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1912 Mi.3yb, Johann II. 25h ultramarine on common paper; exp. Marxer and Bühler, cat. 400€ U:A5
1912-21 Mi.46B-52B, Coat of arms 2½Rp - 15Rp, line perforation 12½; complete set, mint never hinged; supplemented with used stamp Mi.3ya, Johann II. 25H dark cobalt, exp. Basika; total cat. 450€ U:A5
1930-1935 Mi.108-113, 148, D11-19, * Airmail 15Rp-1Fr and ** 60/1Fr, in addition official 5Rp-1,50Fr (60Rp minor faults and excluded from sum); cat. 700€ U:A5
1921 Mi.119 and 120, Landscape 25Rp and 90Rp, without highest value; mint never hinged, cat. 670€ U:A5
1923-1935 OFFICIAL Mi.9-10, 11-19, two complete sets, i.a. Mi.15a and 15b; Mi.9 hinged, the rest MNH, cat. ca. 500€ U:A5