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1849 Mi.1-5, 7, Ceres 10C-1Fr, first issue; several minor faults, overall fine, cat. 3.240€ U:A5
1849 Mi.2, Ceres 15C green, postmark "grille"; very fine piece with wide margins, cat. 1.200€ U:A5
1849 Mi.3, 4, Maury 3, 4; selection of 6x CERES 20C black, various shades i.a. "gris noir" also colours of paper i.a. "chamois foncé"; then 6x CERES 25C blue and two pairs; cat. Maury min. 1.600€ U:A5
1852 Mi.8a, Napoleon III. 10c REPUB. FRANCE, yellow-brown (light); very nice piece, cat. 700€, rare známka! U:A5
1852 Mi.8b, Napoleon III. 10c REPUB. FRANCE, yellow-brown (dark); very nice piece, cat. 850€, rare and in catalogue undervalued stamp U:A5
1853 Mi.12Ic, Napoleon III. 10C yellow-brown; lower cut to the margin, otherwise very fine piece, exp. Köhler from 1927, cat. 600€ U:A5
1853-1862 PLATE PROOF for Mi.13, 14, 29, Napoleon 20C, 25C, 30C, 8 pcs in various colors, 2x double impression; rare set! U:A5
1853 Mi.15a, Napoleon, 40c, nice quality, only at top close margin, cat. 2.600€ U:A5
1853 Mi.17a, Napoleon III., 1Fr carmine, at top small thin place, full margins; rare classic stamp, cat. 4.200€ U:A5
1862 PLATE PROOF for Mi.18, Napoleon 1C, print "Loewenberg" in violet color; fine quality, rare offer U:A5
1862 PLATE PROOF for Mi.18, pair of Napoleon 1C, print "Loewenberg" in yellow color; perfect quality U:A5
1862 PLATE PROOF for Mi.18, issue Napoleon / Empire Francais, from cliché 1C made so-called Loewenberg PLATE PROOF, print on reverse of special paper "onion skin"; print in black color; two folds, quite usual, wide margins, rare offer U:A5
1862 PLATE PROOF for Mi.18, Napoleon 1C, print "Loewenberg" in red - violet color; perfect quality, in addition with trial perforation 12 U:A5
1862 Mi.30a, Napoleon III. 40C orange; very nice piece, exp. Dietrich, cat. * 900€, rare stamp U:A5
1869 Mi.32, Napoleon III. 5Fr grey; partly reporforated, otherwise very nice piece without usual thin places, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1870 Mi.39a, issue BORDEAUX, Ceres 5C green; wide margins, several hinges, original gum, cat. 320€ U:A5
1876 ESSAY Gaiffe, design for unissued edition CERES, instead issue ALEGORY; 1C blue / pink, cat. Maury 2017 page 142 "1C cadre bleu / effigie rose", very fine and rare essay, cat. 310€ U:A5
1942 WAR FORGERIES, cat. Maury 2, 3, 5 , 7; 50C and 1Fr Petain, 1,50FR Iris and 30C Mercure; very fine and complete printing sheet, 3x 20 block and 1x 16 block; cat. as single ** stamps 1.670€, complete printing sheet are very rare! U:A5
1852 Mi.10, Maury 10, Napoleon REPUB. FRANCE 25C, "percé en ligne", on letter with numeral cancel and CDS VIMOUTIERS; perfect quality, cat. for basic imperforate stamp on letter 80€, with percé en ligne ca. 160€ U:A5
1850-1852 2 letters with Mi.4a, Ceres 25C blue, FIRSTPRINT from early period, cancel. "grille" and CDS VERMONT - FERRAND 21.SEPT 1850 and Mi.4a Ceres 25C light blue with numeral pmk and CDS JANVIERE 22.APRIL 1852; attractive small formats U:A5
1851-1852 2 letters with Mi.4a,4b, Ceres 25C blue and rarer dark blue, cancel. "grille" and CDS TENCE; numeral and CDS RABASTENS S TARN, mourning margin, interesting additional cancel. "Par la Froid", nice letters from U:A5
1929 Mi.241, Buildings 10Fr blue, type II - interrupted zero; mint never hinged, cat. 220€ U:A5
1922 PERFIN whole money dispatch-note for 110Fr to Switzerland with commercial additional-printing, franked on front also back side with 4 stamps with perfin "Z." company Manufacture Alsacienne d´Outils, CDS SAVERNE/ 14.12.22, arrival ZUG/ 16.XII.22; good condition U:A5
1893-1962 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 entires, from that 13x Reg or Express letter + other 19 identification entires with PERFINS (1x postcard) + whole printing sheet of exhibition labels III. philatelic exhibition in Paris; usual quality U:O5
1914-1917 FIELD POST + PRISONER OF WAR MAIL selection of 24 entires with postmarks of various formations and field post offices, i.a. Base Arienne 709 Meknes - Morocco, Arme Brirannique, Arme Serbe, Arme D´Orient, part addressed to Italy, supplemented with 5 entires with cancel. of various prisoner's formations and post offices; good condition U:A5
1916-1918 FIELD POST ABROAD set of 9 entires - correspondence of members of military missions in England, Greece, Germany, Russia, supplemented with sheetlet sent to France through Serbian field post; good condition U:A5
1930-1950 [COLLECTIONS] set of ca. 80 entires, several Reg, abroad, air-mail, letter-cards, with perfin etc., various frankings from inter-war and postwar period U:Z