.550 points, good appearence
1850 Ferch.5H I, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer light blue, hand-made paper type I., distance "9" from "K" is 1mm; rare speciality in perfect quality, exp. Friedl, cat. 800€
1850 Ferch.5IIIa HP, 9 Kreuzer IIIa, scarce GESTREIFTES PAPIER (laid paper), round CDS PRAG KLEINS; full to wide margins, small smoothed horiz. fold, otherwise very nice quality, certificates Matl and Diena, exp. Ferchenbauer, cat. Ferchenbauer 18.500€; very rare stamp, known only several pieces, rare offer!
1850 Mi.5X, Ferchenbauer 5HI, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer light blue; very fine piece without gum, with small plate variety both interrupted E in "KREUZER", then above "9" well visible trace of original numeral "6"; cat. 650€ ++, rare