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cca 1900 LETOVICE (Lettowitz) - color lithography, general view and castle; long address, Us, sound condition U:A5
1899 IVANČICE - KOUNICE - station building with drezínou, long address, Us; only slightly wrinkled corners U:A5
1899 MILOTICE N. OPAVOU - station building, track, people, issued J.J. Olbrich, Würbenthal; Us, stripped stamp., wrinkled corners U:A5
1898 TANVALD (Tannwald) - view of town, lithography; long address, prošla, very good condition U:A5
1901 ŠERÁK (Hochschar) - color lithography collage, cottage Georgs-Schutzhaus; Us, long address U:A5
1901-1918 LIBEREC (Reichenberg), comp. of 4 interesting Ppc, 1x colored lithography collage "four-leaf clover", 2x various B/W to exhibition Liberec 1906 + 1x view (TESTER) at night - square with church; 2x long address, all Us, overall sound condition U:A5
1900-1904 SUDKOV (Zautke), LITOVEL (Littau), MORAVSKÁ TŘEBOVÁ (Mähr. Trübau), comp. of 3 lithography Ppc, multi-view; 2x Us, all long address U:A5
1900 PRAGUE 1 - Binninger John, Betlémské square, The first Czech parostrojní factory for krémy, leštidla, laky and fats, house with shop and view of factory, B/W, Un; good condition U:A5
1912 DOBŘICHOVICE - railway-station, B/W, long address, Us + photo postacard srážka 2 parních engines, photo Deyl Pardubice, Un; both good condition U:A5
1906 PŘÍBRAM - postal order, collage, color, Us; good condition U:A5
1899 PONIKLÁ - comp. of 2 Ppc, 1x with dobovou photos (1899 !) + 1x B/W lithography, factory; long address, Us, overall sound condition, very interesting U:A5
1912 ROKYTNICE N. J. (Rochlitz) - 5-view lithography collage, square, hotel Haney, school etc..; long address, Us, very good condition U:A5
1900 SEMILY - ISERTHAL, comp. of 2 lithography Ppc, 1x view of track and train + 1x color 2-views (factory, hotel Iserhtal); long address, Us, very good condition, interesting U:A5
1899 VÍTKOVICE V KRKONOŠÍCH (Witkowitz) - 5-view colored lithography, monastery, church, factory etc..; long address, Us, in front mainly described by pencil, after all interesting U:A5
1905 TŘEBÍČ - 4-view collage "Butterfly"; Us, in good condition condition, interesting U:A5
1898 KRÁLÍKY (Grulich) + Muttergottesberg (Hora Mother of God), comp. of 2 víceokénkových lithography Ppc; Us, long address, sound condition U:A5
1913 VSETÍN - nádraži with Vinklerovou railway-station restaurant, atelier Helios, Us; good condition U:A5
1900-1935 LUHAČOVICE (Luhatschowitz), comp. of 6 interesting Ppc, 3x long address, for example. Milchhalle, Lázeňské square, 2x Jamské valley etc..; overall sound condition U:A5
1909 BYSTŘICE N. P. - railway-station, vagony, people; Us, small stain in right bottom corner U:A5
1898-1917 BOHEMIA, MORAVIA comp. 9 pcs of mainly lithography Ppc as Vrchlabí, Jablonec, Olomouc, Prague etc.., outside 1 pcs of all long address, mainly Us; various quality U:A5
1900-1940 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 50 pcs of various Ppc, mainly topography, but also congratulatory, military etc.., i.a. 3x lithography as winter salute from Kolín, Mladá Vožice, Místek, then interesting Müglitz, Orlová, Chotěboř, Friedek, Mezilaborce, Žďár in Moravia, Brno, Nový Bydžova etc..; good condition, market price 4.000CZK U:O5
1900-1940 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection 37 pcs of Ppc, part with long addresses, lithography etc.., i.a. topography Czech Republic as Šumburk above D., Trutnov, Horní Rokytnice , Jablonec etc.., supplemented with about/by addition abroad, mainly Austria etc.., also New Year's, congratulatory and oths.; overall sound condition U:O5
[COLLECTIONS] LITERATURA / BRNO - STARÉ postcard I. - XIX., issued V. Philip, Brno, selection of 19(!) unikátních bulletins to topography town Brno with picture old Ppc town, organicky členěno according to streets, čtvrtí etc..; in addition supplemented with bulletins from same autora: Brno 1939-1945. Roky nesvobody with row interesting picture and B/W photos Brno in time of nazism occupation; overall all very good condition U:Z
1995-2010 [COLLECTIONS] LITERATURA / postcard / very interesting selection literature mainly to místopisným pohlednicím, it contains e.g. representative publication Ostrava 1880-1839 (Wawreczka 2000); Vítkovice (2002); Český Těšín (1999); Tatras - Old pohladnice rozprávajú (2002); Turn - 100 y. of town Trnovany - Teplice (2010); Sokolov 1898-1948 (2001); Třebíč in old postcards (2004); Jihlava on/for old postcards (2002); then publication Malacky, Velké Meziříčí , Telč, Hradec Králové, Písek, Šluknov, Jeseníky, Velká Bíteš and line other; total 34 pcs of (!) various bulletins, overall very good condition, rare collection profitable!, placed in Ikea box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1899 KŁODZKO (Kladsko, Glatz) - lithography, railway-station; long address, Us + WAMBIERZYCE (Vambeřice / Albendorf) - picture collage; long address, Us, light bumped corners, overall sound condition U:A5