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1852-1867 Sass.3, 4c, 4A, 7a, 13, 18(2),19, 20; selection of 10 unused stamps Coat of arms I. and II. issue; all without gum, only 2C green with gum, cat. 3.180€ U:A5
1852 Sass.6, Coat of arms 5 Baj pink, with very rare dumb cancel. GENZANO; cat. Sassone Annullamenti (M) I. Tipo - P12 - so 12 points - cat. 1.200€, very fine piece with certificate Sorani U:A5
1859 Sass.11, Coat of arms 10Gr II. Tavola, "carminio rosa"; very fine piece with well visible wmk, exp. Diena, cat. (*) 4.500€ U:A5
1861 Sass.23a, PROVINCE NAPOLETANE 20gr "giallo arancio", CDS NAPOLI; nice piece, minor faults, certificate Raybaudi, cat. 6.750€, rare stamp! U:A5
1853 Sass.6a, Coat of arms 5C yellow; very nice piece with full margins, large part o.g.; exp. Thier and Kneitschel, cat. * 32.000€ , (*) 8.000€ U:DR
1853-184 2 letters with Sass.5 20C "azzurro" and Sass.8d 20C "azzurro verdastro", CDS TORINO and CARLOFORTE; very nice quality, cat. 2.350€ U:A5
1856-1863 4 letters with Victor Emmanuel II. 20C blue, Sass.15, Tinte del 1855 "cobalto", then Sass.15C, 15Ab, 15E, CDS CHIAVARI, MILAN, PINEROLO, GENOVA; very nice set, cat. min. 1.120€ U:A5
1851 Sass.2b, Lion 1S "giallo bistro su azzurro" with grid pmk, close margin on left; cat. 3.250€, faults, rare classic stamp U:A5
1851 Sass.2e, Lion 1 Soldo "arancio su grigio"; new gum, usual cut to margins, cat. (*) 8.000€ (for * 32.000€), low starting price! U:A5
1851 Sass.3, Lion 2 Soldi "scarlatto su azzurro"; without gum, lower heavily cut to the margin, otherwise nice, cat. (*) 25.000€ (for * 100.000€); still presentable piece, very rare classic stamp U:A5
1851 Sass.7a, 8a, Heraldic Lion 6Cr "indaco su azzurro" and 9Cr "viola bruno scurr. su azzurro", with cancel. FIRENZE, 6Cr on cut-square; cat. 2.075€, VF U:A5
1857 Sass.11, Lion 1 Soldo "ocra" II. wmk; new gum, close but full margins, fine piece, very rare stamp, cat. without gum (*) 21.250€, for hinged with gum * 85.000€! U:DR
1860 Sass.21b, Coat of arms 40C "carminio rosa"; usual cuts to the margins, part o.g., cat. 32.000€ U:DR
1918 Occupied territory - VENEZIA GIULIA Sass.15, 17, Austrian 2 K and 4 K with overprint REGNO D'ITALIA...; very nice quality, exp. Diena, Th. Champion, Szekula etc., cat. 1.900€ U:A5
1933 Mi.445, Flight Rome - Chicago, name "BALB"; VF, cat. 250€++ U:A5
1933 Mi.445-446, "Flight Rome-Chicago", name of pilot: Ques; cat. 500€ U:A5
1935-1945 Mi.528-531, 1. international air exhibition 20C-1,25L + Mi.704-714; 2 complete set, cat. 360€ U:A5
1917-1932 comp. 4 philatelic entires with mounted airmail stamps, overprint Mi.126, 127, highest values 342-344, 406, various postmarks as POSTA AREA/ long address TORINA - ROMA/ Maggio 1917, POSTA AREA/ NAPOLI - SICILIA 28.6.17, POSTA AREA/ ROMA 4.11.30, and ALASSIO 17.6.32; good condition, cat. Sassone for air-mail entires 1.450€ U:A5
1919 2 PC Emanuel III. red 10cmi sent as Registered abroad, 1x addressed to Germany with CDS S.DOMENICA DI ALBONA 28.5.19, 1x addressed to Czechoslovakia with CDS OBERMAIS B. MERAN 1.VII.19, Italian censorship; good condition U:A5
1923-1931 set of 4 entires, 2 with mounted complete set of G. Mazzini, Mi.157-159, 1x commercial letter to Germany with CDS ROMA CENTRO/ 5.4.23 and 1x Cartes maximum with CDS ROMA/ 20.9.22 + supplemented with letter with mounted stamp 1L issue Manzoni, Mi.192, with CDS MILAN/ 21.3.24 (folds in envelope) + Reg letter to Germany franked with complete issue Antonius Padua, Mi.263-368, CDS MILAN/ 23.Apr.31, arrival MUNICH/ 24.4.31; fine, cat. only stamp. 535€ U:A5
1943 C.C. CAMPO CONCENTRAMENTO INTERNATI CIVILI DI CHIESANUOVA PADUA, comp. of 3 Italian PC and 1 letter, from that 2x written to prisoner in camp, 2x sent from camp from that 1x to Slovenia and 1x to Germany; fine condition U:A5
1943 C.C. CAMPO CONCENTRAMENTO INTERNATI DI GIOLA DEL COLLE, pre-printed labour pass with violet round camp cancel. and signature; very fine U:A5
1909-1911 LEVANT - SALONICCO Sass.8, Victor Emmanuel III. 5 Lire with overprint SALLONICCO 20 PIASTRE; very fine piece exp. Senf, certificate BPA (signature Robson Lowe!), cat. 700€ U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation of Greek islands, provisional issue "Argostoli" before general issue ISOLE IONIE; Sass.53, 54, 65, overprints ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE......, on stamps issue "Mythology" 1937 - 10Dr on cut-square, 15Dr on cut-square and 7Dr double strip; very fine exp. Sorani, Diena, Oliva, cat. 1.850€ U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation of Greek islands, provisional issue "Itaca" before general ISOLE IONIE; Sass.5, 45(2), overprints OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA......, on stamps issue "Mythology" 1937 - block of four 10L and issue 1939 1Dr on cut-square and 1Dr **; very fine, exp. Diena, cat. 2.040€ ++ U:A5
1918 VENEZIA GIULIA Ppc to Padua franked with Austrian stamp Crown 10h violet with overprint Regno d´Italia.., Mi.4, CDS HAIDENSGEMET/ 3.XII.18, supplemented with cancel. POSTA MILITARE/ 22/ 4.12.18; blackened places by censor U:A5
1916-1919 ITALIAN OCCUPATION OF ALBANIA comp. of 4 entires: a) Ppc with 5c, Mi.88, CDS POSTA MILITARE/ 1. TRUPPE OCCUPATIONE/ 19.6.17, supplemented with FP cachet and censorship cancel.; b) FP card with CDS POSTA MILITARE/ 3. TRUPPE OCCUPATIONE/ 26.6.16, 2 military unit postmarks; c) FP card with CDS POSTA MILITARE/ 141/ 17.11.18, subdivision and censorship mark., 5. Regiment, Bestrova; d) FP card, CDS POSTA MILITARE/ 114, telegraph station in Fieri - patina + folds; all to Italy, as multiple good U:A5
1919 Versailles Peace Conference set of 6 cards sent by members Italian delegation on Versailles Peace Conference sent through Italian field post + 1x franked card to Switzerland with CDS VERSAILLES / CONGRESS DE LA PAIX 7.5.19; good condition U:A5
1912-1919 FIELD POST IN LYBIA set of 11 cards with FP postmarks FP in Lybia, 2x franked with Italian stamps, various unit postmarks, censorships etc; various quality U:A5
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] FIELD POST selection of 115 cards and letters used by Italian field post, contains a lot of interesting postmarks PM, i.a. 5 cards with unit postmarks of air-mail units, 1x card with postmark of telegraph station on the island Kos, promotional Ppc etc.; various quality, very interesting set U:O5
1944-1945 TRANSPORT STOPPED set of 3 franked letters addressed to Germany and returned back, straight line postmark Zurück / Postverkehr eingestellt, CDS BERGRAMO 2.12.44, BRESCIA 12.1.45 and SALTRIO 5.3.45, passed through censorship; good condition U:A5
1915-1918 [COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL selection of more than 60 entires from Italian prisoners, through Austrian and Italian censorship, Red Cross cards, Ppc, cards of prisoner post, 3x authentic Ppc from POW camp in Netherlands etc.; various quality U:O5
1943-1945 [COLLECTIONS] RED CROSS - SEARCHING FOR WAR PRISONERS selection of more than 80 cards and blank forms of various organization of The Red Cross in Geneva, in Italy and Vatican, searching for Italian war prisoners; various quality U:O5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN FIELD POST collection of ca. 200 cards, Ppc and letters with postmarks of Italian field post and various units, i.a. contains several cards of foreign Serbian and Hungarian units joined to Italian army; mainly good condition, very interesting set U:O5
1943-1944 [COLLECTIONS] GERMAN FIELD POST IN ITALY collection of ca. 200 entires used by German field post in Italy, various units; various quality, very interesting set U:K
1940-1944 [COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL selection of 50 entires from and to Italian prisoner in Africa, i.a. camps P.W.O. in Sudan, South Africa, Egypt etc.; various quality, very interesting set U:O5
1943-1945 DOCUMENTS FROM II. WORLD.WAR selection of 30 various documents, contains i.a. confirmation from camp Waffen - SS for Italian soldier, card "Z", discharge card from German army for Italian soldier, certificate of setting the field post FP 33640, 3x German labour passport, forerunner German passport etc.; various quality, very interesting set U:A4
1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] smaller incomplete collection of Italy in one 8-sheets stockbook, supplemented with stamps of Fiume, Rhodos etc. U:Z
1840-1950 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS collection of more than 600 various entires alphabetically sorted according to postmarks of post offices in territory as: BRETTO, FIUME, RISANA, RAGUSA, CHIUSA, BOZEN, GORIZIA, PROSECCO, SAGRADO, TRIESTE etc., many entires as Registered, or Ex, FP, entires sent from abroad, prephilatelic letters, mainly entires from period of Austria Hungary; various quality, more than 3kg of material! U:K
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 500 entires, mainly entires from period of 1920-1945, part letters sent as Registered, Ex, many interesting frankings, entires abroad, surtax, lot of various censorships from period of I. and WWII., Field post, Ppc etc.; various quality, more than 2kg of material, very interesting! U:K
1940-1943 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 100 entires mainly addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, mostly commercial correspondence, from that 40 Ex, Reg or Reg and Express, interesting frankings, various postmarks, 8x PC, letter with nazism promotional added prints etc., all through German or Italian censorship; mainly good condition, interesting selection U:O5